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    MAX121 SSOP Search Results

    MAX121 SSOP Result Highlights (5)

    ECAD Model
    ISL28433TSSOPEVAL1Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Quad Micropower, Chopper Stabilized, RRIO Op Amp Evaluation Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL28414TSSOPEVAL1Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Quad General Purpose Micropower, RRIO Op Amp Evaluation Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R8A66156SP Renesas Electronics Corporation I/O Expander, SSOP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    PS2801C-4-V-A Renesas Electronics Corporation High Isolation Voltage SSOP Photocoupler, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    PS2801C-1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation High Isolation Voltage SSOP Photocoupler, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    MAX121 SSOP Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX121 308ksps ADC with DSP Interface and 78dB SINAD General Description The MAX121 is a complete, BiCMOS, serial-output, sampling 14-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC that com­ bines an on-chip track/hold and a low-drift, lownoise, buried-zener voltage reference with fast conversion

    MAX121 308ksps MAX121 14-bit 210mW. PDF


    Abstract: MAX1106 MAX1107 MAX1108 MAX1110 MAX1111 MAX1115 MAX1116 MAX1117 MAX1118
    Text: A/D CONVERTERS ANALOG DESIGN GUIDE Data Sheets Applications Notes • 8 • Free Samples ADC • SPI /QSPI™/MICROWIRE™ • • • VDD SPI QSPI Motorola, Inc. MICROWIRE National Semiconductor Corp. * V (V) VDD MAX1115† 1 +2.7 +3.6 MAX1116† 1 +4.5

    MAX1115 MAX1116 MAX1117 MAX1118 MAX1119 MAX-10 MAX195 MAX132 MAX1400/1 100Hz MAX1176 MAX1106 MAX1107 MAX1108 MAX1110 MAX1111 MAX1115 MAX1116 MAX1117 MAX1118 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAX120/MAX122 500ksps, 12-Bit ADCs with Track/Hold and Reference General Description The MAX120/MAX122 complete, BiCMOS, sampling 12-bit analog-to-digital converters ADCs combine an on-chip track/hold (T/H) and a low-drift voltage reference with fast conversion speeds and low-power consumption. The T/H’s

    MAX120/MAX122 500ksps, 12-Bit MAX120/MAX122 12-bit 350ns MAX120â 333ksps MAX122. PDF


    Abstract: MAX11192 4b25v MAX130 multimeter STK 3 MAX11172 stk 439 BCD Schalter MX7582 MAX1108
    Text: A/D CONVERTERS Datenblätter ANALOG DESIGN GUIDE Anwendungsbeispiele • Kostenlose Muster • 7 abe usg 18. A E NFTIG ZUKÜ DUKTE PRO Weltweit kleinste 8-Bit-ADCs mit niedrigstem Leistungsbedarf ADAPTIVER LEISTUNGSVERBRAUCH VDD SCLK 1000 T23 SO -8 IDD µA

    MAX125/26 4MAX195 4MAX132 4MAX135 4MAX194 4MAX110 4MAX111 MAX121 MAX1271 4MAX146 16-Pin-ADC MAX11192 4b25v MAX130 multimeter STK 3 MAX11172 stk 439 BCD Schalter MX7582 MAX1108 PDF

    Data Logger max132

    Abstract: 16-Pin-ADC MAX155 evaluation kit max138 max197 sensor MAX1106 MAX1107 MAX1108 MX7582 MAX1111
    Text: A/D CONVERTERS ANALOG 7 DESIGN GUIDE Data Sheets Applications Notes • • Free Samples RE FUTU CTS U D O R P World’s Smallest 8-Bit ADCs Have the Lowest Power ADAPTIVE POWER CONSUMPTION VDD SCLK T23 SO -8 IDD µA CH1 10 3.0 100 m DOUT m CH0 MP3 PLAYERS


    multiplexeur analogique

    Abstract: max132 application MAX1176 alimentation pc capteur de pression MAX1106 MAX1107 MAX1110 MAX1111 MAX1116
    Text: A/D CONVERTERS ANALOG 7 DESIGN GUIDE Fiches techniques • Notes d’applications • Echantillons gratuits RS FUTU ITS U PROD Les plus petits CAN 8 bits au monde avec la plus faible consommation VDD m CH1 100 IDD µA CH0 3,0 LECTEURS MP3 DOUT m 1000 SCLK



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0108; RevO; 1/93 / i x î / îa 308ksps ADC w ith DSP in te rfa c e and 78dB SINAD j w _ G eneral Description _Features The MAX121 is a complete, BiCMOS, serial-output, sam­ pling 14-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC that com­

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    308ksps MAX121 14-bit -12Vi? PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0108; Rev 1; 8/93 /V\ÆA\JV\ ADC w ith DSP In te rfa c e and 78dB SINA D _ G eneral Description _Features The MAX121 is a complete, BiCMOS, serial-output, sam­ pling 14-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC that com ­

    OCR Scan
    MAX121 14-bit 210mW. MAX121Ca PDF

    TMS320C30 Evaluation Module

    Abstract: ADSP2101 MAX121 MAX121CAP MAX121CPE MAX121CWE TMS320 max121ca ScansUX69
    Text: ADC w ith DSP In te rfa c e and 78dB SINAD The MAX121 is a complete, BiCMOS, serial-output, sam­ pling 14-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC that com ­ bines an on-chip track/hold and a low-drift, low-noise, buried-zener voltage reference with fast conversion

    OCR Scan
    308ksps MAX121 14-bit 210mW. MAX121EPE MAX121EAP MAX121MJE TMS320C30 Evaluation Module ADSP2101 MAX121CAP MAX121CPE MAX121CWE TMS320 max121ca ScansUX69 PDF


    Abstract: MAX121 MAX121CAP MAX121CPE MAX121CWE TMS320 assembly language program TMS320C30 Evaluation Module
    Text: ADC w ith DSP In te rfa c e and 78dB SINAD The MAX121 is a complete, BiCMOS, serial-output, sam­ pling 14-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC that com ­ bines an on-chip track/hold and a low-drift, low-noise, buried-zener voltage reference with fast conversion

    OCR Scan
    308ksps MAX121 14-bit 210mW. MAX121EPE MAX121EAP MAX121MJE ADSP2101 MAX121CAP MAX121CPE MAX121CWE TMS320 assembly language program TMS320C30 Evaluation Module PDF

    TMS320C30 Evaluation Module

    Abstract: ADSP2101 MAX121 MAX121CAP MAX121CPE MAX121CWE TMS320
    Text: ADC w ith DSP In te rfa c e and 78dB SINAD The MAX121 is a complete, BiCMOS, serial-output, sam­ pling 14-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC that com ­ bines an on-chip track/hold and a low-drift, low-noise, buried-zener voltage reference with fast conversion

    OCR Scan
    308ksps MAX121 14-bit 210mW. MAX121EPE MAX121EAP MAX121MJE TMS320C30 Evaluation Module ADSP2101 MAX121CAP MAX121CPE MAX121CWE TMS320 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 190108; Rev 1;8/93 308ksps ADC w ith DSP In te rfa c e and 78dB SINA D The MAX121 utilizes the successive-approximation ar­ chitecture with a high-speed DAC to achieve both fast conversion speeds and low-power operation. Operating with +5V and -12V or -15V power supplies, power con­

    OCR Scan
    308ksps MAX121 210mW. 16-pin 20-pin TMS320, iPD77230, PDF


    Abstract: TMS320
    Text: 19-0108; Rev 2, 10/96 / H /J X I / l / l 308ksps ADC w ith DSP In te rfa c e a n d 7&dB S IN A D The MAX121 is a complete, BiCMOS, serial-output, sam­ pling 14-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC that com­ bines an on-chip track/hold and a low-drift, low-noise,

    OCR Scan
    308ksps MAX121 14-bit 210mW. MAX121EVKIT-DIP AX121 20-pin 16-pin TM5320C30 TMS320 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / n y i x i / n ADC w ith DSP In te rfa c e a n d 78dB SIN A D _ G eneral Description _ Features The MAX121 is a com plete, BiCMOS, serial-output, sam ­ p ling 14-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC that co m ­ b in e s an o n -ch ip track/hold and a low-drift, low-noise,

    OCR Scan
    MAX121 14-bit Time/308ksps 400ns MAX121 20-pin 16-pin MIL-STD-883. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC w ith DSP In te rfa c e and 78dB SINAD The MAX121 is a co m p le te , BiCM O S, serial-output, sam ­ pling 14-bit a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l co nverter A D C that c o m ­ bines an o n -ch ip tra c k /h o ld and a low -drift, low-noise, b u rie d -z e n e r v o lta g e re fe re n ce w ith fa s t c o n v e rs io n

    OCR Scan
    MAX121 14-bit MAX121EVKIT-DIP 20-pin 16-pin MIL-STD-883. MAX12I PDF


    Abstract: pPD77230 SERVO BOARD V3.2 MAX121CWE ADSP2101 MAX121 MAX121CAP MAX121CPE TMS320 PD77230
    Text: 19-0108; Revi; 8/93 y i / i / j x i / i / i 308ksps ADC w ith DSP In te rfa ce and 7QÚB SINAD _ A p p lic a tio n s Digital Signal Processing Audio and Telecom Processing Speech Recognition and Synthesis DSP Servo Control Spectrum Analysis

    OCR Scan
    308ksps MAX121 14-bit 210mW. MAX121EPE MAX121EWE MAX121EAP MAX121MJE 7BDS pPD77230 SERVO BOARD V3.2 MAX121CWE ADSP2101 MAX121CAP MAX121CPE TMS320 PD77230 PDF


    Abstract: free TV TDA ic equivalent data MAX121CWE 77230 isv5 TMS32G
    Text: / i / i / i x i / i / i ADC w ith DSP In te rfa c e and 78dB SINAD _ F e a tu re s ♦ 14-Bit Resolution The MAX 121 utilizes the successive-approxim ation ar­ chitecture with a high-speed DAC to achieve both fast conversion speeds and iow-power operation. Operating

    OCR Scan
    AX121 MAX121 14-bit 210mW. MAX121 AX121EVKIT-D 16-pin JMS320 free TV TDA ic equivalent data MAX121CWE 77230 isv5 TMS32G PDF


    Abstract: ADSP2101 MAX121 MAX121CAP MAX121CPE MAX121CWE TMS320 pd77230 AX121M
    Text: 19-0108; Rev 1:8/93 3 0 8 k s p s A D C w ith D S P In te r fa c e a n d 78d B S IN A D The M AX121 is a com plete, BiCMOS, serial-output, sam ­ pling 14-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC that co m ­ bines an on-chip track/hold and a low-drift, low-noise,

    OCR Scan
    MAX121 14-bit 210mW. 20-pin 16-pin MIL-STD-883. SERVO BOARD V3.2 ADSP2101 MAX121CAP MAX121CPE MAX121CWE TMS320 pd77230 AX121M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0030; Rev 0; 9/92 SOOkaps, 12-Bit ADCs w ith Track/H old and R eference Features _ General Description The MAX120 and MAX122 complete, BiCMOS, sampling 12-bit analog-to-digital converters ADCs combine an onchip track/hold (T/H) and a low-drift voltage reference with fast

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX120 MAX122 350ns 333ksps MAX122. MAX120/MAX122 100DF. PDF

    TDA 120S

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 12-0030; Rev 0, 9/92 SOOkspSg 12-Bit ADCs w ith Track/H old and R eference _ GeneralDescription _ Feature* The MAX120 and MAX122 complete, BiCMOS, sampling 12-bit analog-to-digital converters ADCs combine an onchip trackyhold (T/H)and a bw-d rift voltage reference with fast

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX120 MAX122 350ns 333ksps 26jxs MAX122. MAX120/MAX122 MAX122BENG TDA 120S PDF


    Abstract: MX7582
    Text: A/D Converters Ultra-High-Speed Conversion d p s 4 Bits Fast Conversion (<100ps) (SAR/Flash A D C s) 8 Bits External T/H — 10 Bits Single Channel see next page for Slow Conversion (>1 Oms) 12 Bits Single Channel - 14 Bits Single Channel 16 Bits Internal T/H

    OCR Scan
    100ps) MAX1001 60Msps) MAX1004 90Msps) AX150 34ps/ref) AX152 AX153 AX165 MAX1004 MX7582 PDF

    transistor KSP 13

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0030 ; Rev 0 . 9/ 9 ? K it ftVMLABUE yi/iyjxiyui 500ksp s, 12-B it ADCs w ith T rack /H o id a n d R e fe re n c e _ Featu res The MAX120 and MAX122 complete. BiCMOS, sampling 12-bit analog-to-digital converters ADCs combine an onchip track/hold (T/H) and a low-drift voltage reference with fast

    OCR Scan
    500ksp MAX120 MAX122 12-bit 350ns 333ksps MAX122 120/M AX122 transistor KSP 13 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0030; Rev 0; 9/92 > i / i y j x i / i / i SOOksps, 12-Bit ADCs w ith Track/H old and R eference F e a tu re s ♦ 12-Bit Resolution The MAX120/MAX122 accept analog input voltages from -5V to +5V. The only external components needed are decoupling capacitors for the power-supply and refer­

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX120/MAX122 MAX120 MAX122 MAX122) MAX122BEWG MAX122AEWG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXIM I N T E G R A T E D P R O D U C T S m E d • 19-0030; Rev 0:9/92 s f l7 h f c .s i D D o a g ia a i? MXM yi/iyixi/i/i SOOksps, 12-Bit ADCs w ith TrackJHold and R eference _ General Description Features The MAX120 and MAX122 complete, BiCMOS, sampling

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX120 MAX122 350ns MAX120â 333ksps MAX122. Resolution24 PDF