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    MARKING CODE RIE SOT23 Search Results

    MARKING CODE RIE SOT23 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TBAW56 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Switching Diode, 80 V, 0.215 A, SOT23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    5446/BEA Rochester Electronics LLC 5446 - Decoder, BCD-To-7-Segment, With Open-Collector Outputs - Dual marked (M38510/01006BEA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    54LS190/BEA Rochester Electronics LLC 54LS190 - BCD Counter, 4-Bit Synchronous Up/Down, With Mode Control - Dual marked (M38510/31513BEA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    5447/BEA Rochester Electronics LLC 5447 - Decoder, BCD-To-7-Segment, With Open-Collector Outputs - Dual marked (M38510/01007BEA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    5962-8950303GC Rochester Electronics LLC ICM7555M - Dual Marked (ICM7555MTV/883) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

    MARKING CODE RIE SOT23 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Surface Mount Zener Diodes Data Sheet 225m WATTS SMALL SIGNAL FMBZ5221B S e rie s De s c ription M e c ha nic a l Dim e ns ions 1 3 Cathode Anode . 110 . 060 . 037 3 CATHODE . 115 . 037 . 016 1 3 2 ANODE 1 . 043 . 016 2 . 004 Features: *225mw Power Dissipation

    FMBZ5221B 225mw OT-23 MIL-STD-202, 008grams LT/SG3527A PDF

    SOT-89 FJ

    Abstract: 4.5V TO 100V INPUT REGULATOR
    Text: Semiconductor, Inc. TC55 Series LOW DROPOUT POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Very Low Dropout Voltage. 120mV typ at 100mA 380mV typ at 200mA High Output C u rre n t.250mA Vorn = 5.0V High Accuracy Output V o ltag e. ± 2%

    OCR Scan
    120mV 100mA 380mV 200mA 250mA 100ppm/ OT-23A-3 OT-89-3 O-92-3 TC55-22 SOT-89 FJ 4.5V TO 100V INPUT REGULATOR PDF

    aac marking

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: $ TAIWAN TS809/810 Series SEMICONDUCTOR Microprocessor Reset Circuit b RoHS CO M PLIANCE Pin D efinition: S O T -2 3 1. Ground 2. RESET RESET) 3. Vcc 1 2 General Description T h e T S 8 Q 9 /8 1 0 s e rie s a re m ic ro p ro c e s s o r (p P ) s u p e rv is o ry c irc u it u se d to m o n ito r th e p o w e r s u p p lie s in p P a n d

    OCR Scan
    TS809/810 aac marking PDF

    diode marking code "27C" SOT 23

    Abstract: SOT-23 marking AFE marking code rie sot23 sot-23 marking code pe marking code 27c SOT 23
    Text: What HEWLETT 1 "UM P A C K A R D High Performance Schottky Diode for Transient Suppression Tfechnical Data HBAT-5400/-5402 HBAT-540B/-540C Features • U ltra-low S e rie s R esistan ce fo r H igher C urrent H andling Description Package Lead Code Identification

    OCR Scan
    HBAT-5400/-5402 HBAT-540B/-540C HBAT-5400 HBAT-540x wiT-5402-TR2 HBAT-540B-BLK HBAT-540B-TR1 HBAT-540B-TR2 HBAT-540C-BLK HBAT-540C-TR1 diode marking code "27C" SOT 23 SOT-23 marking AFE marking code rie sot23 sot-23 marking code pe marking code 27c SOT 23 PDF

    numbercode ic

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor, Inc. TC1223 50mA CMOS LDO WITH SHUTDOWN FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The TC1223 is a high accuracy typically ±0.5% CMOS upgrade for older (bipolar) low dropout regulators such as the LP2980. Designed specifically for battery-operated sys­

    OCR Scan
    TC1223 OT-23A-5 MIC5205 NSC2980 LP2980. T-23A-5 SC-74A) TC1223-01 numbercode ic PDF

    RX-2C G

    Abstract: marking code rie sot23 em 2860 k2915 MARKING JW SOT-23
    Text: What H E W LET T 1"KM PA C K A R D Surface Mount Microwave Schottky Detector Diodes Technical Data HSMS-2850 Series HSMS-2860 Series F eatures • S urface M ount SOT-23/ SOT-143 P ackage • High D e te c tio n S en sitivity: Description HSMS-2860 Package Lead Code

    OCR Scan
    HSMS-2850 HSMS-2860 OT-23/ OT-143 OT-23 5966-0928E, RX-2C G marking code rie sot23 em 2860 k2915 MARKING JW SOT-23 PDF


    Abstract: HSMP-3831 diode T31 Marking L30 diode part marking HSMP-3800 mark E4 SOT-23 MARKING CODE L32 marking SH SOT23 MP3890 MARK, g5 sot23
    Text: W gSg H E W L E T T müHÆ P A C K A R D Surface Mount PIN Diodes Technical D ata HSMP-38XX and HSMP-48XX Series Features • D io d e s O p tim iz ed for: Low Current Switching Low Distortion A ttenuating Ultra-Low Distortion Switching Microwave Frequency

    OCR Scan
    HSMP-38XX HSMP-48XX OT-23 RS-481, HSMP3831 HSMP-3831 diode T31 Marking L30 diode part marking HSMP-3800 mark E4 SOT-23 MARKING CODE L32 marking SH SOT23 MP3890 MARK, g5 sot23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: l e l u o m TC1014 TC1015 TC1185 Semiconductor, Inc. 50mA, 100mA, 150mA CMOS LDOs WITH SHUTDOWN AND REFERENCE BYPASS FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • ■ ■ The TC1014, TC1015, and TC1185 are high accuracy typically ±0.5% CMOS upgrades for older (bipolar) low drop­

    OCR Scan
    TC1014 TC1015 TC1185 100mA, 150mA TC1014, TC1015, TC1185 LP2980. 1014/TC TC1014A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r & iT O K TK11812 O DC-DC CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Miniature Package SOT-23L ■ Pagers ■ Low Start-up Voltage [0.6 V (typ.)] ■ Cassette Recorders ■ Few External Components ■ Cordless Telephones ■ Adjustable Output Voltage (1.5 to 15 V)

    OCR Scan
    TK11812 OT-23L) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r & i T O K TK11811 O DC-DC CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Miniature Package SOT-23L ■ Pagers ■ Low Start-up Voltage [0.6 V (typ.)] ■ Cassette Recorders ■ Few External Components ■ Cordless Telephones ■ Selectable Output Voltage (1.9 V or 2.8 V)

    OCR Scan
    TK11811 OT-23L) PDF


    Abstract: TCM810
    Text: w r Semiconductor, lelwomInc. W TCM809 TCM810 3 -P IN juP R E S E T M O N IT O R S FEATURES G EN ER AL DESCRIPTION • The TCM809 and TCM810 are cost-effective system supervisor circuits designed to monitor VCc in digital sys­

    OCR Scan
    TCM809 TCM810 140msec TCM809) 17fiA OT-23B-3 TCM809 TCM810 necessary02) PDF

    lf 3814

    Abstract: HSMP4810 HSMP-3800 D323GB90VI HSMP-3820 HSMP-381X HSMP-382X HSMP-386X MARKING CODE MP SOT23 HSMP-389X
    Text: T hat mL'nM HEW LETT P a c k a rd Surface M ount PIN D iodes Technical Data HSMP-38XX and HSMP-48XX S eries F ea tu res • D io d es O ptim ized for: Low C urrent Switching Low D istortion Attenuating Ultra-Low Distortion Switching M icrowave Frequency O peration

    OCR Scan
    HSMP-38XX HSMP-48XX OT-23 OT-143 Rate111 HSMP-380X HSMP-381X HSMP-382X HSMP-3880 lf 3814 HSMP4810 HSMP-3800 D323GB90VI HSMP-3820 HSMP-386X MARKING CODE MP SOT23 HSMP-389X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W hü1 H E W L E T T mLttM P A C K A R D Surface Mount RF Schottky Detector Diodes in SOT-363 SC-70, 6 Lead Technical Data Features • Surface Mount SOT-363 Package • High Detection Sensitivity: Up to 50 mV/nW at 915 MHz Up to 35 mV/nW at 2.45 GHz Up to 25 mV/nW at 5.80 GHz

    OCR Scan
    OT-363 SC-70, 285L/P 286L/P/R PDF

    jrw sot

    Abstract: marking code JRW MARKING tAN SOT-23 diode P3810 sot-23 marking code sf MARKING tAN SOT-23 ic ma 4810 HSMP-38XX hsms-3860
    Text: What H EW L E T T * mLliM P A C K A R D Surface Mount PIN Diodes Technical Data HSMP-38XX and HSMP-48XX Series Features • Diodes Optimized for: Low Current Switching Low Distortion Attenuating Ultra-Low Distortion Switching Microwave Frequency Operation

    OCR Scan
    HSMP-38XX HSMP-48XX OT-23 OT-143 HSMP-4810 RS-481, jrw sot marking code JRW MARKING tAN SOT-23 diode P3810 sot-23 marking code sf MARKING tAN SOT-23 ic ma 4810 hsms-3860 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0344; Rev 2 ; 2/96 3-Pin M i c r o p r o c e s s o r R e s e t C i r c u i t The MAX809/MAX810 are microprocessor piP supervi­ sory circuits used to monitor the power supplies in [ iP and digital systems. They provide excellent circuit reli­ ability and low cost by eliminating external components

    OCR Scan
    MAX809/MAX810 140ms MAX809 21-0051B MAX809J/L/M/R/S/T, 10L/M/R/S/T OT23-3 PDF


    Abstract: cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8
    Text: Contents Page Page New product index Combined index and status codes viii x Mullard approved components BS9000, CECC, and D3007 lists CV list Integrated circuits Section index xliii 1 5 Standard functions LOGIC FAMILIES CMOS HE4000B family specifications CMOS HE4000B family survey

    OCR Scan
    BS9000, D3007 HE4000B 80RIBUTION BS9000 BPW22A cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8 PDF


    Abstract: TC1107 TC1185 TC1186 TC1187
    Text: ¡eluom Semiconductor, Inc. TC1073 100mA CMOS LDO WITH SHUTDOWN, ERROR OUTPUT AND VREF BYPASS FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Zero Ground Current for Longer Battery Life! Very Low Dropout Voltage Guaranteed 100mA Output High Output Voltage Accuracy

    OCR Scan
    TC1073 100mA OT-23A-6 SC-74) TC1073-2 TC1073 TC1107 TC1185 TC1186 TC1187 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1280; Rev 1; 10/97 jv w y x a jv x _ F e a t u r e s The M AX6501-M AX6504 low-cost, fully integrated tem ­ perature sw itches assert a logic signal when their die tem perature crosses a factory-program m ed threshold. O perating from a +2.7V to +5.5V supply, these devices

    OCR Scan
    AX6501-M AX6504 SDT23, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1062; Rev 0; 6/96 y k i y j x i v k i Low -Voltage, SPST, CMOS Analog Sw itches _ Features The M AX4501/M A X4502 are s in g le -p o le /s in g le -th ro w SPST , lo w -v o lta g e , s in g le -s u p p ly , C M O S a n a lo g s w itch e s. The M AX4501 is no rm a lly o pen (NO). The

    OCR Scan
    AX4501/M X4502 AX4501 MAX4502 OT23-5 S01/M 250C2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1064; RevO: 6/96 A l/ X I/ k l Low -Voltage, Dual-Supply, SPST, CMOS Analog Sw itches _ G eneral D escription M A X 4 5 0 3 /M A X 4 5 0 4 Features The MAX4503/MAX4504 are low-voltage, dual-supply, single-pole/single-throw SPST , CMOS analog switch­

    OCR Scan
    MAX4503/MAX4504 MAX4503 MAX4504 OT23-5 250il 10pCMIax PDF

    diode marking code RJ

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W O ñ H EW L E T T 1 3 5 1 PA CK A R D Surface Mount Microwave Schottky Detector Diodes in SOT-323 SC-70 Technical Data HSMS-285A Series HSMS-286A Series Features • Surface Mount SOT-323 Packag e • High D etection Sensitivity: Up to 50 mV/pW at 915 MHz

    OCR Scan
    OT-323 SC-70) HSMS-285A HSMS-286A diode marking code RJ PDF

    723 voltage regulator ic

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ieluom Semiconductor, Inc. TC 1072 TC 1073 50mA AND 100mA CMOS LDOs WITH SHUTDOWN, ERROR OUTPUT, AND V r e f BYPASS FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • ■ ■ The TC1072 and TC1073 are high accuracy typically +0.5% CMOS upgrade for older (bipolar) low dropout

    OCR Scan
    100mA TC1072, TC1073, OT-23A-6 TC1072 TC1073 TC1072/1073-2 723 voltage regulator ic PDF

    Snubber circuits theory, design and application U

    Abstract: 3df s 45 TOKO VARIABLE INDUCTORs RC 4565
    Text: fäiTOKO TK65025 STEP-UP VOLTAGE CONVERTER WITH VOLTAGE MONITOR FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Guaranteed 0.9 V Operation ■ Battery Powered Systems ■ Very Low Quiescent Current ■ Cellular Telephones ■ Internal Bandgap Reference ■ Pagers ■ High Efficiency MOS Switching

    OCR Scan
    TK65025 TK65025 1C-138-TK65025 Snubber circuits theory, design and application U 3df s 45 TOKO VARIABLE INDUCTORs RC 4565 PDF

    W1P 59 transistor

    Abstract: W1p 48 TRANSISTOR transistor w1P 83 ICM AP 1703 transistor SMD marked RNW transistor BD139 PH 71 W1P 66 transistor transistor w1P 91 Pnp transistor smd ba rn w1p npn
    Text: Philips S em iconductors S urface m oun ted sem ico n d u cto rs C on ten ts PART A page SELECTION GUIDE General purpose transistors 4 High frequency transistors 8 Broadband transistors 8 Switching transistors 10 Power transistors for switching 12 Low-noise transistors

    OCR Scan
    197/197X S310N W1P 59 transistor W1p 48 TRANSISTOR transistor w1P 83 ICM AP 1703 transistor SMD marked RNW transistor BD139 PH 71 W1P 66 transistor transistor w1P 91 Pnp transistor smd ba rn w1p npn PDF