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    LOW VOLT OP AMP Search Results

    LOW VOLT OP AMP Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CLC428A/BPA Rochester Electronics LLC CLC428 - OP AMP, DUAL, LOW NOISE, WIDEBAND, VOLT FDBK - Dual marked (5962-9470801MPA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    NFMJMPC156R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Large Current 3 Terminals Low ESL Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors (EMI Filter) for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM31PC276D0E3L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Large Current 3 Terminals Low ESL Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors (EMI Filter) for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFMJMPL226R0G5D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Large Current 3 Terminals Low ESL Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors (EMI Filter) for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    LOW VOLT OP AMP Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: High-Output Drive Rail-to-Rail Op Amp MC33501 MC33503 NCS2001 NCS2001SN1T1 NCS2001SN2T1
    Text: NPFSNCS2001/D Rev. 0, Feb-2001 New Product Fact Sheet NCS2001 – Sub-One Volt Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifier Overview The NCS2001 is a low power, CMOS rail-to-rail input and output op amp that provides low voltage operation significant for designers using 0.9 V operating cores in their microprocessor, DSP or microcontroller. It provides an alternative to the MC33501, MC33503

    NPFSNCS2001/D Feb-2001 NCS2001 NCS2001 MC33501, MC33503 r14525 NC2001 High-Output Drive Rail-to-Rail Op Amp MC33501 MC33503 NCS2001SN1T1 NCS2001SN2T1 PDF


    Abstract: MAX531ACPD
    Text: 19-0172; Rev 6; 2/97 +5 V, Low -Pow e r, Volt a ge -Out put , Se ria l 1 2 -Bit DACs The MAX531/MAX538/MAX539 are low-power, voltageoutput, 12-bit digital-to-analog converters DACs specified for single +5V power-supply operation. The MAX531 c an also b e op erated with ± 5V sup p lies. The

    MAX531/MAX538/MAX539 12-bit MAX531 MAX538/MAX539 MAX531 14-pin MAX538â MAX539â MAX5317 MAX531ACPD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0280; Rev 2; 11/96 5 V, Low -Pow e r, Volt a ge -Out put , Se ria l 1 0 -Bit DACs The MAX504/MAX515 are low-power, voltage-output, 10-bit digital-to-analog converters DACs specified for single +5V power-supply operation. The MAX504 can also b e op erated with ± 5V sup p lies. The MAX515

    MAX504/MAX515 10-bit MAX504 MAX515 MAX504 MAX515 MAX515â MAX504â MAX504CPD PDF


    Abstract: 5962-8860001GA CERDIP14 5962-8876202ga 5962-8961001XA 12 VOLT 2 AMP regulator LM399H LTC1094MJ/883 LT1086MH LM107H
    Text: MILITARY HERMETIC PRODUCTS Part Number Amplifiers 1 LTC1100AMJ8 LT1101AMJ8 LM107H LM107J8 LM307H OP07H LT1012MJ8 LM108AH LM108AH/883 LM108AJ8 LM108H LM108H/883 LT1006MJ8 LT1012CH LF155H LF155H/883 LF355AH LTC1050AMJ8/883 LTC1050MJ8/883 LTC1150MJ8 LT1022AMH/883

    LTC1100AMJ8 LT1101AMJ8 LM107H LM107J8 LM307H OP07H LT1012MJ8 LM108AH LM108AH/883 LM108AJ8 5962-8684501IA 5962-8860001GA CERDIP14 5962-8876202ga 5962-8961001XA 12 VOLT 2 AMP regulator LM399H LTC1094MJ/883 LT1086MH LM107H PDF

    cmos function generator using cd4049

    Abstract: CD4049 amplifier 4 way video distribution amplifier CD4049 PIN DIAGRAM Datasheet Circuit ADCS9888 CD4049 LMH6572 LMH6642 LMH6574 LMH6720
    Text: Next Topic • Analog Video Waveform • Displaying the Video Signal • Which Op Amp type fits video best? • DC / AC Coupled Amplifiers, Single Supply Operation • Video Multiplexing • Video Transmission & Equalization over UTP • Getting the heat out

    LMH6645/ LMH6642/ LMH6572 LMH6574 LMH6572) LMH6572 LMH6574 cmos function generator using cd4049 CD4049 amplifier 4 way video distribution amplifier CD4049 PIN DIAGRAM Datasheet Circuit ADCS9888 CD4049 LMH6642 LMH6720 PDF


    Abstract: ELM9833
    Text: ELM98xxxB CMOS Voltage regulator •General description ELM98xxxB is CMOS voltage regulator which mainly consists of reference voltage source, error amplifier, short-protected control transistor, output voltage setting resistors. The standard output voltage are 2.7V, 3.0V,

    ELM98xxxB ELM98 ELM9830xB) 1mAIout50mA) ELM9833 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELM98xxxB CMOS Voltage regulator •General description ELM98xxxB is CMOS voltage regulator which mainly consists of reference voltage source, error amplifier, short-protected control transistor, output voltage setting resistors. The standard output voltage are 2.7V, 3.0V,

    ELM98xxxB ELM98 ELM9830xB) PDF


    Abstract: ELM9833 voltage regulator 60 volt input 24 volt output 1 ELM9833BA-S ELM9830BA-S
    Text: ELM98xxxA VOLTAGE REGULATOR • GENERAL DESCRIPTION ELM98xxxA Series is a CMOS Voltage Regulator. It consists of reference voltage, error amplifier, shortprotected control transistor, output voltage setting resistor, and so on. Output voltage is fixed internally

    ELM98xxxA OT-89 OT-23. 100ppm/ ELM9830xA) OT-89, OT-23 ELM9830BA ELM9833 voltage regulator 60 volt input 24 volt output 1 ELM9833BA-S ELM9830BA-S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OP-07 National Semiconductor OP-07 Low Offset, Low Drift Operational Amplifier General Description Features The OP-07 has very low input offset voltage which is ob­ tained by trimming at the wafer stage. These low offset volt­ ages generally eliminate any need for external nulling. The

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    OP-07 OP-07 TL/H/10550-4 TL/H/10550-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-046 7; R ev 2 ; 4 /9 7 400MHz, Ultra-Low -D istortion Op Am ps Features GeneraI Description These high-speed op amps feature a wide output volt­ age swing and a high-current output-drive capability of 90mA. ♦ High Speed: 400MHz Unity-Gain Bandwidth MAX4108

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    400MHz, 400MHz MAX4108) 225MHz MAX4109) 220MHz MAX4308) 200MHz MAX4309) -93dBe PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: jv iyjxi>ki ± 1 5 Volt Chopper S ta b iliz e d O p e ratio n a l A m p lifie r Features The combination of ±15 volt operation, low power, and standard op-amp pin configuration allows these devices to virtually “ plug-in” replace conventional lower-performance amplifiers. The only additional components

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    120dB MAX423EPD MAX421CPD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0104; R e v 1; 8/94 A I/IX IV M 1 7\iA M ax, Dual/Quad, Single-Supply, Precision Op Amps Maxim’s MXL1178 and MXL1179 are dual and quad m icro p o w e r, p re c is io n op am ps. They fe a tu re an extremely low 17pA max per op amp supply current, as well as precision offset specifications: 30|jV offset volt­

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    MXL1178 MXL1179 MAX407 PDF

    PMI DAC01

    Abstract: DAC-01C
    Text: DAC-01 PMÏ> 6-BIT VOLT AGE-OUTPUT D /A CONVERTER FEATURES • • • • • • • • • F a s t. 3m* Settling Time Max Complete . Includes Reference, Ladder, Op Amp Low Power Consumption. 250mW Max

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    250mW 1150ppm/ 100pF PMI DAC01 DAC-01C PDF


    Abstract: MAX422 MAX423 MAX421CPD
    Text: 19-0903; Rev 1; 2/94 y k iy jx iy k i ± 1 5 Volt C h o p p er S ta b iliz e d O p e ra tio n a l A m p lifie r The combination of ±15 volt operation, low power, and standard op-amp pin configuration allows these devices to virtually “plug-in” replace conventional lower-performance amplifiers. The only additional components

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    MAX420, MAX420 MAX422 MAX423 MAX421CPD PDF


    Abstract: MAX422 MAX421CPD MAX423 MAX420CPA MAX420EPA MAX420MTV MAX421 MAX421CWE 0.01 MF CAPACITOR
    Text: 19-0903; Rev 1; 2/94 y k i y j x i y k i ± 1 5 Volt C h o p p er S ta b iliz e d O p e ra tio n a l A m p lifie r The combination of ±15 volt operation, low power, and standard op-amp pin configuration allows these devices to virtually “plug-in” replace conventional lower-performance amplifiers. The only additional components

    OCR Scan
    MAX420, 05mV/Â inpu-55Â MAX421' MAX423' MAX420 MAX422 MAX421CPD MAX423 MAX420CPA MAX420EPA MAX420MTV MAX421 MAX421CWE 0.01 MF CAPACITOR PDF


    Abstract: MAX422 MAX422J MAX420 x1xvi x1xv MAX421CPD MAX423 MAX421 MAX421EPD
    Text: 19-0903; Rev 1; 2/94 y k i y j x i y k i ± 1 5 Volt C h o p p er S ta b iliz e d O p e ra tio n a l A m p lifie r The combination of ±15 volt operation, low power, and standard op-amp pin configuration allows these devices to virtually “plug-in” replace conventional lower-performance amplifiers. The only additional components

    OCR Scan
    MAX420, 05mV/Â MAX421' MAX423' MAX420CPA MAX422 MAX422J MAX420 x1xvi x1xv MAX421CPD MAX423 MAX421 MAX421EPD PDF


    Abstract: MAX422 MAX423
    Text: A 1 / J X I / M ± 1 5 Volt C hopper S ta b iliz e d O p e ratio n a l A m p lifie r The com bination o f ±15 volt operation, low power, and standard op-am p pin configuration allows these devices to virtually "p lu g -in ” replace conventional lower-perform ance am plifiers. The o n ly additional com ponents

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    MAX420, AX42V MAX420 MAX422 MAX423 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >J 09M • 2/94 y u v j x i y k i ±15 Volt Chopper Stabilized Operational Amplifier Features The c o m b in a tio n o f ±15 vo lt operation, low power, and standard op-am p pin co n fig ura tio n allow s these devices to virtua lly “'p lu g -in ” replace conventional low er-perfo rm a n ce am plifiers. T he o n ly ad d itio na l com ponents

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    AX420/421/422/423 MAX420, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UT54ACS 10/UT54 ACTS 10 Radiation-Hardened Triple 3-Input NAND Gates P IN O U T S FEATURES 1 4-P in D IP T op View • 1.2ji rad iatio n -h ard en ed C M O S - Latchup im m une • H igh speed 1 • Low p o w er consum ption A1C B1C 2 • Single 5 volt supply

    OCR Scan
    UT54ACS 10/UT54 14-pin 14-lead 1.2ji PDF

    m1305 transistor

    Abstract: w431 MRF1421C Diode LT 4104 NJT1946A 7082a NJT1949 magnetron 2j42 MSF1422B magnetron 5kw

    OCR Scan
    NJMOP-07 NJM318 NJM741 NJM2107F NJM2130 NJM425# NJM5534 NJM353 NJM1458 NJM2041 m1305 transistor w431 MRF1421C Diode LT 4104 NJT1946A 7082a NJT1949 magnetron 2j42 MSF1422B magnetron 5kw PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g Optical disc ICs O CO 4-channel BTL driver for CD players ¡3 s Q. O BA6198S/BA6198FP The BA6198 and BA6198FP are ICs with an internal 4-channei BTL power driver for CD players, a 5V regulator re­ quires attached PNP transistor , standard operational amplifier, and reset output pin. All driver channels have a gain

    OCR Scan
    BA6198S/BA6198FP BA6198 BA6198FP 28-pin BA6198FP) th180' PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W O Optical disc ICs o w 4-channel BTL driver for CD players B A 6 1 9 8 S / B A C o Q. o 6 1 9 8 F P T h e B A 6198 and B A 6198FP are ICs with an internal 4 -ch ann el BTL pow er driver for C D players, a 5 V regulator (re­ quires attached PNP transistor , standard operational amplifier, and reset output pin. All driver channels have a gain

    OCR Scan
    6198FP BA6198S/BA6198FP 0017T7S PDF


    Abstract: ICL8063 equivalent 2n3055 Equivalent ICL8063CPE ICL8063 2N3055 equivalent transistor NUMBER 2N3055 power amplifier circuit power amplifier transformer 2n3055 pin configuration transistor 2n3055 2N3055 diagram with power supply
    Text: ONüniran ICL8063 Power Transistor Driver-Amplifier Designed to operate with all varieties of operational amplifiers and other functions, two external power transistors o f any construction technique, and 8 to TO passive components, the ICL8063 is ideal for use in such

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    JCL8063 500kn ICL8063 ICL8063 ICH8510/8520/8530 icl8083 ICL8063 equivalent 2n3055 Equivalent ICL8063CPE 2N3055 equivalent transistor NUMBER 2N3055 power amplifier circuit power amplifier transformer 2n3055 pin configuration transistor 2n3055 2N3055 diagram with power supply PDF


    Abstract: AN-25 OP06 OP-06 op amp as comparator 10 to 30 volt comparator
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES AN-25 APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 Applying the OP-O6 Op Am p A s a High Precision Comparator INTRODUCTION The Analog Devices OP-O6 op amp makes an excellent com­

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    AN-25 10kfi 100S AN-25 OP06 OP-06 op amp as comparator 10 to 30 volt comparator PDF