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    LNTI104 Search Results

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    fire alarm using thermistor

    Abstract: LNTK103 lnta502 LNTG503 NTC THERMISTOR 3470 NTC 2.5 0706 LNTD202 112962 Lattron LNTJ303
    Text: NTC Thermistor—Introduction NTC Thermistor Dissipation factor δ Thermistor is thermally sensitive resistor whose main function is to exhibit a change in electrical resistance with environmental temperature. Especially, NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) thermistor decreases


    3470 ntc thermistor

    Abstract: LNTG473 LNTK103 LNTG503 lnta502 k 4145 LNTA103 LNTG104 ntc 3990 Lattron
    Text: ermistors T h e r a d ia l ty p e t h e r m is t o r is t h e r m a lly s e n s it iv e a n d h ig h - p re c is e t h e r m is t o r t o h a v e s m a ll B -v a lu e t o le r a n c e a n d r e s is t a n c e . T h is is e p o x y -c o a te d a n d h a s le a d w ir e o f T in c la d c o p p e r.

    OCR Scan
    LNTE10 LNTF103_ LNTF153_ LNTG403_ LNTG473_ LNTG503_ LNTG104_ LNTH203_ LNTH233_ LNTH303_ 3470 ntc thermistor LNTG473 LNTK103 LNTG503 lnta502 k 4145 LNTA103 LNTG104 ntc 3990 Lattron PDF