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    LEM 812 Search Results

    LEM 812 Datasheets Context Search

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    LTS 6-NP

    Abstract: LTS 15-NP CAS 6-NP LTSR 15-NP LTSR 6-NP ch-1228 cksr6-np LTSR 25-NP CASR50-NP 743 LEM
    Text: Technical Information CAS / CASR / CKSR series Current Transducers Insulated Highly Accurate Measurements from 1.5 to 50 ARMS CAS / CASR / CKSR series Current Transducers Future precision. Future performances. Now available. CAS / CASR / CKSR series Current Transducers

    RS-159 CH-1228 LTS 6-NP LTS 15-NP CAS 6-NP LTSR 15-NP LTSR 6-NP cksr6-np LTSR 25-NP CASR50-NP 743 LEM PDF


    Abstract: 55 2 lem LAH 25-np
    Text: Current Transducer LAH 25-NP IPN = 8-12-25 A For the electronic measurement of currents : DC, AC, pulsed ., with a galvanic isolation between the primary circuit high power and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit). 16038 Electrical data IPN IP RM

    25-NP 25-NP 55 2 lem LAH 25-np PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer LAH 25-NP IPN = 8-12-25 A For the electronic measurement of currents: DC, AC, pulsed ., with a galvanic isolation between the primary circuit high power and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit). 16038 Electrical data IPN IPM RM

    25-NP PDF

    BUSBAR calculation datasheet

    Abstract: BUSBAR calculation LAH 25-NP 25-NP UTEC93-703 comparative tracking index LEM Components
    Text: Current Transducer LAH 25-NP IPN = 8-12-25 A For the electronic measurement of currents: DC, AC, pulsed ., with a galvanic isolation between the primary circuit high power and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit). 16038 Electrical data IPN IPM RM

    25-NP BUSBAR calculation datasheet BUSBAR calculation LAH 25-NP 25-NP UTEC93-703 comparative tracking index LEM Components PDF


    Abstract: LAH 25-NP LEM Components POWER SUPPLY BOARD 20 94V0
    Text: IPN = 8-12-25 A Current Transducer LAH 25-NP For the electronic measurement of currents : DC, AC, pulsed ., with a galvanic isolation between the primary circuit high power and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit). Electrical data IPN IP RM Primary nominal r.m.s. current

    25-NP 25-NP LAH 25-NP LEM Components POWER SUPPLY BOARD 20 94V0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer LAH 25-NP IPN = 8-12-25 A For the electronic measurement of currents : DC, AC, pulsed ., with a galvanic isolation between the primary circuit high power and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit). Electrical data IPN IP RM Primary nominal r.m.s. current

    25-NP 25-NP PDF

    LAH 25-NP

    Abstract: LEM Components 25-NP
    Text: IPN = 8-12-25 A Current Transducer LAH 25-NP For the electronic measurement of currents : DC, AC, pulsed ., with a galvanic isolation between the primary circuit high power and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit). Electrical data IPN IP RM Primary nominal r.m.s. current

    25-NP LAH 25-NP LEM Components 25-NP PDF


    Abstract: H218 H242
    Text: HDD • CD-ROM • DVD-ROMffl^pnn HDD @ CD-ROM/DVD-ROM TAIYO YU DEN Applied Circuit Block P/N Series n m —I K « « : Standard Multilayer Capacitors □ MK O Signal Circuit LEM IM l&W miyW Y W Array Type Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors Wound Chip Inductors

    OCR Scan
    100uH 1000m 50MHz 100MHz) TAIYO YUDEN LEM H218 H242 PDF


    Abstract: MC14661 RWS - 371-6 MC146618 mc1466 MC14681B MC146818
    Text: M MOTOROLA MC146818 A d v a n c e Inform ation CMOS (H IG H-PERFO RM AN CE SILICO N-G A TE CO M P LEM EN TAR Y M O S) REAL-TIME CLOCK PLUS RAM (RTC) T h e M C 1 4 6 8 1 8 R e a l-T im e C lo c k p lu s R A M w h ic h in c lu d e s m ic ro p ro c e s s o rs ,

    OCR Scan
    MC146818 MC146818 146805E2 MC14661 RWS - 371-6 MC146618 mc1466 MC14681B PDF

    lem 55.2

    Abstract: lem 812 lem smd th202
    Text: DIGITAL STILL CAMERA @ o A/D — O a SELECTION GUIDE CCD DRIVER — o DSP a a JPEG ENCORDER /DECORDER y u v tr Applied Circuit Block P/N Series mmur i t LB W ound C hip Inductors ms4>r n LK M ultilayer C hip Inductors □ MK BK BK a High Value M ultilayer C apacitors

    OCR Scan
    150mH 15yuH lem 55.2 lem 812 lem smd th202 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOLI TRON DEVI CES abE INC D B &3böb05 0QQ34ÔÔ Jwiiimss Devices. Inc 7 C H IP ATTENUATORS R E C O M M EN D E D M O U N T IN G M ETH O D FLIPCHIP: U se 60/40 S o ld er P aste o r C o n d u ctiv e Epoxy UPRIGHT: W ire B onding G o ld o r A lum inum S o ld er T abs

    OCR Scan
    0QQ34Ô MIL-E-5400 MIL-R-55342 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: «Hÿfc - Æ COMPONENTS FOR HIGH FREQUENCY/MOBILE COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 20 TAIYO YUDEN Applied Circuit Block P/N Series Case Size nm Appearance UG Available Range/ Application Page 6 .2 X 6 .2 X 1 .9 ~ 7 .0 X 7 .0 X 2 .0

    OCR Scan
    at100MHz) 10nH-- TAIYO YUDEN LEM PDF


    Abstract: 7852a osjn
    Text: TH 7852A FRAME TRANSFER CCD IMAGE SENSOR 288 X 208 PIXELS • Compatible with CCIR TV standard. ■ 1/2” optics compatible image format. ■ 2-phase, frame tranfer organization dynamic range: 3000/1 . ■ Optimized resolution and responsivity in the 400-1100 nm spectrum (visible + near infrared).

    OCR Scan
    DSTH7852AT70394 TH7852A 7852a osjn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAVldSIQ IM ,M ¿ .* > ¿ lü O aS Pue A l- O A l- O fi%. o co CM DISPLAY TAIYO YUDEN Applied Circuit Block P/N Series Case Size mm inch * » ft« Appea­ rance Name < -y Available Range/ Application Page T jf A □ MK □ MK High Value Multilayer Capacitors

    OCR Scan
    50MHz 100MHz) --480M PDF

    laf 0001

    Abstract: SI 6822 intel 8049 intel 8059 S1 6822 jc-115 intel 8049 microcomputer MCS-48 intel AP-49 TLE 7233
    Text: 1 AP-49 INTRODUCTION T h e Intel M C S -48 fa m ily o f m ic ro c o m p u te rs m arked th e firs t tim e an e ig h t bit c o m p u te r w ith program s torage, d a ta sto rag e, and I/O fa c ilitie s w as ava ila b le on a s in g le LSI chip. T h e p erfo rm an ce o f th e initial

    OCR Scan
    AP-49 MCS-48 laf 0001 SI 6822 intel 8049 intel 8059 S1 6822 jc-115 intel 8049 microcomputer intel AP-49 TLE 7233 PDF

    str 5507

    Abstract: 24334 neosid 47 49584 CD 4058 33258
    Text: W elw yn W orldw ide Agents and Authorised Distributors Welwyn customer service is extended by a network of well established Distributors and Agents throughout the world. AUSTRALIA PNE • Ash Electronics Parc Technologique des Covettes, PO Box 5, Bateaux Bay, N SW 2261, Australia

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Kontaktadressen Contact a dresses Toch terg esellsch aften , S ervice, Vertretungen national S u b sid ia rie s, Service, R ep resentatives n a tio n a l Tochtergesellschaften S u b s id ia rie s Schnellversand fiir Kleinmengen Vertretungen national R e p re s e n ta tiv e s G e rm a n y

    OCR Scan
    B-4960 F-67140 CH-8604 10446A PDF

    INTEL 8041

    Abstract: 8641 6 pin ic 8041A intel 8041A 8041 microprocessor 8741A MCS-86 8741A INTEL MCS-85 PROMPT-48
    Text: ir r te T 8041A/8641A/8741 A UNIVERSAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER Fully Compatible with MCS-48 , MCS-80™, MCS-85™, and MCS-86™ Microprocessor Families 8-Bit CPU plus ROM, RAM, I/O, Timer and Clock in a Single Package One 8-Bit Status and Two Data Regis­

    OCR Scan
    041A/8641A/8741 MCS-48â MCS-80â MCS-85â MCS-86â 741A-8 041A/8741A AFN-00188B INTEL 8041 8641 6 pin ic 8041A intel 8041A 8041 microprocessor 8741A MCS-86 8741A INTEL MCS-85 PROMPT-48 PDF


    Abstract: t8 3580
    Text: LSI LOGIC L64245 Versatile FIR Filter Prelim inary D escrip tio n T h e L64245 F IR Fin ite Im p u lse R e sp o n s e filte r p ro c e s s o r p e rfo rm s filte rin g in m an y d iffe re n t fo rm s fo r a p p lic a tio n s rangin g from b ro a d c a stq u ality vid e o tra n s m is s io n and H D TV to d isk

    OCR Scan
    L64245 h240 t8 3580 PDF


    Abstract: MARKING CODE 21
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS 1PS59SB21 Schottky barrier diode 1999 May 05 Product specification Supersedes data of 1998 Jul 28 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Product specification Schottky barrier diode FEATURES 1PS59SB21 DESCRIPTION

    OCR Scan
    1PS59SB21 1PS59SB21 SC-59 MSA314 SCA64 5002/00/02/pp8 MARKING CODE 21 PDF


    Abstract: lem 811
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS [Mm SMEET 1PS76SB21 Schottky barrier diode 1999 May 05 Product specification Supersedes data of 1998 Jul 16 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Product specification Schottky barrier diode 1PS76SB21 FEATURES

    OCR Scan
    1PS76SB21 1PS76SB21 SCA64 5002/00/02/pp8 lem 811 PDF


    Abstract: DIODE S4 52 diode AY 101 AY106 AY103
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS [M m S M EET BAP51 -03 General purpose PIN diode Preliminary specification Supersedes data of 1999 Apr 01 Philips Semiconductors 1999 May 10 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification General purpose PIN diode BAP51-03

    OCR Scan
    BAP51 BAP51-03 SCA64 125004/00/02/pp8 BAP51-03 DIODE S4 52 diode AY 101 AY106 AY103 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E N G I N E E R E D C O M P O N E N T S C bOE D 33335Ô3 n o a Q 7 tn 55Ô • EGC lozu profile t 2l CO M PATIBLE 4-BIT AMMABLE OCIC AY LINE # T2 L input and output # Delays stable and precise # 24-pin DIP package Leads - thru-hole, J, Gull Wing or Tucked

    OCR Scan
    24-pin 1509ns 100ns C/111092 PDF

    delay line 400ns

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E N G I N E E R E D C O M P O N E N T S C bOE D 33335Ô3 a o a Q 7 tn 55Ô • EGC lozu profile, t 2l CO M PATIBLE 4-BIT AMMABLE OCIC AY LINE S ch ottky T 2 L c ircu its. These m odules are of hybrid con­ structio n u tilizin g the proven te c h n o lo g ie s of active in te ­

    OCR Scan
    24-pin 1509ns 100ns C/111092 delay line 400ns PDF