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    LA 8227 Search Results

    LA 8227 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    ISL28227FUBZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Precision Dual Low Noise Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL28227FUZ-T7 Renesas Electronics Corporation Precision Dual Low Noise Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL28227FRTZ-T13 Renesas Electronics Corporation Precision Dual Low Noise Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL28227FRTBZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Precision Dual Low Noise Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL28227FUBZ-T7 Renesas Electronics Corporation Precision Dual Low Noise Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    LA 8227 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: LQH3C100K04M00 LT1301 18t SOT23 AN60 LT1312 LTC1470 LTC1471 LTC1472 MBRS130LT3
    Text: Application Note 60 January 1995 PCMCIA Card and Card Socket Power Management Doug La Porte INTRODUCTION Most portable computers have built-in sockets to accept small PC cards for use as extended memories, fax modems, network interfaces, wireless communicators and a

    AN60-16 AN-6014 LQH3C100K04M00 LT1301 18t SOT23 AN60 LT1312 LTC1470 LTC1471 LTC1472 MBRS130LT3 PDF


    Abstract: EE330TX24 EE300MM EE-330 330T LLAM
    Text: Intel Express 330T Stackable Hub User Guide Year 2000 Capable An Intel product, when used in accordance with its associated documentation, is “Year 2000 Capable” when, upon installation, it accurately stores, displays, processes, provides, and/or receives date data from, into, and



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AM P AMPOWER Wave Crim p System Catalog 82271 Revised 6-97 Self-Aligning Receptacles Latching Material and Finish 2 Cable Receptacle H ousing — U L 9 ^V -0 rated th e 'iro p la s tic , black Contact — C opper al oy silver 01 term nation a ic m ating

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    7G52C9-2 PDF

    ssd common anode

    Abstract: 714J SFA40PME SFA50PME SFA60PME K1502
    Text: PRELIMINARY SFA40PME thru SFA60PME SOLID STATE DEVICES, INC 14849 Firestone Boulevard • La Mirada,CA 90638 Plions: {714 670-SSDI 7734) • Fax; (714) 522-7424 8 AMP 400-80 ¥O lTS 40 nsec HYPER FAST POSITIVE CEWTEKTAP RECTIFIER Designer's Data Sheet

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    SFA40NME-SFA60NME SFA40DME-SFA60DME SFA40PME SFA60PME O-254 ssd common anode 714J SFA40PME SFA50PME SFA60PME K1502 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    M82272 M101144 M102713 R04350B TB-95 98PL070 98-PL-070 PDF


    Abstract: 1N5811 SPD805SMS SPD810SMS SPD820SMS SPD830SMS d 3lm
    Text: SPD805SMS PRELIMINARY thru SPD830SMS SOLID STATE DEVICES, INC 14849 Firestone Boulevard • La Mirada,CA 90638 Phone: 714 BTU-SSPI {7734} • Fax: (714) 522-7424 8 AMP 50-300 VOLTS 40 nsec HYPER FAST RECTIFIER Designer's Data Sheet RES: • ■ ■ >er Fast Recovery: 40 nsec Maximum

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    1N5811 SPD805SMS SPD830SMS SPD810SMS SPD820SMS 300ps F-500mA, IRR-291mA, F500MA SPD805SMS SPD830SMS d 3lm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Amphenol Coaxial Connectors Cable/Connector Selection Chart The following chart provides a quick cross reference of Amphenol BNC, Reverse Polarity and Twinaxial connectors to popular coaxial cables. B N C C o n n e c to r s R e v e rs e P o la rity C o n n e c to r s

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /TuneAß TECHNOLOGY LT1076-5 5V S te p -D o w n S w itc h in g R e g u la to r F€flTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOn • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT1076-5 is a 2A fixed 5V output monolithic bipolar switching regulator which requires only a few external parts for normal operation. The power switch, all oscillator

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    LT1076-5 LT1076-5 PDF

    LT 076

    Abstract: 0594 um18a xy 801 ic equivalent de LT1074
    Text: r r u TECHNOLOGY v m _ L T 1 Q 7 4 / L T 1 0 7 6 S te p -D o w n S w itc h in g R e g u la to r FCATURCS • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 5A On-Board Switch LT1074 100kHz Switching Frequency Greatly Improved Dynamic Behavior Available in Low Cost 5 and 7-Lead Packages

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    LT1074) 100kHz LT1074to LT1074 LT 076 0594 um18a xy 801 ic equivalent de LT1074 PDF

    MN 6030 remote control

    Abstract: fsk modulator using 555 SC11014CN fsk generator using timer 555 IC 74135 SC11008 SC11007 3222-16 JTP 1212 74135
    Text: Q SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR S e p te m b e r 1986 SC1ÌÒÒ%?SC11014 _ 3 0 0 / 1 2 0 0 B it P e r S e c o n d M o d e m s FEATURES BENEFITS • FSK an d PSK m o d u la to rs an d d em od u lators, h ig h -b a n d an d lo w -b a n d filters w ith c o m p r o ­

    OCR Scan
    SC11014 N-1364 S-17127 MN 6030 remote control fsk modulator using 555 SC11014CN fsk generator using timer 555 IC 74135 SC11008 SC11007 3222-16 JTP 1212 74135 PDF


    Abstract: BB-3500 OP01CP AD540JH bb3500 AD308H mA747PC 6502 microprocessor REF05 cookbook for ic 555
    Text: PM 11984DATA B O O K The P M I C o m m itm e n t P M I is c o m m itte d to b u ild in g lo n g te rm c u s to m e r re la tio n s h ip s resulting in m u tu a l g ro w th . At PM I w e d e d ic a t e ourselves to le a d e rs h ip in c u s to m e r service,

    OCR Scan
    11984DATA bey-400 011-5761-VSON-IN. DAC89EX BB-3500 OP01CP AD540JH bb3500 AD308H mA747PC 6502 microprocessor REF05 cookbook for ic 555 PDF


    Abstract: 4311 bcd decoder 4511B 4311B MITEL SEMICONDUCTOR 4311 pin diagram decoder 4511 4311-B 22202 LT 485 8 pin dip 4311 decoder
    Text: M IT E L MD4311B/45Ì1B Technical Data CMOS/MSI 7-SEGMENT D E C O D E R /D R IV E R /LA TC H F E S . 79 DESCRIPTION The 4 3 1 1 B /4 5 1 1 B are C M O S /M S I 7 -Segment Decoder Driver incorporating input latches and bipolar NPN o u tp ut circuits, where each segment is capable of sourcing over 25 m Adc o f current to drive L E D , incadescent,

    OCR Scan
    MD4311B/45Ã 4311B/4511B MD4311BE 4311 bcd decoder 4511B 4311B MITEL SEMICONDUCTOR 4311 pin diagram decoder 4511 4311-B 22202 LT 485 8 pin dip 4311 decoder PDF


    Abstract: bosch ecu 0 261 200 100 connection diagram TFK E 1024 xz 117 sb900 bosch MA 3.1 ecu tt 4458 IRFP11 TMP94F
    Text: TO S H IB A TMP92CW53IF/TMP92CU53IF TMP94FD53IF Specification Revision 1.8 18 Apr 2002 H istory R e visio n D ate N ote 1.0 29 A p r. 2 0 0 0 In itial d ra ft 1.1 1.2 31 M a v 2 0 0 0 5 J u ly 2 0 0 0 31 A u g . 2 0 0 0 A m is ta k e c o rre c tio n A d d itio n 3 .3 F la sh M e m o ry , 3 .4 S in g le B o o t M o d e T M P 9 4 F D 5 3 F

    OCR Scan
    TMP92CW53IF/TMP92CU53IF TMP94FD53IF 94FD53I-49 TMP94FD53I 94FD53I-50 94FD53I bosch ecu 0 261 200 100 connection diagram TFK E 1024 xz 117 sb900 bosch MA 3.1 ecu tt 4458 IRFP11 TMP94F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AMP AMPOW ER Wave Crimp System M aterial and Finish Cable to Cable Plug Connector w/8 Signal Lines H o u sin g Catalog 82271 R e v ise d 6 -9 7 UL94V 0 rated th^rmop astic, blacK C o n ta cl — Copper alloy sive r D ia le d A ll o v e r n ic k e l base pla:e .

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    UL94V PDF

    8218 DIE

    Abstract: NM2L catalog 82276 faston 250" 9112 coaxial cable 82074 58rf
    Text: tijca Electronics Catalog 82276 p r o - c r im p e r Revised 02-01 li Hand Tool C o nne cto r/Te rm ina l-to-Tool R efe ren ce P a rt N u m b e r Pro d u c t F a m ily C a ta lo g N u m b e r1 R G / U C a b le 2 o r W ir e S iz e T e r m in a tio n Ty p e /S ty le

    OCR Scan
    5E630-2 8218 DIE NM2L catalog 82276 faston 250" 9112 coaxial cable 82074 58rf PDF

    LS 8227

    Abstract: CD 8227 8227 rotron aximax k070 d 8227 I65AS NEC 2505 AS-202 rotron ac
    Text: 8227 Beam Power Tube CERMOLOX 17 KILOWATTS PEAK POWER OUTPUT AT 1215 Me FORCED-AIR COOLED HIGH GAIN-BANDWIDTH PRODUCTS INTEGRAL RADIATOR MATRIX-TYPE CATHODE F o r P u ls e d RF A m p l if i e r S e r v i c e in Compact A i r c r a f t , Mo­ b i l e , and S t a t i o n a r y Equipm ent in th e UHF F req u en c y Range

    OCR Scan

    JB 2256

    Abstract: hf 9907
    Text: Competitive Cross Reference These cross references are meant as guides for selecting functionally equivalent items and are subject to change. These lists do not imply 100% confor­ mance to the listed specifications, merely that the connector is form, fit and function­

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    -1094/U -1185/U JB 2256 hf 9907 PDF


    Abstract: 160990 178570000 854-018 20/MKP525-D-2-P
    Text: Index Numeric P a rt No. D e s c r ip t io n P a g e No. 00000 Pa rt No. D e s c r ip tio n P a rt No. D e s c r ip tio n 160874 Z A P / Z D U 2.5 P a g e No. 28 174671 IS I 1.5 T E w ith fu s e h old e r P a g e No. 27 12280 T S 32 x 15 S o lid S te e l 2 m

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: DAC1285ACD DAC1285AD DAC1285HCD DAC85 DAC85-CBI-V DAC85LD-CBI-V DAC87 DAC87-CBI-V
    Text: DAC1285A, DAC1285 DAC8S, DAC87 National Semiconductor A to D, D to A DAC1285A, DAC1285 (DAC85, DAC87) 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converters General Description Features The DAC1285 se rie s is a fa m ily o f p re cisio n , low co st, fu lly s e lf-c o n ta in e d d ig ita l-to -a n a lo g co nve rters. The device s

    OCR Scan
    DAC1285A, DAC1285 DAC85, DAC87) 12-Bit DAC1285 DAC1285ACD DAC1285AD DAC1285HCD DAC85 DAC85-CBI-V DAC85LD-CBI-V DAC87 DAC87-CBI-V PDF

    OZ 9972

    Abstract: OZ 9966 BD 4914 RTA 16065 LA 7809 ite 8892 BUL 380 SN 49710 LT 7207 IC 4081
    Text: M MOTOROLA M C 13109 Advance Information U niversal Cordless Telephone Subsystem 1C UNIVERSAL CT-1 SUBSYSTEM INTEGRATED CIRCUIT T h e M C 1 3 1 0 9 in te g ra te s s e v e ra l o f th e fu n c tio n s re q u ire d fo r a c o rd le s s te le p h o n e in to a s in g le in te g ra te d c irc u it. T h is s ig n ific a n tly re d u c e s c o m p o ­

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    CD 8227

    Abstract: lt 8227 LS 8227 LA 8227 8227 MB8227N ta 8227 k 8227E IC CD 4027
    Text: MOS 4096-BIT MB 8227NÆ/H DYNAMIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY F U JIT S U S-3L O e i September 1978 <? JUL t 4 WM 0024 8 4 ZHÎH F ul 4,096-BIT D Y N A M IC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY Th e Fujitsu M B 8 2 2 7 is a fu lly decoded, critical, and pow er supply tolerances

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    4096-BIT 8227N 096-BIT CD 8227 lt 8227 LS 8227 LA 8227 8227 MB8227N ta 8227 k 8227E IC CD 4027 PDF

    IN4003 diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    D4301 UL217 300mA 14-LEAD MD4301 IN4003 diode PDF

    intel 8751 architecture

    Abstract: 89C558 intel 8751 INSTRUCTION SET 83C366 80C31 80C32 80C51 80C52 87C51 87C51FB
    Text: CEIBO DS-51 Microprocessor Development System -a m In-Circuit Emulator for 8051 Family of Microco FEATURES • Real-Time and Transparent In-Circuit Emulator • 64K Hardware and Conditional Breakpoints • Supports Most of the 8051 Derivatives • DOS and MS-W indows Debuggers

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    DS-51 42MHz I-4084 to8872051 DS-51 intel 8751 architecture 89C558 intel 8751 INSTRUCTION SET 83C366 80C31 80C32 80C51 80C52 87C51 87C51FB PDF


    Abstract: lt1019amh
    Text: r r u m _ LT1019 a TECHNOLO GY Precision R eference FC flT U R C S D C S C M P T IO n • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT1019 is a third generation bandgap voltage refer­ ence utilizing thin film technology and a greatly improved

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    LT1019 mc1400 lt1019amh PDF