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    LA 4069 Search Results

    LA 4069 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC4069UBP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, DIP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CD4069UBDMSR Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS Hex Inverter Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    2SK4069-ZK-E1-AY Renesas Electronics Corporation Nch Single Power Mosfet, MP-3ZK, /Embossed Tape Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CD4069UBKMSR Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS Hex Inverter Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    8406901RA Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS Bus Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    LA 4069 Price and Stock

    Daniels Manufacturing Corporation (DMC) LA-4069

    Terminals SLEEVE, RED
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics LA-4069
    • 1 $10.26
    • 10 $9.23
    • 100 $8.25
    • 1000 $6.11
    • 10000 $6.11
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    LA 4069 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MC6804 tt 3043 Transistor 5 pin type 68HC04 MC68HC04 mc68704 water filling station circuit diagram address lines,data lines and control lines MCM144102 MCM2802
    Text: M MOTOMOlA (M) m o to r o la M6804 NICU MANUAL This information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Motorola reserves the right to make changes to any products herein to improve

    OCR Scan
    M6804 1984-F110 DLE404/D N-96790s UAA2022 MC6804 tt 3043 Transistor 5 pin type 68HC04 MC68HC04 mc68704 water filling station circuit diagram address lines,data lines and control lines MCM144102 MCM2802 PDF


    Abstract: yd 1212
    Text: R.F. INDUSTRIAL TRIODE YDI2I2 TENTATIVE DATA QUICK REFER EN C E DATA f P , less P , . out drive CO IA o E xternal anode triode of ceram ic-m etal construction, w ater cooled by means of an integral co o ler, intended for use as a c la s s 'C ' industrial

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    YD1212 YD1212 IB6396I yd 1212 PDF

    FT 4013 D flip flop

    Abstract: FT 4013 d dual flip flop 4011 flip flop CI 4013 CI 4069 ula flip flop 4011 CMOS NAND GATE 7400 functional cross-reference ci 4073 c mos 4013
    Text: o p e ra tio n . G e n e ra l In s tru m e n t p ro v id e s a s h e e t o f te m p e ra tu re s ta b le m y la r m a te ria l w ith th e c e ll p la c e m e n t g r id a n d p o ly s ilic o n u n d e rp a s s e s d ra w n o n it a t a s c a le o f 250:1. A p o r tio n o f th e g r id is

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: BA6919FP-Y a7356 7657F A7657S 3842F BA3838F 8206F 7046F 6208F
    Text: Optical disc ICs/Magnetic disk ICs Products List Optical disc IC/Magnetic disk 1C Products List The data fo r Rohm m onolithic and hybrid ICs are pub­ lished in seven different volum es separated by classifi­ cation. •M e m o ry/S ta nd a rd ICs •R e g u la to r/M o to r driver ICs

    OCR Scan
    BA336 BA338 BA526 BP5041 BP5302 5302F. BP5307 BP5310 BP5311 BP5313 1332L BA6919FP-Y a7356 7657F A7657S 3842F BA3838F 8206F 7046F 6208F PDF

    cd40106 application notes

    Abstract: ic cd4017 CD4069 replacement CD4027 applications CD4047 internal structure Cd4017 CD4543 cd4017 application ic CD4040 application Applications CD4026
    Text: C D 4 0 0 0 -S e r ie s R a tin g s a n d C la s s ific a tio n s A b s o lu te M axim um R atings R eliability In fo rm atio n D C S u p p ly V o lta g e R a nge, V q q . -0 .5 V to + 2 0 V (V o lta g e R e fe re n ce d to V 5 5 T erm inals)

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    CD4000-Series -550C CD4000B-Series 20-Terminal 92cs-35333 9ZCS-35334 28-Terminal 92CS-35335 cs-35336 cd40106 application notes ic cd4017 CD4069 replacement CD4027 applications CD4047 internal structure Cd4017 CD4543 cd4017 application ic CD4040 application Applications CD4026 PDF

    uei 005

    Abstract: CD4069UBC 74LS CD4049A CD4069UB CD4069UBCM M14A MM74C04 MM74C14 MM74C901
    Text: O c to b e r 1987 R e v is e d J a n u a ry 1 9 9 9 S E M IC O N D U C TO R T M CD4069UBC Inverter Circuits General Description A ll in p u ts a re p ro te c te d fro m d a m a g e d u e to s ta tic d is ­ c h a rg e b y d io d e c la m p s to V DD a n d V Ss-

    OCR Scan
    CD4069UBC CD4069UB MM74C901, MM74C907, CD4049A MM74C14 MM74C914 uei 005 74LS CD4069UBCM M14A MM74C04 MM74C901 PDF


    Abstract: 74C04 4069UB 4069UB fairchild 54C04 fairchild CMOS 4000B series cmos 4069 4000B DELAY32
    Text: 4069U B/74C04/54C04 HEX INVERTER D E S C R IP TIO N - T h e 4 0 6 9 U B is a general p u rp o s e H ex In v e rte r w h ic h has s ta n d a rd F a irc h ild in p u t a n d o u tp u t c h a ra c te ris tic s . A single-stage design has been used sin ce th e o u t p u t im p e d a n c e o f a s in g le -in p u t g ate is n o t p a tte r n se n s itiv e . T h e 4 0 9 6 U B is a D ire c t R e p la c e m e n t f o r th e

    OCR Scan
    4069UB/74C04/54C04 4069UB 4096UB 74C04/54C04. 4000B 74C04 4069UB fairchild 54C04 fairchild CMOS 4000B series cmos 4069 DELAY32 PDF


    Abstract: electrometer 4069 not ca 4069 VF 14 TUBE
    Text: 4069 ELECTROMETER TUBE Subm iniature electrom eter triode for linear and logarithm ic use with a co n tro l­ led logarithm ic relationship between positive grid cu rren t and anode cu rren t. QUICK REFERENCE DATA DIMENSIONS AND CONNECTIONS Base: Subm iniature

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 4069U 4069UB BU4069UB
    Text: BU4069UB BU4069UBF Hex inverter The BU4069UB and 4069UBF consist of 6 inverters in a single package. Dimensions Units : mm BU4069B (DIP14) They are suitable for use in CMOS circuits. 19.4± 0.3 Features • available in DIP14 and SOP14 packages • low power consumption

    OCR Scan
    BU4069UB BU4069UBF 4069UBF DIP14 BU4069B DIP14) BU4069BF BU4000B BU4069UB, 4069U 4069UB PDF


    Abstract: HEF4069UBP 4069U 4069UB HEF4069 HEF4069UBT 4069ubp
    Text: HEF4069UB gates HEX INVERTER The H E F 4069U B is a general purpose hex inverter. Each o f the six inverters is a single stage. J^U^U^TJïïUiôLJïLm V dd ^ D li 06 Is 05 0^ H E F 4069U B 0, l 2 O2 I3 03 Fig. 2 Pinning diagram. H E F 4069U B P : 14-lead D IL ; plastic SOT-27 .

    OCR Scan
    HEF4069UB HEF4069U 4069U 14-lead OT-27) Z84370 F4069UB HEF4069UBP 4069UB HEF4069 HEF4069UBT 4069ubp PDF

    K 4069

    Abstract: 4069 not
    Text: ~ E L l C$Oi 4 6 5 - 2 5 O O POMONA mUmH TTT 1500 EAST NINTH STREET POMONA. CALIFORNIA 9.53 16. 00 .63) Closed E n t r y V e r t i ca 1 St a c k - u p 4 .2 2 ( . 1 6 6 ) DIA. i MODEL NO. 4069 - 30.99 ( 1 .2 2 ) MTG. PLATE COLOR Black Red 4069 - 2 . .89 (.035) .

    OCR Scan
    MIL-G-45204, K 4069 4069 not PDF

    cd4009 hex inverter ic

    Abstract: ic cd4009 CD4049 HEX INVERTER
    Text: CD4069UB Types CMOS Hex Inverter Features: High-Voitage Types 2 0 -V o lt Rating • Standardized symmetrical output characteristics T h e R C A -C D 4069U B types co nsist o f six CM OS inverter circuits. These devices are intended fo r al) general-purpose inverter

    OCR Scan
    CD4069UB 4069U CD4009 CD4049 14-lead -24440m cd4009 hex inverter ic ic cd4009 CD4049 HEX INVERTER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4069UB/74C04/54C04 HEX INVERTER D E S C R IP TIO N — The 4 0 6 9 UB is a general purpose Hex Inverter w h ic h has standard F airchild in p u t and o u tp u t characteristics. A single-stage design has been used since the o u tp u t impedance o f a single-input gate is no t patte rn sensitive. The 4 0 9 6 U B is a D irect Replacem ent fo r the

    OCR Scan
    4069UB/74C04/54C04 04/54C PDF


    Abstract: 4002B 40097B 4081B 4049B 4007UB 4069UB fairchild 40014B 40098b 4071B
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C8 4078B C7 4002B V DD s— 11 2 3 4 NC C10 4071B C9 4081B L-a^ Vdo Vo VDD -¿J UaL r^ v ss C11 C12 4049B 4069B, 40014B rf>°~ NOTE: The Flatpak versions have the same pinouts Connection D iagram as the Dual In-Line Packages.

    OCR Scan
    4002B 4081B 4069B, 40014B 4078B 4071B 4049B 4001B 4025B 4002B 4069B 40097B 4081B 4049B 4007UB 4069UB fairchild 40014B 40098b 4071B PDF


    Abstract: D4069 4049A 4069U CD4069UBC
    Text: O ctober 1987 Revised Ja nuary 1999 SEMICONDUCTOR!!^ General Description All inputs are protected from dam age due to static dis­ charge by diode clam ps to V DD and V s s- T h e C D 4069U B consists of six inverter circuits and is m an­ ufactured using co m plem entary M OS CMOS to achieve

    OCR Scan
    CD4069UBC CD4069UBC 4069U D4069UBC D4069 4049A PDF


    Abstract: 4049B TTL LOGIC 4071B 4078B 4072B 4093B Level Translators 4069UB nor schmitt mos
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C8 4078B C7 4002B V DD s — 11 2 3 4 NC Vo C10 4071B C9 4081B Vdo VDD L-a^ r^ -¿J UaL vss C12 4049B C11 4069B, 40014B rf>°~ NOTE: The Flatpak versions have the same pinouts Connection D iagram as the Dual In-Line Packages.

    OCR Scan
    4002B 4081B 4069B, 40014B 4078B 4071B 4049B 4049B 4050B 40098B 4069B TTL LOGIC 4071B 4078B 4072B 4093B Level Translators 4069UB nor schmitt mos PDF


    Abstract: 4071B 40014B 4069UB 14 pins 4049B 4073B 4078B 4082B 4072B cd 40938
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C8 4078B C7 4002B V DD s — 11 2 3 4 NC Vo C10 4071B C9 4081B Vdo V DD L-a^ r^ -¿J UaL vss C12 4049B C11 4069B, 40014B rf> ° ~ NOTE: The Flatpak versions have the same pinouts Connection Diagram as the Dual In-Line Packages.

    OCR Scan
    4002B 4081B 4069B, 40014B 4078B 4071B 4049B 4583B 4049B 4069B 4071B 40014B 4069UB 14 pins 4073B 4078B 4082B 4072B cd 40938 PDF

    schematic diagram dc inverter

    Abstract: 4069UB 74C04 CI 4069 4049UB SCL4069UB 4009UB 4449UB cmos 4069
    Text: SOLID ^ STATE SCIENTIFIC SCL4069UB 883/4069UB CMOS HEX INVERTER FE A T U R E S ♦ ♦ ♦ Fully "B"-Series Com patible Diode Protection on all Inputs Pin Com patible w ith 74C 04 C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M a ll packages V DD 6 A I 1 D E S C R IP T IO N

    OCR Scan
    SCL4069UB 883/4069UB 74C04 4069UB 4009UB 4049UB 4049UB, 4449UB schematic diagram dc inverter 74C04 CI 4069 cmos 4069 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Interconnection Systems Selection Guide 82750 Revised 7-95 Terminals and Splices Machine Applied Terminations, Open Barrel Rings, Spades, Pins, Receptacles, Splices, Tabs Machine Applied Terminations, Open Barrel (Rings, Spades, Pins, Receptacles, Splices,

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 4069 4069 B 4069 not subminiature tubes J959
    Text: PHILIPS Subminiature ELECTROHETERTRIODE for linear and logarithmic use with a controlled logarithmic relationship between positive grid current and anode current, and a grid current of 2 x 10 15 A TRIODE ELECTROMETRE subminiature pour utilisation linéaire

    OCR Scan

    HF 4069

    Abstract: 7Z00 mc 4069 W1A 95 2X200 I960 wow300 amplificateur BF philips 4068 QEL 150
    Text: PHILIPS QEL 2/250 £d > c V.H.F./U.H.F. TETRODE for use as H.F. amplifier, oscillator, frequency-multiplier and modulator at frequencies up to 500 Mc/s TETRODE V.H.F./U.H.F. pour utilisation en amplificatrice et oscillatrice H.F., multiplicatrice de fréquence et

    OCR Scan
    2x100 2x250 2x130 7R51525 7Z00169 7Z00170 2000Va HF 4069 7Z00 mc 4069 W1A 95 2X200 I960 wow300 amplificateur BF philips 4068 QEL 150 PDF


    Abstract: AY-3-8515 AY-3-8710 ASTEC RF modulator AY-3-8760 AY-3-8550 ay-3-8700 um 1082 AY-3-8500-1 ay 3-8710

    OCR Scan
    AY-3-8610 AY-3-8610-1 AY-3-8615 AY-3-8710 AY-3-8710-1 B2-11 AY-3-8500 AY-3-8515 ASTEC RF modulator AY-3-8760 AY-3-8550 ay-3-8700 um 1082 AY-3-8500-1 ay 3-8710 PDF


    Abstract: APPLICATION NOTES CD 7474 IC bit-slice TGC119 TGC100 IPF 830 RC02X ci 7432 ttl DTN20 tsg 271
    Text: TGC100 Series 1-|im CMOS Gate Arrays RELEASE 4.0. REVISED SEPTEMBER 1991 14 Arrays with up to 26K Available Gates C E LL C O LU M N Fast Prototype Turnaround Time W IR IN G C H A N N E L Extensive Design Support -Design Libraries Compatible With Valid,u and Mentor CAE Systems

    OCR Scan
    TGC100 16-mA Slnk/12-mA 0221l APPLICATION NOTES CD 7474 IC bit-slice TGC119 IPF 830 RC02X ci 7432 ttl DTN20 tsg 271 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Banana Films And lacks Reliable Connections Every Time. The Pomona name on Banana Plugs and Jacks is your assurance of quality' components for connecting test acces­ sories or making your own test sets. Proven designs that Pomona M o d e l M O P D o u b le B a n a n a P lu g

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