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    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: KSC2753
    Text: KSC2753 KSC2753 Low Noise Amplifier for VHF/UHF • High Current Gain Bandwidth Product : fT=5GHz • NF=1.5dB, lS21el2 = 16dB at f=500MHz • NF=1.7dB, lS21el2 = 10.5dB at f=1000MHz TO-92 1 1. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor

    KSC2753 lS21el2 500MHz 1000MHz lS21el2 KSC2753 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KSC2753 KSC2753 Low Noise Amplifier for Vhf/uhf • High Current Gain Bandwidth Product : fT=5GHz • NF=1.5dB, lS21el2 = 16dB at f=500MHz • NF=1.7dB, lS21el2 = 10.5dB at f=1000MHz TO-92 1 1. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor

    KSC2753 lS21el2 500MHz 1000MHz KSC2753 PDF


    Abstract: TA4032FT TB7602TU MT4S300T MT4S300U MT4S301T TA4029TU SOT-24 MT4S300 RFM12U7X
    Text: 製品カタログ 2011-1 東芝半導体 製品カタログ 高周波用半導体デバイス SEMICONDUCTOR h t t p : / / w w w . s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o . j p / C O N T E N T S 1 アプリケーション別推奨製品 .3~8

    BCJ0003G BCJ0003F TA4029CTC TA4032FT TB7602TU MT4S300T MT4S300U MT4S301T TA4029TU SOT-24 MT4S300 RFM12U7X PDF


    Abstract: 1SV283B 1SV271 2SK1875 2sk3476 1SV128 1SV307 1SV308 DCS1800 IMT-2000
    Text: 製品カタログ 2009-9 東芝半導体 製品カタログ 高周波用半導体デバイス SEMICONDUCTOR h t t p : / / w w w. s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o . j p / 高周波用半導体デバイス 当社半導体製品につきましては格別のお引き立てを賜わり誠にありがとうございます。

    BCJ0003F BCJ0003E JDV2S31CT 1SV283B 1SV271 2SK1875 2sk3476 1SV128 1SV307 1SV308 DCS1800 IMT-2000 PDF


    Abstract: toshiba transistors catalog 2sk3476 UHF/VHF IC transceiver 2SK403 microwave Duplexer Am tuning varicap Wideband MMIC VCO covers 8 GHz to 12.5 GHz 2Sk3656 microwave transceiver 3.54 GHz
    Text: 2009-9 PRODUCT GUIDE Radio-Frequency Semiconductors SEMICONDUCTOR Radio-Frequency Semiconductor Devices Thank you for using Toshiba’s semiconductor devices. As you know, semiconductor products are widely used in both home and industrial applications. This catalog covers transistors,

    BCE0003E 2sc5108 toshiba transistors catalog 2sk3476 UHF/VHF IC transceiver 2SK403 microwave Duplexer Am tuning varicap Wideband MMIC VCO covers 8 GHz to 12.5 GHz 2Sk3656 microwave transceiver 3.54 GHz PDF

    sot23 1303

    Abstract: IC 3263 NPN bipolar junction transistors max hfe 2000 1272 hybrid 1303 SOT23 MA4T324335
    Text: Bipolar High fT Low Voltage NPN Silicon Transistors MA4T3243 Series V3.00 Case Styles Features ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Designed for 3-5 Volt Operation Useable to 6 GHz in Oscillators Useable for Low Noise, Low Voltage Driver Amplifiers Through 3 GHz Useful for Class C Amplifiers

    MA4T3243 OT-23 MA4T324335 sot23 1303 IC 3263 NPN bipolar junction transistors max hfe 2000 1272 hybrid 1303 SOT23 MA4T324335 PDF

    3sk catalog

    Abstract: TE85L Toshiba
    Text: Semiconductor Catalog 2012-1 Radio-Frequency Semiconductors SEMICONDUCTOR & STORAGE PRODUCTS C O N T E N T S 1 Recommended Products by Application . 3 to 7 1.1 Cell Phones 1.2 TV Tuners 1.3 Low-Power Radios FRS/GMRS

    BCE0003H 3sk catalog TE85L Toshiba PDF

    sec 2sc5088

    Abstract: samsung UHF/VHF TV Tuner 2SC5066 datasheet RF Bipolar Transistor transistor 2SC5066 2SC5088 SEC MT6L04AE MT4S200T AU82 MT6L63FS
    Text: 2007-9 PRODUCT GUIDE Radio-Frequency Semiconductors Radio-Frequency Semiconductor Devices Thank you for using Toshiba’s semiconductor devices. As you know, semiconductor products are widely used in both home and industrial applications. This catalog covers transistors, diodes and

    BCE0003D S-167 BCE0003E sec 2sc5088 samsung UHF/VHF TV Tuner 2SC5066 datasheet RF Bipolar Transistor transistor 2SC5066 2SC5088 SEC MT6L04AE MT4S200T AU82 MT6L63FS PDF


    Abstract: TA4032FT MT3S111TU JAPANESE 2SC TRANSISTOR 2010 MT4S301T TA4029CTC TB7602CTC MT3S111P JAPANESE TRANSISTOR 2SC 2010 2sk3476
    Text: 2011-1 PRODUCT GUIDE Radio-Frequency Semiconductors SEMICONDUCTOR h t t p : / / w w w . s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o . j p / e n g C O N T E N T S 1 Recommended Products by Application . 3 to 8 1.1 Cell Phones 1.2 TV Tuners 1.3 FRS/GMRS 1.4 Cordless Phones


    7415 ic pin details

    Abstract: d 5287 transistor C10535E NE52118 NE52118-T1 nec 2562 k 232
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: tc94a92fg TC94A93MFG TC90105FG TB2915 TC90104FG tc94A96mfg TB9061FNG TC94A93 tb2929
    Text: システムカタログ 2010-3 システムカタログ 車載ソリューション h t t p : / / w w w. s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o . j p / 情報・エンターテインメント Information & Entertainment クルマの未来を変える東芝の先進半導体テクノロジー

    SCJ0023E SCJ0023D TB2926 tc94a92fg TC94A93MFG TC90105FG TB2915 TC90104FG tc94A96mfg TB9061FNG TC94A93 tb2929 PDF

    7415 ic pin details

    Abstract: C10535E NE52118 NE52118-T1
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET GaAs HETEROJUNCTION BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR NE52118 L to S BAND LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER NPN GaAs HBT FEATURES • For Low Noise & High Gain amplifiers NF = 1.0 dB TYP. Ga = 15.0 dB TYP. MSG = 15.0 dB TYP. @f = 2 GHz, VCE = 2 V, IC = 3 mA, ZS = ZL = 50 Ω

    NE52118 NE52118-T1 7415 ic pin details C10535E NE52118 NE52118-T1 PDF

    2SK3075 equivalent

    Abstract: 10 ghz transistor 2SK3078 MT3S04T 2SC5066 MT6P03AE MT6P06E 3SK320 24lu1 transistor 2SC5066
    Text: High-Frequency Devices for Mobile Communications PRODUCT GUIDE 800 MHz Band Analog and Digital Cellular High-Frequency Block Diagram Ant. RF Amp Mixer RX IF detection Prescaler VCO 1 900 MHz Buff Amp Buff Amp OSC (1) Tuning DUP Prescaler Buff Amp VCO (2) 100 MHz

    2SC5065 2SC5085 2SC5090 2SC5095 MT3S06U MT3S07U 2SC5066 2SC5086 2SC5091 2SC5096 2SK3075 equivalent 10 ghz transistor 2SK3078 MT3S04T 2SC5066 MT6P03AE MT6P06E 3SK320 24lu1 transistor 2SC5066 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4404
    Text: Ordering number : EN 2757 No.2757 ;_ 2 S C 4 4 0 4 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor S A N Y O ] UH F Local Oscillator, Wide-Band Amplifier Applications A pplications • UHF OSC, wide band amplifiers F eatu res • High cutoff frequency fr=5.0G H z typ

    OCR Scan
    2SC4404-applied 2SC3774 2SC4404 PDF


    Abstract: D1279 Siemens 1414 D1275 germanium Germanium drift transistor diode a811 Siemens Halbleiter germanium transistor legiert
    Text: Table of Contents Selection Guide Ordering Codes Inhaltsverzeichnis Typeniibersicht Bestellnummern Scope of Applications Technical Information Quality Specifications Einsatzhinweise Technische Angaben Qualitatsangaben Package Outlines Mounting Instructions

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Specifications an A M P company 3 Volt, Low Noise High fT Silicon Transistor MA4T6310 Series V 2 .00 Features • • • • • SOT-23 1.5 dB Noise Figure at 0.5 mA 13 dB Gain at 1 GHz 14 GHz fT Low Cost Plastic Package Available on Tape and Reel

    OCR Scan
    MA4T6310 OT-23 TRANSISTOR K 1507 PDF

    ic 2754

    Abstract: 2SC4364 2SC4401 5P J TRANSISTOR MARKING Marking TRANSISTOR 777
    Text: Ordering number:EN 2754 _ 2 S C 4 4 1 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor VHF/UHF Mixer, Local Oscillator, Low-Voltage Amp Applications Applications • VHF/UHF MIX70SC, low-voltage high-frequency amplifiers Features 3.0GHz typ V ce = 3V

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2SC3775 2SC4405
    Text: Ordering number:EN 2758 No.2758 i 2SC4405 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor SAh YO i UHF, Low-Noise, W ide-Band A m plifier A pplications Applications •UHF, low-noise amplifiers, wide-band amplifiers Features fr=5.0GHz typ • High cutoff frequency

    OCR Scan
    2SC4405 2SC4405-applied EN2758 2SC3775 2SC4405 PDF

    ac 0624 transistor 17-33

    Abstract: uc 1604 0166 415 04 1 060 transistor cq 529
    Text: BFP 193 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low-noise, high-gain amplifiers up to 2 GHz • For linear broadband amplifiers. • f j = 8 GHz. F = 1.2 dB at 800 MHz. ESD : Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions! Type Marking Ordering code

    OCR Scan
    F1217 OT-143 ac 0624 transistor 17-33 uc 1604 0166 415 04 1 060 transistor cq 529 PDF


    Abstract: S121 transistor 2S D 716 marking BS
    Text: O rd e rin g n u m b e r: EN 2972 _ 2 S A 1 6 6 9 PNP Epitaxial P lanar Silicon Transistor High-Frequency Amp Applications F e a tu re s •High cutoff frequency : fx = 3.0GHz typ ■High power gain : MAG= 11 dB typ f=0.9GHz ■Small noise figure

    OCR Scan
    2SA1669 2SA1669 S121 transistor 2S D 716 marking BS PDF

    sma MARKING mp

    Abstract: 2SC4365 2SC4402 EN2755
    Text: Ordering number : EN 2755 2SC4402 N o.2755 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor sa m y o i VHF/UHF Mixer, Local Oscillator, Low-Voltage Amp Applications Applications • VHF/UHF MIX/OSC, low-voltage high-frequency amplifiers Features • Low-voltage operation

    OCR Scan
    2SC4402-applied sma MARKING mp 2SC4365 2SC4402 EN2755 PDF

    sot23 a4p

    Abstract: transistorS 812 JANTX2N2857 7104F MA4P275S ma4cp104A ODS-1091 MA4CP101B MA4E2503L MA4CS102B
    Text: SMQ High Volume Standard PIN Switching Diodes Model Num ber Case S tyle M A4P1250 M A4P1450 1072 1091 V oltage Rating Volts lR = 10 h A 50 50 M axim um C apacitance (PF) 1 = 1 MHz VR = 50 V 1.2 2.5 M inim um C a rrier Lifetim e <^s) M axim um R e sistance

    OCR Scan
    A4P1250 A4P1450 MA4P4001 A4P4002F A4P4006F A4P4301F A4P4302F A4P4306F 7001F A4P7002F sot23 a4p transistorS 812 JANTX2N2857 7104F MA4P275S ma4cp104A ODS-1091 MA4CP101B MA4E2503L MA4CS102B PDF