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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7503 Multi-Function PCM C O D E C GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM7503 is a high performance, low power CODEC LSI device integrating a 2-wire time division transmission ping-pong transmission interface function and has a basic function of

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    MSM7503 MSM7503 MSM7502. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 531001B 131,072-Word x 8-Bit Mask ROM DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM531001B is a high-speed silicon gate CMOS Mask ROM with 131,072-word x 8-bit capacity. The MSM531001B operates on a single 5.0 V power supply and is TTL compatible. The chips asynchro­

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    MSM531001B 072-Word MSM531001B L7E4E40 PDF


    Abstract: 58-130-05
    Text: OKI electronic com ponents KGF1203 _ Balanced Mixer for UHF-Band and P C S Frequencies GENERAL DESCRIPTION The KGF1203, designed for UHF band up-converters, is a balanced-mixer IC that features high conversion gain, high local isolation, low voltage, and low current dissipation. Single-ended

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7583 jt/4 Shift QPSK MODEM G EN ERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM7583 is a CMOS IC for the Jt/4 shift QPSK m odem developed for the digital cordless telephone systems. The device, w hich contains one system of m odulator and tw o systems of dem odulater, is

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    MSM7583 MSM7583 b724E40 PDF


    Abstract: MSM511002A-70
    Text: 5ÔE D • b?242MÜ D0127fl3 113 H O K I J O K I O K I M S M s e m SEMI CONDUCTOR ic o n d u c t o r ÊROUP ~ T * ' ~ U - 2 3 - i 5 ' 5 1 1 0 0 2 A _ 1,048,576-WORD X 1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM511002A is a new generation dynamic RAM organized as 1,048,576 words x 1 bit. The

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    242MG MSM511002A_ 576-WORD MSM511002A TRANSISTOR AH-10 MSM511002A-70 PDF

    4424 ym

    Abstract: oki voice synthesizer msm6375 tba 2929 07FFD 20191 MSM505 MSM6376 KF-38S4 MSM6374-006 MSM6373-329
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 6375/4/3/2-X X X 1 M -b it/5 1 2 K -b it/2 5 6 K -b it/1 2 8 K -b it M A S K R O M SPEECH SY N TH E S IZ E R G ENER AL D ES C R IP TIO N T he M SM 6375 series is a n A D PC M speech sy n th esis LSI u tilizin g a C M O S sp eech p ro ­

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    MSM6375/4/3/2-XXX 1M-bit/512K-bit/256K-bit/128K-bit MSM6375 12-bit MSM6376 MSM637X b7E42m: 001b310 4424 ym oki voice synthesizer msm6375 tba 2929 07FFD 20191 MSM505 KF-38S4 MSM6374-006 MSM6373-329 PDF


    Abstract: msc23432
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSC23432-xxBS8/DS8 ts¥@D0M0in irf 4,194,304-Word by 32-Bit Dynamic RAM Module: Fast Page Mode D E SC R IP TIO N The OKI M SC 23432-xxB S8/D S8 is a fully decoded 4,194,304-w ord x 32-bit CM OS D ynam ic Random Access Memory Module composed of eight 16-Mb D RAM s in SOJ M SM5117400) packages m ounted with

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    MSC23432-XXBS8/DS8 304-Word 32-Bit MSC23432-xxBS8/DS8 16-Mb MSM5117400) 72-pin MSM5117400 msc23432 PDF


    Abstract: MSM27C822ZB
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C832ZB 524,288-Word x 16-Bit or 1,048,576-Word x 8-Bit Low-Voltage One Time PROM D E S C R IP TIO N The MSM27C832ZB is an 8 Mb electrically Program m able Read-O nly M em ory w hose configuration can be electrically sw itched betw een 524,288 w o rd s x 16 bits an d 1,048,576 w o rd s x 8 bits. It operates on a sin­

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    MSM27C832ZB 288-Word 16-Bit 576-Word MSM27C832ZB 42-pin 44-pin MSM27C822ZB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 5 1 V 1 7 8 5 A 2,097,152-Word x 8-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE WITH EDO DESCRIPTION The MSM51V17805A is a 2,097,152-word x 8-bit dynam ic R A M fabricated in O K I's C M O S silicon gate technology. The MSM51V17805A achieves high integration, high-speed operation, and lowpow er consum ption due to quadruple polysilicon double m etal C M O S. The MSM51V17805A is

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    MSM51V17805A 152-Word MSM51V17805A 28-pin cycles/32 PDF

    SIGMA as 226

    Abstract: MSM7540 MSM7540GS MSM7560 MSM7560GS One-chip telephone IC
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7540 / MSM7560 5V Single-Rail ADPCM/PCM CODECs D E S C R IP TIO N The MSM 7540 and M SM 7560 are single-rail, low-voltage, full-duplex ADPCM CODECs which perform voice digitization using presampling and reconstruction filters for transm it and receive operation in PCM

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    MSM7540 MSM7560 MSM7560 MSM7540 b72ME4D L724E40 SIGMA as 226 MSM7540GS MSM7560GS One-chip telephone IC PDF


    Abstract: MSM6927RS MSM6947RS power line carrier communication dc MSM6927 MSM6927GS-2K MSM6927GS-K MSM6947 MSM6947GS-K DE2024
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6927/6947 1200 bps Single Chip FSK MODEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION TheMSM6927 and theMSM6947areOki's 1200bpssingle chipmodem series which transmitand receive serial, binary data over a switched telephone network using frequency shift keyed FSK

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    MSM6927 MSM6947 TheMSM6927 theMSM6947areOki 1200bpssingle MSM6947 MSM6927/6947 M6927 MSM6927RS MSM6947RS power line carrier communication dc MSM6927GS-2K MSM6927GS-K MSM6947GS-K DE2024 PDF

    LM 2940 OCT

    Abstract: lm 3415 1470 LM oki lcd driver msm5259 abb variable frequency drive wiring diagram COM16 MSM5259 MSM6562B-XX
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6562B-XX DOT MATRIX LCD CONTROLLER WITH 16 DOT COMMON DRIVER AND 100 DOT SEGMENT DRIVER G EN ERA L DESCRIPTION The MSM6562B-xx controls a character type dot m atrix L C D in com bination w ith an 8 -bit or 4bit m icrocontroller. The MSM6562B-xx can control a display of up to 40 characters. W ith the disp lay data serial

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    MSM6562B-XX MSM6562B-xx MSM6562B-xx, MSM5259) lin-3415 LM 2940 OCT lm 3415 1470 LM oki lcd driver msm5259 abb variable frequency drive wiring diagram COM16 MSM5259 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6810/6811/6812/6813 Single Chip CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6810/6811 /6812/6813 are a single-channel CODEC CMOS ICs containing filters for A / D and D /A converting of the voice signal ranging from 300 Hz to 3400 Hz. FEATURES • Compliance with ITU-T com panding Law

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    MSM6810/6811/6812/6813 MSM6810/6811 MSM6810/MSM6812: MSM6811 /MSM6813 MSM6810/MSM6811 MSM6812/MSM6813 MSM6812/MSM6813 b7E4E40 00E13b2 PDF

    lg crt monitor circuit diagram

    Abstract: MSM7502 MSM7503 MSM7503GS-BK RM01 24P40
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7503 Multi-Function PCM CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM7503 is a high performance, low pow er CODEC LSI device integrating a 2-wire time division transm ission ping-pong transmission interface function and has a basic function of

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    MSM7503 MSM7503 MSM7502. lg crt monitor circuit diagram MSM7502 MSM7503GS-BK RM01 24P40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E2L0056-28-91 O K I S em iconductor M S82V16 5 2 0 262,144-Word x 32-Bit x 2 -B a n k Synch ro nous G raph ics R A M D E S C R IP T IO N The MS82V16520 is a synchronous graphics random access memory organized as 256 K w ords x 32 bits x 2 banks. This device can operate up to 166 MHz by using synchronous interface. In addition, it has 8-column

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    E2L0056-28-91 S82V16 144-Word 32-Bit MS82V16520 b72424D MS82V16520 002750b S82V PDF