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    L-BAND KLYSTRON Search Results

    L-BAND KLYSTRON Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TLC32044IFK Rochester Electronics LLC TLC32044 - Voice-Band Analog Interface Circuits Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    TLC32044MFK/B Rochester Electronics LLC TLC32044 - Voice-Band Analog Interface Circuits Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    TLC32044IN Rochester Electronics LLC TLC32044 - Voice-Band Analog Interface Circuits Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    TLC32044EFN Rochester Electronics LLC TLC32044 - Voice-Band Analog Interface Circuits Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    F6102NTGK Renesas Electronics Corporation Ka-Band SATCOM Receive SiGe IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    L-BAND KLYSTRON Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SapphireBluTM Class Solid State GaN Technology 2,500W Ku-Band Hubmount UltraLinearTM Modular SSPA/ SSPB SSPA SSPB BUC AWMAg-K SSPBMg-K 7000-SapphireBluTM series 7000-SapphireBluTM series THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION FOR DIRECT TO HOME TV Save 8 to 10 dB power compared to Indoor Klystron

    7000-SapphireBluTM PB-SAPPH-Ku-2500-13220 PDF


    Abstract: s band klystron 10 GHz klystron VA Thales 2157 th391 th 2067.3 2173F s band klystron 45 MW klystron s band klystron th
    Text: SCIENCE INDUSTRIAL ACCELERATORS The best RF solution for industrial processing HIGH PERFORMANCE, HIGH RELIABILITY, EASY TO USE T hales Electron Devices’ to meet customers’ changing klystrons and grid tubes requirements and provide the exact for industrial accelerators reflect


    ku-band buc

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SapphireBluTM Class GaN Technology 600W Ku-Band Hubmount UltraLinearTM SSPA/ SSPB SSPA SSPB BUC AWMAg-K SSPBMg-K 4200-SapphireBluTM series 4200-SapphireBluTM series H rugged, weatherproof package U LinearTM, designed for Multi Carrier Operations H P G NT

    4200-SapphireBluTM PB-SAPPH-Ku-600-01-13220 ku-band buc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SapphireBluTM Class GaN Technology 1,250W Ku-Band Hubmount UltraLinearTM SSPA/ SSPB SSPA SSPB BUC AWMAg-K SSPBMg-K 5200-SapphireBluTM series 5200-SapphireBluTM series H rugged, weatherproof package U LinearTM, designed for Multi Carrier Operations H P G NT

    5200-SapphireBluTM PB-SAPPH-Ku-1250-13220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SapphireBluTM Class GaN Technology 600W Ku-Band Rackmount UltraLinearTM SSPA/ SSPB SSPA SSPB BUC ARMAg-K ARMUg-K SapphireBluTM series SapphireBluTM series H indoor package U LinearTM, designed for Multi Carrier Operations H P G NT SSPA Indoor design concept

    PB-SAPPH-Ku-Rack-600-01-13220 PDF

    reflex klystron

    Abstract: reflex klystrons klystron Klystrons reflex klystron UG-39U UG-39 1k015xa Scans-0017343
    Text: 1K015XG e i t e l -M c C SAN u l l o u g h BRUNO, , KLYSTRO NS i nc • CALIFORNIA X-BAND O S C IL L A T O R S The E I M A C IK 0 I5 X A and IK 0 I5 X G are ruggedized, integral-cavity, X- band, reflex klystrons intended for local oscillator service under conditions of

    OCR Scan
    1K015XG 1K015XA 1K015XG reflex klystron reflex klystrons klystron Klystrons reflex klystron UG-39U UG-39 Scans-0017343 PDF

    schematic diagram water level control

    Abstract: circuit schematic level water klystron two cavity klystron 3K50 klystron tubes circuit schematic water under the ground 500 watts amplifier schematic diagram la5316 klystron cooling
    Text: TEN T A TIV E DATA 3K50,000LA 3K50,000LF 3K50,000LK E IT E L - M c C U L L O U G H , S A N B R U N O , KLYSTRONS I nc • C A L I F O R N I A L-BAND AMPLIFIERS The Eim ac 3K50.000LA, 3K50.000LF and 3K50.000LK klystrons are three cavity, m agnetically focused power am plifiers intended prim arily for U H F

    OCR Scan
    000LA 000LF 000LK 000LA, 000LK 470-BY 000LA schematic diagram water level control circuit schematic level water klystron two cavity klystron 3K50 klystron tubes circuit schematic water under the ground 500 watts amplifier schematic diagram la5316 klystron cooling PDF

    reflex klystron

    Abstract: cavity resonator application of reflex klystron BENDIX reflex klystron klystron vacuum tube bendix flexible waveguide UG-596 rs tube 5 cavity klystron
    Text: File C a ta lo g: Electron Tube Products Section: M icrow ave Tubes TypeTK-60 REFLEX KLYSTRON M E C H A N IC A L L Y TUNED DESCRIPTION The Bendix Type T K -6 0 reflex klystron is a ru gge dized, low voltage, m echanically tuned K-band reflex oscillator

    OCR Scan
    TypeTK-60 TK-60 reflex klystron cavity resonator application of reflex klystron BENDIX reflex klystron klystron vacuum tube bendix flexible waveguide UG-596 rs tube 5 cavity klystron PDF


    Abstract: application of klystron klystron amplifier dimensions of a klystron 5 cavity klystron
    Text: TEN TA TIVE D A T A 5K210.000LQ EITEL-McCULLOUGH, INC. S A N C A R L O S , C A L I F O R N I A POWER-AMPLIFIER L-BAND KLYSTRON The Eimac 5K210,000LQ is a h ig h -g ain , pow er-am plifier klystron designed for w id e-b an d , tro p o s p h e ric -s c a tte r, com m unications se r­

    OCR Scan
    5K210 000LQ 000LQ. klystron application of klystron klystron amplifier dimensions of a klystron 5 cavity klystron PDF


    Abstract: klystron amplifier Klystron tube 5 cavity klystron h141 Eimac vacuum tube amplifier 4KM50
    Text: TENTATIVE D A T A ElTEL-McCULLOUGH, INC. S A N C A R L O S , C A L I F O R N I A 4KM50,000LR PO W ER-AM PLIFIER L-BAND KLYSTRON The Eimac 4 K M 5 0 ,0 0 0 L R is a fo u r - c a v it y , m ag n etic ally fo c u s e d , pow er-am p lifier k lystron d esig n ed for u se at fre q u e n c ie s betw een 755

    OCR Scan
    4KM50 000LR 000LR 4KM50 H-141 klystron klystron amplifier Klystron tube 5 cavity klystron h141 Eimac vacuum tube amplifier PDF


    Abstract: two cavity klystron applications of two cavity klystron klystron tubes applications for two cavity klystron Klystron tube klystron amplifier F-452 MC201 vacuum tube amplifier
    Text: TENTATIVE DATA 4KM50,000LA3 EITEL-McCULLOUGH, INC. S A N C A R L O S , C A L I F O R N I A PO W ER-AM PLIFIER L-BAND KLYSTRON The Eimac 4KM50,000LA3 is a f o u r - c a v i t y , m a g n e t ic a ll y f o c u s e d , p o w e r - a m p lif ie r k l y s t r o n d e s ig n e d for u s e a t f r e q u e n c ie s from 400 to

    OCR Scan
    4KM50 000LA3 000LA3 MC-201. MC-239 MC-240 MC-241 LC-316 MC-257 klystron two cavity klystron applications of two cavity klystron klystron tubes applications for two cavity klystron Klystron tube klystron amplifier F-452 MC201 vacuum tube amplifier PDF

    reflex klystron

    Abstract: klystron bendix MICA WAFER application of reflex klystron BENDIX reflex klystron vacuum tube bendix SRV-38 Klystron tube Ka band klystron
    Text: File Catalog: Electron Tube Products Section: Microwave Tubes Type TK-53 Retrofit for Type SRV-38 REFLEX KLYSTRON (M E C H A N IC A L L Y TU N ED ) DESCRIPTION The B en d ix Typ e T K -5 3 is a ru g g e d ize d , low v o ltag e , me­ ch a n ic a lly tuned K a band reflex oscillator d esigned fo r use as a

    OCR Scan
    TK-53 TK-53 SRV-38) reflex klystron klystron bendix MICA WAFER application of reflex klystron BENDIX reflex klystron vacuum tube bendix SRV-38 Klystron tube Ka band klystron PDF

    reflex klystron

    Abstract: BENDIX reflex klystron klystron application of reflex klystron BENDIX ADE 352 Klystrons reflex klystron Klystron tube flexible waveguide vacuum tube bendix
    Text: File Catalog: Electron Tube Products Section: Microwave Tubes Type TK-78 G e n e ric Type SRV -38 REFLEX KLYSTRON (M E C H A N IC A L L Y TU N ED ) DESCRIPTION The B en d ix Type T K -7 8 is a ru g g e d ize d , low vo ltag e , me­ ch a n ic a lly tuned Ka band reflex o scilla to r d esigned fo r use as a

    OCR Scan
    TK-78 SRV-38) TK-78 reflex klystron BENDIX reflex klystron klystron application of reflex klystron BENDIX ADE 352 Klystrons reflex klystron Klystron tube flexible waveguide vacuum tube bendix PDF


    Abstract: K302 klystron s band klystron 75IB max285 valve electronic company marconi company klystron s band marconi
    Text: K 302/JANUARY 1959 arcani Klystron Type K 302 PIN No. 1-22 1. 2. C O N N EC T IO N S BLANK HEATER BLANK BLANK R ESO N A T O R BLANK HEATER & CATHODE BLANK REFLECTO R M ARCO NI’S W IRELESS TELEGRAPH COM PANY LIMITED Chelmsford, Essex, England. Telephone: Chelmsford 3221. Telex: 1953. Telegrams: Expanse Chelmsford Telex

    OCR Scan
    302/JANUAR O-147 I-75Ib. O-794 at350v K302 klystron s band klystron 75IB max285 valve electronic company marconi company klystron s band marconi PDF

    2K25 Reflex klystron

    Abstract: klystron 2k25 klystron mount reflex klystron 2K25 Reflex klystron of Philips klystron reflex 2K25 klystron two cavity klystron klystron
    Text: PHILIPS REFLEX KLYSTRON with a frequency range of 6500 - 9660 ilc/'s KLYSTRON REFLEX avec une gamme de fréquence de 8500-9660 ilc/ê REFLEXKLY5TR0:; mit einem Frequenzbercich von 8500-9660 LHz Heating : indirect “by A.C. or D.O. parallel supply Chauffage: indirect par C.A. ou C.C.

    OCR Scan
    7R51218 7R51219 2K25-723A/B 9370Mc/s 2K25 Reflex klystron klystron 2k25 klystron mount reflex klystron 2K25 Reflex klystron of Philips klystron reflex 2K25 klystron two cavity klystron klystron PDF

    2K25 jan

    Abstract: 2K25 jan 2k25 klystron A9370
    Text: /C °i C -üriA j A 'f MIL-E-1/9S2E 3 SUPERSEDING Q <r\ / ' M I L - E - 1/9 8 2A 14 July 1970 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SHEET ELECTRON TUBE, KLYSTRONTYPE 2K25 This specification is approved for use bv all Depart­ ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.

    OCR Scan

    LA 4262

    Abstract: klystron klystron S-band tube cathodique PHILIPS tube cathodique culot
    Text: PHILIPS 55334 MULTIREFLEX KLYSTRON for use as frequency modulated output tube In-relay applications at a fixed frequency in the S band. The power output is minimum 10 watts at a tube efficiency of about 15 % KLYSTRON À PLUSIEURS RÉFLEXIONS jour utilisation comme tute

    OCR Scan

    klystron mount

    Abstract: klystron reflex klystron tk 69 BENDIX reflex klystron ir tk 69 TK-69 BENDIX klystron reflex Bendix 6116
    Text: File Catalo g : Electron Tube Products Section: M icrow ave Tubes Type TK-68 Tentative Data REFLEX KLYSTRON (THERMALLY TUNED) DESCRIPTION The Bendix Type TK-68 Tube is a therm ally tuned C band reflex oscillator. It is of the same rugqedized construction as the Bendix 6 1 1 6 /T K -6 2 The tube is designecKfor use as a C W power source, over the frequency

    OCR Scan
    TK-68 TK-68 6116/TK-62 Er/50% klystron mount klystron reflex klystron tk 69 BENDIX reflex klystron ir tk 69 TK-69 BENDIX klystron reflex Bendix 6116 PDF

    TUNER UV915E

    Abstract: UV916E U943C UV816 UV915E UV617 UV618 54175 OFWG3254 BF970
    Text: TELEVISION TUNERS C O A X IA L A E R IA L INPUT ASSEMBLIES page Selection guides V H F /U H F television tu n e rs . V H F /U H F television fro n t e n d s .

    OCR Scan
    LCD01 TUNER UV915E UV916E U943C UV816 UV915E UV617 UV618 54175 OFWG3254 BF970 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w h ew lett WLish 'KMPA CK A RD General Purpose: Narrowband Power Amplifier and C A R S Band Preamplifiers Features AWP Series 3.7 to 11.7 GHz. • High Reliability • Energy Efficiency • FC C Type Accepted • High Channel Loading Capacity • Easy to Install

    OCR Scan
    AWP-64107 AWP-71107 AWP-77107 AWP-83107 P-117107 AWP-117109 AWP-132200 PDF

    reflex klystron

    Abstract: klystron reflex klystron Philips electronic tube handbook Reflex klystron of Philips ac 2092 Synton
    Text: PHILIPS Forced air cooled, mechanically tunable REFLEX KLYSTRON for use as oscillator in. the 31000 to 56000 Mc/s frequency hand, capable of delivering an output power of more than 100 ml* in the ^middle of the band. KLYSTRON RÉFLEX à refroidissement par air forcé et à réglage

    OCR Scan

    m1305 transistor

    Abstract: w431 MRF1421C Diode LT 4104 NJT1946A 7082a NJT1949 magnetron 2j42 MSF1422B magnetron 5kw

    OCR Scan
    NJMOP-07 NJM318 NJM741 NJM2107F NJM2130 NJM425# NJM5534 NJM353 NJM1458 NJM2041 m1305 transistor w431 MRF1421C Diode LT 4104 NJT1946A 7082a NJT1949 magnetron 2j42 MSF1422B magnetron 5kw PDF

    varian klystron

    Abstract: UG-573 varian klystron x 13 RCA-884 klystron s band klystron S-band klystron klystron varian varian flange WR284 tl358
    Text: - ouæzo - •* ' *■ - t*-»' c '<?> V •> Electronic Components J - - T -. ' ' f :A . ■ 1' • ; w Klystron ^ X : ; ; v: 8840 1 v ’ 3 6 ^-4,. S-Band High Power Klystron Pulse Amplifier Service Factory Fixed Tuned Water Cooled 28 Megawatts Peak Pulse Output

    OCR Scan
    RCA-8840 AN-4737 1CE-279 IEN-3606 AJ2117V2, TL3584 TL3585 varian klystron UG-573 varian klystron x 13 RCA-884 klystron s band klystron S-band klystron klystron varian varian flange WR284 tl358 PDF

    philips 6975

    Abstract: klystron 6975 klystron reflex klystron s band klystron Reflex klystron of Philips philips FP 9600 0170 v1 klystron S-band 9000MC
    Text: PHILIPS r"6975 Mechanically tunable REFLEX KLYSTRON with Integral external cavity tuner for use as oscillator in the 8500-9600 Mc/s band. KLYSTRON REFLEX^à réglage mécanique avec cavité de synto­ nisation extérieure incorporée pour utilisation en oscillatrice dans la gamme de 8500-9600 MHz.

    OCR Scan