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    KSP 13 J 16 Search Results

    KSP 13 J 16 Datasheets Context Search

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    cables KSP 9360

    Abstract: health data sheet egypt
    Text: Enclosures and cable glands Catalogue 2013/2014 Let’s connect. Klippon – enclosure system The World of Industrial Connectivity As experienced experts we support our customers and partners around the world with products, solutions and services in the industrial environment of power, signal

    dist00 1420920000/03/2013/SMDM cables KSP 9360 health data sheet egypt PDF


    Abstract: MS62256H MS62256H-15NC MS62256H-15RC MS62256H-20NC MS62256H-20RC
    Text: MOSEL-VITELIC MS62256H 32K x 8 HIGH SPEED CMOS STATIC RAM MS62256H ADVANCED INFORMATION Features Description • High-speed – 15/20/25/35 ns ■ Low Power dissipation: MS62256HL 1.1W Max. Operating 1mW (Max.) Power down ■ Fully static operation ■ All inputs and outputs directly TTL compatible

    MS62256H MS62256HL MS62256H 144-bit mosel MS62256H-15NC MS62256H-15RC MS62256H-20NC MS62256H-20RC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 防水型ロータリーDIPデジタルコードスイッチ SERIES KR シリーズ 特 長 ●PCB用フレキシブルPCB用のコードスイッチとして開発 ●本体ボディは亜鉛ダイカストの為、丈夫で堅牢 ●接点部は金メッキ仕様で、しかもナイフエッジ・ハイプレッシャー接触方式のため、接触信頼性が更に向上

    VLK43ã PDF

    LS141 equivalent

    Abstract: ls141 op amp BD708 equivalent BD907 equivalent transistor KSP 42 LS141 STRE1601 transistor KSP 13 J 31 transistor KSP 31 transistor KSP 56
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE THE L290/L291/L292 DC MOTOR SPEED/POSITION CONTROL SYSTEM The L290, L291 and L292 together form a complete microprocessor-controlled DC motor servopositioning system that is both fast and accurate. This design guide presents a description of the system, detailed function descriptions of each device and application information.

    L290/L291/L292 LS141 equivalent ls141 op amp BD708 equivalent BD907 equivalent transistor KSP 42 LS141 STRE1601 transistor KSP 13 J 31 transistor KSP 31 transistor KSP 56 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: パネル防水トグルスイッチ シリーズ SERIES AY AY AZ 特 長 ノブ 1.Oリング内蔵による防水機構。 スリーブ 2.Aシリーズより外形サイズが小さくなり小スペースでの設置が可能です。 Oリング パネル

    VLK43ã PDF

    KSD 166

    Abstract: LT 7202 diode Kertron LA 4301 transistor KSP 13 801 KDA 1.2 2N5085 LT 7207 KSP 13 801 0/transistor KSP 13 801
    Text: Hi-Rel PLANAR POW ER-2 AMP NPN • ii lll ii TYPE CASE REAKDOWNilllllliH if i VOLTAGES Veb ' VCE 2N 1252 TO-5 VCB 30 2N 1253 TO-5 30 20 2N 1506 60 40 2N 1506A TO-5 TO-5 2N 1714 TO-5 80 60 2N 1716 TO-5 80 90 90 2N 1718 MT-13 90 60 2N 1720 MT-13 90 2N 1889 TO-5

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    MT-13 KSD 166 LT 7202 diode Kertron LA 4301 transistor KSP 13 801 KDA 1.2 2N5085 LT 7207 KSP 13 801 0/transistor KSP 13 801 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16-Bit 100 kSPS Sampling ADC AD676 ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Autocalibrating On-Chip Sam ple-Hold Function Parallel Output Form at 16 Bits No Missing Codes ±1 LSB INL -9 7 dB THD 90 dB S / N +D | 1 M Hz Full Power Bandwidth FU N C T IO N A L BLO CK D IAGRAM

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    16-Bit AD676 AD676KD PDF

    transistor KSP 42

    Abstract: irf950 IRFP100 transistor KSP 56 transistor KSP 92 G 23 ksp 36 93 IRF9500 transistor KSP 13 Samsung "NAND Flash" "ordering information" IRFP p-channel

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 O-220 100ns 120ns 150ns 200ns 16bit transistor KSP 42 irf950 IRFP100 transistor KSP 56 transistor KSP 92 G 23 ksp 36 93 IRF9500 transistor KSP 13 Samsung "NAND Flash" "ordering information" IRFP p-channel PDF

    flash memory 5v 32m

    Abstract: rom 1K x 8 wram samsung Sun Ultra AX AL001 spd65 ksd 201
    Text: ORDERING INFORMATION KSV 3100A Nl - B U R N -IN O P T IO N A L (SEE B U R N -IN PR O G R A M ) P A C K A G E TYP E (SEE E A C H SPEC O F D EVIC E) O P E R A T IN G T E M P IC 'S O N L Y B LA NK : S E E IN D IV ID U A L SPEC C : 0 - 7 0 °C I : - 4 0 - 8 5 °C

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 16bit 100ns 120ns 150ns 200ns flash memory 5v 32m rom 1K x 8 wram samsung Sun Ultra AX AL001 spd65 ksd 201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS New Products L T C 1 2 7 4 / L T C 1 2 7 7 : 12-B it, lO m W , 1 OOksps A D C s with I j i A S h u td o w n Features T yp ic a l Circuit • L o w P o w e r D is sip a tio n : 1 0 m W T y p LTC1274 AN ALO G IN P U T -, 0V TO 4.095V —

    OCR Scan
    LTC1274 12-BIT 27A7 PDF

    pin diagram for IC 4580

    Abstract: AD676 AD677 AD677JD AD677JN AD677KD AD677KN D-16 N-16
    Text: 16-Bit 100 kSPS Sampling ADC ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES A u to c a lib ra tin g O n-C hip S a m p le -H o ld Function S erial O u tp u t 16 Bits N o M issin g Codes ± 1 LSB INL - 9 9 dB T H D 92 dB S/IIM +D 1 M H z Full P o w e r B a n d w id th FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit AD677 AD677 16-Lead 28-Lead pin diagram for IC 4580 AD676 AD677JD AD677JN AD677KD AD677KN D-16 N-16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Single Deck Rotary Switches SERIES 50 SERIES 51 0.5" Diameter, 200mA, .698" Behind Panel DIMENSIONS FEATURES • Optional Complete Seal for PC Board Assembly and Cleaning • Small 1/2" Diameter • Choice of 22.5°, 30", 36", 45°, 60° and 90° Angles of Throw

    OCR Scan
    200mA, MIL-3786 PDF

    ksp 13 replacement

    Abstract: P8080A
    Text: MP8080A-I DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M P8080A is an 8 -b it m ic ro p ro c e s s o r housed in a standard, 40-pin d u a l-in -lin e package. The chip, w h ic h is fab ricate d us­ ing N -cha nne l silic o n gate MOS te c h n o lo ­ gy, fu n c tio n s as the central processing u n it

    OCR Scan
    MP8080A-I MP8080A 40-pin P8080A 16-bit ksp 13 replacement PDF

    transistor KSP 13

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0030 ; Rev 0 . 9/ 9 ? K it ftVMLABUE yi/iyjxiyui 500ksp s, 12-B it ADCs w ith T rack /H o id a n d R e fe re n c e _ Featu res The MAX120 and MAX122 complete. BiCMOS, sampling 12-bit analog-to-digital converters ADCs combine an onchip track/hold (T/H) and a low-drift voltage reference with fast

    OCR Scan
    500ksp MAX120 MAX122 12-bit 350ns 333ksps MAX122 120/M AX122 transistor KSP 13 PDF


    Abstract: SN5485 1N3064 SN7485
    Text: CIRCUIT TYPES SN5485, SN7485 4-BIT MAGNITUDE COMPARTORS J OR N D U A L -IN -L IN E OR W F LA T P A C K A G E TOP VIEW + D A T A IN P U T S V c c , / A3 16 1 B2 A2 A1 B1 Â0 15 14 13 12 11 10 A < B IN A = B IN A = B OUT A < B OUT 6 7 A > B A > B IN OUT 5

    OCR Scan
    SN5485, SN7485 SN5485 1N3064. B2A1 1N3064 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Autocalibrating On-Chip Sample-Hold Function Serial Output 16 Bits No Missing Codes ±1 LSB INL -9 9 dB THD 92 dB S/ N+D 1 MHz Full Power Bandwidth PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD677 is a multipurpose 16-bit serial output analog-todigital converter which utilizes a switched-capacitor/charge redis­

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    AD677 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET_ MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MC-454AC726 4M-WORD BY 72-BIT SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAM MODULE UNBUFFERED TYPE Description The MC-454AC726 is a 4,194,304 words by 72 bits synchronous dynamic RAM module on which 18 pieces of 16 M

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    MC-454AC726 72-BIT MC-454AC726 uPD4516821 PDF

    LMP DO-214AA

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: v G eneral S e m ic o n d u c t o r TPSMB6.8 thru TPSMB43A Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressors DO-214AA SMB -C a th o d e Band A* S.# Breakdown Voltage 6.8 to 43V Peak Pulse Power 600W Mounting Pad Layout _ 0.106 MAX (2.69 MAX) Available in

    OCR Scan
    TPSMB43A DO-214AA 10/1000ms 100ns 10nsec. 10/1000nsec. LMP DO-214AA PDF


    Abstract: ic 1595A block diagram LT1122 pmi dac8043
    Text: r r i r n LTC1595/LTC 1596/LTC 1596-1 m TECHNOLOGY Serial 16-Bit M u ltip ly in g D AC s F€fflTUR€S D C S C R IP TIO n • ■ ■ ■ ■ The LTC 1595/LTC1596/LTC1596-1 are serial input, 16-bit multiplying current output DACs. The LTC1595 is pin and hardware compatible with the 12-bit DAC8043 and

    OCR Scan
    LTC1595/LTC 1596/LTC 16-Bit 1595/LTC1596/LTC1596-1 LTC1595 12-bit DAC8043 LTC1596 1595A ic 1595A block diagram LT1122 pmi dac8043 PDF

    Lautsprecher LP

    Abstract: serviceanleitung kr 660 service-mitteilungen Lautsprecher L 2911 RFT KR 650 Statron Mitteilungen Lautsprecher RFT L 2911 KR 650 service mitteilung
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN t R U M H IRADIO-television | AUSGABE: 1985 00 VEB INDUSTRIEVERTRIE B RU ND FU NK UND FER NS EH EN Sei ’j 1 - 4 Mitteilung aus dem VEB Fernsehgerätewerk Staßfurt Einsatz des Tuners FET - 1D der Fa. VIDEO-TON VR Ungarn im Colormat 4306/07_^

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MC-4516DC72 16 M-WORD BY 72-BIT SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAM MODULE REGISTERED TYPE Description The MC-4516DC72 is a 16,777,216 words by 72 bits synchronous dynamic RAM module on which 18 pieces of 64M SDRAM : ,uPD4564841 are assembled.

    OCR Scan
    MC-4516DC72 72-BIT MC-4516DC72 uPD4564841 M200S-50A9 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOS LSI TM S 3309 JC TWIN 512-BIT DYNAMIC SHIFT REGISTER/ACCUMULATOR features • > T w o in d e p e n d e n t • registers/accum ulators > 30 1 0 -M H z guaranteed op e ra tin g fre q u e n c y • L o w p o w e r d issip a tio n typ ica l 9 0 fjW /bit at 1 M H z

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    512-BIT PDF


    Abstract: telefunken service telefunken tubes
    Text: A 59-12 W /2 — - i Netzröhre für GW-Heizung indirekt geheizt • ■ ■ E E II II 1/ E II Serien- oder Parallelspeisung | E L I r U l i l l B l l DC-AC-Heating indirectly heated connected in parallel or series Fernseh-Biidröhre ohne lonenfalle

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MC-454AC724F-A10 MC-454AC724F-A67 MC-454AD644-A10 MC-454AD644-A12 MC-454AD644-A67 PD4516 PD4516821
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET_ NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MC-454AC724 4M-WORD BY 72-BIT SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAM MODULE UNBUFFERED TYPE Description The MC-454AC724 is a 4,194,304 words by 72 bits synchronous dynamic RAM module on which 18 pieces of 16 M

    OCR Scan
    MC-454AC724 72-BIT MC-454AC724 uPD4516821 L427S25 4E752£ MC-454AC724F-A10 MC-454AC724F-A67 MC-454AD644-A10 MC-454AD644-A12 MC-454AD644-A67 PD4516 PD4516821 PDF