Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: 114-1134 A p p lica tio n S p e cificatio n — — NOTE 7^ ° Series Machine Insertable DIP Dual In-Line Package Switch 06 OCT 99 Rev 0 A ll numericai values are in metric units [ with U.S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in mliiimeters [and
OCR Scan
Abstract: MINIPAK HDL Alpha 611 RMA minimum wipe length engagement
Text: Application Specification 114- 13215 MINIPAK* HDL Power Connectors NOTE i 02 NOV 09 Rev A All numerical values are in metric units [with U.S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in millimeters [and inches]. Unless otherwise specified, dimensions have a tolerance of +0.13 [+.005] and angles have a tolerance of +2_.
minimum wipe length engagement
Abstract: H087 Cookson Group Alpha 611 RMA msds Kester 953 Flux press-fit connector removal tool 108-046
Text: Application Specification 114-13251 MULTI-BEAM XLE* Connectors 10 JUN 09 Rev B All numerical values are in metric units [with U.S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in millimeters [and inches]. Unless otherwise specified, dimensions have a tolerance of +0.13 [+.005] and angles have a tolerance of +2 .
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: — — • a ilM A p p lica tio n S p e cificatio n 7300 Series Right-Angle Gull-Wing SMT Surface Mount Technology DIP (Dual In-Line Package) Switch 114-1133 06 OCT 99 Rev A A ll numerical values are In metric units [with U. S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in millimeters [and
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kester r256
Abstract: paste profile NB 40 smd transistor kester Re SOLDER PASTE smd transistor marking PA
Text: P - T S L P - 2 - 1 / P - T S L P - 3 - 1 Recommendations for the Board Assembly Ta rge t T h e t a r g e t of this document is to provide guidelines for our customers to successfully introduce Infineon's leadless packages P-TSLP2-1 / P-TSLP-3-1 into production. This includes recommendations for board pad design, stencil layout, component placement, and soldering process. Generally standard SMT equipment and processes are suitable for
kester r256
paste profile
NB 40 smd transistor
smd transistor marking PA
Abstract: 114-5159 SN60 SN62 040III 22-way 22WAY
Text: Application Specification 114-13158 MULTILOCK* .040/2.8 Hybrid Connectors NOTE 08 JUL 08 All numerical values are in metric units [with U.S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in millimeters [and Rev B _ inches]. Unless otherwise specified, dimensions have a tolerance of +0.13 [+.005] and angles have a tolerance of +2 .
solder paste SAC305 alpha metal
Abstract: SFP CAGE 114-13120 SAC405 kester 5778 cage loncoterge A438 EIA-364-52 K638
Text: Small Form- Factor Pluggable SFP and SFP+ Surface Mount PT Connectors and Cage Assemblies NOTE i Application Specification 114- 13120 13 JUL 09 Rev C All numerical values are in metric units [with U.S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in millimeters. Unless
pci connector
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Application Specification .050 Series Standard Edge 114-13148 Peripheral Computer Interconnect PCI Surface Mount Connector Assemblies NOTE i 07 NOV 07 Rev A All numerical values are in metric units [with U.S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in millimeters [and
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I Class A Compression Amplifier O IM 511 LD511 DATASHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 64 dB typical electrical gain T h e LD 511 is a C la s s A c o m p re s s io n a m p lifie r w h ic h ca n o p e ra te o v e r a ra n g e o f DC b a tte ry v o lta g e s fro m
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Class A Amplifier with 3 Independent Gain Blocks G E IM IM U M C O R P O R A T I O N 508 LC508 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 1 jiV Input referred noise The LC508 is a 10 pin Class A am plifier utilizing Gennum 's • 1.0 to 5 VDC operating range proprietary low voltage bipolar JFET technology. It consists of
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: B E IM IM U M C O R P O R A T I Class A Amplifier with 3 Independent Gain Blocks O N 509 GC509 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 145 lA typical current drain The GC509 is a Class A am p lifie r utilizing G ennum ’s proprietary low vo lta g e • low noise and distortion
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I O High Power, Class B Output Stage IM 551 GS551 DATA SHEET FEATURES CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION • adjustable gain to 48 dB The GS551 is a 10 pin, low vo lta g e , cla ss B a m p lifie r w hich • capable of driving low impedance receiver
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: GENNUM C O R P C J H A T I O High Gain Class A Amplifier with Peak Clipping N FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 72 dB typical gain 505 LS505 DATA SHEET The LS505 is a low voltage, m onolithic integrated circuit • 0.2 to 2.0 mA of transducer current adjustment am plifier com prised of an operational am plifier driving a
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I ON Low Distortion AGC Compression Amplifier 502 LD502 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • adjustable gain from 0 to 60 dB The LD502 is a com pression AGC pream plifier that consists • 0.94 V DC voltage regulator on-chip of a single ended input inverting am plifier, with an internal
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ALPHA RMA-390 flux
Abstract: ALPHA RMA-390 dh3 RMA-390 R-229-25
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I Telecoil Preamplifier O N GC562 - DATA SHEET FEATURES D E S C R IP T IO N • direct coupled telecoil preamplifier T h e G C 5 6 2 w a s d e s ig n e d to a llo w d ire c t c o u p lin g o f the te le c o il on to th e p re a m p lifie r w ith o u t the ne ed o f a c a p a c ito r.
OCR Scan
ALPHA RMA-390 flux
ALPHA RMA-390 dh3
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Class A Amplifier with 3 Gain Blocks & Schottky Diodes GENNUM C O R P O R A T I O N 509 LS509 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 1 4 0 |iA typical current drain The LS509 is a Class A am plifier utilizing Gennum ’s proprietary low vo lta g e JFET te ch n o lo g y. It co n sists of tw o sin g le -
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Class A Amplifier with 2 Independent Gain Blocks G E IM IM U M C O R P O R A T I O N GP509 DATA SHEET 60S FEATURES DESCRIPTION • low amplifier current typical 105 |iA Th e G P 5 0 9 is a C la s s A a m p lifie r u tiliz in g G e n n u m ’s p ro p rie ta ry
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: G EIM IM U M c o r p c h a t C la s s A A m p lif ie r w i t h g In d e p e n d e n t G a in B lo c k s . oi m 508 LP508 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 1 |xV input referred noise The LP508 is an 8 pin Class A am plifier utilizing Gennum 's proprietary low voltage bipolar JFET technology. It consists of
OCR Scan
Abstract: LR7189 litton CONNECTOR
Text: Application Specification AMPMODU* 114-25018 Mod II and Mod IV Printed Circuit Board Connectors NOTE i 19 MAY 08 Rev E All numerical values are in metric units [with U.S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in millimeters. Unless otherwise specified, dimensions have a tolerance of +0.13 and angles have a tolerance of +2 . Figures and
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I O N Class A Amplifier with 2 DC Coupled Gain Blocks & Schottky Diodes GK5Ü9 DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION • 100 nA typical current drain The GK509 is a Class A amplifier utilizing Gennum’s proprietary low voltage JFET technology. It consists of a
OCR Scan
Abstract: Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducer R-229-25 hearing aid amplifiers loop hearing aid integrated circuits GB512 Hearing Aid Circuit Diagram circuit diagram of hearing aid LD512 RMA-390
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I Low Parts Compression Amplifier O N G B512/LD 51 2 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 44 dB typical pream plifier gain The G B 5 1 2 and LD 512 are 8 pin stan d-alone in pu t com p ressio n • 14 dB typical output stage gain vo lta g e re g u la to r fo r the e le ctre t m ic ro p h o n e p ro v id in g a high
OCR Scan
Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducer
hearing aid amplifiers loop
hearing aid integrated circuits
Hearing Aid Circuit Diagram
circuit diagram of hearing aid
ALPHA RMA-390 flux
Abstract: 40 khz ultrasonic transducer
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I Low Parts Compression Amplifier O N G B512/LD 51 2 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 44 dB typical pream plifier gain The G B 5 1 2 and LD 512 are 8 pin stan d-alone in pu t com p ressio n • 14 dB typical output stage gain vo lta g e re g u la to r fo r the e le ctre t m ic ro p h o n e p ro v id in g a high
OCR Scan
ALPHA RMA-390 flux
40 khz ultrasonic transducer
Alpha SM 402 Flux
Abstract: Sn-37 H089 SN60 SN62 change bsc cp power card PC MOTHERBOARD SERVICE MANUAL PC MOTHERBOARD repair MANUAL
Text: Application Specification Standard Edge Card SEC II, 114-13018 SEC II Power, and High Current Card Edge Connectors 13 JUN 07 Rev B All numerical values are in metric units [with U.S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in millimeters [and inches]. Unless otherwise specified, dimensions have a tolerance of +0.13 [+.005] and angles have a tolerance of +2 .
z-pack fb 24 pin connector
Abstract: csa LR7189 40842
Text: Application Specification 114-1075 Z-PA C K * 2mm FB Futurebus+ Receptacle and Pin Header Connectors os sep 98 Rev b All numerical values are in metric units. Dimensions are in millimeters, and unless otherwise specified, dimensions have a tolerance of ±0.13 and angles have a tolerance of ±2°. Figures and illustrations are for identification only and
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