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    JUF 243 Search Results

    JUF 243 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ZG2J R971 g2ji nl 5445 681684P zt-f2
    Text: MN=>2 JON ? + J N6 @ >I 7>5 57> @?5 >F JP 616 IKI 8P 1N H @A @2JI >O A= HJ FJL G2J I AI 54 > MAI GA? NLE ? NJA KDJ MJL 4-5 11 5-3 10 3/ 41 5/-4 4 14 14 5/ 4/ -IbgX5. -IbgX6. 5/ =?681684P @?561684P 1 JP GU]b W]fWi]h I2? I2J ?JH ?YhYWh]b[ hUf[Yh >I >O sHcb,ig]b[ k]fYg aigh VY ]bgi`UhYX-

    681684P 561684P 33jjj2Thgba\Vf2aXg 736uNL< HI1//1/507, 914HC ZG2J R971 g2ji nl 5445 681684P zt-f2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LR645 High Input Voltage SMPS Start-up / Linear Regulator Ordering Information Order Num ber / Package TO-92 TO-243AA* TO-220 8-Pin P-DIP SO-8 Die LR645N3 LR645N8 LR645N5 LR645N4 LR645LG LR645ND *S am e as SOT-89. For c a rrie r ta p e reels sp ecify P023 for 1,000 u nits or P024 fo r 2,000 units.

    OCR Scan
    LR645 LR645N3 O-243AA* LR645N8 O-220 LR645N5 LR645N4 LR645LG LR645ND OT-89. LR6T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA T6K11 TO SHIBA CMOS DIGITAL LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC T 6 K1 1 DOT MATRIX LCD DRIVER The T6K11 driver is designed for use in small to m edium ­ sized dot matrix LCD panels. This driver can be interfaced to the M PU via an 8 -bit

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    T6K11 T6K11 8/80-series) SEG45 PDF

    Toshiba TLX-1741-C3B LCD display

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA T6K11 TO SHIBA CMOS DIGITAL LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC T 6 K1 1 DOT MATRIX LCD DRIVER The T6K11 driver is designed for use in small to m edium ­ sized dot matrix LCD panels. This driver can be interfaced to the M PU via an 8 -bit

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    T6K11 T6K11 8/80-series) Toshiba TLX-1741-C3B LCD display PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S P T S ÌO O S P T SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES 8-BIT, 20 MWPS DUAL CHANNEL VIDEO DAC PRELIMINARY INFORMATION FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • 8-Bit Dual Channel Video Digital-to-Analog Converter 20 MWPS Operation

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    32-pin SPT5100 DDD21b3 PDF


    Abstract: vhf linear pulse power amplifier aanr BLV31 capacitor 224 J 332 DISC CAPACITOR d 331 Transistor WP380
    Text: t.SE D PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL • 711ÜÔEb DGfc.EBb3 534 IPHIN BLV31 V.H.F. LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor prim arily intended fo r use in linear v.h.f. amplifiers fo r television transmitters and transposers. Diffused em itter ballasting resistors and the application o f

    OCR Scan
    BLV31 711002b 00b2671 7Z83384 7Z83385 7Z83386 TRANSISTOR BI 243 vhf linear pulse power amplifier aanr BLV31 capacitor 224 J 332 DISC CAPACITOR d 331 Transistor WP380 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bSE D PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL • PHIN 711üflEb DQbSabB 534 BLV31 V.H.F. LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor prim arily intended fo r use in linear v.h.f. amplifiers for television transmitters and transposers. Diffused em itter ballasting resistors and the application of

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    BLV31 711002b 00b2671 TRANSISTOR BI 243 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY KS0789 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Introduction 100 channel Common driver for LCD DOT MATRIX, KS0789 is a LCD driver LSI which Is fabricated by low power CMOS high voltage process technology. This device consists o f tw o 50 bit Bidirection shift registers

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    KS0789 KS0789 50-bit 60-QFP-1414A PDF


    Abstract: an 214 amp schematic diagram EL4332 EL4332C EL4332CS QCX0002 QP-104 ch-ch 22p
    Text: E L 4332C Triple 2:1300 MHz Mux-Amp A y = 2 MICH PLSrOPWANCE 4N4u G ISTEGRA“ En ClRCUI7S F e a tu re s G en eral D escription • • • • • The EL4332C is a triple very high speed 2:1 Multiplexer-Amplifier. It is intended primarily for component video multiplexing

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    EL4332C 50V/jms EL4332CS Cto85Â MDP0027 EL4332/1 EL4332C 3121S57 q371 an 214 amp schematic diagram EL4332 QCX0002 QP-104 ch-ch 22p PDF

    C9012 pin configuration

    Abstract: CD4046 C9012 PLL CD4046 motor application CD4046 APPLICATION CIRCUIT C9012 G CD4046 applications transistors c9012 phase locked loop dc motor C90-12
    Text: y k i y j x i y k i P o w er O p eratio n al A m p lifie r _ Features The Maxim LH0101 Power Operational Amplifier de­ livers up to 5 Amp peak output current. Packaged in a rugged TO-3 case, the LH0101 combines the ease of use and performance of a FET input op amp with the

    OCR Scan
    LH0101 LH0101 300kHz C9012 pin configuration CD4046 C9012 PLL CD4046 motor application CD4046 APPLICATION CIRCUIT C9012 G CD4046 applications transistors c9012 phase locked loop dc motor C90-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Triple 2:1300 MHz Mux-Amp A y = 2 * PLRFfipWANCE 4N4u G ISTEGaA“EE) C lRCUTS F e a tu re s G en era l D e sc rip tio n • • • • • The EL4332C is a triple very high speed 2:1 Multiplexer-Amplifler. It is intended primarily for component video multiplexing

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    EL4332C EL4332C dr008 PDF

    767D SERIES

    Abstract: 767d
    Text: U 767D SMALL CAN -125°C U767D Series UNITED CHEMI-CON Small Can Lowest Impedance Long Life —55°C to +125°C Extended Temperature Range The U767D series has a very long life with stable electrical parameters over time as well as temperature from -5 5 °C to +125°C . With the lowest impedance and ESR of the radial tubular family, the U767D

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    U767D U767D16VH223M25X92 U767D35VH332M22X54 120Hz) 20KHz) U767D6 767D SERIES 767d PDF

    VA22 6 pin

    Abstract: TP0410 LM1965N VA22 va22 regulator LM1865 lm3189 ultrasonic range meter IC LM1965 LM2065
    Text: LM1865/LM1965/LM2065 $31 National mit Semiconductor LM1865/LM 1965/LM2065 Advanced FM IF System General Description Reduced external component cost, improved performance, and additonal functions are key features to the LM1665/ LM1965/LM2065 FM IF system. The LM1865 and LM2065

    OCR Scan
    LM1865/LM1965/LM2065 LM1665/ LM1965/LM2065 LM1865 LM2065 VA22 6 pin TP0410 LM1965N VA22 va22 regulator lm3189 ultrasonic range meter IC LM1965 PDF


    Abstract: CD4046
    Text: / k iy jx iy k i P o w e r O p e ra tio n a l A m p lifie r _ Features Tho M axim LH0101 Power O perational A m p lifie r de­ livers up to 5 A m p peak o u tp u t cu rre n t. Packaged in a rugged TO-3 case, th e LH0101 co m bines the ease of

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    LH0101 IZ446- fO914 314D4| Hypertronics CD4046 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL2008C F eatu res • H igh slew rate— 2500 V/jxs • W ide bandw idth— 100 M H z @ R L = 50ft 55 M H z @ R L = 10ft • O u tput curren t— 1A continuous • O u tp ut im pedance— lft • Q uiescent curren t— 13 mA • S h o rt circuit protected

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    EL2008C EL2008 EL2009 EL2008. EL2008C M2008 159pF PDF


    Abstract: xel22 2480cs
    Text: WGHPElWmMNCÊÂ F eatu res G eneral D escrip tion • S in g le E L 2180C , d u a l (E L 2280C ) a n d q u a d (E L 2480C ) to p o lo g ies • 3 m A su p p ly c u rr e n t (p e r am p lifier) • 250 M H z —3 d B b a n d w id th T h e E L 2 1 8 0 C /E L 2 2 8 0 C /E L 2 4 8 0 C are s in g le /d u a l/q u a d curre n t-fe e d b a c k o p e ra tio n a l a m p lifie rs w h ic h ach ie v e a —3 d B

    OCR Scan
    EL2180C/EL2280C/EL2480C 2180C 2280C 2480C T23-5 150ft 7501R xel22 2480cs PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Communication ICs Pulse/tone dialer for telephone set BU8307CS/BU8307CF The BU8307CS and BU8307CF are large scale integrated circuits with a pulse dialer and tone dialer integrated on a single chip. These products are capable of dialing in either pulse or tone mode, and can redial up to 32 digits.

    OCR Scan
    BU8307CS/BU8307CF BU8307CS BU8307CF 20pps 10pps PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS E L 2 0 0 8 C 5 5 M H z 1 A m p B u ffe r A m p lifie r F e a tu r e s G eneral D escrip tion • H ig h slew rate—2500 V/ju.s • W ide b andw idth— 100 M H z @ R l = 50ft 55 M H z @ RL = 10ft • O u tp u t curren t— 1A continuous

    OCR Scan
    EL2008C EL2008 EL2008â M2008 159pF PDF


    Abstract: TA1211N digital analog convertor hbcq
    Text: TO SHIBA TA1211N TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT T A 1 2 1 SILICON MONOLITHIC 1 N Bi-SCANABLE RGB PROCESSOR TA1211N is the RGB processing IC coping with bi-scan system. This IC converts Y / l/ Q or Y / U / V signals to R/G /B. To cope with bi-scan, this IC has wide Y band. And

    OCR Scan
    TA1211N ta121 TA1211N 300kfà 110kfà 470kfà 068//F SDIP54-P-600-1 contrans digital analog convertor hbcq PDF


    Abstract: Nichicon LQ nichicon fx 12a333 1B2 zener diode N4001 diode panasonic ge series capacitors zener diode 1N PH 48 IC vertical panasonic nichicon pl series
    Text: July 1995 Semiconductor LM2594 SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 kHz 0.5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator General Description The LM2594 series of regulators are monolithic Integrated circuits that provide all the active functions for a step-down buck switching regulator, capable of driving a 0.5A load

    OCR Scan
    LM2594 LM2594 specificat95052-8090 b5011Z4 1N5B19 Nichicon LQ nichicon fx 12a333 1B2 zener diode N4001 diode panasonic ge series capacitors zener diode 1N PH 48 IC vertical panasonic nichicon pl series PDF


    Abstract: irf 1402 UPD17071GB-011 GB-011 ATID ECJ YB HX 711 oasis TI07 TV10
    Text: h B f ë MOS ÜÜISlfê MOS Integrated Circuit j n P D 1 7 7 1 G B - 1 1 fe y MpJIÍ FM, AM, S W 5 i> ‘^ , TVffl • 3 V h n - 7 Ñ 4 fcfu» h • i / U i f J l / f - y ' 7 • - 7 - f JUPD17071GB-011 l i è t i #

    OCR Scan
    UPD17071GB-011 UP1707 irf 1402 UPD17071GB-011 GB-011 ATID ECJ YB HX 711 oasis TI07 TV10 PDF


    Abstract: CD4046 applications CD4046 equivalent LH0101 equivalent cd4046 app
    Text: y k iy jx iy k i P o w er O p eratio n al A m p lifie r _ F e atu res The Maxim LH0101 Power O perational A m p lifie r de­ livers up to 5 A m p peak o u tp u t current. Packaged in a rugged TO-3 case, the LH0101 com bines the ease of

    OCR Scan
    LH0101 LH0101 300kHz CD4046 CD4046 applications CD4046 equivalent LH0101 equivalent cd4046 app PDF


    Abstract: IC lm3915 32 led VU-METER IC TL 0841 20 led VU meter LM3915 Series simple vu audio meter 1n414b diode uses LM3915 LM3915N vu meter diagram
    Text: o» co National Semiconductor tß LM3915 Dot/Bar Display Driver General Description The LM3915 is very versatile. The outputs can drive LCDs, vacuum fluorescents and incandescent bulbs as well as LEDs of any color. Multiple devices can be cascaded for a dot or bar mode display with a range of 60 or 90 dB.

    OCR Scan
    LM3915 b501124 C3CH2445 THE USES OF EACH PIN OF THE IC LM3915 IC lm3915 32 led VU-METER IC TL 0841 20 led VU meter LM3915 Series simple vu audio meter 1n414b diode uses LM3915N vu meter diagram PDF

    E110 FET

    Abstract: Q104J EL2033CJ smd transistor ha7 LH0002CN 2003C EL2003N EL2033 HA7-5033 2N3904 TRANSISTOR SMD
    Text: EL2003/2003C/2033/2033C SflE D a ie 'ìs s ? D üüsusb m « e l a E L 2 0 0 3 /2 0 0 3 C /2 0 3 3 /2 0 3 3 C é la n t e c HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 100 MHz Video Line Driver ELANTEC INC F eatu res G eneral D escrip tion • D ifferential gain 0.1%

    OCR Scan
    DGGS42b EL2003/2003C/2033/2033C EL2003â LH0002CN, LH0002H, HA2-5002 EL2033â HA3-5002, HA7-5002, HA3-5033, E110 FET Q104J EL2033CJ smd transistor ha7 LH0002CN 2003C EL2003N EL2033 HA7-5033 2N3904 TRANSISTOR SMD PDF