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    JCO OSCILLATOR Search Results

    JCO OSCILLATOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74LS626N Rochester Electronics LLC 74LS626 - Voltage Controlled Oscillator Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    MK3200SILFTR Renesas Electronics Corporation 32.768KHz Clock Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HSP45116AVC-52 Renesas Electronics Corporation Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HSP45116AVC-52Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    MK3200SLF Renesas Electronics Corporation 32.768KHz Clock Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    JCO OSCILLATOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: JCO14-3-B JCO08 JCO-8-3-B JCO14 JAUCH JCO8 crystal quartz 16 MHz JCO8 3.3 V THROUGH HOLE CRYSTAL jco Oscillator
    Text: JCO 8 JCO Oscillator • JCO · 3.3/5.0 V 14 Through Hole Crystal Oscillator actual size Features • RoHS compliant ■ HCMOS / TTL compatible type General Data type JCO8/JCO14 frequency range 1.0 ~ 125.0 MHz 1.0 ~ 125.0 MHz frequency stability over all* ± 10 ppm ~ ± 100 ppm

    JCO8/JCO14 JCO-14-3-B JCO14-3-B JCO08 JCO-8-3-B JCO14 JAUCH JCO8 crystal quartz 16 MHz JCO8 3.3 V THROUGH HOLE CRYSTAL jco Oscillator PDF

    HCJ Quartz Oscillator

    Abstract: HCJ quartz crystal HCJ hcj 50 mhz crystal hcj 30 HCJ crystal quartz HCJ hcj 20 mhz HCJ MH hcj 27 mhz
    Text: HCJ/KA/A027E/KATALOG/PDF 10.05.2000 10:22 Uhr Seite 80 JCO 6 8-1 HCJ 6.0 MH B-3.3 00/0 z 1-2 7 JCO 6 14HC 6.0 M 1B-3. 3 J 00 Hz /01 -27 actual size JCO series • 3.3 Volt CMOS-TTL compatible oscillator type 3.3 Volt features • ultra compact metal package

    HCJ/KA/A027E/KATALOG/PDF HCJ Quartz Oscillator HCJ quartz crystal HCJ hcj 50 mhz crystal hcj 30 HCJ crystal quartz HCJ hcj 20 mhz HCJ MH hcj 27 mhz PDF


    Abstract: 20 mhz through hole crystal oscillator 2 pin crystal oscillator 24.5 mhz
    Text: JCO 926 JCO Oscillator • VCXO · 3.3/5.0 V 924 Through Hole Crystal Oscillator actual size Features • RoHS compliant ■ HCMOS / TTL compatible type General Data type JCO924 3.3 V JCO926 3.3 V JCO923 5.0 V JCO925 5.0 V frequency range MHz 1.8432 ~ 125.0

    JCO924 JCO926 JCO923 JCO925 jauch 20 mhz through hole crystal oscillator 2 pin crystal oscillator 24.5 mhz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HCJ-KA-AY63E-KAT2001-PDF 22.01.2001 12:52 Uhr Seite 80 JC 6 O 8HCJ 6.0 MH 1B 00/0 z 1-2 7 JCO 1 6 HC 6.0 M 4-1B J 00 Hz /01 -27 actual size JCO series • 5.0 Volt TTL oscillator type features • ultra compact metal package ■ for wave soldering type JCO8


    HCJ Quartz Oscillator

    Abstract: JAUCH hcj 30 hcj 50 mhz crystal hcj 30
    Text: HCJ/KA/A027E/2000 PDF's 17.04.2000 13:52 Uhr Seite 65 JCO 27. 923-1 HC J 00 MHz 00 /01 -27 actual size VCXO • 5.0 Volt voltage controlled crystal oscillator features • DIP 14 metal package ■ CMOS type type JCO 923 frequency range 1.0 ~ 160.0 MHz current consumption

    HCJ/KA/A027E/2000 HCJ Quartz Oscillator JAUCH hcj 30 hcj 50 mhz crystal hcj 30 PDF

    HCJ crystal

    Abstract: JAUCH hcj 30 HCJ Oscillator crystal hcj 30
    Text: HCJ/KA/A027E/2000 PDF's 17.04.2000 13:52 Uhr Seite 67 JCO 92 2 HC 7.0 M 4-100 J 00 Hz /01 -27 actual size VCXO • 3.3 Volt voltage controlled crystal oscillator features • DIP 14 metal package ■ CMOS type type JCO 924 frequency range 1.0 ~ 125.0 MHz current consumption

    HCJ/KA/A027E/2000 HCJ crystal JAUCH hcj 30 HCJ Oscillator crystal hcj 30 PDF

    jco 8-3-b

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HCJ/KA/A027E/2000 PDF's 17.04.2000 13:52 Uhr Seite 61 JC 6 O 8HCJ 6.0 MH 3B 00/0 z 1-2 7 JCO 1 6 HC 6.0 M 4-3B J 00 Hz /01 -27 actual size JCO series • 5.0 Volt CMOS-TTL compatible oscillator type 5.0 Volt features • ultra compact metal package ■ packed in antistatic tubes

    HCJ/KA/A027E/2000 jco 8-3-b PDF


    Abstract: JCO-14-3-B JCO14-3-B JCO8-3-B JCO-8-3-B jco8-3b JCO83B JAUCH JCO8 JCO8-3
    Text: Oscillator • JCO · 5.0 V Pin Type Oscillator RoHS actual size General Data RoHS compliant Pb free: pins / pads Table 1: Frequency Stability Code stability code type JCO8 / JCO14 5.0 V frequency range 1.0 ~ 160.0 MHz 15pF max. A B G C D E ± 100 ppm ± 50 ppm

    2002/95/EC JCO14 15ppm 100ppm JCO14-3-B JCO-14-3-B JCO14-3-B JCO8-3-B JCO-8-3-B jco8-3b JCO83B JAUCH JCO8 JCO8-3 PDF


    Abstract: JCO-14-3-B JAUCH JCO8 JCO14-3-B JAUCH Jauch Quartz JCO8-3 JCO14 3.3 V
    Text: Oscillator • JCO · 3.3 V Pin Type Oscillator RoHS actual size General Data RoHS compliant Pb free: pins / pads Table 1: Frequency Stability Code stability code type JCO8 / JCO14 3.3 V frequency range 1.0 ~ 160.0 MHz 15pF max. A B G C D E ± 100 ppm ± 50 ppm

    2002/95/EC JCO14 15ppm 100ppm JCO14-3-B-3 JCO14-3-B JCO-14-3-B JAUCH JCO8 JCO14-3-B JAUCH Jauch Quartz JCO8-3 JCO14 3.3 V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Oscillator • VCXO · 5.0 V Voltage Control Crystal Oscillator RoHS • pulling range up to ± 200 ppm min. ■ soldering temperature: 260 °C max. ■ full metal package DIP8/DIP14 actual size General Data 2002/95/EC RoHS compliant Pb free: pins / pads Table 1: Frequency Stability Code

    DIP8/DIP14 2002/95/EC JCO923 JCO925 JCO923) JCO925) 25ppm 50ppm JCO923 JCO925 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CD Mini-Circuits Surface Mount ° & Plug-In Low N oise 125 to 1 1 14 MHz SURFACE MOUNT JC O S FREQ. MHz MODEL NO. NEW# ♦ ♦ ♦ mm TUNE OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V> «Bn# Min. Max. JC O S-175 LN 125-175 JCO S-820W LN 780-860 JC O S-820BLN 807-832 JC O S-1100LN 1079-1114

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    12dBr S-175LN POSA-960 TB-10 G-419 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PF670-04 SEDI 560 Series Dot Matrix LCD Controller Driver • Ultra Low Power Consumption • Built-in Power Supply Circuit for LCD • 167 Driver Output • DESCRIPTION The SED1560 series is a single-chip LCD driver for dot-matrix liquid crystal displays. It accepts serial or 8-bit

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    PF670-04 SED1560 65-bit 102-pixel 16-pixel 134-pixel 150-pixel SED1560s PDF


    Abstract: MSM6351L QFP100-P-1420-K E00h-FFFh OKI msm6351
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6351/6351L-XX Built-in 8 or 5 bit Serial Port and LCD Driver 4-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6351/6351L-xx is a low-power microcontroller manufactured in silicon gate CMOS technology. Integrated into a single chip are ROM, RAM, five I/O ports, serial I/ O port, time-base

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    MSM6351/6351 MSM6351/6351L-xx MSM6351 6351L-xx, L724240 0023fl7Ã MSM6351L QFP100-P-1420-K E00h-FFFh OKI msm6351 PDF


    Abstract: transistor A495 AT00570 amplifier TRANSISTOR 12 GHZ a495 transistor
    Text: HEWLETT-PACKARD/ CMPNTS Wkim H E W L E T T ^.tiM P A C K A R D blE ]> • 44M75A4 00li77b 1Tb ■ HPA AT-00570 Up to 4 GHz G eneral P urp o se S ilic o n B ip o la r T ra n s is to r 70 mil Package Features • • • • • 16.0 dBm typical Pi dB at 2.0 GHz

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    44M75flM OOT77b AT-00570 transistor A495 AT00570 amplifier TRANSISTOR 12 GHZ a495 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN5964 C M O S 1C LC75750E, 75750W 1/3 Duty VFD Driver 00 Overview Package Dimensions The LC75750E and LC 75750W that can be used for electronic and other ap p lication s under controller. These products can up to 264 segments. are I/3 duty VFD drivers

    OCR Scan
    EN5964 LC75750E, 5750W LC75750E 3151-QFP100E PDF


    Abstract: PDC 140M PLP-21.4 S-40W s40w T560N T1-1-KK BA25L
    Text: Model Index D o t in d ic a t e s s u r fa c e m o u n t m o d e ls . mixers m odel A D E 'l . ADE-l A S K . AD E-l H . A D E -IH W . AD E-l L . A D E 'l LH . A D E 'IL H W .

    OCR Scan
    TT25-1-KK81 TX16-R3T. s12w PDC 140M PLP-21.4 S-40W s40w T560N T1-1-KK BA25L PDF

    HP 4067

    Abstract: iir filter real time
    Text: HFA3524, HFA3524A Semiconductor D a ta S hee l 2.5GHz/600MHz Dual Frequency Synthesizer J a n u a r y 1999 F ile N u m b e r Features • 2.7V to 5.5V Operation o The Harris 2.4GHz PRISM chip sel is a highly integrated six-chip solution for !? .! t ¿ 7 / I RF modems employing Direct

    OCR Scan
    HFA3524, HFA3524A 5GHz/600MHz HFA3524/HFA3524A 600MHz HP 4067 iir filter real time PDF


    Abstract: multiply-by-256
    Text: M MOTOROLA MC12179 500-2800 MHz Single Channel Frequency Synthesizer The MC12179 is a monolithic Bipolar synthesizer integrating the high frequency prescaler, phase/frequency detector, charge pump, and reference oscillator/buffer functions. When combined with an external loop filter and

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    MC12179 HP3048A 2200MHz MC12179 k3013 multiply-by-256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 146 CommonModeFilterDesignGuide Introduction The selection of component values for common mode filters need not be a difficult and confusing process. The use of standard filter alignments can be utilized to achieve a relatively simple and straightforward design

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ffì H A R R IS U S E M I C O N D U C T O R M HFA3524 PRELIMINARY 2.5GHz/600MHz Dual Frequency Synthesizer March 1996 Description Features • 2.7V to 5.5V Operation • Low Current Consumption • Selectable Powerdown Mode lcc = 1|xA Typical at 3V • Dual Modulus Prescaler, 32/33 or 64/65

    OCR Scan
    HFA3524 5GHz/600MHz HFA3524 600MHz 1-800-4-HARRIS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD155121F RF Transceiver IC for GSM and PCN Dual band cellular systems HITACHI ADE-207-265 Z) 1st Edition November 1998 Description The HD155121F is a RF transceiver IC for GSM and PCN dual band cellular systems, and integrates most of the low power silicon functions of a transceiver. The HD155121F incorporates two bias circuits for RF

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    HD155121F ADE-207-265 HD155121F 48-pin cop12 cop22 PDF

    Andrzej Przedpelski optimize

    Abstract: Przedpelski PLL design przedpelski book 1977 ic hp 4503 era 555 MOTOROLA A. B. Przedpelski, "Phase-Locked Loop Design motorola article reprint
    Text: AR254 Article Reprint Phase-Locked Loop Design Articles • "Analyze, Don't Estimate, Phase-Locked Loop Performance” • “Optimize Phase-Lock Loops to Meet Your Needs — Or Determine Why You Can't” • “Suppress Phase-Lock-Loop Sidebands Without Introducing Instability”

    OCR Scan
    AR254 BR1334 Andrzej Przedpelski optimize Przedpelski PLL design przedpelski book 1977 ic hp 4503 era 555 MOTOROLA A. B. Przedpelski, "Phase-Locked Loop Design motorola article reprint PDF

    mau aui

    Abstract: laf 001
    Text: April 1997 % M i c o L in e a r ML4644 4 Port. AU I Multiplexer GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4644 AUI Multiplexer contains all the necessary drivers/receivers and control logic to implement a 4 port MAU when used in conjuction with a transceiver chip

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    ML4644 ML4644S ML4644 L4644CQ 68-Pin mau aui laf 001 PDF

    J300 Siliconix

    Abstract: 10112N 2n Siliconix FET U257 dual FET 2N4393 2N4416 2N5912 J300 U232 Siliconix Application Note
    Text: z> B Siliconix g APPLICATION NO TE FETs for Video Amplifiers INTRODUCTION For this analysis the gate source leakage resistance has been ignored due to its high value. Redrawing the input equivalent circuit as a simple parallel RC combination results in The field-effect transistor lends itself well to video amplifier

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