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    Abstract: photocell opr 12 HL7836MG HE8807CL cake power hitachi HL7851G HL7851 10G APD chip "Hitachi, Ltd., 1997" Hitachi laser diodes IR Pulsed
    Text: Hitachi Optodevice Data Book ADE-408-001E Safety Considerations Be sure to avoid direct exposure of human eyes to high power laser beams emitted from laser diodes. Even though barely visible and/or invisible to the human eye, they can be quite harmful. In

    ADE-408-001E HR1201CX OPR 12 PHOTOCELL photocell opr 12 HL7836MG HE8807CL cake power hitachi HL7851G HL7851 10G APD chip "Hitachi, Ltd., 1997" Hitachi laser diodes IR Pulsed PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI AMERICA, LTD. SEMICONDUCTOR AND 1C DIVISION U.S. SALES OFFICE HEADQUARTERS Hitachi, Ltd. New Marunouchi Bldg., 5-1, Marunouchi 1-chôme Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Tel: Tokyo 03 212-1111 Telex: J22395, J22432, J24491, J26375 (HITACHY) Cable: HITACHY TOKYO

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    J22395, J22432, J24491, J26375 hitachi PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADE-207-031 HA13128, HA13135 22W Dual BTL Audio Power Amplifier Rev. 0 June 1989 Preliminary 0 HITACHI The H A 13128/H A 13135 provide high output power 22W with 10% THD at V cc= 14.4V , Rl =4£2, and built -in 2ch BTL amplifiers, stand­ by circuit and 4 type protectors.

    OCR Scan
    ADE-207-031 HA13128, HA13135 13128/H HA13127/130 HA13128 CS-E529 HITACHI HA13 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADE-207-030 HA13127, HA13130 17W Dual BTL Audio Power Amplifier Rev. 0 e 1989 Preliminary 0 H ITA C H I June1989 The HA13127/HA13130 are high output and low distortion dual BTL power IC designed for car stereo amplifiers. Type No. Voltage gain At 14.4V to 4£2 load, this power IC provides an

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    ADE-207-030 HA13127, HA13130 June1989 HA13127/HA13130 HA13127 CS-E528 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n u N EW PRODUCT HB56G51236CC Series 524,288-WordX 36-Bit High Density Dynamic RAM Card 0H IT A C H 1 Rev.2 Ju n . 30,1992 Description The HB56G51236CC is a 512KX36 dynam ic RA M Card, mounted 4 pieces of 4M bit D RA M HM 514900LTT sealed in T S O P package.

    OCR Scan
    HB56G51236CC 288-WordX 36-Bit 512KX36 514900LTT) 88-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: rifflNEW PRODUCT i HB56A232CC Series 2,194,304-Word X 32-Bit High Density Dynamic RAM Card Rev.O Apr. 18, 1991 & H IT A C H I D escrip tion The HB56A232CC is a 2M X 32 dynam ic RAM C ard, mounted 16 pieces of 4M bit DRAM HM514400AT/ALT/ARMLR sealed in TSOP package. An outline of the HB56A232CC is

    OCR Scan
    HB56A232CC 304-Word 32-Bit HM514400AT/ALT/ARMLR) 88-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD153129P 1WLW^ l W HW . WR j \_/— p zz\ < r p zm , v zm . ¡ m t\ DO - D7- Address -( Red Address register \ ) (~Green) - ( Address Blue ) Ç Red Address + 1 Auto-increment 1. Write the CLT address to the address register.

    OCR Scan
    HD153129P 18-bit ADE-207-035 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A D E -2 0 7 -0 3 4 HD153119FS/CP Color Palette with Triple 6-bit DA Converter HITA CH I The HD153119FS/CP is a color palette with triple 6-bit DA converter. Manufactured with Hitachi's Hi-BiCMOS process, this LSI realizes high speed, high density, low power consum ption and

    OCR Scan
    HD153119FS/CP HD153119FS/CP HD153119 ADE-207-034 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEWPRODUCT HB56A44QB Series 4 ,194,304-Word X 40-B it H igh D ensity D ynam ic RAM Module Under development - 0H IT A C H I R ev.3 M ay. 2 2 .1 9 9 2 D e sc r ip tio n T h e H B 56A 440B is a 4M X 40 d y n am ic RAM m o d u le, m o u n te d 10 pieces o f 16M bit DRAM

    OCR Scan
    HB56A44QB 304-Word 5116400J 72-pin e45/60ns- 40/46/50/60ns 50/68/65/80ns- 55/63/70/80ns 55/63/70/85ns 80ns55 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: \ i h , N ü n l b c * M l ! I / / ' 7 NEWPRODUCT HB56D836B Series 8,3 8 8 ,6 0 8 -W o rd X 3 6 -B it H ig h D e n s ity D y n a m ic RAM M odule Rev.O - PRO D UCT P R E V IE W - ^ H I T A P . H l Dec. 24. 1991 D e sc r ip tio n T he H B 5 6 D 8 3 6 B is a 8M X 36 dynam ic R A M module, mounted 16 pieces of 16Mbit D R A M

    OCR Scan
    HB56D836B 16Mbit 1IM511740QJ 72-pin HM5117400J PDF


    Abstract: PJ-25 HA13135 ha13 C101 C104 C107 C108 R101 R102
    Text: ADE-207-031 HA13128, HA13135 22W Dual BTL Audio Power Amplifier Rev. 0 June 1989 Preliminary 0 H ITA C H I The H A13128/H A13135 provide high output power 22W with 10% THD at V cc=14.4V , Rjj=4£2, and built -in 2ch BTL amplifiers, stand­ by circuit and 4 type protectors.

    OCR Scan
    ADE-207-031 HA13128, HA13135 HA13128/HA13135 HA13127/130 HA13128 CS-E529 PJ-25 ha13 C101 C104 C107 C108 R101 R102 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ò rà er Alnmbe.r Mi/Tb^T NEW PRODUCT HB56A840B Series 8,388,608-Word X 40-Bit High Density Dynamic RAM Module - Under development - ^ H IT A C H I Rev.2 May. 22.1992 Description The HB56A840B is a 8M X 40 dynamic RAM module, mounted 20 pieces of 16Mbit ORAM

    OCR Scan
    HB56A840B 608-Word 40-Bit 16Mbit HM5116400J) 72-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADE-207-033 HD153110FS Color Palette with Triple 8-bit DA Converter H ITA CH I sep1989 Preliminary Specification The HD153110FS is a color palette with built-in triple 8 -bit DA converter. M anufactured with Hitachi's Hi-BiCMOS process, this LSI realizes high speed, high density, low power consumption

    OCR Scan
    ADE-207-033 HD153110FS sep1989 HD153110FS ADE-207-033 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEW PRODUCT HB56A432B Series 4,194,304-Word X 32-Bit High Density Dynamic RAM Module - PRODUCT P R E V IE W - Rev.O Dec. 24.1991 ^H IT A C H I D escription T he H B56A432B is a 4M X 32 dynam ic RAM m odule, m ounted 8 pieces of 16Mbit DRAM H M S117400J sealed in SOJ package. An outline of th e HB56A432B is 72-pin single in-line

    OCR Scan
    HB56A432B 304-Word 32-Bit B56A432B 16Mbit S117400J) 72-pin HM5117400J PDF

    IC sn 74 ls 83

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56G51232CC-x x S Series 524,288-W ord X 32-Bit H igh Density D ynamic RAM Card Rev.l Dec. 07, 1992 •» H IT A C H I D e sc rip tio n The HB56G51232CC-X XS is a 512KX32 dynamic RAM Card, mounted 4 pieces of 4Mbit DRAM HM51S4800ALTT sealed in TSOP package.

    OCR Scan
    HB56G51232CC-x 32-Bit 512KX32 HM51S4800ALTT) 88-pin IC sn 74 ls 83 PDF

    hitachi plasma electronic diagram

    Abstract: ha1670 OUT34 ha16707
    Text: ADE-204-008 HA16707/R, HA16708/R 34-bit DC Plasma Display Cathode Driver H IT A C H I The HA16707/HA16708 is a cathode driver IC developed for DC plasma displays employing the BiCMOS process. The logic circuit including a shift register consists of a 5-volt operating CMOS circuit. The output

    OCR Scan
    ADE-204-008 HA16707/R, HA16708/R 34-bit HA16707 HA16707R HA16708 HA16708R HA16707/HA16708 HA16708/R: hitachi plasma electronic diagram ha1670 OUT34 PDF

    hitachi ha

    Abstract: HA13127 C101 C103 C104 C105 C108 HA13130 R101 R102
    Text: ADE—207-030 HA13127, HA13130 17W Dual BTL Audio Power Amplifier Rev. 0 e June 1989 1989 Preliminary H IT A C H I The HA13127/HA13130 are high output and low distortion dual BTL power IC designed for car stereo amplifiers. At 14.4V to 4Q load, this power IC provides an

    OCR Scan
    HA13127, HA13130 June1989 HA13127/HA13130 HA13127 Thermal2000 ADE-207-030 CS-E528 hitachi ha C101 C103 C104 C105 C108 R101 R102 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HA13702A IPIC* High Side Bulb Driver 0 HITACHI • IPIC: Intelligent Power IC HA13702A is high side power driver IC with protectors and diagnostic function. The device is especially designed to switch automotive light bulbs using PWM current limitter system.

    OCR Scan
    HA13702A HA13702A ADE-204-009 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OEC 6 1990 ADE-207-028 HA19217MP High-speed 8-bit A/D Converter with Analog Multiplexer HITACHI The H A 19217 is a m onolithic bipolar LSI featuring an on-chip 2-channel analog multiplexer, and is designed for applications that require an 8-bit A/D converter. A parallel type

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    ADE-207-028 HA19217MP 40Msps CS-E533 PDF


    Abstract: DTA3E HM538253 HM538253J-10 HM538253J-7 HM538253J-8 HM538253TT-7 HM538253TT-8 hitachi MEC 52 HM534253
    Text: . HM538253 Series Preliminary *-• * ~l262,144-W ord x 8-Bit Multiport CMOS Video RAM ^H IT A C H I The HM538253 is a 2-Mbit multiport video RAM equipped with a 256-kwortfx 8 -bit dynamic RAM and a 512-word .* 8 -bit SAM full-sized SAM . Its RAJvi and SAM operate independently and

    OCR Scan
    HM538253 144-Word 256-kwordx 512-word HM534253A HM538123A TMS55 Va11d DTA3E HM538253J-10 HM538253J-7 HM538253J-8 HM538253TT-7 HM538253TT-8 hitachi MEC 52 HM534253 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADE—207-027 HA12190 Voice Signal Processing IC for Answering Machines HITACHI The H A 1 2 1 9 0 sy stem IC is a v o ic e sig n al p ro cesso r for se m i-m e c h a n ic a l an sw ering machines. Designed for systems using IC memory for o u tgoin g m essa g es O G M s and tape for

    OCR Scan
    HA12190 CS-E530 PDF