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    ITT S11 Search Results

    ITT S11 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: S51212 top marking S1 S101 S102 S111 S112 S201 S202 S501
    Text: C&K S Series Slide Switches Features/Benefits S S S S 6 to 15 AMPS Models Available Enclosed housing PC and Snap-in panel mounting Reversing option Typical Applications S S S Portable tools Small appliances Floor care products Build-A-Switch Our easy Build-A-Switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. Below is a complete


    marking code 62z

    Abstract: philips surface mount zener diode v6 marking 68m sot 23-5 1S2473 equivalent DIODE ROHM 3pin Marking A7 IPS302 marking 62z SOT23 diode S4 68a 1ss81 diode equivalent 1S2473 DIODE equivalent
    Text: 2001.05 Summary Application Example ANT The HVD141/142 features very small capacitance and on- resistance. These superior characteristics can provide isolation for the transmitting and receiving antenna switch sections and improve the insertion loss. TX RX

    HVD141/142 HZU16 HZU10 HZU18 HZU11 HZU20 HZU12 HZU22 HZU13 HZU24 marking code 62z philips surface mount zener diode v6 marking 68m sot 23-5 1S2473 equivalent DIODE ROHM 3pin Marking A7 IPS302 marking 62z SOT23 diode S4 68a 1ss81 diode equivalent 1S2473 DIODE equivalent PDF

    1S2473 DIODE equivalent

    Abstract: 1S2473 equivalent diode cross reference 1s2473 DIODE marking S4 59A marking 62N SOT23 1S2471 equivalent UHF/VHF TV Tuner HITACHI DIODE 1N4148 LL-34 DIODE ZENNER C25 1N52xx
    Text: Status List HITACHI DIODE Vol.16-4 2002.11 Topic - Miniature Flat Lead Package Diode “HSN278WK” .2 Variable Capacitance Diodes for Electronic Tuning .4, 5

    HSN278WK" HZC10 HZC11 HZC12 HZC13 HZC15 HZC16 HZC18 HZC20 HZC22 1S2473 DIODE equivalent 1S2473 equivalent diode cross reference 1s2473 DIODE marking S4 59A marking 62N SOT23 1S2471 equivalent UHF/VHF TV Tuner HITACHI DIODE 1N4148 LL-34 DIODE ZENNER C25 1N52xx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Temic TSML3700 S e m i c o n d u c t o r s GaAs/GaAlÀs Infrared Emitting Diode in SMT Package Description T S M L 3 7 0 0 is a n in f r a re d e m itt in g d io d e in G a A lA s o n G a A s te c h n o lo g y in a m i n ia t u r e P L - C C 2 S M D package.

    OCR Scan
    TSML3700 ct-96 16-Oct-96 PDF


    Abstract: BRC157 BRC-116 Germanium Diode aa143 1n4148 ITT TRANSISTOR BC147 BC107/spice model bf199 BY238 SN76226DN tungsram
    Text: rh is Booklet • • • ue to fluctuations in availability, some types of semiconductors used in Thorn products have >f necessity changed from those originally specified and quoted in service literature. This )lus the fact that some service replacements are

    OCR Scan
    ircD376 BD234 VT854, VT855â VT854* iTT44, BZX79-C24, BZX83-C24, BZX88-C24 sx3704 BRC157 BRC-116 Germanium Diode aa143 1n4148 ITT TRANSISTOR BC147 BC107/spice model bf199 BY238 SN76226DN tungsram PDF

    Solitron J775-2

    Abstract: BT196 SS14 TOSHIBA 1n5822 TOSHIBA SS550 BT127 SE140 NSR8140S NBS25-400 1N4007 toshiba
    Text: CROSS REFERENCE INDUSTRIAL R u t No. 10D05 iœ i îœ i 10D2 1 302 im 1004 10D4 10D6 10 6 IO » im 11DQ03 11DQ04 11DQ05 11DQ06 15B4B41 15D4B41 15G4B41 15J4B41 1B4B42 im a im o naco in n o 1G4B42 lHi 117 1BB 1J4B42 1*1217 1*12171 1K1217B 1N1218 1K1218A 1*12188

    OCR Scan
    10D05 RL151G 1N4934 RL152G 1N4935 RL153G RL154G 1N4936 RL155G Solitron J775-2 BT196 SS14 TOSHIBA 1n5822 TOSHIBA SS550 BT127 SE140 NSR8140S NBS25-400 1N4007 toshiba PDF


    Abstract: Motorola 6830 M 2530 motorola KS 2102 intel 2101 INTEL 1404A Signetics 2518 AM9216 9316A 2627 "cross reference"
    Text: S ig n e tic s Memories MOS RAMs AM D A M 2 1 01/9101 A M 2 1 11/9111 A M 2 1 12/9112 A M 2 1 0 2 /9 1 0 2 AM 9060 AM 9216 AM 9208 A M 1402 A M 1403 A M 1404 A M 1405 A M 1506 A M 1507 A M 2806 A M 280 7 AM 2808 AM 2809 AM 2833 MOS M E M O R Y CROSS R E FER EN C E

    OCR Scan
    AM2101/9101 AM2111/9111 AM2112/9112 AM2102/9102 AM9060 AM9216 AM9208 AM1402 AM2807 AM2808 K4096 Motorola 6830 M 2530 motorola KS 2102 intel 2101 INTEL 1404A Signetics 2518 AM9216 9316A 2627 "cross reference" PDF


    Abstract: 1404a ITT 6570 MM2102 MM2112 intel 2101 MK4102 MK4007 MK1007 KS 2102
    Text: S ig n e tic s M em o rie s-M O S RAMs IN T E L 2101 2111 2112 2 1 0 2 /2 1 0 2 A 1103 2107B 2104 2115 2125 2 11 4 2 30 8 2316E 2 70 4 2708 1402A 1403A 1404A 1405A M O STEK M K4007 M K4102 M K4096 M K4027 M K30000 M K 34000 M K3708 M K1007 M OTOROLA 2 102/A

    OCR Scan
    2102/2102A 2107B 2316E MK4007 MK4102 K4096 MK4027 MK3708 K1007 1404a ITT 6570 MM2102 MM2112 intel 2101 MK1007 KS 2102 PDF

    aeg diode Si 61 L

    Abstract: aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680
    Text: Semiconductor Data Book Semiconductor Data Book Characteristics of approx. 10 000 Transistors, FETs, UJTs, Diodes, Rectifiers, Optical Semiconductors, Triacs and SCRs, Compiled by A. M. Ball Head of Physics, Teign School Newnes Technical Books Newnes Technical Books

    OCR Scan
    11tA0A12 A025A A0290 U0U55 A0291 A0292 A0305 A0306 A0A56 A0A59 aeg diode Si 61 L aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680 PDF


    Abstract: SIGNETICS 74S188 74S188 74S287 74S474 mmi 6331 74S387 signetics 82s23 H6555 MMI 6349
    Text: S ig n e tic s Memories BIPOLAR M EMORY CROSS R E F E R E N C E AMD' 2700/27 LSOO 2701/27LSÛ 1 27S08/27LS08 27S09/27LS09 27S10 27S11 3101 310 1 A/27S02 93415 93415A 93425 93425A F A IR C H IL D 10149 10144 1 0410 10415 93403 93406 93411 93411A 93415 93415A

    OCR Scan
    82S16 2701/27LS01 82S17 27S08/27LS0Ã 82S23 27S09/27LS09 82S123 27S10 82S126 27S11 74s288 SIGNETICS 74S188 74S188 74S287 74S474 mmi 6331 74S387 signetics 82s23 H6555 MMI 6349 PDF

    CMOS 7 Holtek

    Abstract: 1336Hz
    Text: HOLTEK H r HT99U210 Microcontroller with DTMF Generator Features • O perating voltage: 2.0V~5.5V • Operation current < 400|iA Max. @ VDD=2.5V • Standby current < 3|iA (32768Hz ON and system oscillator OFF) • Dialer mode interrup t for HKS, HFI, HDI

    OCR Scan
    HT99U210 32768Hz 16-bit 256kHz, 512kHz, CMOS 7 Holtek 1336Hz PDF


    Abstract: KT850 KT853A LTR-305D H0A0872-n55 H0A1405-1 h0a2001 MOC70T3 HOA708-1 smd diode 825B
    Text: Cross Reference Competition Honeywell P/N P/N 100 H 0A0871-N55 50B2-4204 CALL PHOTODIODES, T 0 1 8 T A LL PIN 101 HOA1872-12 BC TR AN S A S S Y . PTX 5082-4205 CALL PHOTODIODES. P P PIN 10501 H 0A 1872-1 BC TRAN S A S S Y , PTX 5082-4207 CALL PHOTODIODES. T 0 1 8 T A LL PIN

    OCR Scan
    1N5722 1N5723 1N5724 1N5725 1N6264 1N6265 1N6266 2004-90xx 3N24x 24xTX KT853 KT850 KT853A LTR-305D H0A0872-n55 H0A1405-1 h0a2001 MOC70T3 HOA708-1 smd diode 825B PDF


    Abstract: ITT S11
    Text: TEMPUS CBC20 ‘mm Interconnect Female Signal Modules — Solder Termination — 5 Row 1 /// //// 41 J jj Features Designed to conform with IEC 48b237, EIAis64, IEEE P896 Futurebus+, IEEE P1596 SCI and IEC 917 metric modular order « Stackable with other TEMPUS modules, with

    OCR Scan
    CBC20 48b237, EIAis64, P1596 CBC20KC0-030FOS1-0-3-001-VR CBC20K00-060FDS1-0-3-001-VR CBC20K00-120FDS1 CBC2QK0O-24OFDS1 -0-3-001-VR CBC20KOO-030FDS2-0-3-001-VR 120FD ITT S11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H A 1 1 5 6 1 - Auto Flesh IC for TV Application H A 11561 is auto flesh and green enhancer IC. It is su itab le for large-screen co lo r tele v isio n . And this IC has a demonstration mode. Functions • •

    OCR Scan
    HA11561 HA11561 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H O LTEK r r H T 9 9 U 4 10 P r e lim in a r y Enhanced Cordless Phone Controller P a te n t P en d in g: 87208775 R.O.C. , 98214300.1 (P.O.C) Features • O perating voltage: 2.0V~5.2V • • O p e r a t i o n c u r r e n t c l m A m a x . @V d d = 2 .5 V

    OCR Scan
    256kHz, 512kHz, 224x8 32768Hz 15-bit 1336Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H O LTE K H r H T99U 410 Microcontroller with DTMF Generator Features • • • • • • • • • • O p e ra tin g voltage: 2.0V~5.5V O p eratio n c u rre n t < 400|iA M ax. @ VDD=2.5V S ta n d b y c u rre n t < 3|iA (32768H z ON a n d sy stem o scillator O FF)

    OCR Scan
    256kH 512kH 224x8 32768H 15-bit 1336Hz PDF


    Abstract: 73D2248 73D2248A 73D2348 73K324L 93C66 SSI 7200 V22BL static ram 8K 73D2910
    Text: ¿ ia m s v s k m S S I 7 3 D 2 2 4 8 A /2 3 4 8 A MNP5, V.42bis Datacom Modem Device Set s A TDK G roup/C om pany Advance Information Septem ber 1994 FEATURES DESCRIPTION Combines modem and protocol controller The SSI 73D 2248A /2348A Chip Sets consists of two

    OCR Scan
    73D2248A/2348A 73D2248A 73K224L 22bis 73D2910 42bis 73D2248 73D2348 73K324L 93C66 SSI 7200 V22BL static ram 8K PDF

    7 segment lcd display nec

    Abstract: IC-1555 S28S29S30
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿uPD7225 PROGRAMMABLE LCD CONTROLLER/DRIVER The /¿PD7225 is a software-program mable LCD Liquid Crystal Display controller/driver. The /iPD7225 can be serially interfaced with the CPU in a m icrocomputer and can directly drive 2, 3, or 4-tim e division LCD. The /¿PD7225

    OCR Scan
    uPD7225 PD7225 7 segment lcd display nec IC-1555 S28S29S30 PDF


    Abstract: CXP50200
    Text: so n y ._ CXP50200 CMOS 4-bit 1 Chip Microcomputer EPROM equipped Description The C X P 50200 is a CMOS 4-bit microcomputer common w ith piggyback/evaulation chip which are developed fo r C X P 5 02 1 2/C X P 5 02 16 function eval­ uation. Features

    OCR Scan
    CXP50200 CXP50200 CXP50212/CXP50216 27C256 544X4 CXP50200-U01Q 64-pin bytes/16k 32kHz PDF


    Abstract: BR571L TE 2241 motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M PS571 M M B R 571L The RF Line N PN S ilicon High Frequency Transistors lc = 80 mA LOW NOISE HIGH FREQUENCY TRANSISTORS . . . d e s ig n e d fo r lo w n o is e , w id e d y n a m ic ra n g e fro n t- e n d a m p lifie r s a n d lo w - n o is e

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    PS571 BR571L TE 2241 motorola PDF

    itt shortform

    Abstract: ITT S11 PCF8577CT
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Short-form product specification LCD direct/duplex driver with l2C-bus interface PCF8577C FEATURES • Direct/duplex drive modes with up to 32/64 LCD-segment drive capability per device • Operating supply voltage: 2.5 to 6 V • Low power consumption

    OCR Scan
    PCF8577C PCF8577C PCF8S77C MGA725 itt shortform ITT S11 PCF8577CT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: polyfet rf devices F5001 PATENTED GOLD METALIZED General Description Silicon DMOS designed specifically for RF applications. Immune to forward and reverse bias secondary breakdown "Polyfet"1”1 process features gold metal for greatly extended lifetime. Low output capacitance

    OCR Scan
    F5001 DDDQS71 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: polyfet rf devices F2202 PATENTED GOLD METALIZED General Description SILICON RF POWER MOSFET £P PACKAGE Silicon DMOS designed specifically for RF applications. Immune to forward and reverse bias secondary breakdown "Polyfet”1"1 process features gold metal for greatly extended

    OCR Scan
    F2202 1110AvenidaAcaso, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY CXP87452/87460 CMOS 8-bit Single Chip Microcomputer Description The CXP87452/87460 is a CMOS 8-bit micro­ computer which consists of A/D converter, serial interface 2ch independently , timer/counter, time base timer, vector interruption, high precision timing

    OCR Scan
    CXP87452/87460 CXP87452/87460 XP87452/87460 100PIN 00P-L01 00-P-1 00-P-141 PDF