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    IRF 635 Search Results

    IRF 635 Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    IRF635 Toshiba Power MOSFETs Cross Reference Guide Original PDF
    IRF635 Harris Semiconductor Power MOSFET Data Book 1990 Scan PDF
    IRF635 International Rectifier TO-220 N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET Scan PDF
    IRF635 International Rectifier Rugged Series Power MOSFETs - N-Channel Scan PDF
    IRF635 Unknown Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Data Short Form PDF
    IRF635 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    IRF635 Unknown FET Data Book Scan PDF

    IRF 635 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    irf 940

    Abstract: irf 480 IRF 47 a/irf 1350 20/800v irf
    Text: Model IRF Vishay Dale Inductors Epoxy Conformal Coated Uniform Roll Coated FEATURES • Flame-retardant coating and color band identification. • Uniform coating is excellent for automatic insertion. • Available in bulk, ammo and reel pack per EIA RS-296.

    RS-296. MIL-STD-202, 03-May-99 irf 940 irf 480 IRF 47 a/irf 1350 20/800v irf PDF

    IRF 740 N

    Abstract: IRF 748 n irf 751 IRF 745 R BUZ90 irfz irf 740 BUZ91A IRFZ34 IRFZ40
    Text: ПОЛУПРОВОДНИКОВЫЕ ПРИБОРЫ Транзисторы •Мощные полевые n-канальные транзисторы Обозначен ие КП723А КП723Б КП723В КП726А КП726Б КП727А КП727Б КП728Г1 КП728Е1

    IRFZ44 IRFZ45 IRFZ40 BUZ90A BUZ90 BUZ71 IRFZ34 STH75N06 STH80N05 IRF 740 N IRF 748 n irf 751 IRF 745 R BUZ90 irfz irf 740 BUZ91A IRFZ34 IRFZ40 PDF

    bdl 39

    Abstract: SPC-630 Hamamatsu avalanche diode BDL-473-SMC galvo scanner Picosecond Pulse Labs SPC-730 12V fluo SPC-130 SPC-535
    Text: Becker & Hickl GmbH Technology Leader in Photon Counting Technology Leader in Photon Counting About bh Founded in 1993, Becker & Hickl have introduced a proprietary time-correlated single-photon counting principle that made TCSPC more than 100 times faster than the existing devices. Moreover, bh introduced a multi-dimensional TCSPC process that


    samco-i inverter manual

    Abstract: samco-i inverter diagram IRF power mosfets catalog IRF TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION SAMCO-vm05 5kw inverter circuit diagram samco-i manual 400W sine wave inverter circuit diagram samco-i inverter 1.5kw 500 kva inverter diagrams
    Text: NEW-CONCEPT TOP-CLASS INVERTERS FEATURING COMPACT DESIGN & LIGHT WEIGHT Actual Size SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Birth of the new SAMCO-e Series of inverters that offer outstanding operability and multiple functions in a compact body

    k1-V11EA1-0603020ND samco-i inverter manual samco-i inverter diagram IRF power mosfets catalog IRF TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION SAMCO-vm05 5kw inverter circuit diagram samco-i manual 400W sine wave inverter circuit diagram samco-i inverter 1.5kw 500 kva inverter diagrams PDF

    siemens mccb

    Abstract: MOSFET IRF 1018 MOSFET IRF 630 samco MOSFET IRF 713 SAMCO-vm05 cd632 SAMCO-e MOSFET IRF 603 samco-i
    Text: トップクラスの小形軽量を実現した ニューコンセプトインバータ 原寸大 抜群の操作性と多機能をコンパクトなボディに凝縮 新時代のインバータ シリーズ誕生。 業界トップクラスの小形・軽量・省スペースを実現した汎用インバータ シリーズの誕生です。

    RS485 400Hz 420mA ISO9001/14001 k1-V11JA0-0404030ND siemens mccb MOSFET IRF 1018 MOSFET IRF 630 samco MOSFET IRF 713 SAMCO-vm05 cd632 SAMCO-e MOSFET IRF 603 samco-i PDF

    32 chanels audio amplifier circuit diagram

    Abstract: 2SB1295 LA4587M k748 inverting amplifier with gain 0.75 52041 audio output TRANSISTOR PNP
    Text: Ordering number: EN5204A Monolithic Linear IC LA4587M Preamplifier + Power Amplifier for 1.5 V Headphone Stereos Overview Package Dimensions The LA4587M is a system IC that includes all of the necessary functions for a playback set on a single chip, reducing the

    EN5204A LA4587M LA4587M 3102-QFP48D LA4587M] 32 chanels audio amplifier circuit diagram 2SB1295 k748 inverting amplifier with gain 0.75 52041 audio output TRANSISTOR PNP PDF

    IRF 850 mosfet

    Abstract: MOSFET IRF 635 MOSFET IRF 630 MOSFET IRF 713 IRF N-Channel Power MOSFETs IRF 740 N IRF 840 MOSFET IRF 450 MOSFET P Channel Power MOSFET IRF irf 540 mosfet
    Text: FUNCTION GUIDE POWER MOSFETs N-CHANNEL MOSFET TO-220 Vos Id 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 200 2 2.5 350 IRF IRF 713 712 IRF IRF IRF 711 710 1.3 1.5 250 400 450 500 550 600 700 800 850 900 IRF IRF IRF IRF IRF SS P SSP 613 612 614 823 822 2N85 2N90 IRF IRF IRF IRF

    OCR Scan
    O-220 IR9523 IRF9522 IRF9513 IRF9511 IRF9512 IRF9510 IRF9623 IRF9621 IRF9622 IRF 850 mosfet MOSFET IRF 635 MOSFET IRF 630 MOSFET IRF 713 IRF N-Channel Power MOSFETs IRF 740 N IRF 840 MOSFET IRF 450 MOSFET P Channel Power MOSFET IRF irf 540 mosfet PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS EPOXY CONFORMAL COATED MODEL MO. IRF-1 INDUCTORS Ttost Ind. MODELS IRF-t and IRF-3 Uniform Roll Coated FEATURES • Superior electrical specifications High Q & S R F , Low D C resistance, High rated D C current • Available in bulk, ammo and reel pack per E IA RS-296

    OCR Scan
    RS-296 10/ih 10/th MIL-C-15305) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A COMPANY OF MODEL IRF Inductors Epoxy Conformal Coated Uniform Roll Coated FEATURES • Flame-retardant coating and color band identification • Uniform coating is excellent for automatic insertion • Available in bulk, ammo and reel pack per EIA RS-296

    OCR Scan
    RS-296 MIL-STD-202, MIL-STD-202) MIL-C-15305. PDF

    IRF 260 N

    Abstract: IRF 47 IRF 860
    Text: MODEL IRF Inductors Epoxy Conformal Coated Uniform Roll Coated FEATURES • • • • ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Flame-retardant coating and color band identification Uniform coating is excellent for automatic insertion Available in bulk, ammo and reel pack per EIA RS-296

    OCR Scan
    RS-296 MIL-STD-202, IRF 260 N IRF 47 IRF 860 PDF

    IRf 425

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODEL IRF Inductors Epoxy Conformai Coated Uniform Roll Coated FEATURES • Flame-retardant coating and color band identification • Uniform coating is excellent for automatic insertion • Available in bulk, ammo and reel pack per EIA RS-296 • Superior electrical specifications High Q and Self Resonant

    OCR Scan
    RS-296 10lerances MIL-STD-202, MIL-STD-202) MIL-C-15305. IRf 425 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODEL IRF Inductors Epoxy Conformal Coated Uniform Roll Coated FEATURES • Flame-retardant coating and color band identification • Uniform coating is excellent for automatic insertion • Available in bulk, ammo and reel pack per EIA RS-296 • Superior electrical specifications High Q and Self Resonant

    OCR Scan
    RS-296 MIL-STD-202, MIL-STD-202) MIL-C-15305. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F A I R C H F9423 FIFO Buffer Memory I L D A S chlum berger C om pany M ic ro p ro c e s s o r P ro d u c t D escription Device Organization T h e F a irc h ild F9423 is an e x p a n d a b le fa ll-th ro u g h -ty p e h igh -spe ed firs t-in , firs t-o u t FIFO b u ffe r m e m o ry th a t is

    OCR Scan
    F9423 F9423XC PDF


    Abstract: irf d10 diode B253 B256 F9423XC ffs 642
    Text: F9423 FIFO Buffer Memory FA IRCHILD A S chlum berger Com pany M ic ro p ro c e s s o r P ro d u ct Description Device O rganization The F a irc h ild F9423 is an e x p a n d a b le fa ll-th ro u g h -ty p e h igh -spe ed firs t-in , firs t-o u t FIFO b u ffe r m e m o ry th a t is

    OCR Scan
    F9423 F9423 F9423XC irf3245 irf d10 diode B253 B256 ffs 642 PDF


    Abstract: QS518
    Text: F A I R C H F9423 FIFO Buffer Memory I L D A S chlum berger C om pany M ic ro p ro c e s s o r P ro d u c t D escription Device Organization T h e F a irc h ild F9423 is an e x p a n d a b le fa ll-th ro u g h -ty p e h ig h -sp e e d firs t-in , firs t-o u t FIFO b u ffe r m e m o ry th a t is

    OCR Scan
    F9423 F9423XC fa423 QS518 PDF

    TCI 302

    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    SSF-LXH24QIGD-1 LX304-4ID, SSL-LX30 SSH-LXH240 TCI 302 PDF

    transistor BC 236

    Abstract: bc 106 transistor transistors marking HK transistor C 639 W transistors BC 23 bc 569 A27 637 transistor BC 639 A27 639 marking code transistor HK
    Text: 17E T> TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC • 0^2DDBb 000^30^ BC 635 • BC 637 • BC 639 TTIILIIFIUIÄINI electronic Creative 'ftehnotag>ea r - a i -33 Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Transistors Applications: For complementary AF driver stages features: • • High power.dissipation

    OCR Scan
    BC635 15A3DIN transistor BC 236 bc 106 transistor transistors marking HK transistor C 639 W transistors BC 23 bc 569 A27 637 transistor BC 639 A27 639 marking code transistor HK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0.53" Light B ar FEATURES • 0.53" light bar • Suitable for backlighting • Uniform light em ission Standard OPTO-ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ta = 25°C MAXIMUM RATINGS LEDs PART NO, PEAK W W E LENGTH (rtm| SHOTTED COLOR OPTO ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS

    OCR Scan
    TLB5160-R B2160-G TLB316Ã 7160-U 98-4LEDS 00D154fc> PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT PART NUMBER S S L -L X 15IGC-TR 1.00 -1-0.05 0.00 1,90 [0,075] p? , c 2 ,C 0 0,000J 0 , 4 5 = t 0,10 EO.OL8±0.004] i i _ 0,00 1,5.- 0,10 0,00 1.6 -0,10 [ Û '0 6 3 - f f i ] °'059-0 :0 04 ] T 1,15 E0.045] 3,00+0.15 [0 'H 8 ± 0.00&3

    OCR Scan
    138I1 10BRDR. 50LDERINC PDF


    Abstract: IRF250 motorola MOSFET IRF250 transistor irf250 irf 250 MOSFET IRF 635 SSR -25 DD
    Text: MOTOROLA SC X S T R S /R 14E D I F b 3 ti7 E 5 4 QDÔTbLi fc, | MOTOROLA •a SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA IRF250 IRF251 IRF252 IRF253 Pow er Field E ffect Transìstor N-Channel Enhancem ent-M ode S ilic o n G ate T M O S These TM O S Power FETs are designed for low

    OCR Scan
    IRF250 IRF251 IRF252 IRF253 IRF250, IRF252, IRF253 1RF250 IRF250 motorola MOSFET IRF250 transistor irf250 irf 250 MOSFET IRF 635 SSR -25 DD PDF

    IRF 810

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRANSFORMERS File #LR69222 File 810/89 File #LR69223 811/89 VDE 0551,0806 For PC Board, Solid-State Power, Control, and Instrumentation Applications. "tamura File TUV Fite 810/89 #E79781 n iu n n n T n n . . 811/89 UL506 IEC 742 EN60950 File #138028 UL1411

    OCR Scan
    LR69222 LR69223 E79781 UL506 EN60950 UL1411 15V/230V 115/230V -320K PLT30-32 IRF 810 PDF

    IRF 544 N MOSFET

    Abstract: Spice 2 computer models for hexfets 4af2NPP IR transistor D586 induction cooker fault finding circuit diagrams TRANSISTOR mos fet D482 electronics digest transistor D357 equivalent D515 transistor 1RF511
    Text: International S R ectifier HEXFET DAIABOOK POWER MOSFET APPLICATION AND PRODUCT DATA 1985 THIRD EDITION PUBLISHED BY INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER, 233 KANSAS ST., EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245 The information presented in this DATABOOK is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, International Rectifier can assume no

    OCR Scan

    4x8 LED Matrix Display Common anode

    Abstract: 130D GMA26481C GMA3688C 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY 0.5 inch COMMON CATHODE pins pj 25
    Text: 2.3 INCH 58.4 mm 4 X 8 DOT MATRIX STICK DISPLAY IPWUCTIHKS HER Red I Green GMA26481C (BI-COLOR) DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 29.6 .(1 .17). 27.6 ' (1 .09)1 3 2 X 0 5 .0 (0 .2 0 ) 0.1 .37) 59.9 (2.36) .Z. FEATURES 45.72 (1.80) 53.34 (2 .10) 1D O O O Q LI

    OCR Scan
    GMA26481C 32X05 GMA26481C lF-10mA) 4x8 LED Matrix Display Common anode 130D GMA3688C 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY 0.5 inch COMMON CATHODE pins pj 25 PDF

    transistor BC 236

    Abstract: transistor bf 425 transistor bc 237c TRANSISTOR 636 bc638 transistor transistors BC 23 bc 640 transistor bc 238 b D-636 transistor
    Text: *T I 17E » TELEFUNKEN E L E C T R O N IC TTdlUKFCtfllMOSlKfi • IAL66 û'tëOCHb DODTB^l BC 636 • BC 638 • BC 640 electronic Creata« léchnofogtes Silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar Transistors Applications: For complementary AF driver stages .Features:

    OCR Scan
    IAL66 15A3DIN transistor BC 236 transistor bf 425 transistor bc 237c TRANSISTOR 636 bc638 transistor transistors BC 23 bc 640 transistor bc 238 b D-636 transistor PDF