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    IC LM 150 EQUIVALENT Search Results

    IC LM 150 EQUIVALENT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TMP89FM82DUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/LQFP48-P-0707-0.50D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS60BFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1414-0.80-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS63BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP52-1010-0.65-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS62BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP44-1010-0.80-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS60BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1010-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    IC LM 150 EQUIVALENT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Ho3 501 transistor dtc323tu 94S-751-C343T transistor PNP A124G transistor KD 503 DTC343 kd 2902 kd 503 transistor DTC143TK
    Text: Transistors Digital transistors built-in resistors DTA114TE/DTA114TUA/DTA114TKA/DTA114TSA @Features 1) Built-in bias resistors enable the @External dimensions (Units: mm) DTAll4TE configuration of an inverter circuit without connecting external input resistors (see the equivalent cir-

    DTA114TE/DTA114TUA/DTA114TKA/DTA114TSA 005-Lr DTA114TUA DTC343TS -50mA, f-100MHz 50/1A rat10 C343T) c125t Ho3 501 transistor dtc323tu 94S-751-C343T transistor PNP A124G transistor KD 503 DTC343 kd 2902 kd 503 transistor DTC143TK PDF


    Abstract: MC7812Ck MC7815CK TO3 7824 TO-3 package MC7815CK LM7824* steel mc7824CK 7824 To-3 MC7806CK MC7915CK
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

    OCR Scan
    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 mc7805ck MC7812Ck MC7815CK TO3 7824 TO-3 package MC7815CK LM7824* steel mc7824CK 7824 To-3 MC7806CK MC7915CK PDF


    Abstract: MC7824CK MC7812CK mc7815ck transistor lm320k lm7805kc MC7912CK MJ1000 application notes 17K100 MC7905CK
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

    OCR Scan
    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 MC7805CK MC7824CK MC7812CK mc7815ck transistor lm320k lm7805kc MC7912CK MJ1000 application notes 17K100 MC7905CK PDF


    Abstract: LAS18U LAS1806 MC7812CK LM7805KC MC7824CK 7824 24V positive voltage regulator for MC7815CK LM7818KC LM7812KC
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

    OCR Scan
    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 MC7805CK LAS18U LAS1806 MC7812CK LM7805KC MC7824CK 7824 24V positive voltage regulator for MC7815CK LM7818KC LM7812KC PDF


    Abstract: ic lm 317 t
    Text: LM106/LM306 National Semiconductor LM106/LM306 Voltage Comparator General Description The LM 106 series are high-speed voltage co m pa ra to rs de­ signed to accurately d e te ct low -level analog signals and drive a digital load. They are equivalent to an LM 710, co m ­

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    LM106/LM306 LM106/LM306 V01TA8E LM306H ic lm 317 t PDF


    Abstract: mpy008 MPY08H TRW POWER LMU08D MPY08 "Pin for Pin" LMU08 LM 311 IC KC35
    Text: LMU08/LMU8U 8 x 8-bit Parallel Multiplier Features Description □ 35 ns worst-case multiply time The LM U08 and LMU8U are 8-bit parallel multipliers which feature high speed with low power consumption. They are pin-for-pin equivalents with TRW MPY08H and MPY008HU type

    OCR Scan
    LMU08 MPY008H MPY08HU LMU08) MIL-STD883, 40-pin 44-pin MPY008H mpy008 MPY08H TRW POWER LMU08D MPY08 "Pin for Pin" LM 311 IC KC35 PDF

    MC7808CK power regulator

    Abstract: 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram MC7805CK MC7812CK application notes MC7812CK MC7815CK PMD CAPACITOR lambda lj LM 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram lm7805kc
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

    OCR Scan
    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 MC7808CK power regulator 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram MC7805CK MC7812CK application notes MC7812CK MC7815CK PMD CAPACITOR lambda lj LM 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram lm7805kc PDF


    Abstract: LM311H LM311 V comparator 14 PIN DIAGRAM 311 comparator pin diagram LM211H LM 211 311 lm211d 14 dip amd am3 pin LM111L LM311 V comparator PIN DIAGRAM
    Text: LM111/211/311 P re c is io n V o lta g e Com parator Distinctive Characteristics • • • • • The AM D LM 111/211/311 are functionally, electrically, and pir-for-pin equivalent to the National LM 111/211/311 „ _ . . Output Drive — 5 0 V and 50m A

    OCR Scan
    LM111/211/311 LM111/211/311 150nA Am311 LM311L LM311H LM311 V comparator 14 PIN DIAGRAM 311 comparator pin diagram LM211H LM 211 311 lm211d 14 dip amd am3 pin LM111L LM311 V comparator PIN DIAGRAM PDF


    Abstract: lm 1456 n MC1554 CD4046 LM102 HD-245 HD-246 MC1582L MC1583L MC1584L
    Text: MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER Motorola continued National Semiconductor HARRIS EQUIVALENT NOTES MC 1545/1445 HA-2400/2405 C3 MCI 554/1454 HA-2630/2635 C3 MC1556/1456 HA-2600/2605 B2 MCI 558/1458 HA-2650/2655 A2 MC1582L HD-245 C2 MC1583L HD-246 C2 MC1584L HD-249

    OCR Scan
    HA-2400/2405 MC1554/1454 HA-2630/2635 HA-2600/2605 MC1558/1458 HA-2650/2655 MC1582L HD-245 MC1583L HD-246 HARRIS SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTES lm 1456 n MC1554 CD4046 LM102 MC1584L PDF


    Abstract: relay rs-5 LM119F m319 M319A LM119
    Text: Am119/219/319 Dual Comparator Distinctive Characteristics The Am 119/219/319 are functionally, electrically, and pin-for-pin equivalent to the National LM119/ 219/319. Two independent comparators. Operates from single 5V supply. Output drive — 35V and 25mA.

    OCR Scan
    Am119/219/319 LM119/ Am319) AM319 relay rs-5 LM119F m319 M319A LM119 PDF


    Abstract: LM 311 IC LM311L LD311
    Text: LM111/211/311 Precision Voltage Comparator Distinctive Characteristics • • The A M D L M 1 11/211/311 are functionally, electrically, and pin-for-pin equivalent to the National LM 111/211/311 O u tp u t Drive — 5 0 V and 50 m A • In put Bias C urrent — 150nA m ax.

    OCR Scan
    LM111/211/311 LM211H LM 311 IC LM311L LD311 PDF


    Abstract: CV2276 k 2545 marconi company marconi
    Text: SECONDARY EMITTER PENTODE Z319 6-3 IN D IRECTLY HEATED NOVEMBER, 1954 A high slope pentode for use as a wide-band R .F amplifier, incorporating a single stage secondary em itter. T he Z319 is a commercial equivalent of CV2276. BASE C O N N E C T IO N S A N D V A L V E D IM EN SIO N S

    OCR Scan
    CV2276. z319 CV2276 k 2545 marconi company marconi PDF


    Abstract: B0946 B0848 LMA2010JC-55 LMA1010 F1036 LMA1010DM-55 l0925 TDC-1010 AM29510
    Text: 16 X 16-bit Multiplier-Accumulator Features Description □ 45 n s w orst-case m ultiplyaccum ulate time □ Low -pow er C M O S technology The LM A1010 an d LM A2010 are h igh speed, low pow er m ultiplieraccum ulators M ACs . They are pin for pin equivalent to the TRW

    OCR Scan
    16-bit LMA1010/2010 TDC1010 Am29510 MIL-STD-883, 64-pin 68-pin B0946 B0848 LMA2010JC-55 LMA1010 F1036 LMA1010DM-55 l0925 TDC-1010 PDF

    lt 302d

    Abstract: voltage follower lm 741 AM102
    Text: Am102/202/302 Voltage Follower Distinctive Characteristics • The Am102/202/302 are functionally, electrically, and pin-for-pin equivalent to the National LM102/ 202/302 • Supp ly voltage range: ±5.0V to ±18V • 100% reliability assurance testing in compliance with

    OCR Scan
    Am102/202/302 LM102/ 100nA L-STD-883 100t- LIC-659 lt 302d voltage follower lm 741 AM102 PDF


    Abstract: AM318 lm118d 218F
    Text: Am118/218/318 High-Speed Operational Amplifier Distinctive Characteristics The A m 1 18/218/318 are functionally, electrically, and pin-for-pin equivalent to the National LM 118/218/318 • Slew rate 70V/^is • Small signal bandwidth 15MHz • Internal frequency compensation

    OCR Scan
    Am118/218/318 15MHz LM318F AM318 lm118d 218F PDF

    LM 311 IC

    Abstract: pin diagram of LM 311 LM311L LM 311 ic 311 comparator LM211H IC LM 311 LM 211 P 211l
    Text: LM111/211/311 Precision Voltage Comparator Distinctive Characteristics • • • • • The A M D LM 1 11/211/311 are functionally, electrically, and pin-for-pin equivalent to the National LM 111/211/311 Output Drive — 50V and 50m A Input Bias Current — 150nA max.

    OCR Scan
    LM111/211/311 150nA LIC-098 LM 311 IC pin diagram of LM 311 LM311L LM 311 ic 311 comparator LM211H IC LM 311 LM 211 P 211l PDF


    Abstract: 316AD 316Af 216H Lm316ad
    Text: Am216/316'Am216A/316A Compensated, High-Performance Operational Amplifier Distinctive Characteristics • The A m 2 1 6 /A m 2 1 6 A /A m 3 1 6 /A m 3 1 6 A are fu n c tio n ­ ally, electrically, and pin-for-pin equivalent to the National L M 2 1 6 /L M 2 1 6 A /L M 3 1 6 /L M 3 1 6 A .

    OCR Scan
    L-STD-883. LM316D 316AD 316Af 216H Lm316ad PDF

    "Pin for Pin"

    Abstract: LMU557 B-739 LMU558DC U-558D
    Text: LMU557/558 8 x 8-bit Parallel Multiplier Features Description □ 60 ns worst-case multiply time The LMU557 and LMU558 are 8-bit parallel multipliers with high speed and low power operation. They are pin for pin equivalents with 54S557 and 54S558 type multipliers. Full

    OCR Scan
    Am25S557/558 54S557/558 MIL-STD883, 40-pin LMU557/558 LMU557 LMU558DM70 LMU558DM "Pin for Pin" B-739 LMU558DC U-558D PDF


    Abstract: 4535A BX1387
    Text: Ordering number: EN 4535A FP208 No.4535A PNP Epitaxial P lanar Silicon Transistor SAIÊYO i Driver Applications F eatu re s • Composite type with 2 PNP transistors in one package,facilitating high-density mounting. •The FP208 is composed of 2 chips each equivalent to the 2SB1121.

    OCR Scan
    FP208 FP208 2SB1121. 250mm2X 250mm BX-1387 4535A BX1387 PDF


    Abstract: LM319H LM119 LM319L LD119 A710 LM111 LM219 LM319 LM119F
    Text: LM119/219/319 D u a l C o m p a ra to r O u tp u t drive — 3 5 V and 25m A . Input bias current — 1/jA max. 1.2|uA fo r A m 3 1 9 D istinctive Characteristics • The A M D L M 119/219/319 are functionally, electrically, and p in -fo r-p in equivalent to th e National

    OCR Scan
    LM119/219/319 LM119/219/319 LM119/219/319. Am319) ---LM319 TA-25-C AM319 LM319H LM119 LM319L LD119 A710 LM111 LM219 LM319 LM119F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am101/201/301 Operational Amplifiers Description: The Am101/201/301 monolithic operational amplifiers are functionally, electrically and pin-for-pin equivalent to the National LM101, and LM201. They are available in the hermetic TO-99 metal can, dual-in­

    OCR Scan
    Am101/201/301 LM101, LM201. 10kS2, 100pF. PDF


    Abstract: LM319L LM119
    Text: LM119/219/319 Dual Comparator Distinctive Characteristics • • The A M D L M 1191219/319 are functionally, electrically, and p in -fo r-p in equivalent to th e National LM119/219/319. • Input bias current — 1pA max. 1.2juA fo r A m 3 1 9 • Response tim e 80ns typical at ± 1 5 V .

    OCR Scan
    LM119/219/319 LM119/219/319. AM319 LM319L LM119 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC5073 2SC5072 equivalent 2sc3722k T147 2SC4619 2SC3082K 2SC4723 2sc4997 equivalents 2sa1455k
    Text: Transistors From very small EM3 type package to high power PSD package the power dissipation is equivalent to TO-220, Pc=35W transistors. EM3 • UNIT • SMT Three types are available to allow the most suitable package depending on size specifications.

    OCR Scan
    O-220, 2SA1037AKLN 2SA1455K 2SC2412KLN 2SC3722K 2SC4911 2SC5073 2SC5072 equivalent 2sc3722k T147 2SC4619 2SC3082K 2SC4723 2sc4997 equivalents 2sa1455k PDF

    lta 301

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am101/201/301 Operational Amplifiers Description: TheA m 101/201/301 m onolithic operational am plifiers are functionally, electrica lly and p in -fo r-p in equivalent to the National LM101, and LM201. They are available in the herm etic TO-99 metal can, dual-inline packages, and fla t packages.

    OCR Scan
    Am101/201/301 LM101, LM201. lta 301 PDF