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    HUGHES LCD Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    ICL7182CPL Rochester Electronics LLC ICL7182 - LCD Bargraph ADC Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CLC2622 Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    TW8830-LA1-CR Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    TW8820-LA1-CR Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL45042IRZ-TK Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Module Calibrator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    HUGHES LCD Datasheets Context Search

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    TV Tuner sharp

    Abstract: LG lcd tv tuner SANSUI tv lg LCD nikko MAGNAVOX aiwa TV A141KE matsushita tuner vcr Techwood lcd LG TV
    Text: Codeset Reference Manual for 6-in-1 North American Learning Crimzon RC Bullet v1.2 Page 1 031 034 039 026 027 037 040 051 041 12 11 10 057 012 015 016 023 032 020 043 018 003 009 019 054 033 035 044 045 046 005 006 028 031 042 056 010 014 029 030 054 038

    RM004901-0806 TV Tuner sharp LG lcd tv tuner SANSUI tv lg LCD nikko MAGNAVOX aiwa TV A141KE matsushita tuner vcr Techwood lcd LG TV PDF

    LG lcd tv tuner

    Abstract: Techwood PLASMA tv nikko SANSUI prima lcd tv sansui manual JVC receiver TV Tuner sharp harley Davidson
    Text: Codeset Reference Manual for 6-in-1 NA Non-Learning Crimzon RC Bullet v1.2 Receiver/Tuner Receiver/Tuner Aiwa Denon Harman/ Kardon Receiver/Tuner JBL Receiver/Tuner Receiver/Tuner JVC Receiver/Tuner Kenwood Receiver/Tuner Marantz Receiver/Tuner Onkyo Receiver/Tuner

    RM003302-0806 LG lcd tv tuner Techwood PLASMA tv nikko SANSUI prima lcd tv sansui manual JVC receiver TV Tuner sharp harley Davidson PDF

    3 digit 7 segment LCD

    Abstract: 8 digit 7 segment lcd display 4 digit 7 segment lcd 8 digit 14 segment lcd 7 digit 7 segment lcd display 4 digit LCD clock module A1874 7 Segment 6 Digit LCD Display Module 0438a Hughes
    Text: Issued November 1994 F18742 Data displaymodule RS stock number 257-543 A data display module for use in microprocessor based systems. The compact unit incorporates low power decoder/driver circuits and has a full 4 digit display. Input is CMOS and TTL compatible.

    F18742 A18742 3 digit 7 segment LCD 8 digit 7 segment lcd display 4 digit 7 segment lcd 8 digit 14 segment lcd 7 digit 7 segment lcd display 4 digit LCD clock module A1874 7 Segment 6 Digit LCD Display Module 0438a Hughes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Issued March 1997 240-0165 Data Pack F Data display module Data Sheet RS stock number 257-543 A data display module for use in microprocessor based systems. The compact unit incorporates low power decoder/driver circuits and has a full 4 digit display. Input is CMOS and TTL compatible.


    clock 7 segment decoder TTL

    Abstract: 0438a
    Text: Issued November 1994 018-742 Data Pack F Data display module Data Sheet RS stock number 257-543 A data display module for use in microprocessor based systems. The compact unit incorporates low power decoder/driver circuits and has a full 4 digit display. Input is CMOS and TTL compatible.



    Abstract: MB88121C Milbeaut FR81S fujitsu LVDS vga cable harness LIN bus QFP216 MB88F322 MB91F467M FR81
    Text: Connecting People to Cars Convergence 2008 October 21, 2008 Fujitsu Microelectronics America, Inc. Agenda Introduction Fujitsu Automotive Business Update Microcontroller Product Update Graphics Display Controller Update Summary and Q&As October 21, 2008 2

    1394-Automotive 32-bit 1394Automotive MB88F332 MB88121C Milbeaut FR81S fujitsu LVDS vga cable harness LIN bus QFP216 MB88F322 MB91F467M FR81 PDF


    Abstract: strx6729 STR X6729 str TV SMPS Sanken STR G746 X6729 SANKEN pwm STRX-6729 str-x6
    Text: STR-X6729 Off-Line Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators Features and Benefits ▪ Quasi-resonant topology IC  Low EMI noise and soft switching ▪ Bottom-skip mode  Improved system efficiency over the entire output load by avoiding increase of switching

    STR-X6729 STR-X6729 strx6729 STR X6729 str TV SMPS Sanken STR G746 X6729 SANKEN pwm STRX-6729 str-x6 PDF

    four digit seven segment lcd

    Abstract: H0437 bcd to seven segment circuit diagram Hughes Microelectronics HUGHES 4-digit seven segment driver hughes lcd 0437 four 4-digit seven segment driver 5 digit 7 segment LCD pin configuration
    Text: HUGHES H0437 Four Digit LCD Driver SEMICONDUCTOR DIVISIÓN Industrial Electronics Group DESCRIPTION Hughes 0437 is a CMOS/LSI circuit that drives a 4-digit LCD display from multiplexed BCD information. The inputs are four positive true strobe digit select signals and four BCD data

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    H0437 four digit seven segment lcd H0437 bcd to seven segment circuit diagram Hughes Microelectronics HUGHES 4-digit seven segment driver hughes lcd 0437 four 4-digit seven segment driver 5 digit 7 segment LCD pin configuration PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HUGHES H7211 Four Digit LCD Decoder / Drivers MICROELECTRONICS CENTER DESCRIPTION Hughes 7211 devices are configured to drive conventional 4 digit, 7 segment LCD displays. They feature on-chip oscillator, divider chain, backplane driver, and 28 segment drivers. These devices

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    H7211 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HUGHES H7211 A1HCRA* T COMPANY Four Digit LCD Decoder / Drivers MICROELECTRONICS CENTER DESCRIPTION Hughes 7211 devices are configured to drive conventional 4 digit, 7 segment LCD displays. They feature on-chip oscillator, divider chain, backplane driver, and 28 segment drivers. These devices

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    H7211 PDF

    4 digit 7 segment lcd display pin configuration

    Abstract: D80C48 4 digit 7 segment lcd 8748 microcomputer 4 DIGIT LCD DISPLAY 40 PIN 5 digit 7 segment LCD pin configuration four digit seven segment lcd 5 digit 7 segment LCD display pin configuration 4 digit 7 segment display 36 pin configuration LCD 16 digit 7 segment display pin configuration
    Text: HUGHES H7211 AlRCRAF T C O M PAN Y Four Digit LCD Decoder I Drivers SEMICONDUCTOR DIVISION Industrial Electronics Group DESCRIPTION Hughes 7211 devices are configured to drive conventional 4 digit, 7 segment LCD displays. They feature on-chip oscillator, divider chain, backplane driver, and 28 segment drivers. These devices

    OCR Scan
    H7211 4 digit 7 segment lcd display pin configuration D80C48 4 digit 7 segment lcd 8748 microcomputer 4 DIGIT LCD DISPLAY 40 PIN 5 digit 7 segment LCD pin configuration four digit seven segment lcd 5 digit 7 segment LCD display pin configuration 4 digit 7 segment display 36 pin configuration LCD 16 digit 7 segment display pin configuration PDF

    Power supply MK-0607A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HUGHES H0607A AI RCRAFT COMPANY Serial Input Dot Matrix LCD Driver MICROELECTRONICS CENTER DESCRIPTION Hughes 0607A is a CMOS/LSI circuit that drives a matrix LCD display under microcomputer control. The intended display is a 4 x 4 16 segment alphanumeric matrix or a 4 x 2 or 3 x 3 numeric

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    H0607A Power supply MK-0607A PDF

    Hughes Microelectronics

    Abstract: Hughes H0216 HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY hitachi 44780 HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY lcd 8 x 8 SEGMENTED LCD display 8-Bit Microprocessors x16-character lcd 44780
    Text: • 4bl325G QQQ501Ô 1 M HUGHES MICROELECTRONICS 2SE D "T S 2 - I3 - 0 7 - HUGHES A IR C R A F T C O M P A N Y 80 OUTPUT DIRECT LCD DRIVER ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ MICROELECTRONICS CENTER H0480 Up to 25v output drive for newer technology displays. Clock shifts up to 20MHz.

    OCR Scan
    i325D H0480 20MHz. H0208 H0216 H0224 H0480 Hughes Microelectronics Hughes HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY hitachi 44780 HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY lcd 8 x 8 SEGMENTED LCD display 8-Bit Microprocessors x16-character lcd 44780 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HUGHES H0607A A I -I I H A • ! (. ( v P A \ y Serial Input Dot Matrix LCD Driver MICROELECTRONICS CENTER DESCRIPTION Hughes 0607A is a CMOS/LSI circuit that drives a matrix LCD display under microcomputer control. The intended display is a 4 x 4 (1 6 segment alphanumeric matrix o ra 4 x 2 o r3 x 3 n u m e ric

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    H0607A PDF

    Hughes Microelectronics

    Abstract: 0438a Hughes Serial input lcd 0438a Hughes 16 seg led HI0438A-Q H0438A Hughes newport HC
    Text: H0438A Serial Input LCD Driver M IC R O E L E C T R O N IC S C EN TER DESCRIPTION Hughes H0438A is a CMOS/LSI circuit which drives an LCD display, usually under microprocessor control. The device acts as a smart peripheral, driving up to 32 LCD segments. It-needs only three con­

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    H0438A H0438A 16segment Hughes Microelectronics 0438a Hughes Serial input lcd 0438a Hughes 16 seg led HI0438A-Q Hughes newport HC PDF

    hughes aircraft company

    Abstract: H0488 led matrix 16X16 HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY lcd CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FOR 16 pin diagram of lcd display Hughes Microelectronics
    Text: HUGHES H0488 Parallel Input Dot Matrix AIR CRAFT COM PA N Y SE M IC O N D U C TO R D IV IS IO N LCD Driver In d u s tria l E le c tro n ic s G ro u p D ESC RIPTIO N H ughes 0488 is a C M O S /L S I c irc u it that d rives a re c ta n g u la r m atrix LCD d isp la ys under

    OCR Scan
    H0488 hughes aircraft company H0488 led matrix 16X16 HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY lcd CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FOR 16 pin diagram of lcd display Hughes Microelectronics PDF

    Hughes Microelectronics

    Abstract: HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY lcd H0541 H0542 Hughes Hughes H0541
    Text: H0541 H0542 HUGHES Parallel input Dot Matrix LCD Driver AIRCRAFT COM PANY SE M IC O N D U C TO R D IV IS IO N Industrial Electronics Group D ESC R IPTIO N H u g h e s 0541 a n d 0542 are a set o f C M O S /L S I c irc u its w h ic h d riv e a d o t m a trix LCD d is p la y un d e r

    OCR Scan
    H0541 H0542 Hughes Microelectronics HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY lcd H0542 Hughes Hughes H0541 PDF


    Abstract: HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY lcd HLCD0 HLCD0515 4 bit multiplexed display system Hughes Solid State
    Text: iH U G H E S i HUGHES AIR CRAFT C O M PAN Y SO LID S TA TE P R O D U C T S A U T O -REFRESH C M O S LC D DRIVER H L C D 0515 D E S C R IP T IO N The HLCD 0515 is a CMOS driver for multiplexed Liquid Crystal Displays. Each unit is capable of driving an LCD matrix of up to 8 rows x 25 columns. This display could be a graphic array, custom array, or 5 characters in

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: H0538A Hughes aircraft Hughes Aircraft Company HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY lcd HUGHES hughes lcd Hughes newport
    Text: HUGHES H0538A H 0539A AIRCRAFT C OMPANY Serial Input Dot M atrix LCD Driver S E M IC O N D U C T O R DIVISION Industrial E le ctro n ics G ro u p DESC RIPTIO N H u g h e s 0 5 3 8 A a n d 0 5 3 9 A a re a se t o t C M O S /L S I c ir c u its th a t d riv e a d o t m a trix L C D d is p la y u n d e r

    OCR Scan
    H0538A H0539A 0538Aand H0539A Hughes aircraft Hughes Aircraft Company HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY lcd HUGHES hughes lcd Hughes newport PDF

    hamlin lcd

    Abstract: HLCD0550 Standish LCD STANDISH LCD DISPLAYS
    Text: M U L TIP LE X LCD A P P L IC A TIO N IN F O R M A T IO N A multiplexed LCD is partitioned as a matrix consisting ot M rows and N columns. At each matrix location, an active element is formed, which is electrically equivalent to a lossy, non-linear capacitor. For example, a 6

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4744302 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONIC T-41-38 88D 02471 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONIC flfl DE | 4744302 0002471 5 POIARIS 6-DIGIT, 1" 25.4m m CHARACTER HEIGHT LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY LCD5633 FEATURES • Large, easy-to-read 1" digits • Viewing distance greater than 35 feet

    OCR Scan
    T-41-38 LCD5633 MSM58292; HD61603 4720556IEECPD T-41-38 PDF

    Hughes Microelectronics

    Abstract: hughes Hughes Solid State A 0540 H0540
    Text: H0540 Series Input Dot Matrix LCD Driver S E M IC O N D U C T O R D IV ISIO N Industrial Electronics G roup • D ESC RIPTIO N H u g h e s 0 5 4 0 is a C M O S /L S I c irc u it th a t d rives re c ta n g u la r m a trix L C D d is p la y s u n d e r m ic r o c o m p u te r c o n tro l. T h e d is p la y itse lf m a y b e a s ta n d a rd x -y a r r a y o r a c u s to m a rra y th a t

    OCR Scan
    H0540 0540s Hughes Microelectronics hughes Hughes Solid State A 0540 H0540 PDF


    Abstract: H0548 16rows hughes lcd
    Text: H0548 Serial Input Dot Matrix LCD Driver S E M IC O N D U C T O R D IV ISIO N Industrial Electronics G roup DESCRIPTION H u gh es 0548 is a C M O S /L S I c irc u it w h ic h d riv e s re c ta n g u la r m atrix LCD d is p la y s un d e r m ic ro c o m p u te r co n tro l. T h e d is p la y its e lf m ay be a sta n d a rd x - y arra y o r a cu sto m arra y th a t

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    H0548 HUGHES H0548 16rows hughes lcd PDF

    Hughes Aircraft Company

    Abstract: HLCD0515 hughes
    Text: iH U G H E S : L . -J H UGHES AIRCRAFT C O M P A N Y S O LID STATE P R O D U C T S A U T O -R E F R E S H C M O S LCD DRIVER D E S C R IP T IO N The HLCD 0515 is a CM OS driver for m ultiplexed Liquid Crystal Displays. Each unit is capable of driving an

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    HLCD0515 Hughes Aircraft Company hughes PDF