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    Abstract: 52ONE XFRV
    Text: Implementing an 8-Bit Asynchronous Peripheral Interface Utilizing the EZ-USB FX GPIF/Slave FIFOs Abstract Hardware Connection Diagram This application note discusses how to configure the General Programmable Interface GPIF and slave FIFOs of the EZ-USB® FX™ to implement an 8-bit asynchronous interface. The GPIF is a programmable 8- or 16-bit parallel interface that allows designers to reduce system costs by providing a glueless interface between the EZ-USB FX and many

    16-bit P1284) P1284 52ONE XFRV PDF

    ez 724

    Abstract: 358 ez 802 ez 748 393 EZ 932 EZ 941 358 ez 902 358 ez 650 ez 643 393 EZ 639 EZ 711 253
    Text: Implementing an 8-Bit Asynchronous Peripheral Interface Utilizing the EZ-USB FX GPIF/Slave FIFOs Abstract Hardware Connection Diagram This application note discusses how to configure the General Programmable Interface GPIF and slave FIFOs of the EZ-USB® FX™ to implement an 8-bit asynchronous interface. The GPIF is a programmable 8- or 16-bit parallel interface that allows designers to reduce system costs by providing a glueless interface between the EZ-USB FX and many

    16-bit P1284) interfaces2002. ez 724 358 ez 802 ez 748 393 EZ 932 EZ 941 358 ez 902 358 ez 650 ez 643 393 EZ 639 EZ 711 253 PDF

    ARI 24lc02

    Abstract: 324 EZ CY7C68013A-100AXC CY7C68013A-56BAXC e626 CY7C64713 CY7C68013A CY7C68014A CY7C68015A CY7C68016A
    Text: EZ-USB Technical Reference Manual Document # 001-13670 Rev. *A Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 Phone USA : 800.858.1810 Phone (Intnl): 408.943.2600 [+] Feedback Copyrights Copyrights Copyright 2002 - 2008 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.



    Abstract: cy7c68014a-56pvxc EEPROM 283 133A CY7C68013A-100AXC datasheet E625 CY7C64713 CY7C68013A CY7C68014A CY7C68015A CY7C68016A
    Text: EZ-USB Technical Reference Manual Document # 001-13670 Rev. *B Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 Phone USA : 800.858.1810 Phone (Intnl): 408.943.2600 [+] Feedback Copyrights Copyrights Copyright 2002 - 2009 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.



    Abstract: Cypress FX2 EEPROM 27C256 CY7C68013-100 E605 DALLAS DS80C320 0xF800-0xFBFF 80C32 Intel
    Text: EZ-USB FX2 Technical Reference Manual Cypress Semiconductor 3901 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134 Tel.: 800 858-1810 (toll-free in the U.S.) (408) 943-2600 Cypress Disclaimer Agreement The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Incorporated. While



    Abstract: pcl6045 CU4R stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram crt horizontal deflection circuit PCL6045B as15 h PRMG 951 ezd 171 PLC6045B
    Text: User's Manual For PCL6045BL Pulse Control LSI Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. [Preface] Thank you for considering our pulse control LSI, the "PCL6045B." To learn how to use the PCL6045B, read this manual to become familiar with the product. The handling precautions for installing this LSI are described at the end of this manual. Make sure to

    PCL6045BL PCL6045B. PCL6045B, PLC6045B PCL6045BL pcl6045 CU4R stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram crt horizontal deflection circuit PCL6045B as15 h PRMG 951 ezd 171 PDF

    as15 G

    Abstract: pcl6045 as15 h PCL6045B CU4R AD0-AD15 PLC6045B ltcy
    Text: 8VHU V 0DQXDO RU 3&/% 3XOVH &RQWURO /6, Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. [Preface] Thank you for considering our pulse control LSI, the "PCL6045B." To learn how to use the PCL6045B, read this manual to become familiar with the product. The handling precautions for installing this LSI are described at the end of this manual. Make sure to read them

    PCL6045B. PCL6045B, PLC6045B PCL-6045B-1 1B-5205-0 as15 G pcl6045 as15 h PCL6045B CU4R AD0-AD15 ltcy PDF


    Abstract: CU4R as15 G stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram pcl6045 as15 h diode EZD PCL6045B as15 transistor PDTC
    Text: 8VHU V 0DQXDO RU 3&/% 3XOVH &RQWURO /6, Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. [Preface] Thank you for considering our pulse control LSI, the "PCL6045B." To learn how to use the PCL6045B, read this manual to become familiar with the product. The handling precautions for installing this LSI are described at the end of this manual. Make sure to read them

    PCL6045B. PCL6045B, PLC6045B PCL-6045B-1 1B-5205-0 CU4R as15 G stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram pcl6045 as15 h diode EZD PCL6045B as15 transistor PDTC PDF


    Abstract: CU4R pcl6045 as15 G as15 h PCL6045B CP5X AD0-AD15 stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram rrmv
    Text: 1. Outline and Features 1-1. Outline The PCL6045B is a CMOS LSI designed to provide the oscillating, high-speed pulses needed to drive stepper motors and servomotors pulse string input types . It can offer various types of control over the pulse strings and therefore the motor performance. These

    PCL6045B PLC6045B FC-70 CU4R pcl6045 as15 G as15 h CP5X AD0-AD15 stepper motor interface with 8086 block diagram rrmv PDF


    Abstract: PCL6025B as15 G CU4R as15 h PCL6045B PLC6025B CP5X as15 fa sd pcl6045
    Text: User's Manual For PCL6025B Pulse Control LSI Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. [Preface] Thank you for considering our pulse control LSI, the "PCL6025B." To learn how to use the PCL6025B, read this manual to become familiar with the product. The handling precautions for installing this LSI are described at the end of this manual. Make sure to read

    PCL6025B PCL6025B. PCL6025B, l0026 PCL-6025B-1 1B-5205-0 PCL6025 PCL6025B as15 G CU4R as15 h PCL6045B PLC6025B CP5X as15 fa sd pcl6045 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: +}3 >RGNIVU =28.C >;072?> 3IEVWTIU \ Sa^ ]b^e^\mkb\ lmk^g`ma \Zg k^Z\a 9555UAC Zg] ma^ bglneZmbhg k^lblmZg\^ bl 6555L \ Vbma _bg`^k ikhm^\mbhg ]^ob\^ \ Eglnk^ l^\nk^ k^gmbhg Zg] ^Zlr ^c^\mbhg h_ k^eZrl \ Bnbem2bg ikhm^\mbhg \bk\nbm \Zg bg]b\Zm^ ma^ ihp^k lmZmnl1 ikhm^\m ma^ \bk\nbm Zg] ^qiZg] ma^ kZg`^

    9555UAC 6555L HF96F AC4DC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UG764D6584KD Revision History U N IG EN C O N FI D EN TI AL Pr el im in ar y Feb 13 , 2002 Datasheet released. Rev - A 45388 Warm Springs Blvd. Fremont, CA. 94539 Tel: 510 668-2088 Fax: (510) 661-2788 Re-Tek- 938_MT UG764D6584KD 512M Bytes (64M x 64) DDR SDRAM 184Pin DIMM With Register & PLL

    UG764D6584KD 184Pin UG764D6584KD 64Mbits 66-pin 64ms/8K) 625ns PDF

    100a3 liu

    Abstract: 4DSX-012-BXD lucent accumax lucent LGBC LGBC-006D-SPX LT1A-F/F LSC2U-024 Lucent Technologies fiber optic PATCH PANEL lucent LXE 4DNX-012-BXD
    Text: : Page 11 Thursday, June 22, 2000 11:40 AM Fiber Optic Applications Within the Wire Center Many existing wire centers have fiber distribution networks that were installed to support only high-capacity interoffice traffic, with much of the fiber feeder applications digital loop carrier

    sec01a C3000A-2 D-181707 D-181706 nm/1300 938A1 2492C) 100a3 liu 4DSX-012-BXD lucent accumax lucent LGBC LGBC-006D-SPX LT1A-F/F LSC2U-024 Lucent Technologies fiber optic PATCH PANEL lucent LXE 4DNX-012-BXD PDF


    Abstract: BF31
    Text: <:G34 5FEA?AE=G9 C9>5I :MJWXUMV , AXkk\ip C`jZfee\Zk O\cXp.De\i^p2dXeX^\d\ek/ , 7 Zf`cj cXkZ_`e^ Xlkfdfk`m\ i\cXp , Bfek`elflj Zlii\ek f] 6>5 @ Xk =:sB , Bf`c k\id`eXc? 92g`e Zfee\Zkfi.@JM 535<5 j\i`\j/ IfX[ k\id`eXc? J= Yfck EZTOKJP 5TTPOKJWOSRV , T\`^_k? 765^

    5C57E9C 537j1Xk 85LMP4d 55SCB/ HPL69556 BF31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am2904 x c Status and Shift Control Unit > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Replaces most MSI used around any ALU - Including the Am2901, Am2903A, Am29203 and MSI ALUs. Generates Carry-in to the ALU - Carry signal is selectable from 7 different sources. Contains shift linkage multiplexers

    OCR Scan
    Am2904 Am2901, Am2903A Am29203 PDF

    yx 801

    Abstract: yx 801 led yx 801 ic AM2904 SI03L EZ 708 EZ 308 msr 206 pinout basic block diagram of bit slice processors 29203
    Text: Am 2904 X C Status and Shift Control Unit > 3 lv> DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS <0 R ep laces m ost MSI used aro und any ALU - Including th e Am 2901, Am 2903A, A m 29203 and MSI ALUs. G e n e ra tes C arry-in to th e ALU - Carry signal is selectable from 7 diffe re nt sources.

    OCR Scan
    Am2904 Am2901, Am2903A Am29203 AIS-WCP-8M-01/87-0 yx 801 yx 801 led yx 801 ic AM2904 SI03L EZ 708 EZ 308 msr 206 pinout basic block diagram of bit slice processors 29203 PDF

    yx 801 led

    Abstract: yx 801 yx 801 ic SI03L 317 lz cd 4560 EZ 729 AM2904 79212 basic block diagram of bit slice processors
    Text: Am 2904 X C Status and Shift Control Unit > 3 lv> DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS <0 R ep laces m ost MSI used aro und any ALU - Including th e Am 2901, Am 2903A, A m 29203 and MSI ALUs. G e n e ra tes C arry-in to th e ALU - Carry signal is selectable from 7 diffe re nt sources.

    OCR Scan
    Am2904 Am2901, Am2903A Am29203 AIS-WCP-8M-01/87-0 yx 801 led yx 801 yx 801 ic SI03L 317 lz cd 4560 EZ 729 AM2904 79212 basic block diagram of bit slice processors PDF


    Abstract: MS-009-AE

    OCR Scan

    ITE 8572

    Abstract: 73X BLACK MARKING bu 3150 af SMAD16 SMA marking code LG sno 357 fl29 ll87 ad t004 uu215
    Text: tape and reel packaging for surface mount devices Design-For-Assembly DFA a nd Design-ForM anufacture (DFM) stand tall alongside CAD /C AM in the quest to optimize profit­ ability, production e fficie n cy a nd equipm ent operating usage. A utom ation of surface-m ount assembly

    OCR Scan
    13-inch ITE 8572 73X BLACK MARKING bu 3150 af SMAD16 SMA marking code LG sno 357 fl29 ll87 ad t004 uu215 PDF


    Abstract: LP 8029 EZ 929 8029 hl
    Text: V 1~ C INC 93SÔ 929 V T C _ D1 ci 3 a a ciBcl OOQliSSQ 3 IN C 99D 01250 T -1 9 - 23 VA708 HIGH-SPEED, FAST-SETTLING, HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER, A CL2> 3 LSP FAMILY DATA SHEETS a cm FEATURES • Fast Settling Time; ±0.1% in 150ns • High Slew Rate: 90V4is

    OCR Scan
    VA708 150ns 90V4is 100MHz VA708 DS032-5M8861 LP 8029 EZ 929 8029 hl PDF

    RSN 314 H 41

    Abstract: 4558 DX RSN 315 H 42 AM7901 h3 0925 4558 DX dip 8 4558 audio operational IC 4558 distortion mark 0925 h3 32X2
    Text: NOV 2 i 1991 Final Am7901 B/C Advanced Micro Devices Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit SLAC WORLD-CHIP DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Combination CODEC and Filter ■ No trimming or adjustments required ■ Uses digital signal processing ■ Six user-programmable digital filters

    OCR Scan
    Am7901 1M-9/90-0 RSN 314 H 41 4558 DX RSN 315 H 42 h3 0925 4558 DX dip 8 4558 audio operational IC 4558 distortion mark 0925 h3 32X2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V T C IN C TTD D I □□0122E g K 3 3 g B 9 2 9 j T T C INC ^ | 9 9 D 0 1 2 22 D V A 7 0 5 f - i V LSP FAMILY DATA SH EETS HIGH-SPEED PRECISION OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FEATURES • Fast Settling Time: ±0.1% in 250ns • High Slew Rate: 35V/^s • Wide Gain Bandwidth: 25MHz

    OCR Scan
    0122E 250ns 25MHz VA705 T-79-07-10 VA705 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H O ' 2 1 19« P R E L IM IN A R Y a Am79C02/3 A) Advanced Micro Dual Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit (DSLAC Device) Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Software programmable: Dual PCM ports -S L IC impedance -T rans-hybrid balance -T ransm it and Receive gains

    OCR Scan
    Am79C02/3 096-MHz Am79C02/3A WCP-8M-9/91-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM48V2000A/AL/ALL/ASL CMOS DRAM 2M x 8 Bit CMOS Dynamic RAM with Fast Page Mode GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Performance range: tRAC tCAC tn c 60ns 15ns 110ns KM48V2000A/AL/ALL/ASL-7 70ns 20ns 130ns KM48V2000A/AL/ALL/ASL-8 80ns 20ns 150ns KM48V2000A/AL7ALL/ASL-6

    OCR Scan