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    ESVB20J227M Search Results

    ESVB20J227M Datasheets Context Search

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    aa marking code

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E/SV Standard / RoHS Compliant Series Manganese dioxide type í FEATURES b /HDGIUHH 7\SH 5R+6 &RPSOLDQW b Offer a range of small, high-capacity models. b Succeed to the latest technology plus outstanding peformance. b +DORJHQ IUHH $QWLPRQ\ IUHH DQG 5HG 3KRVSKRURXV IUHH UHVLQ LV DSSOLHG WR WKH H[WHULRU PROG UHVLQ

    9653TCAVOL13E1106E1 aa marking code PDF

    tokin 108

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E/SV Standard / RoHS Compliant Series Manganese dioxide type • FEATURES • Lead-free Type. RoHS Compliant. • Offer a range of small, high-capacity models. • Succeed to the latest technology plus outstanding peformance. ■ DIMENSIONS [mm] L [J, P, A2, A cases]

    3216L 3528L 9653TCAVOL12E1007E0 tokin 108 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E/SV Standard / RoHS Compliant Series Manganese dioxide type í FEATURES b Lead-free Type. RoHS Compliant. b Offer a range of small, high-capacity models. b Succeed to the latest technology plus outstanding peformance. b Halogen free, Antimony free and Red Phosphorous free resin is applied to the exterior mold resin.

    9653TCAVOL14E1109E0 PDF