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    ITOX I/O SHIELD FOR G7B630-N-G - Bulk (Alt: ACES-IOS-N)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas ACES-IOS-N Bulk 1
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Flex Ltd PKU5313ESIOT

    Module DC-DC 1-OUT 12V 2.75A 33W SMD 6-Pin Sixteenth-Brick Tray - Trays (Alt: PKU5313ESIOT)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas PKU5313ESIOT Tray 18 Weeks 150
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    RFID reader; 4.3÷5.5V; GPIO,I2C,RS232,TTL,USB; antenna; 140mA
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    • 1 $202.1
    • 10 $187.74
    • 100 $177.48
    • 1000 $177.48
    • 10000 $177.48
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    EAO AG 01-901.4-LESION

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    Sager 01-901.4-LESION
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    Abstract: SS1103C SS1107 transistor P43 smd
    Text: 7/16/98 SS1103C Single-Chip Spread Spectrum Processor for Digital Cordless Phone External Specification PRELIMINARY V 1.1              !" !"!# $% !" !"!#! &&&  '  () '

    SS1103C PNH15 SS1103C SS1107 transistor P43 smd PDF


    Abstract: KDS 4B 12 MHZ crystal t3d7 diode ML610Q4 SCK032 5252 F 1009 "integrated circuit" OKI ML610Q407 ML61040 S1B10 3 pin preset resistor 10k
    Text: FEUL610Q409-01 ML610Q407/ML610Q408/ML610Q409 User’s Manual Issue Date: Nov. 7, 2010 NOTICE 1. The information contained herein can change without notice owing to product and/or technical improvements. Before using the product, please make sure that the information being referred to is up-to-date.

    FEUL610Q409-01 ML610Q407/ML610Q408/ML610Q409 768kHz: 768kHz 500kHz: ML610Q407/ML610Q408/ML610Q409 ML610Q407 KDS 4B 12 MHZ crystal t3d7 diode ML610Q4 SCK032 5252 F 1009 "integrated circuit" OKI ML610Q407 ML61040 S1B10 3 pin preset resistor 10k PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o A1RFRD10 A *15.1 *@1 ,0 2 X 7 = 7 14 *1.0:> NOTES MODIFY REVISION RECORD Among 1 1 /0 8 /0 4 A A A A A A A 8 <3l 10 FREA 06 ECO REV OPTION DRFT CHKD Modify P art N um ber 6^ 22? 00' CZH Modify Dim esion 1/ 1/ 01' A *1 1 .4 3 DESCRIPTION Modify Drawing LOT

    OCR Scan
    A1RFRD10 GE533A01 PDF


    Abstract: 47C443 443-T 47C243N p100101 210B-6F
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C243/443 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C243N, TMP47C443N TMP47C243M, TMP47C443M TMP47C243DM, TMP47C443DM The 47C243/443 are the high speed and high performance 4-bit single chip microcomputers, w ith 8-bit A/D converter, 8-bit serial interface, pulse outp u t and zero-cross detector based on the TLCS-470 series.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C243/443 TMP47C243N, TMP47C443N TMP47C243M, TMP47C443M TMP47C243DM, TMP47C443DM 47C243/443 TLCS-470 P47P443VM 47C443N 47C443 443-T 47C243N p100101 210B-6F PDF

    toshiba c660

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C660N, TMP47C860N TMP47C660DF, TMP47C860DF CMOS 4—Bit Microcontroller The 47C660/860 have extended I/O ports and A/D converter based on the TLCS-470 series. TM P47C660N, TMP47C860N TMP47C660DF, TMP47C860DF OTP Piggyback S D IP 4 2 TM P47P860N

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C660N, TMP47C860N TMP47C660DF, TMP47C860DF 47C660/860 TLCS-470 P47C660N, toshiba c660 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SH IBA TMP47C660A/860A CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C660AN,TMP47C860AN TMP47C660AF, TMP47C860AF The 47C660A/860A are high speed and high performance 4-bit single chip micro computers, integrating the 8bit A/D converter based on the TLCS-470 series. PART No.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C660A/860A TMP47C660AN TMP47C860AN TMP47C660AF, TMP47C860AF 47C660A/860A TLCS-470 TMP47C660AF P47C860AN PDF

    diode 937 ke

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C655F TMP47C855F CMOS 4-B it Microcontroller single chip microcomputer based on the TLCS-470 CMOS series. And the 47C655/855 have LCD driver, DTMF generator and large-capacity RAM for repertory dial, which are sutable for application in telephones. The 47C655/855 have two oscil­

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C655F TMP47C855F TMP47C855F 47C655/855 TLCS-470 P47C655F P47C855F diode 937 ke PDF

    TAB 429 H toshiba

    Abstract: R53 P1F SM5544TE-4.194304M
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C800/980 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C800N TMP47C800F The 47C800 Is a high speed and high perform ance 4-bit single chip microcomputer, Integrating RO M , RAM , Input/output ports, timer/counters, a serial Interface, and tw o clock generators on a chip.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C800/980 TMP47C800N TMP47C800F 47C800 TLCS-470 P47C800N P47C800F P47P8 TAB 429 H toshiba R53 P1F SM5544TE-4.194304M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C800N TMP47C800F CMOS 4-B it Microcontrollers The 47C800 is a high speed and high performance 4-bit single chip microcomputer, integrating ROM, RAM, input/output ports, timer/counters, a serial interface, and two clock genera­ tors on a chip.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C800N TMP47C800F TMP47C800F 47C800 TLCS-470 TMP47C800N SOIP42 QFP44 Q110B PDF

    siemens sab 82532

    Abstract: 82258 SA 82532 SAB 80286 csc 2323 sab80286 STT 3 SIEMENS 80286 microprocessor pin out diagram ESCC2 siemens sab 82525
    Text: SIEM ENS Enhanced Serial Communication Controller ESCC2 SAB 82532 Preliminary Data 1.1 CMOS 1C General Features S erial Interface • Two independent full duplex serial channels - On chip clock generation or external clock source - On chip DPLL for clock recovery of each

    OCR Scan
    CRC-32 235b05 82532N-10. 00702fl2 siemens sab 82532 82258 SA 82532 SAB 80286 csc 2323 sab80286 STT 3 SIEMENS 80286 microprocessor pin out diagram ESCC2 siemens sab 82525 PDF

    "Crystal Oscillator" 4mhz

    Abstract: 47C242A t0s3
    Text: T O S H IB A UC/UP 54E D • T Q T T E M T D D 2 D 0 b 2 SG7 ■ T0S3 TO SH IBA TMP47C242A CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER f l TMP47C242AN — The 47C242A has 8-bit A/D converter and watchdog timer based on theTLCS-47 CMOS series. PART No. ROM RAM PACKAGE PIG G Y BA C K (A D A PTER SOCKET)

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C242A TMP47C242AN 47C242A theTLCS-47 128x4-bit SDIP30 TMP47C940AE "Crystal Oscillator" 4mhz t0s3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C1260/1660 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C1260N, TMP47C1660N TMP47C1260F , TMP47C1660F The 47C1260/1660 are the high speed and high perform ance 4 -b it single chip m icrocom puter, w ith large capacity ROM and RAM, based on the 47C660/860 TLCS-470 series .

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1260/1660 TMP47C1260N, TMP47C1660N TMP47C1260F TMP47C1660F 47C1260/1660 47C660/860 TLCS-470 TMP47C1260N TMP47C1260F OP12A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 0 11 9 7 8 6 5 3 4 • 2 DRAWING NUMBER FSD NOHENO DISEGNO DRAWING ■ C ill610/10 REVISION 309479 REVISIONS m . STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Max dimension acceptable of rubber bonnet SEC T IO N S A O SHEET | i o APPROVAL LEVEL U O FOCI 10 1 A O uv. oi m m / S LID E OPEN

    OCR Scan
    il610/10 309479GIIERO. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHI BA UC / U P 54E D • ^724=] QGnb2b TOSH IBA 20*1 « T 0 S 3 TMP47C660/860/060 CM OS 4 -BIT M ICRO CO N TR O LLER T “ V ^ “ I 9 * "HM TM P47C660N, TMP47C860N TM P47C660F, TM P47C860F The 47C660/860 have extended I/O ports and A/D converter based on th e TLCS-470 series.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C660/860/060 P47C660N, TMP47C860N P47C660F, P47C860F 47C660/860 TLCS-470 TMP47C660N TMP47C660F TMP47P860N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C452B CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C452BN TMP47C452BF The 47C452B is a high perform ance 4-bit single chip microcomputer based on theTLC S-47 CMOS series. And th e 47C452B has a built-in large-capacity RAM fo r repertory dial and DTMF generator, which is suitable for

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C452B TMP47C452BN TMP47C452BF 47C452B SDIP42-P-600-1 TMP47P452VN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TM P47 C243/443 C M O S 4 - B IT M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R TMP47C243N, TMP47C443N TM P47C243M, TMP47C443M TM P47C243DM , TMP47C443DM The 47C243/443 are th e high speed and high perform ance 4 -b it single chip m icrocom puters, w ith 8 -b it A/D

    OCR Scan
    C243/443 TMP47C243N, TMP47C443N P47C243M, TMP47C443M P47C243DM TMP47C443DM 47C243/443 TLCS-470 TMP47C243N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C670/870 CM O S 4-BIT M IC R O C O N T R O LLE R TM P47C670N , TM P47C870N The 47C670/870 is the high-speed and high-perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter, w ith built-in VFT Vacuum Fluorescent Tu be Display driver and 14 bit D/A converter (Pulse w id th m odulation) output.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C670/870 P47C670N P47C870N 47C670/870 47P870N P47P870E P47C070E 33iis 244ps PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SH IBA TMP47C200B/400B CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C200BN, TMP47C400BN TMP47C200BF, TMP47C400BF The 47C200B/400B are high speed and high perform ance 4 -b it single chip microcomputers, in tegrating ROM, RAM, in p u t/o u tp u t ports, tim er/counters, and a serial interface on a chip. The 47C200B/400B are th e standard

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C200B/400B TMP47C200BN, TMP47C400BN TMP47C200BF, TMP47C400BF 47C200B/400B TLCS-47 47C200A/400A. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA 3.2 TMP47C222/422 Interval Timer The interval timer can be used to generate an interrupt with a fixed frequency. An interval timer interrupt is controlled by the command register OP19 . And the command resister (OP19) is initialized to "0 " during reset. An interval timer interrupt is generated at the first rising edge of the binary counter

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C222/422 0110B /oOP19 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C1260/1660/006 C M O S 4-B IT M IC R O C O N TR O L LE R T M P 4 7C 12 6 0N , TM P 47C 1660N T M P 4 7 C 1 2 6 0 F , TM P 47C 1660F T h e 4 7 C 1 2 6 0 /1 6 6 0 a r e t h e h i g h s p e e d a n d h i g h p e r f o r m a n c e 4 - b i t s i n g l e c h i p m i c r o c o m p u t e r , w i t h l a r g e

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1260/1660/006 1660N 1660F 1260N PDF

    VII 50-12 S1

    Abstract: 5060 LED compare 5050 led
    Text: TO SH IB A TMP47C850 CMOS 4-Bit Microcontroller TMP47C850N TMP47C850F The TMP47C850 is a high performance 4-bit single chip microcomputer based on the TLCS-470 series. And the TMP47C850 has a built-in DTMF receiver and BEEP output circuit, which is suitable for application in

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C850 TMP47C850N TMP47C850F TMP47C850 TLCS-470 TMP47C850F P-SDIP64-750-1 P-QFP64-1420-1 VII 50-12 S1 5060 LED compare 5050 led PDF

    lm 5027 power transistor

    Abstract: 62R63
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C850 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C850N TMP47C850F The 47C850 is a high perform ance 4 -bit single chip m icrocom puter based on the TLCS-470 series. And the 47C850 has a b u ilt-in DTMF receiver and BEEP o u tp u t circuit, w hich is suitable fo r application in telephones.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C850 TMP47C850N TMP47C850F 47C850 TLCS-470 TMP47C850F SDIP64-P-750-1 QFP64-P-1420-1 lm 5027 power transistor 62R63 PDF


    Abstract: itt zf 10 zener 22-16 R9 itt zf 12 zener TMP47C422U TMP47C422F TMP47C222U Zener diode ITT zf 2.7
    Text: TO SH IB A TMP47C222/422 CMOS 4-Bit Microcontroller TM P47C222N, TMP47C422N TMP47C222F, TMP47C422F TMP47C222U, TMP47C422U The TMP47C222/422 are high speed and high performance 4-bit single chip micro computers, integrating AD converter, pulse output, zero-cross detector and LCD driver based on the TLCS-470 series.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C222/422 P47C222N, TMP47C422N TMP47C222F, TMP47C422F TMP47C222U, TMP47C422U TMP47C222/422 TLCS-470 TMP47C222N SJ 2252 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM itt zf 10 zener 22-16 R9 itt zf 12 zener TMP47C422U TMP47C222U Zener diode ITT zf 2.7 PDF


    Abstract: la 5531
    Text: TO SH IB A TMP47C655/855 CMOS 4-Bit Microcontroller TMP47C655F, TMP47C855F The TMP47C655/855 are a high speed and high performance 4-bit single chip microcomputer based on the TLCS-470 CMOS series. The TMP47C655/855 have LCD driver, DTMF generator and large-capacity RAM for

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C655/855 TMP47C655F, TMP47C855F TMP47C655/855 TLCS-470 TMP47C655F TMP47C855F P-QFP80-1420-0 R1010B la 5531 PDF