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    Abstract: 2399C MKPX6 gpib 10/100 lg audio mkds yig oscillator 100MHZ 10DB 50MHZ
    Text: Contents 2399C Spectrum Analyzer Programming Manual Note 2399C uses the identical command set to 2399B instruments. Hence references in this manual to ‘2399B‘ apply equally to ‘C’ versions. Aeroflex International Ltd. 2007 No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form

    2399C 2399B 2399B` Rev00, SCPB MKPX6 gpib 10/100 lg audio mkds yig oscillator 100MHZ 10DB 50MHZ PDF

    D 2394

    Abstract: te 2395 transistor D 2394 bdl 494 yig oscillator MKPX 2395A TM 1628 driver display SA97 mkds
    Text: 2394A/2395A Spectrum Analyzers Programming Manual Note 2394A and 2395A use the identical command set to 2394 and 2395 instruments. Hence references in this manual to ‘2394 ‘ and ‘2395’ apply equally to ‘A’ versions. Aeroflex International Ltd. 2007

    394A/2395A manual04455 D 2394 te 2395 transistor D 2394 bdl 494 yig oscillator MKPX 2395A TM 1628 driver display SA97 mkds PDF


    Abstract: airport radar smd diode 9j
    Text: WAffi H E W L E T T milHMP A C K A R D Low Cost Surface M ount P ow er Lim iters Application Note 1050 Abstract M any receivers are often a t risk of h avin g their front ends burned out by high power RF and microwave stray signals. T his paper presents practical

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSIWI51V16100_ 16,777,216-Word x 1-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The M SM 51V 16100 is a new generation d y n am ic o rgan ized as 16,777,216-w o rd x 1-bit. The technology used to fabricate the M S M 51V I6100 is OKI's C M O S silicon g ate process technology.

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    MSIWI51VI6100_ 216-Word MSM51V16100 MSM51VI6100 cycles/64ms MSM51V16100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: rui UNITRODE _ bq2054 Lithium Ion Fast-Charge 1C Features General Description >* S a fe charge o f L ith iu m Ion b a t­ tery pack s T h e b q 2 0 5 4 L i t h i u m Io n F a s t C h arge IC is d esign ed to optim ize c h a r g in g o f lith iu m ion L i-Io n

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    bq2054 bq2054 regulat11 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ bq2031 BENCHMARQ Lead-Acid Fast Charge IC >• Pulse-w idth m odulation control Features - ► Conforms to b attery m anufacturers’ charge recom m endations for cyclic and float charge >■ P in selectable charge algorithm s - Two-Step Voltage w ith

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    bq2031 bq2031 16-pin PDF

    circuit diagram of card lock system using ic 74ls

    Abstract: T1017 mfm decoder SCJRI 21-CLOCK of op-amp LF 398 P6460 tr 84603
    Text: DP8460/DP8450 National Semiconductor DP8460 Data Separator/DP8450 Data Synchronizer General Description Th e DP8460 Data Separator is designed for application in disk drive memory system s, and depending on system re­ quirem ents, m ay be located either in the drive or in the con­

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    DP8460/DP8450 DP8460 Separator/DP8450 DP8464 P8460" L/F/51 circuit diagram of card lock system using ic 74ls T1017 mfm decoder SCJRI 21-CLOCK of op-amp LF 398 P6460 tr 84603 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ bq2031 | ^ j BENCHMARQ Lead-Acid Fast Charge IC >• Pulse-width modulation control Features - >■ Conforms to battery manufacturers’ charge recommendations for cyclic and float charge > Pin selectable charge algorithms - Two-Step Voltage with

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    bq2031 bq2031 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H M 5 1 1 6 1 0 0 L S e r i e s LowPower Version Product Preview 16,777,216-Word x 1-Bit Dynamic Random A c c e s s Memory • DESCRIPTION H M 5116100L J Series The Hitachi HM 5116100 is a C M O S dynamic RAM organized 16,777,216 words x 1-bit. It employs the most advanced C M O S technology lor high performance and

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    216-Word 5116100L HM5116100L PDF

    A302 x6

    Abstract: TC5116
    Text: 65,536 W O R D x 16 BIT D Y N A M I C R A M DESCRIPTION T h e T C 5 1 1 6 6 4 J / Z i s t h e n e w g e n e r a t i o n d y n a m i c R A M o r g a n i z e d 6 5 , 5 3 6 w o r d s by 16 bi t s. The T C 5 1 1 6 6 4 J / Z u t i l i z e s T O S H I B A ' S C M O S S i l i c o n g a t e p r o c e s s t e c h n o l o g y a s w el l a s a d v a n c e d c i r c u i t

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ bq2054 BENCHMARQ Lithium Ion Fast-Charge 1C Features General Description >- S afe c h arg e of L ith iu m Io n b a t ­ te r y p acks T h e b q 2 0 5 4 L ith iu m Io n F a s tC h a rg e IC is d e sig n ed to optim ize c h a r g i n g o f l i t h i u m io n L i-I o n

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    bq2054 bq2054 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: D71613 TGWR
    Text: N EC ELECTRONICS INC Tfi D 1b457SS5 0015^3 □ D T ^ S 2 t S 5 -C 3 |iPD71613 CMOS Bus C o n t r o l l e r P r e l im in a r y I n f o r m a t io n Description Pin Configuration The n P D 7 1 6 1 3 is a high performance C M O S bus controller for the nPD70616 V60 microprocessor. The

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    1b457SS5 uPD71613 nPD70616 iPD70616 b427525 1ST31 T-52-33-03 g16b D71613 TGWR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ bq2054 BENCHMARQ Lithium Ion Fast-Charge 1C Features General Description >• S afe c h arg e o f L ith iu m Io n b a t ­ te r y p acks T h e b q 2 0 5 4 L ith iu m Io n F a s tC h a rg e IC is d e sig n ed to optim ize c h a r g i n g o f l i t h i u m io n L i-I o n

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    bq2054 FR-T1A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • « Y U N O Ä T • HY51V17400B,HY51 V16400B 4Ux4, Fast Page mode DESCRIPTION This fam ily is a 16M bit dynamic RAM organized 4,194,304 x 4-bit configuration with Fast Page mode CMOS DRAMs. Fast Page mode is a kind of page mode which is useful for the read operation. The circuit and process design allow this

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    HY51V17400B V16400B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M g L M ic r o February 1997 PRELIMINARY L in e a r ML4423 3-Phase and Single/2-Phase Variable Speed AC Induction Motor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4423 AC induction motor controller provides the PWM sinewave waveforms necessary for controlling three

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    ML4423 ML4423 500Hz 150Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High P erform ance 1MX4 CMOS DRAM H A S4C14405 Il IM X 4 C M 0 S EDO DRAM Preliminary information Features • 1024 refresh cydes, 16 ms refresh interva • Organization: 1,048,576 words x 4 bit • High speed - RAS-only o r CAi>-before-RAS refresh • Read-modify-write

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    S4C14405 26/20-pin AS4C14405-60JC 26/20-pin 0Q34HC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G A Z E LL E M I C R O C I R C U I T S INC S'ÎE ]> • 3fl3bOB5 OOOOO'îl ô W Ê G k l T^i-OD r m Q A 121OE Low-Skew TTL Clock Doubler Two-Phase Clock Generator J è gazelle General Description Features Gazelle's GA1210E is a low-skew TTL-level clock doubler chip. It

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    121OE GA1210E 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: TC53257P TC57256AD TC57256AD-12 TC57256AD-120 TMM23256P
    Text: ïliillS ill mllÊÊÊÈÈ 32,768 WORD x 8 BIT CMOS UV ERASABLE AND ELECTRICALLY PROGRAMMABLE READ ONLY MEMORY PRELIMINARY ¡DESCRIPTION] The TC57256AD is a 32,768 word x 8 bit CMOS ultraviolet light erasable and electri­ cally programmable read only memory. For read operation, the TC57256AD' s access time

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    TC57256AD 120ns, 30mA/8 TD57256AD. A9-12V TC57256ADâ TC57256AD-120 tmm27256ad TC53257P TC57256AD-12 TC57256AD-120 TMM23256P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bq2031 BENCHMARQ Lead-Acid Fast-Charge IC Features - Ideal for high-efficiency switch-mode power conversion >• Conforms to b attery m an u factu r­ ers' charge recom m endations for cyclic an d float charge >- Pin-selectable charge algorithm s - Two-Step Voltage w ith

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    bq2031 75V/R 50V/R bq2031 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: BQ2031
    Text: _ bq2031 BENCHMARQ Lead-Acid Fast-Charge IC Features - Ideal for high-efficiency switch-mode power conversion >• Conforms to b attery m an u factu r­ ers' charge recom m endations for cyclic an d float charge >- Pin-selectable charge algorithm s

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: ire5
    Text: H D 6 3 1 4 - Universal Pulse Processor UPP Description 24 16-bit universal reg isters (UDR) 16 I/O term in als (8 in tern al reg isters for pulse I/O control are also provided) In terru p ts ca n occur a t th e fallin g or ris­

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    16-bit 10-bit 1024-byte IRS11 ire5 PDF


    Abstract: HY51V16164B
    Text: •HYUNDAI HY51V16164B Series 1M x 16-bit CMOS DRAM with Extended Data Out DESCRIPTION The H Y51V 16164B is the new generation and fast dynamic RAM organized 1,048,576 x 16-bit. The HY51V16164B utilizes Hyundai's CM OS silicon gate process technology as well as advanced circuit techniques

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    HY51V16164B 16-bit 16164B 16-bit. 42/42pin 1AD59-10-MAY95 0Q315 chqb PDF


    Abstract: 40964
    Text: 4096 4096x 1 DYNAMIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY G E N E R A L DES C R IP TIO N — The 4096D C is a 4096 b it dynam ic Random Access Mem o ry organized as 4096 one -b it words. This device is designed u tiliz in g the single transistoi dynam ic m em ory cell. A unique address m u ltip le xin g and latching technique perm its the packaging o f the

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    4096x 4096D 16-pin 40964 PDF

    TDA 7240 equivalent

    Abstract: TDA 7240 pin diagram
    Text: ^^PÌ|^^§ÌPS!H1Ì!|Ì|PIPS§I§|ÌSÌS TOSHIBA % L O G I C / M E M O R Y ^7240 0Q2QÔÛ4 S * T 0 S 2 8 4,194,304 WORD x 1 BIT fiYNAMIC RAM * This is advanced information and specifications are subject to change without notice. 7 " ^ ¿ - “2 3 - / S ’"

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    TC514100J/Z TC514100J/Z-80 TC5141OOJ/Zâ T-46-23-15 TDA 7240 equivalent TDA 7240 pin diagram PDF