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    Bimba Manufacturing Company PC-3112-DXDECMVW

    Cylinder, O.L., Plastic End Caps; 2In Bore; Stroke: 12In; Dbl End with Dbl End | Bimba PC-3112-DXDECMVW
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS PC-3112-DXDECMVW Bulk 5 Weeks 1
    • 1 $507.6
    • 10 $507.6
    • 100 $507.6
    • 1000 $507.6
    • 10000 $507.6
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    ECM VW Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMICs, RFICs, Integrated system solution Microwave & Millimeter wave product Line = VectraWave is a solution provider for integrated electronic in high frequency, microwaves and optoelectronic for telecommunications and

    30Gbps 30GHz 16X16 12GHz 24X18 40Ghz 43GHz/21 PDF


    Abstract: ADSP-2100 ADSP-2171 C3429
    Text: a 28-Lead ROM-Based DSP Motor Controller with Current Sense ADMC328 TARGET APPLICATIONS Washing Machines, Refrigerator Compressors, Fans, Pumps, Industrial Variable Speed Drives Three-Phase 16-Bit PWM Generator 16-Bit Center-Based PWM Generator Programmable Deadtime and Narrow Pulse Deletion

    28-Lead ADMC328 16-Bit ADMC328 ADSP-2100 ADSP-2171 C3429 PDF

    smd z44

    Abstract: Z441 SMD D88 y252 smd S4M 1Y0616
    Text: ijklminoqrsqt Wv p 6 ! 9!8 9"# "$%&' $ $&*+"&%":;< 9"= ">0?@ABC<D 9", "61(*+"4&*+@0&0+1#.%E 9"F ">5>>>5>>>"&4+%.#6&1,"*6-+"#60+ 9"G "HIJ",+.*61( 9"# "+04+%.#'%+"%.1(+K *&3"#+04K" )B>@LFF=MD $6($"#+04K" )B>@LFI>MD " ./#'.#&%K " 61"HH:K"" )B>@LFI>MD

    sY874 smd z44 Z441 SMD D88 y252 smd S4M 1Y0616 PDF


    Abstract: ADSP-2100 ADSP-2171
    Text: a 28-Lead ROM-Based DSP Motor Controller with Current Sense ADMC328 TARGET APPLICATIONS Washing Machines, Refrigerator Compressors, Fans, Pumps, Industrial Variable Speed Drives, Automotive 150 Hz Minimum Switching Frequency Double/Single Duty Cycle Update Mode Control

    28-Lead ADMC328 ADMC328 ADSP-2100 ADSP-2171 PDF

    PMSM motor controller

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a 28-Lead ROM-Based DSP Motor Controller with Current Sense ADMC328 TARGET APPLICATIONS Washing Machines, Refrigerator Compressors, Fans, Pumps, Industrial Variable Speed Drives, Automotive 150 Hz Minimum Switching Frequency Double/Single Duty Cycle Update Mode Control

    28-Lead ADMC328 C3429a PMSM motor controller PDF


    Abstract: ADMCF328BN ADMCF328BR ADMCF328-EVALKIT ADSP-2100 ADSP-2171 ECM 2.3 Motor PWM
    Text: a 28-Lead Flash Memory DSP Motor Controller with Current Sense ADMCF328 TARGET APPLICATIONS Washing Machines, Refrigerator Compressors, Fans, Pumps, Industrial Variable Speed Drives 3-Phase 16-Bit PWM Generator 16-Bit Center-Based PWM Generator Programmable Dead Time and Narrow Pulse Deletion

    28-Lead ADMCF328 16-Bit 8/02--Data ADMCF328 ADMCF328BN ADMCF328BR ADMCF328-EVALKIT ADSP-2100 ADSP-2171 ECM 2.3 Motor PWM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a 28-Lead Flash Memory DSP Motor Controller with Current Sense Preliminary Technical Data ADMCF328 TARGET APPLICATIONS Washing Machines, Refrigerator Compressors, Fans, Pumps, Industrial Variable Speed Drives 16-Bit Center-Based PWM Generator Programmable Dead Time and Narrow Pulse Deletion

    28-Lead ADMCF328 16-Bit One043 PDF


    Abstract: ADSP-2100 ADSP-2171 transistor DAG
    Text: a 28-Lead ROM-Based DSP Motor Controller with Current Sense ADMC328 TARGET APPLICATIONS Washing Machines, Refrigerator Compressors, Fans, Pumps, Industrial Variable Speed Drives, Automotive 150 Hz Minimum Switching Frequency Double/Single Duty Cycle Update Mode Control

    28-Lead ADMC328 ADMC328 ADSP-2100 ADSP-2171 transistor DAG PDF

    ECM 2.3 Motor PWM

    Abstract: PIN CONFIGURATION OF THREE LEGS VARIABLE capacitor generation of pwm signals by comparing ramp ECM 2.3 Motor ADMCF32X ADMCF328 ADMCF328-EVALKIT ADMCF328BR pwm based bidirectional dc motor speed washing machine service manual
    Text: a 28-Lead Flash Memory DSP Motor Controller with Current Sense ADMCF328 TARGET APPLICATIONS Washing Machines, Refrigerator Compressors, Fans, Pumps, Industrial Variable Speed Drives 16-Bit Center-Based PWM Generator Programmable Dead Time and Narrow Pulse Deletion

    28-Lead ADMCF328 16-Bit C00110 ECM 2.3 Motor PWM PIN CONFIGURATION OF THREE LEGS VARIABLE capacitor generation of pwm signals by comparing ramp ECM 2.3 Motor ADMCF32X ADMCF328 ADMCF328-EVALKIT ADMCF328BR pwm based bidirectional dc motor speed washing machine service manual PDF

    FZH 261

    Abstract: BBZ ZD rwm4 SVZX1 bdu 9 j DT26 QT27 J-M04 zg ecm sr1u
    Text: RWM4RW QDPHDQ CmZe OHC Zmlh lmgbg` \hgljhee^j xE^Zlmj^k OZ1r} f_Z r10+ 01*z*x w1*t0z+* S ^zxyF/,vvu .v/,+*/v +w f_Z t+*0.+} 0+ .vrty 0+ 0yv uv/ 2r}1v wr/0E }+3F/,vvu +w .v/,+*/v +w f_Z t+*0.+} 0+ ~z*z~z6v 0yv +2v./y+0 v2v* 0y+1xy .v/,+*/v z/ r }z00}v sz0 /}+3G

    10BZYMFKI FZH 261 BBZ ZD rwm4 SVZX1 bdu 9 j DT26 QT27 J-M04 zg ecm sr1u PDF


    Abstract: MC10EL16 SPT7760
    Text: SPT7760 @ S P T 8-BIT, 1000 MSPS FLASH A/D CONVERTER SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES APPLICATIONS FEATURES Digital O scilloscopes T ransient Capture Radar, EW, ECM Direct RF Down-Conversion 1:2 Dem uxed ECL C om patible Outputs W ide Input Bandwidth - 900 MHz

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    SPT7760 SPT7760 MQUAD MC10EL16 PDF


    Abstract: nec K 3570 KJE transistor KJE 17 transistor 2sk540 transistor kje J6 transistor JE 33 B106 T108
    Text: NEC j m*=fi\rx A J u n c tio n Field E ffe c t T ra n s is to r 2SK540 E C M >T > k°— N-Channel Silicon Ju nctio n Field E ffect T ra n s is to r ECM Impedance C onverter # w m m T O : mm i l ii l i i * ; * * / ] '? O g 6" o r — h •y - x n c f 'i * —

    OCR Scan
    2SK540 gffli03' SKs TRANSISTOR nec K 3570 KJE transistor KJE 17 transistor 2sk540 transistor kje J6 transistor JE 33 B106 T108 PDF

    dip switch pin configuration

    Abstract: RS323 RS-323 200S CH1890 CH1891 CH1892 4800Kbps ATF2 Robinson Nugent 6 pin dip socket
    Text: CERMETE* MICROELECTRONICS 3ñE í • 20QSÔQ3 D 0 D H b 3 í - C E R H s -1 7 CH1890, CH1891 and CH1892 Error Correcting Data Modules INTRODUCTION The Cermetek 189X family series is a unique data module family, offering the design engineer the capability of using industry

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    CH1890, CH1891 CH1892 CH1890 CH189. dip switch pin configuration RS323 RS-323 200S 4800Kbps ATF2 Robinson Nugent 6 pin dip socket PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC10D1000QM L ADC10D1000QML Low Power, 10-Bit, Dual 1.0GSPS or Single 2.0 GSPS A/D Converter Texas INSTRUMENTS Literature Number: SNAS466E a I t Semiconductor ADC10D1000QML Low Power, 10-Bit, Dual 1.0 GSPS or Single 2.0 GSPS A/D Converter 1.0 General Description

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    ADC10D1000QM ADC10D1000QML 10-Bit, SNAS466E ADC10D1000QML ADC10D1000 10-bit PDF

    fet chopper

    Abstract: AN-356
    Text: AN-356 APPLICATION NOTE ANALOG ► DEVICES ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 User's Guide to Applying and Measuring Operational Amplifier Specifications by Ray Stata a r e n o established standards for operational

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    AN-356 50kHz fet chopper PDF


    Abstract: MSM7617-001GS-BK MSM7617-002GS-BK QFP64-P-1414-0 SG10
    Text: E2U0057-17-81 O K I Semiconductor MSM7617 2-Channel Echo Canceller LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 7617 cancels echoes acoustic or line echoes generated in voice channels. It is a lowpow er CMOS LSI device with two channels. M SM 7617 echo canceling is performed by digital signal processing. It negates echoes by

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    E2U0057-17-81 MSM7617_ MSM7617 b724240 QQ2Mb01 QFP64-P-1420-1 MSM7617-001GS-BK MSM7617-002GS-BK QFP64-P-1414-0 SG10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E2U0057-17-81 O K I Semiconductor MSM7617 2-Channel Echo Canceller LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 7617 cancels echoes acoustic or line echoes generated in voice channels. It is a lowpow er CMOS LSI device with two channels. M SM 7617 echo canceling is performed by digital signal processing. It negates echoes by

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    E2U0057-17-81 MSM7617 b724240 QQ2Mb01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J M fif#YQ 2SS3 *5 III iìf I •«E p?ì C V fte - I* 5 . càrfano S' c cefi « ? ìm± ' Ì ÌÌ ïlffc* Usi s o. - t) . o»¿ iu i) t»ft) ìa k •£ $ * ! $ ^ l | e 9 lg Ir èlì I! a* n' * *s I £5 5? *5». $ I* $ Cto •c Has/tú vedere SbrSoàoS

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    Q1920 gjcodff02 DSAGER00036 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic For Audio Equipment MN662741RH Signal Processing LSI for CD Players • Overview T he M N 662741R H is a C D signal p rocessing L SI that, on a sin g le c h ip , c o m b in e s an o p tic s se rv o fo r the C D Spindle motor servo • C L V d ig ital servo

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    MN662741RH 662741R 1S34G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor ULN2003/ULN2004 High-Voltage, High-Current Darlington Arrays J t h e s e h i g h -v o l t a g e , h i g h - c u r r e n t T A arlingtori arrays are comprised of seven silicon NPN ' ULN2004 has a 10.5 kO series input resistor that darlington pairs on a common monolithic substrate.

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    ULN2003/ULN2004 ULN2004 ULN2003 ULN2003/5D PDF


    Abstract: NJM2105S
    Text: NJM2105 h 7 - ^ IC TOS ma NJM2105ÍÍ, FCC, D 0 C ík - ¿ :'< 7 ^ 1 - S 7 ) ílíS C S íE » r ? > * lg tif f lX t"—? * - y h 7 - ÿ I CT-T. HiSIUlI x - * £ íll.\ iS -§ ;lg y > 7 ° , >?-7 D T M F T > 7 " , flJ ^ ffiJ E , 0 1 1 « J ± $ W IS fë ^ â '^ W /£ ;* * lT l.'Î t o ^ # iig |5 BnpAs^ 4 'L '^ tb'b,

    OCR Scan
    NJM2105 NJM2105Ã NJM2105S 73fJJ NJM2105 55dBV, -30dBV, NJM2105S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TGA8320-SCC Gain Block Amplifier DC to 8-GHz Frequency Range L, S, and C-Band 9.5-dB Gain 1.3:1 Input/Output SWR 17-dBm Output Power at 1-dB Gain Compression Typical Noise Figure is 5-dB 1,066 x 1,219 x 0,152 mm (0.042 x 0.048 x 0.006 in.) PHOTO ENLARGEMENT

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    TGA8320-SCC 17-dBm TGA8320-SCC 16-dB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TGA8320-SCC Gain Block Amplifier DC to 8-GHz Frequency Range L, S, and C-Band 9.5-dB Gain 1.3:1 Input/Output SWR 17-dBm Output Power at 1-dB Gain Compression Typical Noise Figure is 5-dB 1,066 x 1,219 x 0,152 mm (0.042 x 0.048 x 0.006 in.) PHOTO ENLARGEMENT

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    TGA8320-SCC 17-dBm TGA8320-SCC 200-nm 16-dB PDF

    IC OZ 9926

    Abstract: OZ 9926 APT-6065 APT-18659 avantek apt-18646 APT-12066 APT-8076 APT-10566 Avantek 6-18 APT-8066
    Text: APT Series: Thin-Film Wideband Power Amplifiers Features A P T S e rie s - 2 to 18 GHz W id e b a n d T h in -F ilm P o w e r A m p lifie rs • GaAs FET and MIC Reliability For Military Applications • Compact Designs Replace Bulky TWTs • 2 Watts Of Power To 8 GHz

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    1-800-AVANTEK IC OZ 9926 OZ 9926 APT-6065 APT-18659 avantek apt-18646 APT-12066 APT-8076 APT-10566 Avantek 6-18 APT-8066 PDF