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    CO-059FTYPEMM-050 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-059FTYPEMM-050 F-Type Coax Cable - RG59 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable - Type F Male / Type F Male (TV/CABLE/SATELLITE) 50 ft Datasheet
    CO-059FTYPEMM-006 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-059FTYPEMM-006 F-Type Coax Cable - RG59 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable - Type F Male / Type F Male (TV/CABLE/SATELLITE) 6 ft Datasheet
    CO-059FTYPEMM-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-059FTYPEMM-010 F-Type Coax Cable - RG59 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable - Type F Male / Type F Male (TV/CABLE/SATELLITE) 10 ft Datasheet
    CO-059FTYPEMM-025 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-059FTYPEMM-025 F-Type Coax Cable - RG59 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable - Type F Male / Type F Male (TV/CABLE/SATELLITE) 25 ft Datasheet
    CO-059FTYPEMM-003 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-059FTYPEMM-003 F-Type Coax Cable - RG59 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable - Type F Male / Type F Male (TV/CABLE/SATELLITE) 3 ft Datasheet

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    Abstract: bc102m BC POWER MODULE bc472 bc332 capacitor 250 VAC bc102 MOLDED CERAMIC capacitor ECK S type
    Text: No.193 Ceramic Capacitor Ceramic Capacitor for Surface Mountings Recognized by UL Type BC The expansion of the kind of the production Industry/Field: AV, OA/Information, Mobile communication, Home appliances, Optical equipment, Industrial equipment, Amusement, Electronic instruments

    E62674 BC472M bc102m BC POWER MODULE bc472 bc332 capacitor 250 VAC bc102 MOLDED CERAMIC capacitor ECK S type PDF

    ECK panasonic

    Abstract: capacitor Matsushita eck capacitor Matsushita RS 3A 3D capacitor Matsua eck ECKA MATSUA CAPACITOR ecc matsua eck ECK S type eck matsushita
    Text: ENGINEERING CHANGE NOTICE SUBJECT : Standardization of Lead-forming Options of ECC / ECK Ceramic Disc Capacitors ECC-X*xxxxxxxx Class 1 & ECK-X*xxxxxxxx ( Class 2 ) BULLETIN # : ECN.PG33.051702-1 DATE : May 17, 2002 EFFECTIVE DATE : April 2002 LAST TIME BUY :



    Abstract: ECKD3A102KBP ECKA3A102KBP KBP datasheet ECK-A3A102KBP ECK-D3A102KBP ECKD3 ECK S type
    Text: PRODUCT DISCONTINUATION NOTICE SUBJECT: Discontinuation of the availability of particular lead-forming style options for the Radial-Leaded ECC / ECK Ceramic Disc Capacitors ECC‘ * ’xxxxxxxx Class 1 and ECK‘ * ’xxxxxxxx ( Class 2 ) Discontinued style’s: D, M, C, J, W, Z, R, K Recommended Alternatives: A, E, N


    eck capacitor

    Abstract: ECK panasonic
    Text: High Voltage Ceramic Capacitors SMD +LJK 9ROWDJH &HUDPLF Capacitor )RU 6XUIDFH 0RXQWLQJV +LJK 9ROWDJH  WR  N9'& 6DIHW\ 5HJXODWLRQV 7\SH %& • Features ● 5HVLQ PROGHG W\SH IRU UHIORZ VROGHULQJV ● +igh reliability achieved through disc capacitor element mROGHG FRQVWUXFWLRQ



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crystal oscillator CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR SPXO SG - 710 series •Frequency range •Supply voltage •Function : : : •Thickness •Lead Pb -free : : 1.8 MHz to 125 MHz 3.3 V or 5.0 V Output enable (OE) PTK,PHK Standby ( ST ) ECK 1.3 mm Typ. Lead free completely



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crystal oscillator CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR SPXO SG - 710 series •Frequency range •Supply voltage •Function •Thickness : 1.8 MHz to 125 MHz : 3.3 V or 5.0 V : Output enable OE PTK,PHK Standby ( ST ) ECK : 1.3 mm Typ. Actual size Specifications (characteristics)

    SG-710PTK SG-710PHK SG-710ECK PDF

    e 40.000

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crystal oscillator CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR SPXO SG - 710 series •Frequency range •Supply voltage •Function •Thickness : 1.8 MHz to 125 MHz : 3.3 V or 5.0 V : Output enable OE PTK,PHK Standby ( ST ) ECK : 1.3 mm Typ. Actual size Specifications (characteristics)

    SG-710PTK SG-710PHK SG-710ECK e 40.000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crystal oscillator HIGH-FREQUENCY CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR SG-710 series • • • • Ceramic package with 1.5 mm thickness. Excellent shock resistance and environmental capability. Low current consumption due to use of C-MOS technology. Low current consumption by output enabled function OE or

    SG-710 SG-710PTK SG-710PHK SG-710ECK SG-636 CMOS/10TTL 10TTL 6667M 1000pcs 500pcs PDF

    sg 66

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crystal oscillator HIGH-FREQUENCY CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR SG-710 series • • • • Ceramic package with 1.5 mm thickness. Excellent shock resistance and environmental capability. Low current consumption due to use of C-MOS technology. Low current consumption by output enabled function OE or

    SG-710 SG-710PTK SG-710PHK SG-710ECK 135MHz SG-531 sg 66 PDF

    c code for golay coding

    Abstract: interleaver RJ-010 Block Interleaver circuitry Interleaver remote control encoder decoder encoder rc
    Text: RJ-010 ERROR CORRECTOR FEATURES n On-chip encoder and decoder for full-duplex transmission n Corrects up to three random errors per 24-bit frame n Corrects up to a 9-bit error burst per 72-bit frame n Random errors or burst error correction modes are user-selectable

    RJ-010 24-bit 72-bit CLKX16 CLKX16 c code for golay coding interleaver RJ-010 Block Interleaver circuitry Interleaver remote control encoder decoder encoder rc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crystal oscillator Epson Toyocom CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR SPXO SG - 710 series •Frequency range •Supply voltage •Function •Thickness : 1.8 MHz to 125 MHz : 3.3 V or 5.0 V : Output enable OE PTK,PHK Standby ( ST ) ECK : 1.3 mm Typ. Actual size Specifications (characteristics)

    SG-710PTK SG-710PHK SG-710ECK 10-6c. PDF


    Abstract: SL 3D 3kV SL 3D. 3KV CAPACITOR ceramic 3D 3KV ECK PANASONIC ECK-S3A ECCS3F330KG PANASONIC ECK SERIES y5p 3kv 470 pf ceramic capacitor
    Text: Surface Mount Ceramic Capacitor High Voltage 1kV - 3kV ECK-S/T Series Features • Resin molded type for reflow soldering with a high voltage rating of 1 to 3 kVDC • High reliability through disc capacitor element molded construction • Excellent “Voltage vs. Tem perature Rise” through

    OCR Scan
    3F120KG ECCU3F150KG 3F180KG 3F220KG ECCH3F270KG ECCL3F330KG 3F390KG 3F470KG ECKH3D101KB ECKH3D121KB CAPACITOR 3D 3KV SL 3D 3kV SL 3D. 3KV CAPACITOR ceramic 3D 3KV ECK PANASONIC ECK-S3A ECCS3F330KG PANASONIC ECK SERIES y5p 3kv 470 pf ceramic capacitor PDF

    spectrum sn 8602

    Abstract: vtam gm Topro Technology LM 1122
    Text: A cronym s Philips S em icond uctors Networking acronyms A AA L B ATM A d aptation Layer, tw o sublayers concerned with B Bearer channel, a D S -0 for user trafrlc. segm enting la rge PD U s into ATM cells; type 1 = CBR, 2 BCC Block C h eck Code, a C R C or sim ilarly calculated num ber

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Kontakt-HaBe contact dimensions Langen der St eck- und AnschluBseit e ge11en fiir eingeprelit e S t ec kv er b i nd er (mating and termination length of contacts apply to pressed in connectors) Kontakt-Typ pin type — RS T ABC Qj Qj c: T5 | T) 11x [ 7 ] ( =22)

    OCR Scan
    ge11en PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kontakt-Ma0e contact dimensions A Langen der St eck- und Anschl upseit e gel t e n fur eingeprePte S t e c k v e r b i n d e r (mating and termination length of contacts apply to pressed in connectors) 6x 2 ( = 1 2 ) Kontakt-Typ pin type 2

    OCR Scan
    A4606 D-32339 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F X 802 D V S R C o d ec A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3-ECK A2/DCK . DRAMAODRESS AO'ENO AVUEl ENCODER (DECODER OUT IN) LINES-. Fig. 1 F X 80 2 D V S R C odec Brief Description The FX802 m ay also be used w itho u t DRAM (as a “sta n d ­

    OCR Scan
    FX802 FX802J FX802LG 24-pin FX802LS 24-lead 28-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kontakt-MaPe contact dimensions A Langen der St eck- und Ans chl uBs ei t e gel t en fur ei ngepreBt e S t e c k v e r b i n d e r 6x 2 ( = 1 2 ) (mating and termination length of contacts apply to pressed in connectors) Kontakt-Typ pin type

    OCR Scan
    Kontaktbelegun35954 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 6 8 Kontakt-Maße A contact dimensions Längen der St eck- und An schl ußsei t e ge l t en f ü r ei ngepreßt e St eckver bi n der (mdting and termination length of contacts apply to pressed in connectors) Kontakt-Iyp A‘ ~B C' K L M N P Q R S T p in type

    OCR Scan
    127jiim 635/im 25/iin) 27/jm 50/iin) AB-22 146pol. D-B2339 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 Kontakt-MaQe A contact dimensions Langen der St eck- und AnschluBseit e gel t e n fur eingepr ept e S t e c k v e r b i n d e r (meting and termination length of contacts apply to pressed in connectors) Kontakt-Typ ^ A• B' C' K L M N P Q

    OCR Scan
    200pol D-32339 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2580-N.I DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION CODING FORMAT C o d in g data fo r the 2580 m ay be sen t to S ig n e tic s via p u n ch e d c a rd s o r via a w ritten truth table. C a rd s are preferred s in c e erro rs are e ss e n tia lly elim inated . O n rece ip t of a card d eck, S ig n e tic s w ill tra nslate the ca rd d e c k to a truth ta b le usin g the

    OCR Scan
    2580-N S666E666656666BE6666G6EG666B6E666BE66S0GS 99999399S999999993999993999999939999SS99S PDF


    Abstract: CY74FCT480BTPC CY74FCT480BTQC CY74FCT480BTSOC
    Text: fax id: 7012 CY54/74FCT480T Dual 8-Bit Parity Generator/Checker Features • Two 8-b it p arity g en era to r/ch eck ers • O pen d rain A c tiv e LO W p arity e rro r o u tp ut • Function, p inout and d rive co m p a tib le w ith FCT and F logic • E xp a n d ab le fo r larger w ord w id th s

    OCR Scan

    crt 1700

    Abstract: CRT 3 INCH siemens ppi crt tube siemens tube CATHODE RAY TUBE radar tube cathode ray Scans-0017394
    Text: ED I S W A N 30EII CATHODE RAY TUBE— LONG AFTERGLOW 12 inch Diameter Indirectly heated—for Marine Radar G EN ERAL The 3 0 E II is a 12" aluminised cathode ray tube, having a special long-afterglow screen, suitable fo r P.P.I. display. A double layer type screen is employed which gives a blue

    OCR Scan
    30EII 30EII crt 1700 CRT 3 INCH siemens ppi crt tube siemens tube CATHODE RAY TUBE radar tube cathode ray Scans-0017394 PDF

    dmo 365 rn

    Abstract: Am2960 applications note AM2960 AM2960-1 AM2960A pg2s edc 16 cp
    Text: Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A Advanced Micro Devices Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS B oosts M em ory Reliability C orrects all single-bit errors. D etects all double and som e trip le -b it errors. Very High Speed

    OCR Scan
    Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A 16-Bit Am2960 ksoooo10 WF001521 Am2960/Am2960-1/Am2960A dmo 365 rn Am2960 applications note AM2960-1 AM2960A pg2s edc 16 cp PDF


    Abstract: AM2960-1 AM2960A SC06 Packages Am29366 pg2s T-55 SOCO carrier wiring diagram
    Text: Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A Advanced Micro Devices Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS B oosts M em ory Reliability C orrects all single-bit errors. D etects all double and som e trip le -b it errors. Very High Speed

    OCR Scan
    Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A 16-Bit Am2960 ksoooo10 WF001521 Am2960/Am2960-1/Am2960A AM2960-1 AM2960A SC06 Packages Am29366 pg2s T-55 SOCO carrier wiring diagram PDF