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    DSB1C335TJ1S Search Results

    DSB1C335TJ1S Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RESIN COATED DSB SERIES DSB SERIES Miniaturized PART NUMBER SYSTEM D IM E N S IO N S [mm] DSB OG 106 M 1S Lead fo rm Capacitance tolerance M; * 20% K : * 10% L- - C apacitance (p F ) F irs t tw o digits represent sig n ific a n t figures T h ird d ig it specifies nu m b e r o f zeros to

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    1A10V DSB1C685TJ1S DSB1C335TJ1S SB1C225TJ1S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RESIN COATED DSB SERIES DSB SERIES Miniaturized DIMENSIONS [mm] PART NUMBER SYSTEM OSB OG 106 M 1S T_ _ Lead form Capacitance tolerance M: ±20% K : ±10% -Capacitance (pF) First tw o digits represent significant figures. T hird d ig it specifies number o f zeros to

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    b427525 rj-1s PDF