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    DKZA DK5 Search Results

    DKZA DK5 Datasheets Context Search

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    DKZa dk5

    Abstract: dk-5
    Text: Product catalogue | Functional Electronics | Timing relay | DK-SERIES General ordering data Order No. Part designation Version EAN Qty. 8228690000 DKZA DK5 24VDC 10-100MS Timer relay, 1 NO contact, 24 V DC ±20% , 0.1 A, Screw connection 4008190193928 10 pc s .

    24VDC 10-100MS 1-100S DKZa dk5 dk-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product catalogue | Functional Electronics | Timing relay | DK-SERIES General ordering data Order No. Part designation Version EAN Qty. 8019630000 DKZA DK5 24VDC 1-100S Timer relay, 1 NO contact, 24 V DC ±20% , 0.1 A, Screw connection 4008190209087 10 pc s .

    24VDC 1-100S s22110000 10-100MS PDF

    DKZa dk5

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product catalogue | Functional Electronics | Timing relay | DK-SERIES General ordering data Order No. Part designation Version EAN Qty. 8243770000 DKZA DK5 24VDC 0.1-1S Timer relay, 1 NO contact, 24 V DC ±20% , 0.1 A, Screw connection 4008190263591 10 pc s .

    24VDC 10-100MS 1-100S DKZa dk5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet DK-SERIES DKZA DK5 24VDC 1-100S Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG Klingenbergstraße 16 D-32758 Detmold Germany Fon: +49 5231 14-0 Fax: +49 5231 14-2083 At just 6 mm wide, all components of the DKZ range of minicouplers have an extremely narrow design.

    24VDC 1-100S D-32758 EC001439 PDF

    24vdc relay

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product catalogue | Functional Electronics | Timing relay | DK-SERIES General ordering data Order No. Part designation Version EAN Qty. 8008180000 DKZA 35 24VDC 50MS Timer relay, 1 NO contact, 24 V DC ±18% , 0.1 A, Screw connection 4008190066918 10 pc s .

    24VDC 10-100MS 1-100S 24vdc relay PDF

    DKZa dk5

    Abstract: dk-5 10-100MS 800-818 dkza RELAY 24VDC 4 24VDC relay
    Text: Product catalogue | Functional Electronics | Timing relay | DK-SERIES General ordering data Order No. Part designation Version EAN Qty. 8022110000 DKZA 35 24VDC 150MS Timer relay, 1 NO contact, 24 V DC ±18% , 0.1 A, Screw connection 4008190082369 10 pc s .

    24VDC 150MS 10-100MS 1-100S DKZa dk5 dk-5 800-818 dkza RELAY 24VDC 4 24VDC relay PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet DK-SERIES DKZA DK5 24VDC 10-100MS Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG Klingenbergstraße 16 D-32758 Detmold Germany Fon: +49 5231 14-0 Fax: +49 5231 14-2083 At just 6 mm wide, all components of the DKZ range of minicouplers have an extremely narrow design.

    24VDC 10-100MS D-32758 EC001439 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet DK-SERIES DKZA DK5 24VDC 0,1-1S Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG Klingenbergstraße 16 D-32758 Detmold Germany Fon: +49 5231 14-0 Fax: +49 5231 14-2083 At just 6 mm wide, all components of the DKZ range of minicouplers have an extremely narrow design.

    24VDC D-32758 EC001439 PDF

    DKZa dk5

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product catalogue | Functional Electronics | Timing relay | DK-SERIES General ordering data Order No. Part designation Version EAN Qty. 8019650000 DKZ DK5 24VDC 1-100S Timer relay, 1 NO contact, 24 V DC ±20% , 0.1 A, Screw connection 4008190209070 10 pc s .

    24VDC 1-100S s2110000 10-100MS DKZa dk5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product catalogue | Functional Electronics | Timing relay | DK-SERIES General ordering data Order No. Part designation Version EAN Qty. 8228680000 DKZ DK5 24VDC 10-100MS Timer relay, 1 NO contact, 24 V DC ±20% , 0.1 A, Screw connection 4008190193911 10 pc s .

    24VDC 10-100MS 1-100S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product catalogue | Functional Electronics | Timing relay | DK-SERIES General ordering data Order No. Part designation Version EAN Qty. 8008190000 DKZ 35 24VUC 1S Timer relay, 1 NO contact, 24 V UC ±10% , 0.1 A, Screw connection 4008190130268 10 pc s . Input

    24VUC 24VDC 10-100MS 1-100S dk-5 PDF


    Abstract: DKPI 24 Vdc 801953 Weidmuller 824204 dkt4 500 DKZ 600 DKZ 801863 DKR 801961 818404 a 2212 opto
    Text: Produktübersicht Minikoppler 6 Digitale Signalverarbeitung 6 6 6 W Ein- und Ausgaben Relaiskoppler DKR Seite 6-6/6 bis 6/7 Ein- und Ausgaben Optokoppler DKO Seite 6-6/8 bis 6/12 SO-Impulsgeber Optokoppler DKO Seite 6-6/13 6 Schaltverstärker Optokoppler DKO

    95/100U 135/155U 10-poliges 802830 DKPI 24 Vdc 801953 Weidmuller 824204 dkt4 500 DKZ 600 DKZ 801863 DKR 801961 818404 a 2212 opto PDF

    feme relais

    Abstract: Rapa relay 12vdc Rapa Relais gruner RELAY 275 gruner RELAY haller Relays SDS Relais ZETTLER AZ haller relais feme relay
    Text: Relay Coupler 58 Relay Coupler Contact material Properties Application Fine silver AG 99 % - inexpensive - average tendency to weld and average resistance to burn-off - subject to corrosion in sulphurous atmosphere - high mechanical stability - low tendency to weld


    dkza 824377

    Abstract: C9039986 VDE 0106 PART 100
    Text: Timer Modules DKZ/DKZA w ith a dju stab le ranges fo r turn on d elay and turn o ff d elay tim e rs Pulse Conditioning DK Housing ilàli Order Data Type C a t No. Type Delay on w ith c o m b i-fo o t TS 3 2 /T S 35 Cat. No. Type Delay on 822868 DK Z D K 5

    OCR Scan
    100ms. C9039986 dkza 824377 VDE 0106 PART 100 PDF