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    DIODO 000 Search Results

    DIODO 000 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: diodo a7 diodo led giallo
    Text: CONNECTORS | CONNETTORI version 110125 For electrovalves, style A, 2p+G or 3p+G, female, field attachable Per elettrovalvole, stile A, 2p+T o 3p+T, femmina, da cablare EN175301-803 style A square connector, former DIN 43650-A , ISO 4400; built-in gasket;

    EN175301-803 3650-A) E238550 connectors diodo a7 diodo led giallo PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CONNECTORS | CONNETTORI version 110125 For electrovalves, style B-ind, 2p+G, female, field attachable Per elettrovalvole, stile B-ind, 2p+T, femmina, da cablare Industrial standard, B-ind style rectangular connector, 2 poles + ground, contact distance 11 mm;

    E238550 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CONNECTORS | CONNETTORI version 110125 For electrovalves, style B, 2p+G, female, field attachable Per elettrovalvole, stile B, 2p+T, femmina, da cablare EN175301-803 style B rectangular connector, former DIN 43650-B , ISO 6952, 2 poles + ground, contact distance 10 mm;

    EN175301-803 43650-B) PDF

    smd diode a7

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CONNECTORS | CONNETTORI version 110125 For electrovalves, style C, 2p or 3p+G, female, field attachable Per elettrovalvole, stile C, 2p o 3p+T, femmina, da cablare EN175301-803 style C micro connector, former DIN 43650-C , ISO 15217, 2 or 3 poles + ground, contact distance 8 mm;

    EN175301-803 43650-C) AWG24 AWG20 smd diode a7 PDF


    Abstract: bobina smd
    Text: CONNECTORS | CONNETTORI version 110125 For electrovalves, style C-ind, 2p or 3p+G, female, field attachable Per elettrovalvole, stile C-ind, 2p o 3p+T, femmina, da cablare Industrial standard style C-ind micro connector, 2 or 3 poles + ground, contact distance 9.4 mm;

    AWG24 AWG20 elettronici bobina smd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CONNECTORS | CONNETTORI version 110125 For electrovalves, style A, 2p+G or 3p+G, female, field attachable Per elettrovalvole, stile A, 2p+T o 3p+T, femmina, da cablare EN175301-803 style A square connector, former DIN 43650-A , ISO 4400; built-in gasket;

    EN175301-803 3650-A) EN175301-803 DIN43650) VC-11 PDF

    FX2N 64mr manual

    Abstract: FX2N-48MT FX2N-128MR mitsubishi plc FX2n-32mt SERIES FX2N-64MT fx2n-48mr FX2N-1PG MANUAL Mitsubishi MELSEC FX2N-80MR FX2N-80MT Mitsubishi MELSEC FX2N-80MR-DS
    Text: HARDWARE MANUAL FX2N SERIES PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLERS FX2N Series Programmable Controllers ENG Foreword • • • FRE Préface • • • GER • • Dieses Handbuch enthält Texte, Abbildungen und Erläuterungen zur korrekten Installation und Bedienung der FX2N-SPS und sollte vor einer Installation oder einem Einsatz des Gerätes gelesen werden. Die Inhalte müssen verstanden sein.

    JY992D66301H J24532 FX2N 64mr manual FX2N-48MT FX2N-128MR mitsubishi plc FX2n-32mt SERIES FX2N-64MT fx2n-48mr FX2N-1PG MANUAL Mitsubishi MELSEC FX2N-80MR FX2N-80MT Mitsubishi MELSEC FX2N-80MR-DS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Single In-line Package Brida« Diodo O U T L IN E D IM E N S IO N S D5SBAD 600V 6A • Mtem R A TIN G S A bsolute Maximum R atings m * , fZ * . Symbol Conditions b Item ¡%w&m -_ & Type No. - -ilL T stg Storage Temperature Operating Junction Temperature

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Axial Diodo S i n c r i » Dtecf ^ ¿WB^fäsHI O U T L IN E DIM EN SIO N S D1ND @ ‘ Cathode • Anode 600V 1A 20 Mix 3 ±0.1 ^2.6±o I 20 mix = & B t t B liiM - 6 i- B Cathode band Marking p°pg»S^ Type No. V6 67- n y h K if f f il Date code 7 "7

    OCR Scan
    D1N60 PDF


    Abstract: SC30C-60 SC30C-120 SC30C-40 SC30C-80 diodo 100A SC30C Diodo LT 45
    Text: S A NS HA E L E C T R I C MFG CO 5bE D • 000053M flflO « S E M ü THYRISTOR SC30C T-2 5-17 For general phase control applications such as speed controls, light controls and welders etc. • General power use I t = 30A, It rms =47A • High voltage up to 1200V

    OCR Scan
    000053M SC30C_ SC30C-40 SC30C-60 SC30C-80 SC30C-100 SC30C-120 D000S3S diodo 100A SC30C Diodo LT 45 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THYRISTOR SC40C •Maximum Ratings SC40C-80 SC40C-100 SC40C-120 U n it 800 1 000 1 200 V 720 960 1 100 1 300 V 600 800 1 000 1 200 V SC40C-40 SC40C-60 V rrm R e p e t it iv e P e a k R e v e r s e V o lt a g e 400 600 V rsm N o n - R e p e titiv e P e a k R e v e rs e V o lta g e

    OCR Scan
    SC40C SC40C-80 SC40C-100 SC40C-120 SC40C-40 SC40C-60 B-249 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TH YRISTO R SC100C • Maximum Ratings SC100C-40 SC100C-60 SC100C-80 SC100C-100 SC100C-120 Ite m S ym bol U n it V rrm R e p e titiv e P e a k R e v e rs e V o lta g e 400 600 800 1 000 12 0 0 V V rsm N on-R epetitive Peak Reverse V oltage 480 720 960 1 100

    OCR Scan
    SC100C SC100C-40 SC100C-60 SC100C-80 SC100C-100 SC100C-120 PDF


    Abstract: DIODO P 6000 SC-250 Diodo 4000 General Electric thyristor 22 DIODO SANSHA thyristor sanrex SANREX thyristor SC250C
    Text: SANSHA ELECTRIC MFG CO 5faE THYRISTOR & M 7q q ig 43 OOGPSl íb SC250C ST5 H S E IIJ T -Z 5W ? For general phase control applications such as speed controls, light controls and welders etc. • G eneral power use • It = 250A, I t <rms = 390A • High surge curren t of 5500A

    OCR Scan
    SC250C 000054b SC250C-20 SC250C-40 30H150 DIODO P 6000 SC-250 Diodo 4000 General Electric thyristor 22 DIODO SANSHA thyristor sanrex SANREX thyristor SC250C PDF

    Diodo CV

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Schottky Barrier Diode Twin Diode OUTLINE S30NC15 150V 30A : Feature • V f=0.88V • <SlR=0.5mA • Low V f=0.88V • Low lR=0.5mA • Resistance for thermal run-away • æ n iÆ Ç ie c iu c < IA Unit : mm Weight 6.1g Typ> P a c k a g e I M T O -3 P

    OCR Scan
    S30NC15 J533-1 Diodo CV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q EIEK Product Bulletin OPB854A3 Ju ly 1996 Slotted Optical Switches Types OPB854A3, OPB854B3 Features • Non-contact switching • Printed circuit board mounting • 0.100" 2.54 mm wide slot • 0.300" (7.62 mm) lead spacing • Opaque plastic housing

    OCR Scan
    OPB854A3 OPB854A3, OPB854B3 OPB854A3 OPB854B3 OPB854A1 OPB854B1, OPB854A2 OPB854B2. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THYRISTOR M ODULE non -IS O L A T E D TYPE PWB100A PWB1 0 0 A is a Thyristor module suitable for low voltage, 3 phase rectifier applications. • • • • If(av) : I 00A (each device) High Surge Current 3500 A (60Hz) Easy Construction Non-isolated. Mounting base as common Anode terminal

    OCR Scan
    PWB100A 000237R 0D023AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THYRISTOR SC300C • Maximum Ratings SC300C-40 SC30OC-60 SC300C-80 SC300C-100 SC300C-120 Ite m S ym b o l U n it V rrm Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 400 600 800 1000 1200 V V rsm Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 480 720 960 1100 1300 V V drm R epetitive Peak O ff-S tate Voltage

    OCR Scan
    SC300C SC300C-40 SC30OC-60 SC300C-80 SC300C-100 SC300C-120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THYRISTOR MODULE n o n -ISOLATED TYPE PWB80A PW B80A is a Thyristor module suitable for low voltage, 3 phase rectifier applications. • IF(*vj:80A (each device) • High Surge Current 2500 A (60Hz) • Easy Construction • Non-isolated. Mounting base as common Anode terminal

    OCR Scan
    PWB80A PWD80A30 PWD80A40 B-221 B-222 PWD80a30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THYRISTOR isolated mold type SG16AA SG1 6AA is an isolated molded thyristor which is suitable fora wide range of industrial and home electronics uses. SG 16AA uses highly reliable glass passivation. • It(av) = 16A • High Surge Capability • Tab terminals for easy wiring.

    OCR Scan
    SG16AA SG16AA20 SG16AA60 7T31243 00023flb B-230 PDF


    Abstract: b257 ht103m SC150C-80-120 SC150C SC150C-100 SC150C-40 SC150C-80 D0024m thyristor 1200V
    Text: THYRISTOR SC150C_ For general phase control applications such as speed controls, light controls and welders etc. • • • • General power use lT= I50A , It rms = 2 3 0 A High voltage up to 1200V High surge current of 3000A • Stud type •Maximum Ratings

    OCR Scan
    SC150C_ SC150C-40 SC150C-60 SC150C-80 SC150C-100 SCI50C-120 D0024m B-258 SC150C-60 b257 ht103m SC150C-80-120 SC150C D0024m thyristor 1200V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISC T Y P E THYRISTOR SCF3000AA S C F 3 0 0 0 A A is a Flat Pack Thyristor designed for high power rectification and control. • l T Av = 3000A , Vrrm= 600V • d i/d t£ 2 0 0 A ///s • High Reliability by pressure mount co nstruction. stru ctio n % 1

    OCR Scan
    SCF3000AA SCF3000AA40 SCF3000AA20 SCF3000AA60 B-237 0QQ23T4 B-238 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THYRISTOR SC16C • Maximum Ratings S C 1 6 C -4 0 S C 1 6 C -6 0 S C 1 6 C -8 0 S C 16C -100 S C 16 C -1 20 U n it V rr m Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 400 600 800 1000 1200 V V rsm Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 480 720 960 1100 1300 V V drm Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage

    OCR Scan
    SC16C 00024D0 PDF

    diodo 5AA

    Abstract: PFBI PFB15AA80 H125 PFB15AA PFB15AA100 PFB15AA120 PFB15AA140 PFB15AA160 bidirectional thyristor module
    Text: THYRISTOR M ODULE t h r e e P HASES A.C. C O N TR O L PFB15AA U L ;E 76102(M ) is a 6 chip Thyristor module which contains 3 indepen­ dent back-to-back SCR configurations. P F B 1 5A A • Easy construction by 3 phase back-to-back SCRs in one package. • High voltage 1600V

    OCR Scan
    PFB15AA E76102 TAB11C PFB15AA80 PFB15AA100 PFB15AA120 PFB15AA140 PFB15AA160 B-226 diodo 5AA PFBI H125 PFB15AA PFB15AA160 bidirectional thyristor module PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THYRISTOR MODULE PK pd,pe,kk 55F Power Thyristor/Diode Module P K 55F series are designed for various rectifier circuits and power controls. For your circuit application, following internal connections and wide voltage rat­ ings up to 1,600 V are available. High precision 25 mm (linch)

    OCR Scan
    PK55F-80 PD55F-80 PK55F-120 PD55F-120 PE55F-40 KK55F-40 PK55F-160 PK55F-40 B-207 7TT1243 PDF