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    DIODE R 405 Search Results

    DIODE R 405 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    DIODE R 405 Datasheets Context Search

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    IRKTF 41

    Abstract: UL1385 IRKHF CS 112 thyristor
    Text: I I Bulletin 127091 rev.A 09/97 International IG R Rectifier i r k . f h 2 . s e r i e s FAST THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR INT-A-pak Power Modules Features 112 A • Fast turn-off thyristor ■ Fast recovery diode ■ High surge capability

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    E78996 10ohms; 10ohi 003014t IRKTF 41 UL1385 IRKHF CS 112 thyristor PDF

    thyristor BT 161

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I . I Bulletin 127104 rev. A 09/97 International i q r Rectifier i r k . f 7 2 „ s e r ie s FAST THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR INT-A-pak Power Modules Features • 71 A Fast turn-off thyristor ■ Fast recovery diode ■ High surge capability

    OCR Scan
    E78996 thyristor BT 161 PDF


    Abstract: IC STU 404 D HPND-4050
    Text: E 3 Pa c k a r d APPLICATION NOTE 971 The HPND-4050 Beam Lead Mesa PIN in Shunt Applications INTRODUCTION The beam lead PIN diode, w h ile sa tisfyin g requirem ents fo r low ca pa citan ce and planar c irc u it attachm ent, is g e n e ra lly fa b rica te d as a planar PIN diode in o rd e r to

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    HPND-4050 D-4050 HPND4050 IC STU 404 D PDF

    Thyristor ABB ys 150

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A S E A BROWN/ABB SEMICON û3~" D I Schnelle Diode-Thyristor-Module GCI 4Û3GÛ □□OGEGl 4 T - 2 5 “ OÎ Fast switching diode-thyristor modules Daten pro Diode od erT hyristor/data per diode or th y ris to r/les caractéristiques se rapportent à 1 diode ou à 1 thyristor

    OCR Scan

    T 4512 H diode

    Abstract: ABB thyristor modules T 3512 H diode diode T 4512 H free of LA 4508 7508H diode T 3512 H V10-40 vez300 CLA 80 E 1200
    Text: A S E A BROWN/ABB SEMICON û3~" D I Schnelle Diode-Thyristor-Module GCI 4Û3GÛ □□OGEGl 4 T - 2 5 “ OÎ Fast switching diode-thyristor modules Daten pro Diode od erT hyristor/data per diode or th y ris to r/les caractéristiques se rapportent à 1 diode ou à 1 thyristor

    OCR Scan
    --25-OÃ T 4512 H diode ABB thyristor modules T 3512 H diode diode T 4512 H free of LA 4508 7508H diode T 3512 H V10-40 vez300 CLA 80 E 1200 PDF

    MRR 50-10

    Abstract: mrr 50-08 MRR50-12 DIODE 73 MRR35 ABB thyristor modules mrr50 thyristor modules mrr ASEA thyristor GTO thyristor
    Text: A S E A B R O W N /A B B ñ3 S EM IC O N D l Q04Ö3GÖ 0QQD503 ñ T - Z 5 -O Í Modules with reverse conducting Module mit rückwärtsleitenden Thyristoren Daten pro Diode oder Thyristor/ data per diode or thyristor/ les caractéristiques se rapportent à 1 diode ou à 1 thyristor

    OCR Scan
    GRR90. MRR 50-10 mrr 50-08 MRR50-12 DIODE 73 MRR35 ABB thyristor modules mrr50 thyristor modules mrr ASEA thyristor GTO thyristor PDF


    Abstract: 78996 E78996 B40C F 78996 B40c 3500 B40D B40J 78996 diode
    Text: • 4055452 0Qlb551 4Ö7 H I N R International S Rectifier SERIES B40J/C/D DIODE / DIODE Power Modules INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER Features I Electrically isolated base plate 3500V RMS I Available up to 1200 VRRM,V DRM I High surge capability I Large creepage distances

    OCR Scan
    14S5452 B40J/C/D /B40C. /B40D. B40J/B40C/B40D U655M5E DDlb55b B40J/C/D E.78996 78996 E78996 B40C F 78996 B40c 3500 B40D B40J 78996 diode PDF

    thyristor BT 161

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I . I Bulletin127092 rev. A 09/97 International IG R Rectifier ir k .f i 32. s e r i e s FAST THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR INT-A-pak Power Modules 130 A Features • Fast turn-off thyristor ■ Fast recovery diode ■ H igh surge capability

    OCR Scan
    Bulletin127092 thyristor BT 161 PDF

    E78996 rectifier module

    Abstract: X 0238 CE D105 D106 ZD 1E3 diode 40 S02 g1e2
    Text: International Eran]Rectifier • MÔS5M52 ÜOlbSñM ^23 ■ INR INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER bSE D SERIES B40DL/CL/JL FAST RECOVERY DIODE / DIODE Power Modules in B-package Features F a s t r e c o v e r y tim e c h a r a c te r is tic s E le c tr ic a lly is o la te d b a s e p la te

    OCR Scan
    4fl55H52 E78996 B40DL. chargerB40DL/B40CL/JL B40DL/CL/JL E78996 rectifier module X 0238 CE D105 D106 ZD 1E3 diode 40 S02 g1e2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A S E A BROUN/ABB D • ñ3 SEMICON 004Ö3GÖ 0QQD503 ñ T - Z 5 -O Í Modules with reverse conducting Module mit rückwärtsleitenden Thyristoren Daten pro Diode oder Thyristor/ data per diode or thyristor/ les caractéristiques se rapportent à 1 diode ou à 1 thyristor

    OCR Scan
    0QQD503 5x10DIN7985 PDF

    dioda rectifier

    Abstract: dt3400 pearson 411
    Text: A d v P o w a n c e d e r T e c h n o lo g y * 1 - Cathode 2-Anode Back of Casa - Cathoda APT30D60B APT30D50B 600V 500V 30A 30A ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODE P R O D U C T A PP LIC A T IO N S PR O D U C T FEATURES P R O D U C T BENEFITS • Anti-Parallel Diode

    OCR Scan
    APT30D60B APT30D50B O-247 O-247AD dioda rectifier dt3400 pearson 411 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S^E 405 5 4 5 2 GG13373 SOM » International S R ectifier I INR SERIES IRK.170, .230, .250 SCR I SCR and SCR / DIODE NEW MAGN-A-pak Power Modules INTERNATIONAL R E CT IF IE R Features • High voltage. ■ Electrically isolated base plate ■ 3 000 V RMS isolating voltage

    OCR Scan
    GG13373 34-Thermal PDF


    Abstract: C10P40F f10p C10P30F F10P30F F10P30FR F10P40FR C10P-FR
    Text: FAST RECOVERY DIODE l!A / 300~ 400V/trr :45n s « ™ ; , C10P W R F 10P30Fr F 10P40Fr 3.K.122 MAX F EATU R ES „ 10.3 .405) _ 3.4U 34) . ' 3-CK-118) » Similar to T0-220AB Case ° Fully Mold Isolation (F-Type) Dual Diodes - Cathode Common and Anode Common (Type - R )

    OCR Scan
    C10P30F C10P40F F10P30F F10P40F llA/300 00V/trr cl0p30FR cl0p40FR F10P30FR F10P40FR f10p F10P40FR C10P-FR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f i l H A R R RURP6120CC IS S E M I C O N D U C T O R 6A, 1200V Ultrafast Dual Diode O cto b e r 1995 Features • Package Ultrafast with Soft R ecovery. <70ns JEDEC T0-220AB • Operating Tem p eratu

    OCR Scan
    RURP6120CC T0-220AB RURP6120CC O-220AB 00h37Ã PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P D -9.1648 International ÏQ R Rectifier IRF7524D1 PRELIMINARY FETKY MOSFET and Schottky Diode Co-packaged HEXFET Power MOSFET and Schottky Diode P-Channel HEXFET Low VF Schottky Rectifier Generation V Technology Micro8 Footprint a or 33 K a err HP K

    OCR Scan
    IRF7524D1 Rf7524d1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAST RECOVERY DIODE H A / 100~ 200V/trr : 35nsec C}OP|OFr C10P20Fr F 10P10Fr F |0P20Fr 10.3i.405 FEATURES 3.4j.l34)r ° Similar to TO-220AB Case ° Fully Mold Isolation F-Type) ° Dual Diodes - Cathode Common and Anode Common (Type-R) ¡¿4^ 55) 4.U.161IMAX

    OCR Scan
    00V/trr 35nsec C10P20Fr 10P10Fr 0P20Fr O-220AB 161IMAX C10P10F F10P10F C10P10FRâ PDF

    Diode LT 450

    Abstract: T1961
    Text: A P ow er T e c h h o lo g y * 1 - Cathoda 2 - Anode Back of Caaa-Cathoda dvanced APT30D20B 200V 30A ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODE PR O D U C T A P P LIC A T IO N S P R O D U C T F EA T U R E S Anti-Parallal Diode -Switchmode Powar Supply -Invertors

    OCR Scan
    APT30D20B O-247 O-247AD T-------19 Diode LT 450 T1961 PDF


    Abstract: NEMA FR-4
    Text: Bulletin 12106 International S R e ctifie r 4o e ps.s s e r ie s SURFACE MOUNTABLE INPUT RECTIFIER DIODE Description/Features The 40EPS.S rectifier series has been optimized for very low forward voltage drop, with moderate leakage. The glass passivation technology used

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    40EPS. 140pm) 0D21D33 O-247AC SMD-247) SMD-247 NEMA FR-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International po-smnt IO R Rectifier IR F 7 4 2 1 D 1 preliminary FETKY MOSFET andf Schottky Diode • • • • Co-packaged HEXFET Power MOSFET and Schottky Diode Ideal For Synchronous Regulator Applications Generation 5 T echnology SO-8 Footprint

    OCR Scan
    554S2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED PO W ER Te c h n o l o g y 1 - Cathoda 2 - Anode Back of Case - Cathode APT15D60K APT15D50K 600V 500V 15A 15A ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODE P R O D U C T A P P L IC A T IO N S PRODUCT FEATURES P R O D U C T B E N E F IT S • Anti-Parallel Diode

    OCR Scan
    APT15D60K APT15D50K T0-220 O-22QAB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bulletin 12076/A International S R e c t if ie r s d 453n / r s e r ie s FAST RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Features • High pow er FAST recovery diode series ■ 2.0 to 3.0 iis recovery tim e ■ High voltage ratings up to 2500V ■ High current ca p a bility

    OCR Scan
    12076/A D-653 SD453N/R 4A55452 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bulletin 12037 International Ö Rectifier SERIES 45L R , 150K/L /KS(R) STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Features Alloy diode High current carrying capability High voltage ratings up to 1000V High surge current capabilities Stud cathode and stud anode version

    OCR Scan
    150K/L 5545E 00Ebfl53 4AS5452 PDF

    6AI diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International IS Rectifier 4Ö5545E Oülb?^ 32fl H I N R SERIES IRK.F152 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability E lectrically isolated baseplate

    OCR Scan
    5545E 4ASS452 10ohm 10ohms- 6AI diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International lÉlRectifier PD-2.463 HFA60MC60C Ultrafast, Soft Recovery Diode HEXFRED Features V R = 600V ISOLATEDBASE • Reduced R F I and EM I V F = 1.5V • Reduced Snubbing • Extensive Characterization of Recovery Param eters Qrr * = 500nC , t

    OCR Scan
    HFA60MC60C 500nC Liguria49 PDF