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    CSS501408 Search Results

    CSS501408 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Interface Connectors D Terminal Connectors • Features 1. Conforms to the RC-5237 JEITA standards D terminal connectors for digital broadcast video signals, Y, Pb and Pr . 2. Use of bellows type contacts assures a high level of reliability and mating performance.

    RC-5237 CSS5014-08 CSS5014-0811F) PDF


    Abstract: CSS50140712F m3 94v-0
    Text: Interface Connectors D Terminal Connectors • Features ■ 特 長 1. Conforms to the RC-5237 JEITA standards D terminal connectors for digital broadcast video signals, Y, Pb and Pr . 2. Use of bellows type contacts assures a high level of reliability and mating performance.

    RC-5237 RC5237 CSS501408 CSS50140811F CSS50140712F m3 94v-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Interface Connector D Terminal Connector Straight Type CSS 5014-0411F No.7 5.2 17.14 33.9 12.62 Pin No.1 3.2 2- 14 7 • Features 1. Compliant with RC-5237 EIAJ standards D terminal connectors for digital broadcast video signals, Y, Pb and Pr . 2. Use of bellows type contacts assures a high

    5014-0411F RC-5237 CSS5014-0711F CSS5014-0712F CSS5014-0811F CSS5014-0712F PDF


    Abstract: CSS5014-0712F
    Text: Interface Connector D Terminal Connector ● Straight Type CSS 5014-0411F ストレートタイプ(標準サイズ) 18 6.3 1. Compliant with RC-5237 EIAJ standards D terminal connectors for digital broadcast video signals, Y, Pb and Pr . 2. Use of bellows type contacts assures a high

    50140411F RC-5237 CSS50140711F CSS50140712F CSS50140811F CSS5014-0712F PDF