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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH OPTOELECTRONICS OPB861N51/OPB861N55 SEE NOTE 3 OPTICAL .126 3 .1 8 H CENTERLINE -.4 8 5 (12.32 r .11Q (2.79) The OPB861N series of switches is designed to allow the user maximum flexibility in applications. Each switch consists of an infrared emitting diode facing an NPN

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    OPB861N51/OPB861N55 OPB861N OPB861N51 OPB861N55 0PB861N 0D0b370 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E Q IPIOELECinOllES SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH QVB SERIES The QVB series of switches is designed to allow th e user SEE NOTE 3 m axim um flexibility in applications. Each switch consists of an infrared emitting diode facing an NPN photo­ transistor across a .125" 3.18 m m gap. A unique

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    SELEC1324 QVB11133 QVB11134 QVB11233 QVB11234 QVB11333 QVB11334 QVB21113 QVB21114 QVB21213 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EHI REFLECTIVE OBJECT SENSOR OPTOELECTRONICS QRC1133 DESCRIPTIO N PACKAGE DIMENSIONS The QRC1133 consists of an infrared emitting diode and an NPN silicon phototransistor mounted side by side on a converging optical axis in a black plastic housing. The phototransistor reponds to radiation from the emitting

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    QRC1133 QRC1133 1------ST1781 ORC1133 D00fc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [sia DUAL VERY HIGH-SPEED LOGIC GATE OPTOCOUPLERS OPTOELECTRONICS i _ HCPL-2630 DUAL 10 MBit/s LOGIC GATE HCPL-2631 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION The HCPL-2630 and HCPL-2631 dual channel optocouplers have two channels, each consisting of a 700 nm GaAsP LED, optically

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    HCPL-2630 HCPL-2631 HCPL-2630 HCPL-2631 4bbfl51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH OPTOELECTRONICS OPB862T51/OPB862T55 DESCRIPTION OPTICAL ' CENTERLINE The OPB862T series of switches is designed to allow the user maximum flexibility in applications. Each switch consists of an infrared emitting diode facing an NPN phototransistor across a .125" 3.18 mm gap. A unique

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    OPB862T51/OPB862T55 OPB862T OPB862T51 OPB862T55 0PB862T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [sul PLASTIC SILICON PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOELECTRONICS L14Q1 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS The L14Q1 is a silicon phototransister encapsulated is a clear, wide angle, sidelooker package. — D— * 1' Red Ef 4 Color • — T - H 1 i f 11 b J 3 . k SECTION X-X LEAD PROFILE

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    L14Q1 L14Q1 ST1335 100pps ST1112-11 Q00bM3fl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [• T i SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH OPTOELECTRONICS Q VE11233 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS T h e Q V E 11233 is designed to allow the user m axim um •- 500 1 2 701 PIN 1 ^ ^ ^ - 1 > c 1 175 (4.45J 1 L .250 (6 35 DESCRIPTION flexibility in applications. Each switch consists of an

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    VE11233 ST2176 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [*T i PLASTIC SILICON PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOELECTRONICS QSD422/423/424 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION The QSD42X is a silicon phototransistor encapsulated in an infrared transparent, black TO-18 package. R E FER E N C E SU RFACE FEATURES EMITTER .800 20.3 MIN

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    QSD422/423/424 QSD42X QED423/ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTD DATA Single Channel Low Input Current High Gain Hermetically Sealed Ceramic Optocoupler Isocom Ltd supplies high reliability devices for applications requiring an operating tempera­ ture range of - 5 5 ° C to + 1 25°C e.g. military applications . BS9000, together with CECC, is a preferred

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    BS9400. BS9000 1294/M BS9000, PDF

    TIL119 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA CS219, CS219/L2 I— -i u 6 Pin High C.T.R. Transistor Output Hermetically Sealed Ceramic Optocoupler Isocom Ltd supplies high reliability devices for applications requiring an operating tem­ perature range of -55°C to +125°C e.g. military applications .

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    CS219, CS219/L2 BS9000 1294/M) CECC2Q000 M/1084/ BS9000 TIL119 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: optocouplers H11B1
    Text: PHOTODARLINGTON OPTOCOUPLERS OPTOELECTRONICS H11B1 H11B2 H11B3 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION The H11B series consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode, coupled with a silicon photodarlington transistor in a dual in-line package. ft ft ft FEATURES

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    H11B1 H11B2 H11B3 H11B3 E90700 H11B1) H11B2) H11B3) ST1736 optocouplers H11B1 PDF


    Abstract: CQX14 CQX16 ST1332
    Text: GaAs INFRARED EMITTING DIODE OPTOELECTRONICS CQX14, CQX16 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION The CQX14/16 are 940nm LEDs in narrow angle, TO-46 packages. SEATING FEATURES ST1332 Good optical to mechanical alignment SYMBOL INCHES MIN. A MAX. MILLIMETERS MIN. .255

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    CQX14, CQX16 ST1332 CQX14/16 940nm ST1271 ST1276 ST1272 ST1275 ST1273 st12 CQX14 CQX16 ST1332 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [•13 GaAs INFRARED EMITTING DIODE OPTOELECTRONICS 1N6266 PACKAGE D I M E N S I O N S ^ D E S C R IP T IO N The 1N6266 is a 940nm LED in a narrow angle, TO-46 package. SEATIN G PLANE FEA TU R ES _ ST13 32 SYMBOL • Good optical to mechanical alignment

    OCR Scan
    1N6266 1N6266 940nm L14G1 L14G2 L14G1. 74bbfl51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH OPTOELECTRONICS OPB867T51/OPB867T55 DESCRIPTION > < f •-.3 1 3 (7 .9 4 ) - .125 {3 1 7 ) - OPTICAL - v c e n t e r l in e X -.4 8 5 (12.32) j-.110(2.79) — \ _ t —'ET - r I .425 (10.79) I— , I .345 (8.76) * ». .100 (2.54)

    OCR Scan
    OPB867T51/OPB867T55 OPB867T OPB867T51 OPB867T55 74bbfl51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODEL BML SERIES Surface Mount Multi-Layer Chip Inductors Size: 0603 to 1206 O U TS TA N D IN G FEATURES Tight dimensional tolerances and a small package make this chip ideal for high density installation Monolithic structure for high reliability Magnetic shielded construction minimizes coupling to other components_

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    51tethnologies 154010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISOCON INC ~ ll DE I 4flflb51G □ □ 0 [ ] D 3 ci □ I ” D T -4 1 -8 9 ~\ 6N134 6N134/883B Dual Channel Hermetically Sealed Optocoupler • • • • • • Hermetically Sealed High Speed TTL Compatible Input and Output High Common Mode Rejection 1500V dc Withstand Test Voltage

    OCR Scan
    4flflb51G 6N134 6N134/883B Cfor10s PDF

    transistor TIP 320

    Abstract: OPB862T OPB862T51 OPB862T55 MW111 TRANSISTOR 751
    Text: SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH OPTOELECTRONICS OPB862T51/OPB862T55 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS .313 7.94 OPTICAL 125 (3’ 17)~ CENTERLINE - .485 (12.32) r .110 (2.79) E" .345 (8.76) 1— L .020 (o.5 i r r — .100 (2.54) y , .425 (10.90) MIN FEATURES i L\ PN 1 IDENTIFICATION

    OCR Scan
    OPB862T51/OPB862T55 OPB862T OPB862T51 OPB862T55 67mW/Â transistor TIP 320 MW111 TRANSISTOR 751 PDF


    Abstract: H22B2 H22B3 SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH darlington st134 a1l75
    Text: £ BPTOELECTBDHiCS SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH H22B1/2/3 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS —*| fai I— l_ L </>b 3 I bi S E C T IO N X - X LEAD PR O FILE SYMBOL MflUMETERS MIN, MAX. 10.7 A 11.0 3.2 3.0 A, .600 4>b .750 .50 NOM. bi 11.6 12.0 Dì 3.0 3.3 D, 6.9 7.5 fit e2 2,3

    OCR Scan
    H22B1/2/3 ST1340-01 50NOM. ST1193 ST1196 ST1195 H22B1 H22B2 H22B3 SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH darlington st134 a1l75 PDF

    Beckman Industrial 360

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M odel BCL 453232 Surface M ount Inductor Helimag • Wound ferrite core for low DCR • Molded construction provides superior strength and moisture resistance • Accurate dimensions for automatic handling and machine placement • Compatible with vapor phase and infra-red reflow soldering

    OCR Scan
    000pH Cfor10sec. BCL453232-561K BCL453232-681K BCL453232-821K BCL453232-102K HP4274A Beckman Industrial 360 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: c ? n SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH OPTOELECTRONICS CNY29 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS — D i- r+iT*p " t: SYMBOL i biri © MILLIMETERS MIN. A IM MAX, 11.0 .422 .433 A, 3.0 3.2 .119 ,125 30 3.2 .119 .125 .024 030 bi D 600 .750 .50 NOM. 24.7 °i D? 11.0 12.0 .457 .472 3.0

    OCR Scan
    CNY29 ST1339 3268 PDF

    Diode FAJ 45

    Abstract: Diode FAJ package
    Text: 1 * GaAs INFRARED EMITTING DIODE IFTIELECTlllltS CQX14, CQX16 The CQX14/16 are 940nm LHDs in narrow angle, TQ-46 packages. SÊAHNÛ ST1332 N Good optica! to mechanical alignment SYMBOL INCHES MiN ' MAX. A 0b «>0 «•0, e * h i k L « .01« 209 255 .021 .230

    OCR Scan
    CQX14, CQX16 CQX14/16 940nm TQ-46 ST1332 70mWA Diode FAJ 45 Diode FAJ package PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O D E L B M L SERIES Surface Mount Multi-Layer Chip Inductors Size: 1206 O U T S T A N D IN G FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Tight dimensional tolerances and a small package make this chip ideal for high density installation • Monolithic structure for high reliability

    OCR Scan
    L321611 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EQ GaAs INFRARED EMITTING DIODE OPlOELEtllOmtS CQX15, CQX17 DESCRIPTION The CQX15/17 are 940nm LEDs in wide angle, TO-46 packages. SEATING FEATURES SYMBOL A <£b 4>D #>, e ei h i k L a Good optical to mechanical alignment Mechanically and wavelength matched to TO-18

    OCR Scan
    CQX15, CQX17 CQX15/17 940nm Q00L452 ST1271 ST1276 ST1272 74bbflSl ST1274 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH OPTOELECTRONICS H21B1/2/3 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS -<pp ©S 3r b-1 SECTION X - xT~ LEAD PROFILE ST1339-01 SYMBOL MILLIMETERS MAX, MIN. A 10.7 11.0 3.0 3.2 A, 3.0 3.2 A? <f>b .600 .750 .50 NOM. bi D 24.3 24.7 0, 12.0 11.6 3.0 3.3 o? 6.9

    OCR Scan
    H21B1/2/3 ST1339-01 H21B3 H21B2 H21B2, H21B1, PDF