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    Advantech Co Ltd BB-422CFCR

    REV232/422 4CHAN CONV
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    NXP Semiconductors MC34726CFCR2

    IC REG BUCK 3.3V 300MA 8USON
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    NXP Semiconductors MC34727CFCR2

    IC REG BUCK 3.3V 600MA 8USON
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    OmniPreSense OPS243-C-FC-R2

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    OmniPreSense OPS243-C-FC-RP

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST92F124/ST92F150/ST92F250 8/16-BIT SINGLE VOLTAGE FLASH MCU FAMILY WITH RAM, E3 TM EMULATED EEPROM , CAN 2.0B AND J1850 BLPD PRELIMINARY DATA • Memories – Internal Memory: Single Voltage FLASH up to 256 Kbytes, RAM up to 8Kbytes, 1K byte E 3 TM (Emulated EEPROM)

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    Abstract: Lg tv str 6554 siemens b 58 468 la intel 80 LG tv str 6554 circuit diagram str x 6556 tv power supply str 6556 SIS 968 str w 6556 equivalent A5GND str 6556
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MC68360 QUad Integrated Communications Controller User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ii

    MC68360 MC68360 MC68360UM/AD, M68000PM/AD, MC68000 MC68360/D, str w 6556 a Lg tv str 6554 siemens b 58 468 la intel 80 LG tv str 6554 circuit diagram str x 6556 tv power supply str 6556 SIS 968 str w 6556 equivalent A5GND str 6556 PDF

    lg e 1941 lcd monitor circuit diagram

    Abstract: 2M22A GDE 4C STR G 6351 GIGABYTE G41 P22-P27 MC68360 MPC821 PA15 "Continuous phase modulation" cpm "white" "filter" demodulator
    Text: PowerPC MPC821 Portable Systems Microprocessor User’s Manual Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and

    MPC821 MPC821 lg e 1941 lcd monitor circuit diagram 2M22A GDE 4C STR G 6351 GIGABYTE G41 P22-P27 MC68360 PA15 "Continuous phase modulation" cpm "white" "filter" demodulator PDF

    str w 6556

    Abstract: str w 6556 equivalent Lg tv str 6554 LG tv str 6554 circuit diagram str f 6655 pin details str f 6655 schematic LG lcd power supply unit M68000 BUT14 MC68360
    Text: @ MOTOROLA MC68360 QUad Integrated Communications Controller User’s Manual Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described

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    Abstract: relay ras 1210 sun hold str x 6556 equivalent LG tv str 6554 circuit diagram tv power supply str 6556 MC68MH360EM33L str x 6556 6116 SRAM MC68160A cn/A/U 237 BG
    Text: MOTOROLA MC68360 QUad Integrated Communications Controller User’s Manual Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of

    MC68360 25MHz 33MHz 25MHz str w 6556 equivalent relay ras 1210 sun hold str x 6556 equivalent LG tv str 6554 circuit diagram tv power supply str 6556 MC68MH360EM33L str x 6556 6116 SRAM MC68160A cn/A/U 237 BG PDF

    mosfet triggering circuit for dc motor

    Abstract: DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER dc motor for 24v DC MOTOR 24v 12v DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER MPC5554DEMO DC motor speed control timing diagram dc motor speed control small DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER 9v dc motor
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN3008 Rev. 1, 05/2006 DC Motor with Speed and Current Closed Loops, Driven by eTPU on MPC5554 Covers MPC5554 and all eTPU-Equipped Devices by: Milan Brejl & Michal Princ & Pavel Sustek System Application Engineers

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    Abstract: SAP12 eaw t200 transistor smd 24c Siemens peb 2070 06.92 BCX1
    Text: ICs for Communications ISDN Communication Controller ICC PEB 2070 PEF 2070 User’s Manual ICs for Communications ISDN Communication Controller ICC PEB 2070 PEF 2070 User’s Manual 01.94 PEB 2070; PEF 2070 Revision History: 01.94 Previous Releases: 06.92

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST72561 8-BIT MCU WITH FLASH OR ROM, 10-BIT ADC, 5 TIMERS, SPI, LINSCI , ACTIVE CAN • ■ ■ ■ ■ Memories – 16K to 60K High Density Flash HDFlash or ROM with read-out protection capability. InApplication Programming and In-Circuit Programming for HDFlash devices

    ST72561 10-BIT 64-pin W413 PDF


    Abstract: nb 358 d
    Text: ST92F124/ST92F150/ST92F250 8/16-BIT SINGLE VOLTAGE FLASH MCU FAMILY WITH RAM, E3 TM EMULATED EEPROM , CAN 2.0B AND J1850 BLPD PRELIMINARY DATA • Memories – Internal Memory: Single Voltage FLASH up to 256 Kbytes, RAM up to 8Kbytes, 1K byte E3 TM (Emulated EEPROM)

    ST92F124/ST92F150/ST92F250 8/16-BIT J1850 TQFP64 14x14 PQFP100 14x20 TQFP100 MARKING CODE N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR nb 358 d PDF

    pittman DC Motor

    Abstract: transistor BC 946 active brake mosfet switch BLDC Motor pittman mpc5554 emios processor bldc sensorless 12v dc brushless motor bldc encoder 12v brushless motor driver bldc Break AC Motor Speed Controller using PID PITTMAN encoder
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN3007 Rev.1, 05/2006 BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop and DC-Bus Break Controller, Driven by eTPU on MPC5554 Covers MPC5554 and all eTPU-Equipped Devices by: Milan Brejl & Michal Princ & Pavel Sustek System Application Engineers

    AN3007 MPC5554 MPC5554 pittman DC Motor transistor BC 946 active brake mosfet switch BLDC Motor pittman mpc5554 emios processor bldc sensorless 12v dc brushless motor bldc encoder 12v brushless motor driver bldc Break AC Motor Speed Controller using PID PITTMAN encoder PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CAR-4020 The 1U Network Appliance with support for Intel 4th Gen. Xeon® Processor and C226 Chipset which Scales up to 24GbE. Ys⁄.Tso¦ \s ̈ 4th Generation Intel® Core Processor w/ Intel® C226 Chipset Platform ̈ High Scalability with 3 Expansion Slots

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2+%5ȕǩȈ+%ǻȳǵ 2+%52*161+%5'05145 PST-SH13 / PST-SH13A Š‫ݡ࢟ٳ‬ඥų&+/'05+105Ტ7PKVOOᲣ   /  NKIJVGOKVVKPIUKFGCPFCOQFWNCVGFRJQVQ+% KPYJKEJ 



    Abstract: SIEMENS BST p49 SIEMENS BST P 61 33f MPC 68020 marking code WM4 C-16 MC68360 xpc860e schematic LG lcd power supply unit mpc860 powerPC
    Text: MPC860 PowerQUICC User’s Manual Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and

    MPC860 MPC860 GIGABYTE G41 SIEMENS BST p49 SIEMENS BST P 61 33f MPC 68020 marking code WM4 C-16 MC68360 xpc860e schematic LG lcd power supply unit mpc860 powerPC PDF


    Abstract: SPC563M ADC314 AN12 AN39 SPC563M AUTOSAR MCAL
    Text: UM0591 User manual SPC563M AUTOSAR MCAL ADC driver Introduction This user manual describes the STMicroelectronics AUTOSAR microcontroller abstraction layer MCAL analog to digital converter (ADC) driver for the SPC563M microcontroller. AUTOSAR MCAL ADC driver requirements, API and configuration parameters are


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    Abstract: mda 2060 peb pef moy SMD
    Text: SIEM ENS PEB 2070 ISDN Communication Controller ICC CMOS 1C Preliminary Data 1 Features • Support of LAPD protocol • Different types of operating modes for increased flexibility • FIFO buffer (2x64 bytes) for efficient transfer of data packets • Serial interfaces:

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    P-LCC-28-R P-DIP-24 la 4620 ic smd mda 2060 peb pef moy SMD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY 3.3V DS21354 and 5V DS21554 E1 Single Chip Transceivers SCT DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES Complete E l (CEPT) PCM-30/ISDN-PRI transceiver functionality Onboard long and short haul line interface for clock/data recovery and waveshaping 32-bit or 128-bit crystal-less jitter attenuator

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    DS21354 DS21554 PCM-30/ISDN-PRI 32-bit 128-bit 64-byte RDC22 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR PRELIMINARY 3.3V DS21354 and 5V DS21554 E1 Single Chip Transceivers SCT FEATURES R ftC K A G E O U T LIN E Complete E1 (CEPT) PCM-30/ISDN-PRI transceiver functionality Onboard long and short haul line interface for clock/data recovery and waveshaping

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    Abstract: wd18
    Text: ERECTRON S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SINGLE-PHASE GLASS PASSIVATED MINI SILICON SURFACE MOUNT BRIDGE RECTIFIER VOLTAGE R AN G E 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT 0.5 A m pere FEATURES * S u r g a o v e r lo a d rat«og - 30 » n p i f w • I d o t o r p n n to d carcuri board

    OCR Scan
    PKJ94. m078 wd18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s e MIKRD n Types V r rm V 1500 1600 1700 SEMICELL C A L - Diode Chips3 SKCD 47 C 1501 SKCD 47 C 1601 SKCD 47 C 1701 SKCD 47C 150.1701 6,9x6,9 mm; 40 A4>;1500.1700V Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions ' If s m > 6 bondwires 300 jim 0 ) tp = 10 ms; sin; Tj = 150 °C

    OCR Scan
    C/125 613bb71 0Q0b73S CD047701 013bb71 00Db73b PDF


    Abstract: LD128 NPCT+411 NPCT 4
    Text: im s L 'B ’S'-r ic s VCR M52062AFP S-VHS SYSTEM VCR CHROMA SIGNAL PROCESSOR DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) The M52062AFP processes VHS and S-VHS VCR color signals. This circuit consists of main and sub B.M.'s, burst-up/down switch, VCXO, 320-fh VCO, ACC, APC, AFC, killer circuit,

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    M52062AFP M52062AFP 320-fh 433619MHz NPCT LD128 NPCT+411 NPCT 4 PDF

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    Abstract: eurotherm 92 HA025464 ic cd 2399 go pt100 three wire sensor made in korea EDI 7601 irf 1820 SFSH relay 7022 IR Sensor alarm
    Text: 2132/ and 2116/ EUROTHERM CONTROLS Temperature and Process Indicator and Alarm Units Installing and Operating Instructions Thank you for choosing the 2132/ or 2116i indicator and alarm unit. It will provide accurate measurement and display of temperature and

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    2116i HA026248 26-Nov-97 eurotherm 92 temperature controller eurotherm 92 HA025464 ic cd 2399 go pt100 three wire sensor made in korea EDI 7601 irf 1820 SFSH relay 7022 IR Sensor alarm PDF

    Tamura Of America

    Abstract: CSA950 TTC-319
    Text: cn REV. S ta tu s PRELIMINARY Isolation T r a n s fo rm e r 4 pin PCMCIA T A V i^ /R A 0 7/13/01 UL • 9 • Designed for D M m odem applications Operating tem perature range: 0 ‘ C to 7 0 ‘ C Su rface Mount Device w ithstands IR reflow profile p roce ss

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    IEC950, EN60950, UL1950, CSA950, AN/NZ3260 250Vrms 10KHz, 02L0-040] P-A1-12854 ACAD\TTC\A1128541 Tamura Of America CSA950 TTC-319 PDF

    BROWN BOVERI cs 1000

    Abstract: BROWN BOVERI TV 5-1 ASEA RI BROWN BOVERI 10 asea 1980 937 ke equivalent components BROWN BOVERI VE 5-2 ABB app abstract
    Text: Operational Manual Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic Cell GTEM Model 5400 Series 6 io i EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L P .-A n ESCO Company E M C O USA FINLAND E-MAIL & INTERNET 2205 Kramer Lane, Austin, Texas 78758-4047 P.O. Box 80589 Austin, Texas 78708-0589 Tel 512.835.4684 Fax 512.835.4729

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    iW5407 BROWN BOVERI cs 1000 BROWN BOVERI TV 5-1 ASEA RI BROWN BOVERI 10 asea 1980 937 ke equivalent components BROWN BOVERI VE 5-2 ABB app abstract PDF


    Abstract: design of spy ear D147d 6805 motorola
    Text: USER’S MANUAL L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y O N M E D I A AN ! R E P L A C E M E N T If > o u d is c o v e r p h y s ic a l d e fe c ts in th e m a n u als d is tr ib u te d w ith an A p tro n ix p ro d u c t o r in the m e d ia o n '.v h ich a s o f tw a r e p r o d u c i is d i s m b u te d . A p m im x •witt T ep \a ce th e m e d ia o r m a n u a ls

    OCR Scan
    fo199 D203S design of spy ear D147d 6805 motorola PDF