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    CAP ALUM F 105 Search Results

    CAP ALUM F 105 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    NFM15PC755R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC435R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC915R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM-KIT-OVER100-DE-D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 0805-1210 over100uF Cap Kit Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    CAP ALUM F 105 Datasheets Context Search

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    aishi capacitors

    Abstract: aishi capacitors electrolytic aishi capacitors for 100v Aishi aishi 250v aishi r 2e1500 76X19
    Text: LARGE CAPACITANCE ALUM IN UM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS > A i S H ¡ N F gm?y High reliability series ® Endurance with ripple cu rre n t: 5,000 hours at 105X: 2,000 hours for 500V.DC RoHS Compliant [ II I ♦ SPECIFICATIONS Characteristics Items Category

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    105-c 120Hz) 51X145 5X105 5X125 5X145 76X105 76X125 76X145 aishi capacitors aishi capacitors electrolytic aishi capacitors for 100v Aishi aishi 250v aishi r 2e1500 76X19 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MINIATURE ALUM INUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS K XW ♦45 M K XW C n E V \T FEATURES • 105°C 2000B #fH1 o Loa d Life : 105°C 2000 hours. • <f> 1 0 ~ ^ i 8 7 ) S / J v M ! S f t T ' V 7 ”; u ® S 0 B ody diam eter of <j> 10mm to ^ 18mm with high ripple current capability.

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    2000B 120Hz) 18X45 10k5S 200WV 400WV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AiSHi SURFACE MOUNT ALUM IN UM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS M K mm ® ® ® Endurance : 1,000 to 2,000 hours at 105°C Suitable to fit for downsized equipment Solvent-proof type see PRECAUTIONS AND GUIDELINES RoHS Compl iant ♦ SPECIFICATIONS Items Characteristics

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    50Vdc) 50Vdc 120Hz) PDF


    Abstract: RA105C
    Text: IliiURGE Alum inum Electrolytic Capacitors RA F e a tu re • • • • 105 °C, 1,000 h o u rs assu red Very low leakage current U se in high tem p eratu re industrial eq u ip m en t R oH S C o m p lian ce RA 105 C L 832 M RA 10 L 832. 100u^0^00uF S P E C IF IC A T IO N S

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    10OuF 50v100uF l20Hz, 002CV l20Hz J100V RA105C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AXW MINIATURE ALUM INUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS ♦$# M FEATURES • 105°C 20008# ffflo Load Life : 105"C 2000 hours. • ^lO -^IS W S /J^lx l+ 'T 'S U yjl'M-Mc <f>10mm to <f>18mm with high ripple current capability. X W v U - X % 2 7 > X 'M M bo Body diameter of

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    10X30! 10X35! 10X40: 18X30 18X3511 18X40! 18X45! 200-250WV 00-450W PDF


    Abstract: UL810 H62S1010A0AA 2a75
    Text: High Voltage AC & DC Film Capacitors for Power Electronics Applications RoHS COMPLIANT Intelligent Capacitor Solutions High Voltage AC & DC Film Capacitors RoHS COMPLIANT for Power Electronics Applications Aerovox can address all your capacitor needs. The higher voltage

    HV01110 Aerovox UL810 H62S1010A0AA 2a75 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: > m 7 \> ^ - 0 h m m n y ? y y MH5 MINIATURE ALUM INUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 105°C i§i$5mmiSp 105°C 5m m Height. S P E C IF IC A T IO N S Characteristics Items a m m m m - 4 0 — M05°C Operating Temperature Range 3fe & 1 E 15 6.3-50V.DC Rated Voltage Range

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    120Hz) CV57li3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: » Miniature Solid Polymer Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Operating Temp. Range Capacitance Tolerance 2.5 ~ 25 Vdc 68 ~ 1,500|iF -55 ~+105°C +20% M Max. Leakage Current After 2 Minutes @ 20°C Less than 0.2CV

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    100KHz 10x12 100KHz 120Hz/20 C/100K-300KHZ C/100KHz PDF

    1820 2273

    Abstract: H26S6635A0AA FAX 3828 13 T 99-2033 aerovox aerovox capacitor ac 1820-2273 2781 H50S6601A0AA H50S6602A0AA
    Text: Aerovox Corp. Type H Higher Voltage AC & DC Capacitors Film Capacitors for Power Electronics Applications RoHS Compliant The Type H is a very versatile metallized polypropylene capacitor that is available in a round or oval, steel or aluminum case with many terminal options to fit the

    E51176 UL810 1820 2273 H26S6635A0AA FAX 3828 13 T 99-2033 aerovox aerovox capacitor ac 1820-2273 2781 H50S6601A0AA H50S6602A0AA PDF


    Abstract: aerovox AC capacitor aerovox lighting capacitor H94S6625A0AA aerovox 1820 2273 aerovox capacitor ac H50S6601A0AA H50S6602A0AA H50S6605A0AA
    Text: Aerovox Corp. Type H High Voltage AC & DC Capacitors Film Capacitors for Power Electronics Applications RoHS Compliant The Type H is a very versatile metallized polypropylene capacitor that is available in a round or oval, steel or aluminum case with many terminal options to fit the

    E51176 UL810 1820-2273 aerovox AC capacitor aerovox lighting capacitor H94S6625A0AA aerovox 1820 2273 aerovox capacitor ac H50S6601A0AA H50S6602A0AA H50S6605A0AA PDF

    str - z 2156

    Abstract: STR 457 burndy connectors 18-23 S2GBP486A12B2 SWOH24A-5 SF3A44N866N WS90A ehps STR 456 m16 expansion bolt
    Text: BURNDY Substation — Welded/EHV TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-3 Nomogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-4 Gradient Calibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-5

    SWT-A-A-75 SF3A44N8Q) SF3A44N866N. str - z 2156 STR 457 burndy connectors 18-23 S2GBP486A12B2 SWOH24A-5 SF3A44N866N WS90A ehps STR 456 m16 expansion bolt PDF


    Abstract: SRW42EC-U04H14 1.5KE25CA AND8124 106 35K resistor capacitor 106 35K D11/diode LP sd k 2645 MOSFET Flyback Transformer Design EXCEL SMT1206
    Text: AND8124/D 90 W, Universal Input, Single Stage, PFC Converter General Description The NCP1651 demo board uses a quad operational amplifier on the secondary to perform multiple functions. One section of the amplifier is used as the error amplifier. A

    AND8124/D NCP1651 SRW42EC SRW42EC-U04H14 1.5KE25CA AND8124 106 35K resistor capacitor 106 35K D11/diode LP sd k 2645 MOSFET Flyback Transformer Design EXCEL SMT1206 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M INIATURE ALU M INU M ELECTRO LYTIC CAPACITORS 71 '> U - X ‘ •u SERIES 105 C f t ' 7°JM £ ± > t - 2 > 7 pDp 1 0 5 C H ig h rip p le c u r r e n t, L o w im p e d a n c e . m FEATURES • SlJ=l'XT > t: — ffi U 7°Jl"fb£ HHL Enabled high ripple current by a reduction of impedance at high frequency range.

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    5000hours. 18X40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Specialty Polymer Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Surface Mount Type _ SP Cap CB Series Features • • Ideal low impedance at high frequency 300kH z to 10MHz (Reduced ESR due to an applying speciality polymer with high conductivity.)

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    300kH 10MHz) ELER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RGV MINIATURE ALUM INUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS R G V 2 C /CUD I C- X r » v a V C 105°C liljftfrq n ♦ *# S: Long Life. FE A TU R E S • 105°C 2 0 0 0 B # ffl'fS IIo Load Life : 105°C 2000 hours. • U 7 P - t t / u £ f t l t J ! J f Wfi6o R eflow soldering is available.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Siffluraiy n*pon a l a r g e c a p a c ita n c e alum inum e le c t r o ly t ic c a p a c ito rs •Mechanically open-mode capacitor no fire, smoke and electrolyte outside •Endurance with ripple current: 105”C 2000 hours •N o n Solvent-proof ♦SPECIFICATIONS

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    120Hz) 15max. 200Vdc) 400Vdc) 200Vdc 500/600Vdc 300/375Vdo 470yF 10OpF PDF

    dubilier capacitor ce

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cornell Dubilier r Type E S IW * Surface Mount Polymer Aluminum Capacitors 3 Times the H igh Frequency Filtering Power o f Tantalum Ideal fo r h ig h -fre q u e n c y filte rin g in surface m ount technology pow er supplies and D C/D C capacitors deliver the stability and perform ance

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    100kHz dubilier capacitor ce PDF

    aishi capacitors

    Abstract: aishi capacitors electrolytic aishi 105 aishi capacitors pet aishi
    Text: A'ìSHi MINIATURE ALUM IN UM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS N7 © © © Bi-polarized series with 7mm height Endurance:+105°C 1,000 hours Wide temperature range of -40°C+105°C RoHS C om pliant ♦ SPECIFICATIONS Items C haracteristics C a te g o ry T e m p e ra tu re R a n g e

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    50Vac) 50Vdc 120Hz) mArms/105Â aishi capacitors aishi capacitors electrolytic aishi 105 aishi capacitors pet aishi PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High Voltage AC & DC Film Capacitors for Power Electronics Applications RoHS COMPLIANT Intelligent Capacitor Solutions Aerovox can address all your capacitor needs. The higher voltage ratings and rugged construction of our high voltage AC & DC film capacitors make them suitable for applications beyond the

    HV01308 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A'ìSHi MINIATURE ALUM IN UM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS im T in b •«1 H7 © © Miniature series 7mm height Endurance:+105°C 1,000 hours Wide temperature range of -40°C+105°C RoHS Com pliant n CO, ♦ SPECIFICATIONS Items C haracteristics C ategory

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    50Vdc) 50Vdc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 20-4CD SKYWALKER 20 METER 4 ELEMENT YAGI ^cushcraft C O R P O R A T I O N 951354 7/ 8 8 20-4CD Your Cushcraft 20 meter beam is designed and manufactured to give top perform ance and trouble tree service. All hardware is stainless steel. The antenna w il perform a s specified Hthe instructions and suggestions are followed and care is used in assem bly

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    20-4CD PDF

    2193 t

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: YXF M IN IATU RE ALUM INUM E L E C T R O L Y T I C C A P A C IT O R S YXF S / U - X SERIES 105°C S M I& 'f > t ° - ^ > X B np 105°C Long Life. Low impedance. ♦¡f# ft FEATURES • 105°C 4OOO~7OOO0$PBEH £liE1£ Load Life : 105°C 4000~7000hours Low impedance at 100kHz with selected materials.

    OCR Scan
    7000hours 100kHz 120Hz) 10X16 16X25 16X25 2193 t PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic ^ J U H ^ A B IB n v x V + tA iu m in u m 5 V 7 M J -F W F \\> = .-O L J m Series: Type: Style: BP • v - m 4$ tA M in ia tu riz a tio n Features M ' -X'£50%~70%/JW i t ffiliEBf Psfl : 105 °C 5000 h 0lOJiTF) 105 ”C 7000 h (012.5) ft m ti ffl

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    tic 1060

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors/EB Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Radial Lead Type M in ia tu riz a tb n ForE ictonfc Ba]fest (Hgh Volage) C ic u it fcr contro] (Low V olage) F e a tm ss Life tm e : 105 CC 5000 - lOOOOh JncJude Low Profite p ro d u c ts

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    5000h tic 1060 PDF