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    CA92641 Search Results

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    sg79 diode

    Abstract: AN7905T AN7915K
    Text: SILICON GENERAL INC W ITTrrv<\ 5 IU |^ N GENERAL UNEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ESE D • fl253flfi0 ODDnOS 0 ■ SG7900A/SG7900AC SG7900/SG7900C T ^ h -(3 NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7900A/SG7900 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixedvoltage capability with upto 1,5A of load current. With a variety of outputvoltages

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    fl253flfi0 SG7900A/SG7900AC SG7900/SG7900C 2X7900A SG7900A/SG7900 SG7800A/SG7800, SG140/SG340 SG7900A SG79XXAG/883B SG79XXAG sg79 diode AN7905T AN7915K PDF

    IN4007 diode

    Abstract: PQ2620 diac ht32 tdk pq2625 n4007 diode IN4007 silicon diode IN4007 RECTIFIER DIODE 6.8j 100v TDK PCU LN4007 diode
    Text: SG3561A , S IL IC O N E E N E ^ L POWER FACTOR CONTROLLER LIN EA R IN T EG R A T ED C IR C U IT S D ESC R IP TIO N FEA TU RES This monolithic integrated circuit provides all the necessary functions for designing an active power factor correction circuit in conjunction with off-line

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    SG3561A SG3561 PQ2620 047nF, IRFBE42, 1N4007, 1N4935, 10OOpF, MR856, fi253flfl0 IN4007 diode diac ht32 tdk pq2625 n4007 diode IN4007 silicon diode IN4007 RECTIFIER DIODE 6.8j 100v TDK PCU LN4007 diode PDF

    servo track two motors ac servo control ic

    Abstract: SG3180DW CAM SWITCH dc servo diagram servo track two motors control ic
    Text: SG3180 SILICON LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUrTS ADVANCED DATA SHEET DIGITAL SERVO POWER AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG3180 enables a user to interface between DSP servo control schemes and a voice coil actuator used in many data storage systems. A serial input 10-bit DAC provides the conversion from the digital to analog

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    SG3180 SG3180 10-bit 500mA B253fl6D 28-PIN SG3180DW CA92641 000E214 servo track two motors ac servo control ic SG3180DW CAM SWITCH dc servo diagram servo track two motors control ic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG1536/SG1436 Z lN f lN T Z Y M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S HIGH-VOLTAGE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION The SG1536 series of monolithic amplifiers is designed specifically for use in high voltage applications up to ±40V and where high common-mode input ranges, high output voltage swings, and low

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    SG1536/SG1436 SG1536 -SG1536 MIL-STD-883 SG1536Y/883B SG1536Y/DESC SG1536Y SG1436Y 0Q03Mbb PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG55327/SG75327 I l N F W T Y M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S QUAD SOURCE MEMORY DRIVER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The S G 55327/SG 75327 is a monolithic quad source driver designed to meet the high current and fast switching speed requirements of magnetic memory systems. Each driver is

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    SG55327/SG75327 SG55327/SG75327 600mA. SG55327/ SG75327 600mA SG55327 16-PIN SG55327F/883B PDF