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    C166 PMU Search Results

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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DA14695-00000HQ2 Renesas Electronics Corporation Multi-Core Bluetooth® 5.2 SoC with System Power Management Unit Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DA14697-00000HR2 Renesas Electronics Corporation Multi-Core Bluetooth® 5.2 SoC with System Power Management Unit Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DA14699-00000HR2 Renesas Electronics Corporation Multi-Core Bluetooth® 5.2 SoC with System Power Management Unit Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DA14691-00000HQ2 Renesas Electronics Corporation Multi-Core Bluetooth® 5.2 SoC with System Power Management Unit Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ALVC166245ATE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Level Shifter Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    C166 PMU Datasheets Context Search

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    counter 7469

    Abstract: Tle7183 C166 instruction set temperature controlled fan project using 8051 PG-TQFP-64-1 c166 memtool BLDC 8051 BTS7960 project on water level control using 8051 XC164CM
    Text: XC164CM series Product Presentation February 2006 XC164CM series Product Presentation February 2006 V1.1 Page 1 XC164CM series Product Presentation February 2006 V1.1 Page 2 Infineon Microcontroller Products – Competitive Advantage Cores C166, XC166 Real-Time

    XC164CM XC166 counter 7469 Tle7183 C166 instruction set temperature controlled fan project using 8051 PG-TQFP-64-1 c166 memtool BLDC 8051 BTS7960 project on water level control using 8051 PDF


    Abstract: SAK-XC167CI-32F40F P-TQFP-144 C166 C166S C167 SAF-XC167CI-32F40F XC167CI DC motor for steering C167 flash program
    Text: P R O D U C T B R I E F The XC167CI is a new derivative of the popular C166 microcontroller family that is based on the enhanced C166S V2 architecture it outperforms existing 16-bit solutions. Impressive DSP performance and advanced interrupt handling combined

    XC167CI C166S 16-bit XC167CI B158-xxxx SAK-XC167CI SAK-XC167CI-32F40F P-TQFP-144 C166 C167 SAF-XC167CI-32F40F DC motor for steering C167 flash program PDF


    Abstract: C166 C166S C167 SAF-XC167CI-16F40F XC167CI SAK-XC167CI C167 instruction set C167 flash program
    Text: P R O D U C T B R I E F The XC167CI is a new derivative of the popular C166 microcontroller family that is based on the enhanced C166S V2 architecture it outperforms existing 16-bit solutions. Impressive DSP performance and advanced interrupt handling combined

    XC167CI C166S 16-bit XC167CI B158-H8097-X-X-7600 SAK-XC167CI-16F40F C166 C167 SAF-XC167CI-16F40F SAK-XC167CI C167 instruction set C167 flash program PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Brief Main Features cont’d XE167xM Series Real-Time Signal Controller The XE167xM Series is a new 144-pin device family of the popular C166 microcontroller family. Based on the enhanced C166S V2 architecture, it outperforms existing 16-bit solutions. The XE167xM is an improved and next generation

    XE167xM 16-priority-level 16Kbytes 32Kbytes 576Kbytes 16-channel B158-H9286-X-X-7600 NB08-1138 PDF


    Abstract: C166S SAK-XC2267-56F66L SAK-XC2267-72F66L
    Text: Product Brief XC2267 Next Generation 16-bit Microcontroller with 32-bit Performance T h e X C 2 2 6 7 is a new derivative of the popular C166 microcontroller family.Based on the enhanced C166S V2 architecture, it outperforms existing 16-bit solutions. The XC2267 is an improved and next generation representation of the full

    XC2267 16-bit 32-bit C166S 16-bit XC2267 B158-H8988-X-X-7600 C166 SAK-XC2267-56F66L SAK-XC2267-72F66L PDF

    SAK-XC164CS -16F40FAC

    Abstract: c2297 CERBERUS ocds SAF-XC164CS-16FF SAF-XC164CS-16RF SAK-XC164CS-16FF SAK-XC164CS-16RF XC164CS C166 C166S
    Text: P R O D U C T B R I E F The XC164CS is a new derivative of the popular C166 microcontroller families. Based on the enhanced C166S V2 architecture it outperforms existing 16 bit solutions. Impressive DSP performance and advanced interrupt handling combined with a powerful integrated peripheral set and high performance on-chip Flash or

    XC164CS C166S B158-H8009-X-X-7600 SAK-XC164CS -16F40FAC c2297 CERBERUS ocds SAF-XC164CS-16FF SAF-XC164CS-16RF SAK-XC164CS-16FF SAK-XC164CS-16RF C166 PDF


    Abstract: SAF-XE167F96F66L C166 C166S HVAC lin bus
    Text: Product Brief XE167 Series Real Time Signal Controller T H E X E 1 6 7 S E R I E S is a new 144-pin device family of the popular C166 microcontroller architecture. Based on the enhanced C166S V2 architecture, it outperforms existing 16-bit solutions. The XE167 is an improved and next generation representation of the

    XE167 144-pin C166S 16-bit 32-bit B158-H9073-X-X-7600 NB07-1057 SAF-XE167F96F66L C166 HVAC lin bus PDF


    Abstract: SAF-XE164F96F66L saf-xe164g-48f66l SAF-XE164G96F66L C166 C166S RS232 infineon SAF-XE164F48F66L SAF-XE164F-96F66L
    Text: Product Brief XE164 Series Real Time Signal Controller T H E X E 1 6 4 S E R I E S is a new 100-pin device family of the popular C166 microcontroller architecture. Based on the enhanced C166S V2 architecture, it outperforms existing 16-bit solutions. The XE164 is an improved and next generation representation of the

    XE164 100-pin C166S 16-bit 32-bit XE164 B158-H9072-X-X-7600 NB07-1057 SAF-XE164F96F66L saf-xe164g-48f66l SAF-XE164G96F66L C166 RS232 infineon SAF-XE164F48F66L SAF-XE164F-96F66L PDF


    Abstract: H8011 powerful C166S XC161CJ pare C166 J1850 SAF-XC161CJ-16FF SAK-XC161CJ-16FF
    Text: P R O D U C T B R I E F The XC161CJ is a new derivative of the popular C166 microcontroller family. Based on the enhanced C166S V2 architecture it outperforms existing 16-bit solutions. The XC161CJ is an improved and new-generation representative of the Infineon family of the full featured 16-bit

    XC161CJ C166S 16-bit XC161CJ 16-bit B158-H8011-X-X-7600 16-PRIORITY-LEVEL H8011 powerful pare C166 J1850 SAF-XC161CJ-16FF SAK-XC161CJ-16FF PDF

    lin uart c code xc2287

    Abstract: SAK-XC2287-96F80L RS232 infineon xc2000 PG-LQFP-144 C166 C166S XC2000 XC2287 SAF-XC2287-96F66L
    Text: Product Brief XC2287 Next Generation 16-bit Microcontroller with 32-bit Performance T h e X C 2 2 8 7 is a new derivatives of the popular C166 microcontroller family. Based on the enhanced C166S V2 architecture, it outperforms existing 16-bit solutions. The XC2000 is an improved and next generation representation of the full

    XC2287 16-bit 32-bit C166S 16-bit XC2000 B158-H8985-X-X-7600 lin uart c code xc2287 SAK-XC2287-96F80L RS232 infineon xc2000 PG-LQFP-144 C166 XC2287 SAF-XC2287-96F66L PDF


    Abstract: laptop adapter circuit by delta electronics adp 8051 infineon 80C51 Development Board 80c154 intel intel 83c154 INSTRUCTION SET DM164 89C51RD2 parallel programming 8051 projects equivalent des circuit integre ttl
    Text: Micro-Catalog-EU-xx 06.04.2000 15:00 Uhr Seite 1 micro catalog E E U R O P E A D I T I O N N 8-bit • 16-bit · 32-bit SPRING 2000 Technical Support and Order Hotline in English language Technischer Support und Bestell-Hotline in deutscher Sprache Service technique et commande par téléphone en langue française

    16-bit 32-bit D-55444 D-55129 D-75433 A82C250 laptop adapter circuit by delta electronics adp 8051 infineon 80C51 Development Board 80c154 intel intel 83c154 INSTRUCTION SET DM164 89C51RD2 parallel programming 8051 projects equivalent des circuit integre ttl PDF


    Abstract: sample c code for spi in xe166 Xe166 ECC Block Diagram solar based ups XE162 dsp cnc controller XE169 Infineon - Brushless DC Motor spi communication code in xe164fm XC166
    Text: Xe166 Microcontroller Family Real-Time Signal Controllers for Industrial Applications [] 2 Contents Family Overview 4 Applications 12 Peripheral Highlights 18 Safety Features 20 Development Support/Tool Partners/Tools 22 3 Family Overview

    Xe166 com/Xe166] 16-bit com/XE166 B158-H9118-G1-X-7600 sample c code for spi in xe166 Xe166 ECC Block Diagram solar based ups XE162 dsp cnc controller XE169 Infineon - Brushless DC Motor spi communication code in xe164fm XC166 PDF


    Abstract: xc166 c166 programming c XC164CM C166 SAF-XC164CM-8F20F SAF-XC164CM-8F40F SAK-XC164CM-8F20F SAK-XC164CM-8F40F C166 INFINEON
    Text: Product Brief Preliminary XC164CM More Than a 16-bit Microcontroller T h e X C 1 6 4 C M is a member of the enhanced 16-bit microcontroller family XC166 which offers impressive DSP performance and advanced interrupt handling combined with a powerful integrated peripheral set

    XC164CM 16-bit XC166 XC164CM B158-H8386-X-X-7600 C166SV2-Core c166 programming c C166 SAF-XC164CM-8F20F SAF-XC164CM-8F40F SAK-XC164CM-8F20F SAK-XC164CM-8F40F C166 INFINEON PDF

    embedded system mini projects using 8051 free

    Abstract: agriculture based electronics projects DB25 LPT 8086 microprocessor mini project circuit ic 8051 MEMORY CARD 128 KB BROSE mini projects using bread board and integrated MCU 80C535 BOSCH 7.4.9 MM486
    Text: C o v e r i n g t h e E n t i r e S p e c t r u m o f E m b e d d e d C o n t r o l Trusted C167/ST10 Embedded Architecture now in phyCORE SBC ® design C o v e r i n g t h e E n t i r e S p e c t r u m phyCORE®-167CR/CS E m b e d d e d C o n t r o l Product Catalogue 2001

    C167/ST10 -167CR/CS C167CR/CS ST10F168 16-bit, D-07973 D-55129 16-bit 32-bit embedded system mini projects using 8051 free agriculture based electronics projects DB25 LPT 8086 microprocessor mini project circuit ic 8051 MEMORY CARD 128 KB BROSE mini projects using bread board and integrated MCU 80C535 BOSCH 7.4.9 MM486 PDF


    Abstract: SMARTi LU PMB6810 E-GOLD gsm circuit diagram project multi channel hifi security system Infineon SMARTi smarti 2 GMSK gsm intech 16 bit analog to digital converter
    Text: INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG’S SALES OFFICES WORLDWIDE – PARTLY REPRESENTED BY SIEMENS AG OA OE OIRL OPK ORSA Infineon Technologies Villach AG Vertrieb Operngasse 20 B /3 /31 1040 Wien T +43 1-5 87-7 07 00 Fax (+43) 1-5 87-7 07 02 00 Siemens S.A. Dpto. Componentes

    Bay22 B113-H8004-x-x-7600 PMB6850 SMARTi LU PMB6810 E-GOLD gsm circuit diagram project multi channel hifi security system Infineon SMARTi smarti 2 GMSK gsm intech 16 bit analog to digital converter PDF

    xgold dual sim

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Brief X-GOLDTM102 DS GSM Single-Chip for Dual-SIM support Main Features The X-GOLD 102 DS is an extension of the Infineon single-chip family providing entertainment features to ULC handsets at lowest cost. The singlechip is an ideal solution for dual SIM ULC Music Phones, supporting key

    X-GOLDTM102 C166V2 104MHz XMMTM1028 B153-H9339-X-X-7600 NB08-1293 xgold dual sim PDF

    infineon x-gold

    Abstract: C166 X-GOLD xgold dual sim
    Text: Product Brief X-GOLDTM102 DS GSM Single-Chip for Dual-SIM support Main Features The X-GOLD 102 DS is an extension of the Infineon single-chip family providing entertainment features to ULC handsets at lowest cost. The singlechip is an ideal solution for dual SIM ULC Music Phones, supporting key

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    Infineon X-GOLD 102

    Abstract: PG-VF2BGA-189 infineon x-gold X-GOLD 102 X-GOLD C166V2 XMMTM1020 xgoldtm102 infineon gold teaklite
    Text: Product Brief X-GOLDTM102 Single-Chip Solution for ULC color and music phones Main Features The X-GOLD 102 is an extension of the Infineon single-chip family providing entertainment features to ULC handsets at lowest cost. The singlechip is an ideal solution for ULC Music Phones supporting key features such

    X-GOLDTM102 C166V2 X-GOLDTM102 XMMTM1020 B153-H9338-G1-X-7600 NB08-1343 Infineon X-GOLD 102 PG-VF2BGA-189 infineon x-gold X-GOLD 102 X-GOLD C166V2 xgoldtm102 infineon gold teaklite PDF


    Abstract: C166 C166S SAF-XC2387-72F66L SAK-XC2387-72F66L XC2000 XC2300 XC2387 airbag
    Text: Product Brief XC2387 Next Generation Safety Microcontroller with 32-Bit Performance T h e X C 2 3 8 7 is one member of the new XC2300 microcontroller family, a subset of the XC2000 family, with focus on safety-applications. The XC2387 with its high-performance CPU features powerful peripherals like fast

    XC2387 32-Bit XC2300 XC2000 XC2387 B158-H9031-X-X-7600 NB07-1113 SAK-XC2387-72F80L C166 C166S SAF-XC2387-72F66L SAK-XC2387-72F66L airbag PDF


    Abstract: C166S PG-LQFP-100 SAK-XC2766X-96F66L XC2000 XC2766X XC2700X motorcycle control
    Text: Product Brief XC27x6X TM Next Generation PowerTrain Microcontroller with 32/16bit Performance The XC27x6X is a member of the new XC2700X microcontroller family, a subset of the XC2000 family, with focus on power train applications. High-performance CPU features, memory scalability and powerful Dual-A/D

    XC27x6X 32/16bit XC27x6X XC2700X XC2000 XC2700 B158-H9081-X-X-7600 C166 C166S PG-LQFP-100 SAK-XC2766X-96F66L XC2766X motorcycle control PDF

    power stage of 6/4 switched reluctance motor

    Abstract: 40 MHZ OSCILLATOR 4 switched reluctance motor c166 programming c XC164CM c166 C programming C166 instruction set microcontroller based speed control of ac motor switched reluctance motor tqfp-64
    Text: Product Brief XC164CM Series The 16-bit Flash Microcontroller Family in PG-TQFP-64 Package T H E X C 1 6 4 C M series is the new family of the enhanced 16-bit microcontroller XC166 which offers impressive DSP performance and advanced interrupt handling combined with a powerful integrated

    XC164CM 16-bit PG-TQFP-64 16-bit XC166 TPFQ-64 B158-H8386-G2-X-7600 power stage of 6/4 switched reluctance motor 40 MHZ OSCILLATOR 4 switched reluctance motor c166 programming c c166 C programming C166 instruction set microcontroller based speed control of ac motor switched reluctance motor tqfp-64 PDF


    Abstract: C166SV2 K/SPI/RS232 core C166
    Text: Product Brief XE166xH Series – High Line Real-Time Signal Controller Main Features cont’d The XE167xH (LQFP-144) and XE169xH (LQFP-176) microcontroller series are based on Infineon’s popular and well-established C166SV2 architecture. The devices offer new safety features for safety integrity level

    XE166xH XE167xH LQFP-144) XE169xH LQFP-176) C166SV2 112Kbytes 600Kbytes 14-channel 16-channel 55FK K/SPI/RS232 core C166 PDF


    Abstract: C166 C166S C166SV2 PG-LQFP-144 662X
    Text: Product Brief XC2285 Next Generation Microcontroller with 32-Bit Performance T H E X C 2 2 8 5 is a new derivative of the new XC2200 microcontroller family. • ■ Based on the enhanced C166SV2 architecture, it outperforms existing 16-bit solutions. The XC2200 family is an improved and next generation representation of

    XC2285 32-Bit XC2200 C166SV2 16-bit 16-bit XC2200 B158-H8987-G1-X-7600 XC2285 C166 C166S PG-LQFP-144 662X PDF


    Abstract: XC2000 XC2300 C166 C166S SAF-XC2365-72F80L airbag
    Text: Product Brief XC2365 Next Generation Safety Microcontroller with 32-Bit Performance T h e X C 2 3 6 5 is one member of the new XC2300 microcontroller family, a subset of the XC2000 family, with focus on safety-applications. The XC2365 with its high-performance CPU features powerful peripherals like fast

    XC2365 32-Bit XC2300 XC2000 XC2365 B158-H9030-X-X-7600 NB07-1112 C166 C166S SAF-XC2365-72F80L airbag PDF