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    C14097B Search Results

    C14097B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: cd4u MCI4067
    Text: MC14067B C14097B M O TO R O LA CMOS LOW -POW ER CO M PLEM EN TA RY MOSI ANALOG MULTIPLEXERS/DEMULTIPLEXERS The MC14067 and MC14097 multiplexers/demultiplexers are digitally controlled anafog switches featuring low ON resistance and very low leak­ age current. These devices can be used in either digital or analog

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    MC14067B MC14097B MC14067 MC14097 16-channel 1-ot-16 mci40 cd4u MCI4067 PDF


    Abstract: MC14035 MC14032 mc14161
    Text: Master Index 1 Product Selection Guide 2 i The “Better” Program 3 B and UB Series Family Data K CMOS Handling and Design Guidelines Data Sheets CMOS Reliability Equivalent Gate Count Packaging Information Including Surface Mounts E 8 i 9 DATA CLASSIFICATION

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC14067B C14097B M O TO R O LA A N A LO G M U LT IPLE X E R S/D EM U LT IP LE X E R S L SU FFIX C E R A M IC CA S E 623 T h e M C 1 4 0 6 7 a n d M C 1 4 0 9 7 m u ltip le x e rs /d e m u ltip le x e rs a re d ig ita lly c o n tro lle d a n a lo g s w itc h e s fe a tu r in g lo w O N re s is ta n c e a n d v e ry lo w le a k ­

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    MC14067B MC14097B 14067B PDF

    motorola 6147

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T i OTOROLA SC - C L O C I O 6367252 MOTOROLA S C 1Û DE I t,3L,72S2 007^ 570 . ñ | <L O G I C 98D 79570 T -& H t MC14067B C14097B MOTOROLA CMOS A N A L O G M U L T IP L E X E R S / D E M U L T I P L E X E R S The MC14067 and MC14097 multiplexers/demultiplexers are digitally

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    MC14067B MC14097B MC14067 MC14097 16-channel motorola 6147 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC14067B C14097B MOTOROLA ANALOG MULTIPLEXERS/DEMULTIPLEXERS L SUFFIX C E R A M IC CA S E 623 The M C14067 and M C14097 m ultiplexers/d em u ltiplexers are digitally controlled analog sw itches featuring low ON resistance and very low leak­ age c u rre n t. The se d e v ic e s can be used in e ith e r d ig ita l or analog

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    MC14067B MC14097B C14067 C14097 16-channel 1-of-16 C14067B C14097B 14067B PDF