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    C 33725 W Search Results

    C 33725 W Datasheets Context Search

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    C 337-25

    Abstract: C 33725
    Text: RS Components Extinguisher Use Guide 337-55 93 PM 30 BCE 21B S e e Note 1 NO 337-26 17 PM 50 FM 20 BCE BCE 34B 13B S e e Note 1 NO 0.95 kg BC Pow de r 337-26 23 FM 40 BCE 34B S e e Note 1 NO 1.0 kg BC Pow de r 626-1 63 1000DP BCE 34B YES YES 2.0 kg BC Pow de r

    1000DP 2000DP 1000M 2000M FSP9000/F C 337-25 C 33725 PDF

    C 337-25

    Abstract: C 33725 12 v transistors 337 c 337 25 npn bc 337 CBC337 transistors bc 337 OF IC 337 NPN 337 BC-338
    Text: BC 337 / BC 338 NPN General Purpose Transistors Si-Epitaxial PlanarTransistors NPN Power dissipation – Verlustleistung 625 mW Plastic case Kunststoffgehäuse TO-92 10D3 Weight approx. – Gewicht ca. 0.18 g Plastic material has UL classification 94V-0

    UL94V-0 BC337-40 BC338-40 C 337-25 C 33725 12 v transistors 337 c 337 25 npn bc 337 CBC337 transistors bc 337 OF IC 337 NPN 337 BC-338 PDF

    C 337-25

    Abstract: C 33725 BC337-25 NPN general purpose transistor BC337 BC337-16 BC337 NPN transistor datasheet BC337 bc33716 BC-337-16 BC33725
    Text: BC337-16 BC337-25 E B TO-92 C NPN General Purpose Amplifier This device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 500 mA. Sourced from Process 12. See TN3019A for characteristics. Absolute Maximum Ratings*

    BC337-16 BC337-25 TN3019A BC337-16 C 337-25 C 33725 BC337-25 NPN general purpose transistor BC337 BC337 NPN transistor datasheet BC337 bc33716 BC-337-16 BC33725 PDF

    of thermistor 10K ohms ntc

    Abstract: NTC 10k thermal sensor C 33725 thermistor ntc 10k characteristic ntc 10k temperature sensor Sensor NTC 10K NTS222001 UL2474 thermistor ntc 10k sensor ntc
    Text: NTS DCT sensor Defrost Control Thermistor sensor DESCRIPTION The NTS DCT Sensor is designed to sense the build up of frost on a surface by measuring the surface temperature. Upon detection, the sensor can signal a defrost cycle in order to prevent the build up of ice.

    UL1434 3977K of thermistor 10K ohms ntc NTC 10k thermal sensor C 33725 thermistor ntc 10k characteristic ntc 10k temperature sensor Sensor NTC 10K NTS222001 UL2474 thermistor ntc 10k sensor ntc PDF

    c 337 25

    Abstract: 337 marking code bc337 c 33740 337-40 338 marking code bc 337 equivalent bc 170 c npn bc 337 NPN 337
    Text: NPN Silicon AF Transistors BC 337 BC 338 High current gain ● High collector current ● Low collector-emitter saturation voltage ● Complementary types: BC 327, BC 328 PNP ● 2 1 Type Marking Ordering Code BC 337 BC 337-16 BC 337-25 BC 337-40 BC 338

    Q62702-C313 Q62702-C313-V3 Q62702-C313-V1 Q62702-C313-V2 Q62702-C314 Q62702-C314-V1 Q62702-C314-V2 Q62702-C314-V3 c 337 25 337 marking code bc337 c 33740 337-40 338 marking code bc 337 equivalent bc 170 c npn bc 337 NPN 337 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC337-16 / BC337-25 BC337-16 BC337-25 E B TO-92 C NPN General Purpose Amplifier This device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 500 mA. Sourced from Process 12. See TN3019A for characteristics. Absolute Maximum Ratings*

    BC337-16 BC337-25 BC337-16 TN3019A PDF

    C 337-40

    Abstract: c 337 25 337-40 c 33740 transistors BC 293 327-40 337 marking code BC 337 BC337 NPN 337
    Text: PNP Silicon AF Transistors BC 327 BC 328 High current gain ● High collector current ● Low collector-emitter saturation voltage ● Complementary types: BC 337, BC 338 NPN ● 2 3 Type Marking Ordering Code BC 327 BC 327-16 BC 327-25 BC 327-40 BC 328

    Q62702-C311 Q62702-C311-V3 Q62702-C311-V4 Q62702-C311-V2 Q62702-C312 Q62702-C312-V3 Q62702-C312-V4 Q62702-C312-V2 Collector-ba20 C 337-40 c 337 25 337-40 c 33740 transistors BC 293 327-40 337 marking code BC 337 BC337 NPN 337 PDF

    bc337 cross-reference

    Abstract: bc337-16 bc337 fairchild bc337-25 BC-337-16 bc33716 BC33725 BC33716 cross
    Text: BC337-16 / BC337-25 BC337-16 BC337-25 E B TO-92 C NPN General Purpose Amplifier This device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 500 mA. Sourced from Process 12. See TN3019A for characteristics. Absolute Maximum Ratings*

    BC337-16 BC337-25 TN3019A BC337 BC33716TA BC33716BU bc337 cross-reference bc337 fairchild bc337-25 BC-337-16 bc33716 BC33725 BC33716 cross PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC337-25 transistor 33725 TN3019A bc337 m transistor BC337-16 BC337-16 BC337-25 CBVK741B019 F63TNR
    Text: BC337-16 / BC337-25 BC337-16 BC337-25 E B TO-92 C NPN General Purpose Amplifier This device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 500 mA. Sourced from Process 12. See TN3019A for characteristics. Absolute Maximum Ratings*

    BC337-16 BC337-25 BC337-16 TN3019A OF TRANSISTOR BC337 TRANSISTOR BC337-25 transistor 33725 bc337 m transistor BC337-16 BC337-25 CBVK741B019 F63TNR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s 3 856 Desigo RXC Room controller RXC39.5 Communicating room controller for fan-coil applications The RXC39.5 room controller is used for temperature control in individual rooms. • For fan-coil systems with ECM fan · PI / PID control depending on application

    RXC39 RXT10 CM2N3856en 3876M01 3876M02 CA110300 PDF

    C 33725

    Abstract: C 337-25 C 33725 w transistor+BC+337-25
    Text: LIEFERVORSCHRIFT SPECIFICATION FRIWO Geräteb au GmbH V o n - L ie b ig - S t r . 11 D - 4 8 3 4 6 O stb evern Tel.: 0 2 5 3 2 / 8 1 - 0 Fax: 02532/81-112 h t t p :/ / w w w . PP8 UK M - 24V Firmo / : DISTRIBUTION Company Ge r ät e ty p / Typ : F W 7 3 3 3 M / 2 4 UK

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: BC413C BC414B BC414C BC337-25 BC337-40 BC337A BC338 BC338-16 BC338-25
    Text: TO-92 Plastic Package Transistors NPN _ _ Maxim um Ratings Type No. BC 337-25 ^CEO ^EBO PD (V) Min (V) Min (V) Min (W) 45 5 (A) ^CB 'c e s ^CE (V) (HA) Max @ (V) Max @Tc=25°c 0 .625 'cBO <mA) 0.5 0.1 20 »FE Min BC337A 50 60 45 60 5 5 0.625 0.625 0.5

    OCR Scan
    BC337-25 O-92-4 BC337-40 BC337A BC338 BC414C BC413B BC413C BC414B BC338-16 BC338-25 PDF

    C 337-25

    Abstract: TBC337 C 33725 338-25 tBC327

    OCR Scan
    BC337/338 TBC327 TBC328. TBG337) TBC338) 500mA TBC337 TBC338 C 337-25 C 33725 338-25 PDF

    C 337-25

    Abstract: C 33725 BC337-16 BC-337-16 BC337-25 bc33716 NPN 33725 BC337 33725
    Text: S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm BC337-16 BC337-25 NPN General Purpose Amplifier T h is d e v ic e is d e s ig n e d fo r use as g e n e ra l pu rp o se a m p lifie rs a n d sw itches requiring collecto r c u rrents to 500 m A. S o u rce d from P roce ss 12. S e e T N 3 0 1 9 A fo r ch a ra c te ris tic s.

    OCR Scan
    BC337-16 BC337-25 SeeTN3019A C 337-25 C 33725 BC-337-16 BC337-25 bc33716 NPN 33725 BC337 33725 PDF


    Abstract: 1G14 C 337-40
    Text: NPN TRANSISTORS ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMET ALL 3ME D • 4böH711 0002443 5 ■ ISI T - 3 i - o \ NPN Silicon Transistors with plastic package 10D3 according to DIN 41870 ='TO-92 . On special request, these transistors will also be produced with TO -18 pin configuration.

    OCR Scan
    BC170A BC170B BC170C BC337 BC338 BC413B2) BC413C2) BC414B2) BC414C2 BC445 10D3 1G14 C 337-40 PDF

    transistor BC 310

    Abstract: transistor bc 487 transistor BC 321 TRANSISTOR BC 416 b pnp bc 337-25 transistor TRANSISTOR BC 415 transistor bc 318 transistor BC 337-25 TRANSISTOR BC 413 bc 337-40 transistor
    Text: general purpose transistor selector guide — plastic case guide de sélection transistors usage général — boîtier plastique th o m s o n -c s f Case ^ ^ ^ 1 0 Polarity 92 CB-1% NPN PNP NPN PNP NPN 0,8.1 A 0,4.0,6 A « 0 ,2 A PNP v CEO 20 V B Ç 2 3 8 .

    OCR Scan
    BCW94 CB-76 BC317P. transistor BC 310 transistor bc 487 transistor BC 321 TRANSISTOR BC 416 b pnp bc 337-25 transistor TRANSISTOR BC 415 transistor bc 318 transistor BC 337-25 TRANSISTOR BC 413 bc 337-40 transistor PDF

    C 337-25

    Abstract: BC337-25 bc33725 BC337-16 BC-337-16 bc33716 BC337
    Text: S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm BC337-16 BC337-25 NPN General Purpose Amplifier This device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 500 m A. Sourced from Process 12. See TN 3019A for characteristics. Absolute Maximum RâtinÇjS

    OCR Scan
    BC337-16 BC337-25 C 337-25 BC337-25 bc33725 BC-337-16 bc33716 BC337 PDF

    transistors BC 487

    Abstract: 327A-16 C 337-40 transistors BC 337a c 33740 tr bc 337 C 337-25 BC 327/25 transistor transistor BC 321 C 32725
    Text: general purpose transistors — plastic case O transistors usage général — boîtier plastique Type NPN M axim um ratings PNP pto t v CEO mW (V) 45 Characteristics a t 25°C h 2lE min N N N N N N N N N N BC 317 BC 317 A BC 317 B BC 320 BC 320 A BC 320 B

    OCR Scan
    CB-76 BC317P. transistors BC 487 327A-16 C 337-40 transistors BC 337a c 33740 tr bc 337 C 337-25 BC 327/25 transistor transistor BC 321 C 32725 PDF

    bc 147 transistor

    Abstract: transistor BC 547B transistor BC 147 Transistor BC 547, CL 100 bc 104 npn transistor bc 106 transistor transistor BC 337-25 TO106 transistor bc 337-25 transistor transistor BC 147b
    Text: EPOXY TRANSISTORS •• CONTINENTAL DEVICE INDIA 3SE D 0Q0D014 b • T “ 3 i-ty ■ COMMERCIAL/ENTERTAINMENT APPLICATIONS • Device VCEO VCBO VEBO Volts Volts Volts min • min min hFE at bias fr IC VCE ICM PTA ICBO VCE sat mA Volts mA max mW max MA Voits

    OCR Scan
    0Q0D014 O-106 O-237 bc 147 transistor transistor BC 547B transistor BC 147 Transistor BC 547, CL 100 bc 104 npn transistor bc 106 transistor transistor BC 337-25 TO106 transistor bc 337-25 transistor transistor BC 147b PDF


    Abstract: c33740 Bc337
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon AF Transistors BC 337 BC 338 • High current gain • High collector current • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: BC 327, BC 328 PNP Type Marking Ordering Code Q62702-C313 Q62702-C313-V3 Q62702-C313-V1

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-C313 Q62702-C313-V3 Q62702-C313-V1 Q62702-C313-V2 Q62702-C314 Q62702-C314-V1 Q62702-C314-V2 Q62702-C314-V3 BC337 A235b05 c33725 c33740 Bc337 PDF

    Transistor NPN BC 549B

    Abstract: transistor BC 147b bc 337-25 transistor transistor BC 547B Transistor - BC 547, CL 100 CIL TRANSISTOR 149b transistor transistor BC 337-25 TRANSISTOR BC 208 bc 106 transistor
    Text: EPOXY TRANSISTORS •• CONTINENTA L DEVICE INDIA 3SE D • 0Q0D014 b COMMERCIAL/ENTERTAINMENT APPLICATIONS VCEO VCBO VEBO • Volts Volts Volts Device min • min min hFE at bias fr IC VCE ICM PTA ICBO VCE sat mA Volts mA mW MA Voits MHz max max typ 'typ

    OCR Scan
    0Q0D014 O-106 O-237 0000G3D Transistor NPN BC 549B transistor BC 147b bc 337-25 transistor transistor BC 547B Transistor - BC 547, CL 100 CIL TRANSISTOR 149b transistor transistor BC 337-25 TRANSISTOR BC 208 bc 106 transistor PDF


    Abstract: BC 238 BP BC174 bc 307 bp TR BC 238 C 337-40 BC318 bc 337-16 transistors BC 183 BC 237 B
    Text: general purpose transistors — plastic case tra n s is to rs usage général — b oîtier plastique THOMSON-CSF NPN Characteristics at 25°C Maximum ratings Type PNP Ptot / lc h21E VcEO C22b VCE sat / <C/»B FB Case 1KHz * min BC 174 BC 174 A BC 174 B

    OCR Scan
    CB-76 BC317P. BC183A BC 238 BP BC174 bc 307 bp TR BC 238 C 337-40 BC318 bc 337-16 transistors BC 183 BC 237 B PDF

    BC 546 BP

    Abstract: bc 547 bp transistors BC 548 BC 558 PNP 337A1 3001 pnp BC 557 npn tr bc 337 transistors BC 487 transistors BC 548 BC 558 33740
    Text: general purpose transistors — plastic case O transistors usage général — boîtier plastique Type NPN M axim um ratings PNP pto t v CEO mW (V) 45 Characteristics a t 25°C h 2lE min N N N N N N N N N N BC 317 BC 317 A BC 317 B BC 320 BC 320 A BC 320 B

    OCR Scan
    CB-76 BC317P. BC 546 BP bc 547 bp transistors BC 548 BC 558 PNP 337A1 3001 pnp BC 557 npn tr bc 337 transistors BC 487 transistors BC 548 BC 558 33740 PDF


    Abstract: C 337-40 33740 npn 1W 40V to39 CA500 c 33740 BSY86 BC337 BC341 850mW
    Text: General Purpo/e Tran/i/ter/ r T Y P E NO. PD NPN >C BVc b O l v Ceo b v E bo @ T A = 2 5 °C v C E s a t @ I c / l B h p E @ V C E @ *C Cob m ax. m ax. m in ./max. f T @ •c C A SE m in. <§> <§> 1 20 V 120V 120V 120V 90V 80V 80V 80V 80V 60V 6V 6V 6V

    OCR Scan
    850mW 150mA 120MHz BSY84 C 337-40 33740 npn 1W 40V to39 CA500 c 33740 BSY86 BC337 BC341 PDF