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    BZY88C18 Search Results

    BZY88C18 Datasheets (9)

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    BZY88-C18 Fagor 0.5 Watt Zener Diodes Scan PDF
    BZY88C18 Fairchild Semiconductor Full Line Condensed Catalogue 1977 Scan PDF
    BZY88C18 Microsemi Data Book 1983 Scan PDF
    BZY88C18 Motorola Motorola Transistor Datasheets Scan PDF
    BZY88C18 Motorola The European Selection Data Book 1976 Scan PDF
    BZY88-C18 Mullard Quick Reference Guide 1977/78 Scan PDF
    BZY88/C18 Unknown Cross Reference Datasheet Scan PDF
    BZY88C18 Unknown Shortform Semicon, Diode, and SCR Datasheets Short Form PDF
    BZY88-C18 Unknown Diode, Transistor, Thyristor Datasheets and more Scan PDF

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    Abstract: BZY88-C12 BZY88 1N957 1N958 1N959 1N960 1N961 do-35 case 1N963
    Text: AMERICAN POWER D E V I CE S _ S3E » • G73713S OOOGOll _ _ — 400mW Typet — ,— 4 ■ — Q 3 _ ZENER DIODES " , , ■] DO-35 Case Nominal Zener Voltage Vz 5 I zt V Test Current Izi mA Maximum^ Dynamic Impedance Zzi (a) I z t Typical Temperature Coefficient

    OCR Scan
    400mW DO-35 1N957 1N958 1N959 1N960 1N961 1N962 1N963 1N964 BZY88C BZY88-C12 BZY88 do-35 case PDF

    THERMISTORS nsp 037

    Abstract: Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032
    Text: INDEX OF COMPONENTS A Section/Page No. A.C. Adaptor. Adaptor Kits BNC e tc . Adhesive Tapes. Adhesives, Various. Aerosols.

    OCR Scan
    200X300X360m THERMISTORS nsp 037 Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032 PDF


    Abstract: BZX85C15 1N4744A 1N5246B 1N966B BZX55C16 BZX85C16 BZY88C16 ZPD16
    Text: FAIRCHILD D IO D ES DIODES ZENER D IO D E S BY A S C E N D IN G V Z GLASS PACKAGE vz Item 1 DEVICE NO. 1N4744A V Norn 15 Toi.* ±VZ zz % Max 5 (C o n ic i) @ VR V mA •r /¿A Max 14 17 5.0 11.4 10.5 n iz @ T.C. Pd mW Package %/° C No. Typ (Max) TA=25°C

    OCR Scan
    1N4744A DO-41 BZX85C15 1N966B DO-35 1N5246B BZX55C16 1N474SA BZX85C16 BZY88C16 ZPD16 PDF


    Abstract: 5401DM Fairchild dtl catalog fsa2719m 4727BPC FCM7010 FCM7004 937DMQB fairchild rtl FSA2501
    Text: FAIRMONT ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. TE L.48-6421 4 8 -6 4 8 1 /2 /4 C AB LES ' FAIRTRONICS' C R A IG H A L L T E L E X 8-3227 S A . P O .BOX 41102, C R A IG H A LL 2024. I ouani v-ox 39! 262Bramley 2018 FAIRCHILD 464 Ellis Street, M ountain View, C alifornia 94042

    OCR Scan
    262Bramley orporation/464 962-5011/TWX 19-PIN 100414DC 5401DM Fairchild dtl catalog fsa2719m 4727BPC FCM7010 FCM7004 937DMQB fairchild rtl FSA2501 PDF


    Abstract: MC8500 micromodule m68mm19 1N9388 74ALS643 2N6058 MC145026 2N5160 MOTOROLA MC3340 equivalent pn3402
    Text: MOTOROLA Semiconductors THE EUROPEAN MASTER SELECTION 1982 The total num ber of standard Sem iconductor products available from M otorola ex­ ceeds 15 0 0 0 device types. To most of our custom ers this total presents an overw helm ing choice. The European Master Selection lists approxim ately 4 0 0 0 preferred devices that re­

    OCR Scan
    0HF40 0HF60 0HF80 6FP10 6F100 70HF10 UAA2001 MC8500 micromodule m68mm19 1N9388 74ALS643 2N6058 MC145026 2N5160 MOTOROLA MC3340 equivalent pn3402 PDF

    E421 fet

    Abstract: equivalent transistor e176 J2N2608 J2N3821 E112 jfet e420 dual jfet 2N390G TRANSISTOR E421 dual JFET 2N4360 equivalent transistors Teledyne Semiconductor jfet
    Text: Discretes from Teledyne Semiconductor In this catalog are listed more than 2000 high-quality diodes, bipolar transistors and JFETs available from Teledyne Semiconductor. Key specifications are included for each device and many are available w ith hi-rel processing to m ilitary specifications.

    OCR Scan
    O-72P* O-92X O-105 O-106 O-106P E421 fet equivalent transistor e176 J2N2608 J2N3821 E112 jfet e420 dual jfet 2N390G TRANSISTOR E421 dual JFET 2N4360 equivalent transistors Teledyne Semiconductor jfet PDF