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    BCB59C Search Results

    BCB59C Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: BC860 BC859 BC859A BC859B BC859C BC860A BC860B BC860C BCB59
    Text: • bhS3n31 □ÜS447CI 755 BIAPX BC859 BC860 b?E J> N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P-N-P transistors in a plastic SOT-23 package p rim a rily intended f o r low-noise in p u t stages in tape recorders, h i-fi a m p lifiers and o th e r audio freq u e n cy e q u ipm ent in th ic k and th in -film h y b rid circu its.

    OCR Scan
    bhS3n31 GE447là BC859 BC860 OT-23 BC859 bbS3T31 G024M63 BCB60 BC860 BC859A BC859B BC859C BC860A BC860B BC860C BCB59 PDF

    BC338 hie hre hfe

    Abstract: BD371C-10 bc368 hie BD370B-10 BD371D BD371C BF936 BF494 BF495 b055
    Text: National Bipolar Pro Electron Series Semiconductor c/> Case Style VCEO VeBO V (V) Min Min Ices ’ •cBOg. (nA) Max 50* TO-92 (97) 60* BC327-10 TO-92 (97) 50* 45 5 100* 45 40 63 BC327-16 TO-92 (97) 50* 45 5 100* 45 40 100 TO-92 (97) 50* TO-92 (97) 30' TO-92

    OCR Scan
    b501130 bS01130 T-03-01 BC338 hie hre hfe BD371C-10 bc368 hie BD370B-10 BD371D BD371C BF936 BF494 BF495 b055 PDF