BC547 TRANSISTOR DATASHEET Result Highlights (5)
Part | ECAD Model | Manufacturer | Description | Download | Buy |
2SC6026MFV |
NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 | |||
TTC022 |
NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini | |||
TTC020 |
NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini | |||
2SA1213 |
PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-2 A / hFE=70~240 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / PW-Mini | |||
TPCP8515 |
NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PS-8 |
BC547 TRANSISTOR DATASHEET Datasheets Context Search
Catalog Datasheet | MFG & Type | Document Tags | |
Abstract: bc560
Original |
BC556 BC557 BC558 BC559 BC560 BC556, BC559, BC546, BC547, BC558B bc560 | |
transistor bc547 specifications
Abstract: BC548 transistor BC550 transistor BC547 to92 transistor BC550
Original |
BC546 BC547 BC548 BC549 BC550 BC546, BC549, BC556, BC557, transistor bc547 specifications BC548 transistor BC550 transistor BC547 to92 transistor BC550 | |
Abstract: transistor bc547 specifications transistor bc547 applications bc547 marking transistor information of BC547 transistor BC 547B Use of BC547 transistor BC547ATA BC547-J22Z transistor BC 458
Original |
BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 BC547 transistor bc547 specifications transistor bc547 applications bc547 marking transistor information of BC547 transistor BC 547B Use of BC547 transistor BC547ATA BC547-J22Z transistor BC 458 | |
BC546 "cross reference"
Abstract: transistor BC 458 Transistor NPN BC 549B bc549 Cross Reference BC548 cross reference bc550 BC547ATA Amplifier with transistor BC549 bc549 of transistor BC 548
Original |
BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 BC546 "cross reference" transistor BC 458 Transistor NPN BC 549B bc549 Cross Reference BC548 cross reference bc550 BC547ATA Amplifier with transistor BC549 bc549 of transistor BC 548 | |
pin configuration NPN transistor BC548
Abstract: T1 BC548 pin configuration transistor BC547 pin configuration NPN transistor BC547 BC548 bc548 pin details BC547 application notes pin configuration of transistor BC547 pin configuration of NPN transistor BC547 pin out TRANSISTOR bc547
Original |
BC546 BC547, BC548, BC546 BC547 BC548 C-120 pin configuration NPN transistor BC548 T1 BC548 pin configuration transistor BC547 pin configuration NPN transistor BC547 BC548 bc548 pin details BC547 application notes pin configuration of transistor BC547 pin configuration of NPN transistor BC547 pin out TRANSISTOR bc547 | |
pin configuration of transistor BC547
Abstract: pin configuration transistor BC547 pin out TRANSISTOR bc547 information of BC548 pin configuration NPN transistor BC548 T1 BC548 bc548 pin details transistor bc547 CDIL NPN transistor T1 BC547 BC547 application notes
Original |
ISO/TS16949 BC546 BC547, BC548, BC546 BC547 BC548 C-120 pin configuration of transistor BC547 pin configuration transistor BC547 pin out TRANSISTOR bc547 information of BC548 pin configuration NPN transistor BC548 T1 BC548 bc548 pin details transistor bc547 CDIL NPN transistor T1 BC547 BC547 application notes | |
T1 BC548
Abstract: pin configuration NPN transistor BC548 bc548 pin details pin configuration NPN transistor BC547 pin configuration transistor BC547 t1 BC547 pin configuration of transistor BC547 information of BC548 bc547 application note pin out TRANSISTOR bc547
Original |
BC546 BC547, BC548, BC546 BC547 BC548 C-120 T1 BC548 pin configuration NPN transistor BC548 bc548 pin details pin configuration NPN transistor BC547 pin configuration transistor BC547 t1 BC547 pin configuration of transistor BC547 information of BC548 bc547 application note pin out TRANSISTOR bc547 | |
t1 BC547
Abstract: specifications of BC547B transistor BC547B bc547c fairchild transistor bc547 specifications 547B 547C Bc547B TRANSISTOR BC547A CBVK741B019
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BC547 BC547A BC547B BC547C BC547 BC547A BC547B PN100A t1 BC547 specifications of BC547B transistor bc547c fairchild transistor bc547 specifications 547B 547C Bc547B TRANSISTOR CBVK741B019 | |
transistor bc546
Abstract: bc546 fairchild data of transistor 547 transistor C 548 B Amplifier with transistor BC548 Amplifier with transistor BC549 BC550 TRANSISTOR bc560 BC546..547 bc550 transistor
Original |
BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 transistor bc546 bc546 fairchild data of transistor 547 transistor C 548 B Amplifier with transistor BC548 Amplifier with transistor BC549 BC550 TRANSISTOR bc560 BC546..547 bc550 transistor | |
Abstract: bc337 TRANSISTOR equivalent BC337 hie hre hfe EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc547 bc547 sot 23 transistor BC547 equivalent bc337 hie bc338 equivalent bc327 equivalent BC547 sot23
Original |
BC807 BC808 BC817 BC818 BC846 BC847 BC848 BC849 BC850 BC856 transistors bc337 TRANSISTOR equivalent BC337 hie hre hfe EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc547 bc547 sot 23 transistor BC547 equivalent bc337 hie bc338 equivalent bc327 equivalent BC547 sot23 | |
Abstract: bc550 noise figure transistor BC 548 Data transistor NPN 548 BC548 npn bc550 transistor transistor bc 548 npn BC550CTA
Original |
BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 bc550 bc550 noise figure transistor BC 548 Data transistor NPN 548 BC548 npn bc550 transistor transistor bc 548 npn BC550CTA | |
transistor BC 458
Abstract: BC 458 transistor transistor BC 548 Data bc546 fairchild BC546BTA bc546 TRANSISTOR B 546b BC 546A of transistor BC548 bc 547 b transistor
Original |
BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 transistor BC 458 BC 458 transistor transistor BC 548 Data bc546 fairchild BC546BTA bc546 TRANSISTOR B 546b BC 546A of transistor BC548 bc 547 b transistor | |
APPLICATION OF BC548 transistor
Abstract: Amplifier with transistor BC548 information of BC548 BC548 for bc548 npn transistor BC548CTA transistor bc 547 transistor bc 548 npn bc 548b transistor BC549 input
Original |
BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 APPLICATION OF BC548 transistor Amplifier with transistor BC548 information of BC548 BC548 for bc548 npn transistor BC548CTA transistor bc 547 transistor bc 548 npn bc 548b transistor BC549 input | |
Abstract: transistor BC549 hfe Transistor NPN BC 549B BC549 NPN transistor transistor c 548 c Transistor Bc547 npn bc548 fairchild Amplifier with transistor BC549 TO92-3 Package Dimensions transistor BC 548 Data
Original |
BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 bc549 transistor BC549 hfe Transistor NPN BC 549B BC549 NPN transistor transistor c 548 c Transistor Bc547 npn bc548 fairchild Amplifier with transistor BC549 TO92-3 Package Dimensions transistor BC 548 Data | |
bc546 fairchild
Abstract: transistor BC549 hfe of transistor BC548 Transistor BC546/547/548/549/550 BC549 input for bc548 npn transistor NPN transistor bc548 BC546 BC549 BC550
Original |
BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 bc546 fairchild transistor BC549 hfe of transistor BC548 Transistor BC546/547/548/549/550 BC549 input for bc548 npn transistor NPN transistor bc548 BC546 BC549 BC550 | |
transistor bc549
Abstract: bc556 transistor bc546 fairchild Transistor BC546/547/548/549/550 CBC546 BC546 BC549 BC550 BC556 BC560
Original |
BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 transistor bc549 bc556 transistor bc546 fairchild Transistor BC546/547/548/549/550 CBC546 BC546 BC549 BC550 BC556 BC560 | |
Abstract: BJT BC547 L6565 pc817 receiver power supply application STP7NK80 equivalent L6565 IC L6565 equivalent L6565B EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc547 tl431,3 pin driver smps ic
Original |
AN1729 L6565-BASED BC547 BJT BJT BC547 L6565 pc817 receiver power supply application STP7NK80 equivalent L6565 IC L6565 equivalent L6565B EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc547 tl431,3 pin driver smps ic | |
Abstract: NPN transistor BC547 temperature sensor BC557 BC547 working APPLICATION TRANSISTOR security system using ir and pir sensor circuit diagram of IR SENSOR to detect heart rate PIR motion DETECTOR CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ACTIVE INFRARED MOTION DETECTOR infrared based security alarm IR SENSOR to detect heart rate automatic door infrared sensor
Original |
AN1828 ST7FLITE05/09/SUPERLITE ST7FLITE05 AN1827 AN1828/0304 PIR based human motion DETECTOR CIRCUIT DIAGRAM NPN transistor BC547 temperature sensor BC557 BC547 working APPLICATION TRANSISTOR security system using ir and pir sensor circuit diagram of IR SENSOR to detect heart rate PIR motion DETECTOR CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ACTIVE INFRARED MOTION DETECTOR infrared based security alarm IR SENSOR to detect heart rate automatic door infrared sensor | |
High current drive using 4 X NJM3770A
Abstract: application note IC 4093 datasheet of IC 4093 IC 4093 BE 4093 oscillator IC1-4093 schmitt trigger 4093 EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc547 IC1 4093
Original |
NJM3770A NJM3770A) NJM3770A NJM3770A. BYV27 100ns High current drive using 4 X NJM3770A application note IC 4093 datasheet of IC 4093 IC 4093 BE 4093 oscillator IC1-4093 schmitt trigger 4093 EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc547 IC1 4093 | |
Abstract: No abstract text available
Original |
RMCS-2401 RMCS-2401] | |
Abstract: No abstract text available
Original |
RMCS-2401 RMCS-2401] | |
transistor C458
Abstract: op027 SAA4849PS computer smps circuit diagram saa4849 saa4848ps philips 107 crt monitor vga connector crt monitor circuit diagram FC260 circuit diagram electronic choke for tube light
Original |
70kHz SAA4848/SAA4849 AN10280 TP97035 3/W97 29-aug-2000 AN00032 transistor C458 op027 SAA4849PS computer smps circuit diagram saa4849 saa4848ps philips 107 crt monitor vga connector crt monitor circuit diagram FC260 circuit diagram electronic choke for tube light | |
l6561 flyback pfc led
Abstract: BC547 transistor rc phase shift oscillator circuit diagram BC547 transistor rc phase shift oscillator schematic diagram ac-dc supply Circuit diagram of 1W LED drive l6561 BC547 AN1537 application l6561 LED l5991 R-20180
Original |
AN1537 L5991 L5991. l6561 flyback pfc led BC547 transistor rc phase shift oscillator circuit diagram BC547 transistor rc phase shift oscillator schematic diagram ac-dc supply Circuit diagram of 1W LED drive l6561 BC547 AN1537 application l6561 LED R-20180 | |
Abstract: No abstract text available
OCR Scan |
BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 |