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    BB53CI31 Search Results

    BB53CI31 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i 86D 0 1 7 9 0 T - 33 -1 BLX69A N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE QbE D bb53ci31 0014036 4 U.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor fo r use in class-A, B and C operated mobile, industrial and m ilitary transmitters w ith a supply voltage o f 13,5 V , The transistor is resistance stabilized and is

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    BLX69A bb53c bb53131 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ObE D PowerMOS transistor • bb53ci31 Oai45b3 4 ■ ” BUZ50B T'Sl' H May 1987 GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enchancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in Switched Mode Power Supplies

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    bb53c Oai45b3 BUZ50B Q0145b7 T-39-11 bbS3T31 00145bfl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • bb53ci31 D025flfl7 342 HAPX N APIER PHILIPS/DISCRETE PMBTA05 PMBTA06 b?E I> J V SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS N-P-N transistors in a microminiature SMD plastic envelope intended for surface mounted applications. They are primarily intended for use in telephony and professional communication equipment.

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    bb53c D025flfl7 PMBTA05 PMBTA06 PDF


    Abstract: BRY39 circuit
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/MSCRETE bTE 3> bb53R31 0057635 R6T Philips Semiconductors Data sheet status Preliminary specification date of Issue December 1990 BRY39 Programmable unijunction transistor QUICK REFERENCE DATA PARAMETER PIN cathode 2 cathode gate 3 anode gate

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    bb53R31 BRY39 0D27fl3b bry39 BRY39 circuit PDF


    Abstract: mrtil transistor 3568
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 8 6D ObE 01766 I D 7 -" ~ j • 1^53^31 G014DDM 3 - o Jr ~ BLX67 A U.H.F./V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon transistor for use in class-B and C operated mobile, industrial and military transmitters with a supply voltage of 13,8 V,

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    G014DDM BLX67 T-33-Ã BLX67 mrtil transistor 3568 PDF


    Abstract: TIP112 TIP111 TIP110 transistor TIP110 TIP115 TIP116 darlington 131 tip
    Text: TIP110 TIP111 TIP112 SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N epitaxial-base transistors in m onolithic Darlington circu it fo r audio ou tp u t stages and general purpose am p lifie r and switching applications. TO-22QAB plastic envelope. P-N-P complements are

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    TIP110 TIP111 TIP112 O-22QAB TIP115, TIP116 TIP111 D34ci7b tip112a TIP112 TIP110 transistor TIP115 darlington 131 tip PDF


    Abstract: CECC50 005 BZV85 philips 683 series c6v2 C7V5 BZ/88/C4V7
    Text: N AMER P H IL IP S /D IS C R E T E SSE D • ^53^31 G G IL T SI Â Q ■ BZV85 SE R IE S T - / M VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIO DES 3 ^ Silicon planar voltage regulator diodes in hermetically sealed DO-41 glass envelopes intended for stabilization purposes. The series covers the normalized E24 ± 5% range of nominal working voltages

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    bb53131 BZV85 DO-41 7Z82193 7Z82194 c3v9 CECC50 005 philips 683 series c6v2 C7V5 BZ/88/C4V7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bhsa^ai QQ242S4 S13 • APX Philips Semiconductors — — N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE Silicon planar epitaxial high-speed diode DESCRIPTION Silicon epitaxial high-speed diode in a microminiature plastic envelope. It is intended for high-speed switching applications.

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    QQ242S4 BAL99 7Z690B6 BAW62 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E T> bbS3^31 DD2BD4Q fl2b PH2907 PH2907A IAPX A SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P-N-P medium power transistors in plastic TO-92 envelopes, primarily designed fo r high-speed switching and driver applications for industrial service.

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    PH2907 PH2907A PDF


    Abstract: thyristor TAG 13 Thyristor TAG TAG thyristor Thyristor TAG 06 LT 862 thyristor regulator thyristor TAG 6 T-35-L3 thyristor t23
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ObE D fcifci53‘i31 0011043 b BT153 FAST TURN-OFF THYRISTOR Glass-passivated fast-turn-off thyristor in a T0-220AB envelope, intended for use in inverter, pulse and switching applications. Its characteristics make the device extremely suitable for use in regulator,

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    BT153 T0-220AB O-220AB. 7z82059 BT153 thyristor TAG 13 Thyristor TAG TAG thyristor Thyristor TAG 06 LT 862 thyristor regulator thyristor TAG 6 T-35-L3 thyristor t23 PDF

    equivalent transistor c 5888

    Abstract: C - 4834 transistor tms 3615 transistor BF 697 Philips FA 291 LMT 4585 2857 M 730 transistor LMT 393 N 43t SOT323 lmt 393
    Text: IH bb53T31 DQ2531& 350 ^ l A P X Philips Sem iconductors • Product s p e c ific a tio n N AHER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b7E NPN 9 GHz wideband transistor FEATURES BFS520 PINNING • High power gain PIN CONFIGURATION PIN • Low noise figure DESCRIPTION Code: N2

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    BFS520 OT323 MBC67 OT323. equivalent transistor c 5888 C - 4834 transistor tms 3615 transistor BF 697 Philips FA 291 LMT 4585 2857 M 730 transistor LMT 393 N 43t SOT323 lmt 393 PDF


    Abstract: BDT29B BDT30 TIP29 c4060
    Text: 11 N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 25E D • bfa53131 GQlTbSB Ô ■ BDT29; 29A BDT29B; 29C T - 3 3 - 0 7 SILICON EPITAXIAL BASE POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon transistors in a plastic envelope intended for use in output stages o f audio and television am plifier circuits where high peak powers can occur. P-N-P complements are B D T 3 0 series.

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    bfa53131 BDT29; BDT29B; r-33-( BDT30 TIP29 BDT29 bS3131 00nbS7 BDT29B c4060 PDF