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    transistor ECG123a

    Abstract: ECG970 IC 723 voltage regulator ECG123A application IC 723 voltage regulator ecg voltage regulator 3v voltage regulator IC 723 723 voltage regulator ic 20A Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator 431 regulator
    Text: P H I LIPS E C G INC 17E bb53TSfl □□□4443 S T -5 8 -7 7 -2 3 ECG970 S e m ico n d u c to rs Adjustable Voltage Regulator .8 7 5 " - 2 2 .2 3 - Features • Adjustable output down to 1.2V • Guaranteed 3A output current • Line regulation typically 0.005%/V

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    T-58-7 ECG970 ECG970 d0d445d ECG123A T-58-Ã transistor ECG123a IC 723 voltage regulator application IC 723 voltage regulator ecg voltage regulator 3v voltage regulator IC 723 723 voltage regulator ic 20A Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator 431 regulator PDF


    Abstract: potentiometer SLIDER Astable Multivibrator operation amplifier advantages of astable multivibrator Monolithic Transistor Pair ECG177 Junction-FET
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC bb53TSfl 0 Q D M3bS 17E ECG930 Sem ico nd ucto rs Features • M O S/FET input stage provides: very high Z |s1 ,6 T S 1.5 x 10” Q typ very low h= 5 pA typ at 15 V operation 2 pA typ at 5 V operation • Common-mode input voltage range includes

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    53TSfl ECG930 ECG930 DGM37E ECG177 potentiometer SLIDER Astable Multivibrator operation amplifier advantages of astable multivibrator Monolithic Transistor Pair Junction-FET PDF

    16 ohm SPEAKER

    Abstract: ECG742
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E D • bb53TSÖ DOOBBöG 2 ECG742 TV SOUND CHANNEL 2-WATT OUTPUT semiconductors ' T ' H E T Y P E ECG742 is a monolithic integrated circuit designed for use as the entire sound func­ tion in television receivers. The deuce wilt directly

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    bb53TSÖ ECG742 ECG742 16-lead 10-14/iH 16 ohm SPEAKER PDF


    Abstract: preamplifier voltage
    Text: 17E bbSBTSñ GODM[a03 1 T-74-Û5-01 ECG1170 Dual Preamplifier Sem icon ductors The ECG1170 is a dual preamplifier and voltage stabilizer for application in automotive radio, stereo or tape recorder. Features • Wide supply voltage range, 8-14 V • Low pulse noise

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    ECG1170 T-74-Ã ECG1170 T-74-05-01 preamplifier voltage PDF


    Abstract: 74ABT16374DL
    Text: N APC /PH ILIPS SEMICOND bSE D • bbS3TE4 DDflbbMB 4b0 Philips S em iconductors A dvanced BiCMOS P roducts M S IC B Prelim inary specification saæ soBœ Dual octal D-type flip-flop; positive-edge trigger 3-State 74ABT16374 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Two 8-bit positive edge triggered registers

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    bb5312M 74ABT16374 64mA/-32mA 600mA 74ABT16374 500ns 74ABT16374DL PDF


    Abstract: MB2861BB
    Text: b5E J> NAPC/r^ILIPS SEIHCOND • bbSBTZM OOfibblb 43E « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Advanced BiCMOS Products Product specification Data 1Q-bit bus transceiver 3-State MB2861 QUICK REFERENCE DATA DESCRIPTION The MB2861 bus transceiver provides high performance bus interface buffering for wide

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    10-bit MB2861 MB2861 TheMB2861 64mA/-32mA 500ns MB2861BB PDF

    quartz watch chip

    Abstract: C012P Quartz wrist watch ic HOA148X IEC134 PGA148X PUA148X 1482u philips motor control
    Text: btiSBTSM P hilips Sem iconductors OOflSTBO bbö M SIC 3 32 kHz watch circuit with adaptive motor pulse P roduct spe cifica tion PCA148X series NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICON FEATURES 32 kHz oscillator, amplitude regulated with excellent frequency stability b4E D

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    0DflST30 PCA148X quartz watch chip C012P Quartz wrist watch ic HOA148X IEC134 PGA148X PUA148X 1482u philips motor control PDF


    Abstract: 80C51 83L51FB 87L51FB intel 16k 8bit RAM chip
    Text: N A P C / P H I L I P S SEMICOND b^E D • ^53^24 0m2DS7 Philips Sem iconductors Microcontroller Products Product specification CMOS single-chip 3.0V 8-bit microcontroller DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 83L51 FB and 87L51 FB hereafter genetically referred to as 8XL51 FB

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    83L51FB/87L51FB 83L51FB 87L51FB 8XL51 80C51 80C51. 87L51FB 16-bit 48tcLCL WDV17 intel 16k 8bit RAM chip PDF


    Abstract: A35A
    Text: PHI L I PS E C G INC hbSBTSa 0004EÛ5 5 17E T -74-Û 5-01 ECG Sem ico nd ucto rs ECG824 D U A L AF P R EA M P LIF IE R FEATURES: • L O W N O I S E - 0 .6 5 iV T O T A L IN P U T N O IS E • H IG H G A I N - 104 dB O P E N L O O P • S IN G L E SU PP L Y O P E R A T IO N

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    ECG824 T-74-Ã ECG824 bb53TEfl T-74-05-01 A35A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHILIPS E C G _ * :-n - 17E • bbSaiEÖ 0Ö0570Ö 1 INC ECG ECG2061 Digital Alarm Clock Ckt for Vacuum Fluorescent Display S e m ico n d u cto rs Features • Direct driving of L E D or fluorescent tube • W ide operating voltage range: - 8 to

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    ECG2061 000571D 50/60HI 10MINS 10HRS ECG116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E • bbSBTSö G0Ü4L.03 1 ■ T-74-Û5-~ûl E G G * ECG1170 \ Dual Preamplifier Semiconductors The ECG1170 is a dual preamplifier and voltage stabilizer for application in automotive radio, stereo or tape recorder. Features • Wide supply voltage range, 8-14 V

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    ECG1170 ECG1170 770mV, PDF

    10.7 mhz ceramic filter

    Abstract: AM1C ECG734
    Text: PHILIPS E C G 17E D INC bbS3T5fl G003357 7 ECG734 T-77-05-07 F-M GAIN BLOCK semiconductors The Type ECG 734 F-M G ain Block linear monolithic integrated circuit is designed for use in communications and high fidel­ ity f-m receivers. This device consists of

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    GD03357 ECG734 T-77-05-07 ECG734 330ji 10.7 mhz ceramic filter AM1C PDF

    Character Displays

    Abstract: 5V 2x24 lcd lcd display 2x24 MGAB Philips LCD circuit "Character Displays" PCF2116A PCF2116X PGA144 SQFP128
    Text: N A P C /P H ILIP S SEÎ1IC0ND bûE D b b S 3 T 2 M ÜO'iGbHa T 1S Philips Semiconductors ISIC3 Product specification LCD controller/driver for 2 line x 24 character or 4 line x 12 character displays PCF2116X family FEATURES • Single chip LCD controller / driver

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    PCF2116X bb53TS4 Character Displays 5V 2x24 lcd lcd display 2x24 MGAB Philips LCD circuit "Character Displays" PCF2116A PGA144 SQFP128 PDF


    Abstract: 74LVC74D 74LVC74DB SSOP14 74LVC74D DC Characteristics 74LVC74 Philips
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICON] b3E T> • bbS3ci24 DOflBflfl1} bSS « S I C S Philips Semiconductors Objective Specification Dual D-type flip-flop with set and reset; positive-edge trigger FEATURES • • • • • • Wide supply voltage range of 1.2 V to 3.6 V

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    74LVC74 74LVC74D 74LVC74DB SSOP14 74LVC74D DC Characteristics 74LVC74 Philips PDF


    Abstract: ECG1272 C 33725 i272 p60n 4096N 27385
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E ^53=120 0G04Ö52 0 ECG1272 Sem ico nd uctors T - 4 5 —7 9 —7 3 Phase Locked Loop Frequency Synthesizer Features • • • • S in g le crysta l application Inhibit circu its fo r illegal freq uencies Safeg u ard output for out-of-lock state

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    ECG1272 T-45-T9-73 40-channel ECG1272 Q81MAX. 3.4325 C 33725 i272 p60n 4096N 27385 PDF


    Abstract: MB2374 MB2374BB NCP 307
    Text: NADC / ° H I L I P S SEIHCOND bSE D • b b S 3 cl S 4 00flbSQ 3 TT3 « S I C 3 Philips Sem iconductors Advanced BiCMOS Products Product specification Dual octal D-type flip-flop; positive-edge trigger 3-State FEATURES DESCRIPTION . Two 8-bit positive edge triggered registers

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    00flbSQ3 M92374 64mA/-32mA 500mA MB2374 -55-c 125-c M9237 MB2374BB NCP 307 PDF

    TV horizontal Deflection Systems LG

    Abstract: HORIZONTAL DRIVER TRANSISTOR anti taft stabiliser circuit diagram TDA2579B TDA2579C V11L LG tv remote circuit diagram D2F-L tda2579
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND bûE D • bbSB'îSH 0GTQ772 bT7 « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Synchronization circuit with synchronized vertical divider system for 60 Hz TDA2579C FEATURES Vertical part Synchronization and horizontal part

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    QGTD77E TDA2579C TV horizontal Deflection Systems LG HORIZONTAL DRIVER TRANSISTOR anti taft stabiliser circuit diagram TDA2579B TDA2579C V11L LG tv remote circuit diagram D2F-L tda2579 PDF