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    B427SS5 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EC ELECTRONICS INC ST D b427SS5 DDG5S4Ö S T-41-07 I NECE NEC Fiber Optic Devices OD-8363-IDI LED Module 1.3^m OD-8363 is designed to couple LED (Light Emitting Diode) output light to optical fiber through connector. FEATURES APPLICATIONS • High coupling efficiency from LED to

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    b427SS5 T-41-07 OD-8363-IDI OD-8363 OD-9400 FO-0012 PDF


    Abstract: OD-9400 OD-8363 J22686
    Text: EC ELECTRONICS INC ST D b427SS5 DDG5S4Ö S T-41-07 INECE NEC Fiber Optic Devices OD-8363-IDI LED Module 1.3//m OD-8363 is designed to couple LED (Light Emitting Diode) output light to optical fiber through connector. FEATURES APPLICATIONS • High coupling efficiency from LED to

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    b427SS5 T-41-07 OD-8363- OD-8363 OD-9400 J22686 FO-0012 J226 J22686 PDF

    photo interrupter module

    Abstract: PS5002HR
    Text: Ui . N E C ELECTRONICS INC 30E D • b427SS5 OOSISOb 0 ■ T -f1 |-? 3 PHOTO INTERRUPTER PS5002HR PHOTO IC INTERRUPTER DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS The PS5002HR photo interrupter module is a U n it : m m GaAs Light Emitting Diode coupled to a Si mono­

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    PS5002HR PS5002HR photo interrupter module PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 30E D . • NEC b427SS5 OOS^ÔT T ■ ELECTRONICS INC T 'O S T O PHOTO DIODE NDL5405P 1 OOO to 1 600 nm O P T IC A L F IB ER C O M M U N IC A T IO N S <£80/¿m InG aAs PIN PHOTO D IO D E M M F M O D U L E N D L 5 4 0 5 P is an InGaAs P IN photo diode module with multimode fiber pigtail. It is designed for a light detector of long

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    NDL5405P PDF


    Abstract: UPD6145
    Text: NEC ELECTRONICS INC 30E D • b427SS5 ODESSA S ■ -r-ra- S 3 - H 9 C O N SU M E R IC s r- 77-11 On Screen Display IC s Discrlpllon Package PPD6140C/G 32 Characters, 2 Lines x 6 Columns 8 Colors-Screen by Screen 16 DIP/SOP JUPD6141C/G 48 Characters, 2 Lines x 12 Columns (8 Colors-Screen by Screen)

    OCR Scan
    b427SS5 uPD6140C/G uPD6141C/G uPD6142C/G uPD6143C/G uPD6144C/G uPD6145C/G uPD6450C/G UPD6451C/G 12x18 16-DIP UPD6145 PDF


    Abstract: fiber optical photo detector ha02
    Text: 30E D . • NEC b427SS5 OOS^ÔT T ■ ELECTRONICS INC T 'ty '-g O PHOTO DIODE NDL5405P 1 OOO to 1 600 nm OPTICAL FIBER CO M M UNICATIO NS <£80/¿m InGaAs PIN PHOTO DIODE M M F MODULE N D L5405P is an InGaAs PIN p ho to diode m odule w ith m ultim ode fib e r pigtail. It is designed fo r a lig h t detector o f long

    OCR Scan
    b427SS5 NDL5405P NDL5405P Gi-50/125 b427S25 P1300 1300nm fiber optical photo detector ha02 PDF


    Abstract: 16-DIP PC1474HA
    Text: NEC ELECTRONICS INC 30E D • b427SS5 ODESSA S ■ -r-ra- S 3 - H 9 C O N SU M E R IC s r- 77-11 On Screen Display IC s Discrlpllon Package /JPD6140C/G 32 Characters, 2 Lines x 6 Columns 8 Colors-Screen by Screen 16 DIP/SOP JUPD6141C/G 48 Characters, 2 Lines x 12 Columns (8 Colors-Screen by Screen)

    OCR Scan
    b427SS5 uPD6140C/G uPD6141C/G uPD6142C/G uPD6143C/G uPD6144C/G uPD6145C/G uPD6450C/G uPD64S1C/G 12x18 UPD6145C 16-DIP PC1474HA PDF


    Abstract: ASG TRANSISTOR
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC 3ÖE 3> b4a?525 d ü b i ^ h 0 * n e c e PPD424102 4,194,304 X 1-Bit Dynamic CMOS RAM N EC E lectronics Inc. Description Pin Configurations The /JPD424102 is a static-oolumn dynamic RAM orga­ nized as 4,194,304 words by 1 bit and designed to

    OCR Scan
    uPD424102 /JPD424102 u31c ASG TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: motor jun tuo 2T825 LM 3177 switching reg stepping motor EM 58b d70433gd d70433 uPD70433 PD70433 TFK 601
    Text: DATA SHEET N E MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT C ¿ ¿ P D 7 4 3 3 V55PI 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The ¿iPD70433 V55P0 is a m icroprocessor in which a 16-bit CPU, RAM, serial interface, parallel interface, A/D converter, tim ers; DMA controller, interrupt controller, etc., are integrated

    OCR Scan
    V55PITM 16-BIT uPD70433 V55P0 V55PI /iPD70320 V25TM V35TM) 15Z1 motor jun tuo 2T825 LM 3177 switching reg stepping motor EM 58b d70433gd d70433 PD70433 TFK 601 PDF


    Abstract: uPD6480 k427
    Text: b >427525 DDSDD7b b70 BINECE PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET NEC ElfCTRON DEVICE MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT / _ _ ^ _ / ¿ P D 6 4 8 0 MOTION DETECTION & Y /C SEPARATION LSI CHIP FOR EDTV The pPD6480 has a function to separate the luminance signal V signal and color signal (C signal) from the composite video

    OCR Scan
    uPD6480 /iPD6480 fiPD6480 b45752S PD6480 100PIN S100GF-65-3BA S13-8-81S NEC FIP k427 PDF


    Abstract: data vision p121 DATA VISION LCD P70 DATA VISION P123 DATA VISION LCD MODULE p121
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The /iPD78P058Y is a member of the /iPD78054Y subseries of 78K/0 series products, in which the on-chip mask ROM of the ^PD78058Y is replaced with one-time programmable OTP ROM or EPROM .

    OCR Scan
    uPD78P058Y uPD78054Y 78K/0 uPD78058Y PD78P058YKK-T HP9000 b457S2S DATA VISION LCD P123 data vision p121 DATA VISION LCD P70 DATA VISION P123 DATA VISION LCD MODULE p121 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHAPTER 7 UPD78234 TIMER/COUNTER UNITS is p r o v i d e d w i t h one 1 6 - b i t and th re e 8- b i t t i m e r / c o u n t e r u n it T a b l e 7-1 8-bit timer/ counter 1 8-bit timer/ counter 2 8-bit timer/ counter 3 2ch 2ch 2ch Ich External event counter

    OCR Scan
    UPD78234 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: AWA3 S3H-15 157D CAPACITOR
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 16-/8-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputers Th e jxPD 78P324 is a p ro duct in w h ich th e /zPD 78324's in te rn a l m ask ROM is rep laced by a one-tim e PROM o r EPRO M . T h e one-tim e PROM p ro d u ct, w h ich e n a b le s w ritin g o n ly o nce, is e ffe ctive fo r m u ltip le-d evice

    OCR Scan
    16-/8-Bit 78P324 juPD78P324 PD78324 HP9000 b427S25 A74P AWA3 S3H-15 157D CAPACITOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C ELECTRON ICS INC 30E D • L4a7S5S OGSTSÔH A ■ T'*# " P H O T O T R A N S IS T O R PH 104 PHOTO T R A N SIST O R The PH 104 is a photo transistor in a plastic molded package, and P A CKA G E D IM E N SIO N S i n m i l l i m e t e r s very suitable for a detector of a photo interrupter.

    OCR Scan
    PH104 T-41-61 b427SS5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC N E C ELECTRONICS INC 30E D • ¡1PD70335 V35 Plus 16-Bit Microcomputer: Advanced, High-Speed DMA, Single-Chip, CMOS NEC E lectro n ics Inc. Description The jtPD70335 (V35 Plus) is a high-performance, 16-bit slngle-chip microcomputer with a 16-bit external data

    OCR Scan
    1PD70335 16-Bit jtPD70335 16-bit PD70335 tPD70108/116 /tPD70320/330 reg16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD4 2 1 6 4 0 5 16 M BIT DYNAMIC RAM 4M-WORD BY 4-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE Description The /iPD4216405 is a 4,194,304 words by 4 bits dynamic CM OS RAM w ith optional hyper page mode. Hyper page m ode is a kind of the page mode and is useful for the read operation.

    OCR Scan
    /iPD4216405 26-pin cycles/64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC 30E D • I iJ C /w NEC Electronics Inc. _ Description a Flexibility to perform status changes by event driven task scheduling function The ftPD79011 is an upgraded ¡uPD70322 V25m single­

    OCR Scan
    ftPD79011 uPD70322 tPD79011 UPD79011 b4B7525 0Q2732S FC020H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY PRODUCT INFORMATION MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The /jPD78F9418 is /iPD789417 sub-series product LCD driver of the 78K/0S series. This microcontroller features an 8-bit CPU, LCD controller/driver, I/O ports, timers, a serial interface, A/D

    OCR Scan
    /jPD78F9418 /iPD789417 78K/0S PD78F9418 pPD789415, PD789416, PD789417 /1PD789407 //PD78941omobiles, b427525 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY PRODUCT INFORMATION MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¡1PD784044, 784046 16-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The /xPD 784046 is a model in the /iPD784046 subseries within the 78K/IV series. The ¿iPD784046 is provided with many peripheral hardware functions such as ROM, RAM, I/O port, 10-bit resolution

    OCR Scan
    1PD784044, 16-BIT /iPD784046 78K/IV iPD784046 10-bit /iPD78F4046, IEI-635 IEI-1213 PDF

    LBIT 204

    Abstract: uPD75X
    Text: bME7S2S LMT INECE NEC NEC Electronics Inc. pPD78322 Family ffPD78320/322/P322 16/8-Bit, K-Series Microcomputers With A/D Converter, Real-Time Output Ports July 1993 Description □ Minimum in stru ctio n time: 250 ns a t 16 MHz The ¿/PD78320, fjPD78322, and ¿¿PD78P322 are mem­

    OCR Scan
    pPD78322 ffPD78320/322/P322) 16/8-Bit, /PD78320, fjPD78322, PD78P322 16/8-bit 16-bit F-80-3B9-1) b427525 LBIT 204 uPD75X PDF

    CI 7466

    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    UPC1688G UPC1688G UPC1688G-TI 3000/REEL OT-143) b42752S CI 7466 PDF


    Abstract: pc2801 PH302 MPD6122G-XXX PH302B upc2801 SE303A-C SE313 mpd6122 NEC D 809 F
    Text: DATA S H E E T SEC BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCU ITS E L E C T R O N DE VI C E u P C 2 8 A , u P C 2 8 1 IN FR A RED R EM O TE CO N TR O L P R E A M P L IF IE R S The /iPC2800A and fxPC2801 A are bipolar analog ICs specifically developed for use in infrared remote control

    OCR Scan
    uPC2800A uPC2801 006-OOO2 SE303A-C SE307-C SE1003-C SE313 2SC3616, 2SD1615, 2SC2001 uc2801 pc2801 PH302 MPD6122G-XXX PH302B mpd6122 NEC D 809 F PDF


    Abstract: PD78218 matsua stepping motors 27525g PD78P218 IEU-1313
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿iPD782!7A,78218A 8-BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The ¿/PD78217A and 78218A are members of the 78K/II series of microcontrollers featuring a high-speed highperformance CPU. The^PD78217Aand 78218A are based on the|iPD78213 and 78214, and feature increased memory

    OCR Scan
    uPD782 uPD78218A /PD78217A 8218A 78K/II PD78217Aand iPD78213 //PD78218A IEU-1313) PD78217A PD78218 matsua stepping motors 27525g PD78P218 IEU-1313 PDF


    Abstract: PD3575D UPD3573D pd3573
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC 30E D • bH57S2S 00307^5 4 ■ "T-77~/7 C C D SEN SO R C L O C K SIG N A L GEN ERATOR/DRIVER C IR C U IT DESCRIPTION The ¿IPD9318 IC is used exclusively for C CD which incorporates into one package the clock generator circuit for C CD linear sensors iiPD 3571D , jiPD 3573D , ^PD3574D, and /iPD3575D and the interface circuit between the area

    OCR Scan
    bH57S2S uPD9318 uPD3571D 3573D PD3574D, /iPD3575D 44-pin aiPD3571D, b427S2S 44PIN PD3575D UPD3573D pd3573 PDF