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    Abstract: 311J-8 111J-8 lm311 motorola
    Text: nOTOROLA SC -CTELECOMJ Gl b3b7E53 OGflDSEq T 6 3 6 7 2 53 MOTOROLA SC TE L E C O M 0 1E 8 Ö5 2 4 D LM 111 MOTOROLA LM 211 LM 311 HIGHLY FLEXIBLE VOLTAGE COMPARATORS The ability to operate from a single power supply of 5.0 to 3 0 volts or ± 1 5 volt split supplies, as commonly used with operational ampli­

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    b3b7E53 LM311MA 311J-8 111J-8 lm311 motorola PDF


    Abstract: style 1 case 263-04 Case 175-03 CASE 221A-04 motorola MCR69-2 MCR71-2 mcr71 MOTOROLA MCR71-6 MCR716 MK1V-240
    Text: M O T O R OL A SC 14E D I -CTELECOd} b3b7E53 Thyristors 0061443 3 | T -2 S -O I Table 30. Crowbar SCRs Peak Capacitor Discharge Current 1 750 AMPS 300 AMPS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Maximum or Min/Max , , I'lr-*», 11 . li'W W'1 ,1*.1'I'll'!)!!* 1• >' > 111• .

    OCR Scan
    b3b7E53 1700AMPS MCR67-2 MCR67-3 MCR67-6 21A-04 MCR68-2 MCR68-3 MCR68-6 MCR69-2 MK1V240 style 1 case 263-04 Case 175-03 CASE 221A-04 motorola MCR69-2 MCR71-2 mcr71 MOTOROLA MCR71-6 MCR716 MK1V-240 PDF

    LM111 motorola

    Abstract: motorola LM111
    Text: MOTOROLA SC TELECOM bSE D • b3b7E53 Q0650b7 MM0T5 LM111 LM211 LM311 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2 Highly Flexible Voltage Comparators HIGH PERFORMANCE VOLTAGE COMPARATORS SILICON MONOLITHIC INTEGRATED CIRCUIT T h e a b ility to o p e ra te fro m a sin g le p o w e r s u p p ly o f 5.0 V to 30 V o r ± 1 5 V

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    b3b7E53 Q0650b7 LM111 LM211 LM311 111/LM 211/LM LM111 motorola motorola LM111 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O rder this docum ent by MC33341/D M M O T O R O L A — — — MC33341 Advance Information Power Supply B attery Charger Regulation Control Circuit POWER SUPPLY BATTERY CHARGER REGULATION CONTROL CIRCUIT T he M C33341 is a m onolithic regulation control circu it tha t is specifically

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    MC33341/D MC33341 C33341 b3b72S3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <8 > MOTOROLA MC34067 MC33067 High Performance Resonant Mode Controllers The M C34067/MC33067 are high performance zero voltage switch resonant mode controllers designed for off-lin e and d c -to -d c converter applications that utilize frequency modulated constant off-tim e or constant

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    MC34067 MC33067 C34067/MC33067 D1870 533402B02552 MC34067 MC33067 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O TO R O LA — MC33362 A dvance Information High Voltage Switching Regulator The MC33362 is a monolithic high voltage switching regulator that is specifically designed to operate from a rectified 120 VAC line source. This integrated circuit features an on-chip 500 V/2.0 A SenseFET power switch,

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    MC33362 MC33362 PT1950, b3b7253 PDF


    Abstract: MC141625FU MC141625/D
    Text: MOTOROLA SC bSE TELECOM D ti3b7SS3 0 GÛ 7 S S Û I M0T5 IbS MOTOROLA Order this document by MC141625/D m SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC141625 Advance Information Advanced NTSC/PAL Comb Filter CMOS The Advanced NTSC/PAL Comb Filter is a video signal processor for VCRs and

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    MC141625/D MC141625 mc141625 MC141625FU MC141625/D PDF


    Abstract: C3558 MC355 MC3505
    Text: MOTOROLA SC TELECOM bSE b3b7253 GOBSnñ 333 D MC3458 MC3558 MC3358 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR! TECHNICAL DATA DUAL DIFFERENTIAL INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS Dual, Low Power Operational Amplifiers SILICON MONOLITHIC INTEGRATED CIRCUIT U tilizing the circuit designs perfected for recently introduced Quad Operational

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    b3b7253 MC3458 MC3558 MC3358 MC1558 MC3505. MC3458, MC3558, C3358 C3558 MC355 MC3505 PDF


    Abstract: LM833 LM833P

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    8056J_ LM833 LM833 IAKHU0003WI1Ì MC34079 LM833P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: & MOTOROLA Power Supply Supervisory/ Over and Undervoltage Protection C ircuit The MC3425 is a power supply supervisory circuit containing all the necessary functions required to monitor over and undervoltage fault c o n d itio n s . T h ese in te g ra te d c irc u its co n ta in d e d ic a te d o v e r and

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    MC3425 MCR310 MCR16 MCR25 2N6501 MCR69 MCR264 MCR265 b3b7E53 PDF

    ZENER A33

    Abstract: 55345-A2 MC33165 MC33165DW MC33165P MC34165 MC34165P 01g1 N2318-A
    Text: M MOTOROLA —— ^ -m MC34165 MC33165 Power Switching Regulators The MC34165 series are monolithic power switching regulators that contain the primary functions required for DC-to-DC converters. This series is specifically designed to be incorporated in step-up, step-down, and

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    MC34165 MBR160 ZENER A33 55345-A2 MC33165 MC33165DW MC33165P MC34165P 01g1 N2318-A PDF

    servo motor AL 85

    Abstract: 33030P BT Motorola
    Text: <g> M O T O R O L A — — MC33030 DC Servo Motor Controller/Driver The M C33030 is a monolithic DC servo m otor controller providing all active functions necessary for a com plete closed loop system. This device consists of an o n -c h ip op amp and w indow com parator with wide input

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    MC33030 C33030 MC33030 b3b72S3 Q15bl servo motor AL 85 33030P BT Motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g MOTOROLA M C34163 MC33163 Power Switching Regulators The MC34163 series are monolithic power switching regulators that contain the primary functions required fo rd c-to -d c converters. This series is specifically designed to be incorporated in step-up, step-down, and

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    C34163 MC33163 MC34163 1N5822 D017205 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O L A UC3844, 45 UC2844, 45 Advance Information High Perform ance Current Mode Controllers The UC3844, UC3845 series are high performance fixed frequency current mode controllers. They are specifically designed for O ff-Line and d c -to -d c converter applications offering the designer a cost effective

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    UC3844, UC2844, UC3845 1N5819 b3b7E53 DDT73fl PDF


    Abstract: MC145151FN2 mc145156p B3F SWITCH 45156 1978 Data catalog MC-144b digital clock using logic gates counting second 2559B MC145152P2
    Text: bbE D • b3b72S3 000=1313 MOTOROLA T IT ■ MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR HOTS SC T n TECHNICAL DATA PLL Frequency Synthesizers CMOS The devices described in this document are typically used as low-power, phase-locked loop frequency synthesizers. When combined with an external

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    b3b72S3 r-128/129 MC145151-2 MC145158-2 b3b7E53 MC10131 MC10138 MC10154 MC12009 mc145152fn2 MC145151FN2 mc145156p B3F SWITCH 45156 1978 Data catalog MC-144b digital clock using logic gates counting second 2559B MC145152P2 PDF

    AR254 motorola

    Abstract: 145158-2 b3b7553 Nippon capacitors
    Text: . 'MOTOROLA SC TELECOM b3b7553 4 fc»E » 000375b 1 BIMOTS Order this data sheet by 145152-2/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Military 145152-2 Parallel-Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer Interfaces With Dual-Modulus Prescalers T he 145152-2 is programmed by sixteen parallel inputs for the N and A counters and

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    b3b7553 000375b 145152-2/D 10-bit PHX33171-0 AR254 motorola 145158-2 b3b7553 Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: ir receiver motorola C13014 79925D 250 watt audio amplifier
    Text: MOTOROLA 6367253 MOTOROLA SC SC {TELECOM} T E L E C O M 01 01E D E.^ b 3 t i 7 S S 3 79924 - T " - 7 7 D - 0 7 - / / MC13014P MOTOROLA A d v a n c e I n fo r m a tio n M ONOM AX COMPANION AUDIO/VERTICAL SUBSYSTEM M ONOCHROM E TELEVISION POWER AUDIO/VERTICAL

    OCR Scan
    MC13014P UMC13014P b3b7E53 MC13014P ir receiver motorola C13014 79925D 250 watt audio amplifier PDF


    Abstract: MC1776g XA10F mc1776 1776c MC1776U 1776 MC1776CU
    Text: MOTOROLA SC -CTELECON} 6 3 6 7 2 53 MOTOROLA SC <8 DIE D 1 bBb7ES3 OOflGbST 01E 80659 TE L E C O M MC1776 MC1776C MOTOROLA > □ S p e cifica tio n s and A p p lica tio n s In form ation PRO GRAM M ABLE O PE R A TIO N A L A M P L IFIE R M O N O LITH IC MICROPOWER

    OCR Scan
    MC1776 MC1776C MC1776, mc1776cg MC1776g XA10F 1776c MC1776U 1776 MC1776CU PDF


    Abstract: mc44000 yx 805 ic Roland e 38 schematic YX 805 4 pin MC44140 D105B MC44011 u68 k 400 mc442
    Text: g MOTOROLA M C44011 Advance Information B u s Controlled M ultistandard V ideo P ro c e sso r BUS CONTROLLED MULTISTANDARD VIDEO PROCESSOR The Motorola MC44011, a member of the MC44000 Chroma 4 family, is designed to provide RGB or YUV outputs from a variety of inputs. The inputs

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    MC44011, MC44000 MC44011 TRANSISTOR YX 805 yx 805 ic Roland e 38 schematic YX 805 4 pin MC44140 D105B u68 k 400 mc442 PDF

    Valor lt6033

    Abstract: LT6033
    Text: Order this document by MC68160/D M M O TO R O LA MC68160 MC68160B MC68160C Enhanced Ethernet Transceiver The MC68160, B and C Enhanced Ethernet Interface Circuit is a BiCMOS device which supports both IEEE 802.3* Access Unit Interface (AUI) and 10BASE-T Twisted Pair (TP) Interface media connections through external

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    MC68160/D MC68160 MC68160B MC68160C MC68160, 10BASE-T MC68360 Valor lt6033 LT6033 PDF

    SOP8 PNP Transistor Package

    Abstract: SCSI 2 SOP8 PNP Transistor Package" 25CC MC34268 MC34268D MC34268DT
    Text: g MOTOROLA MC34268 SCSI-2 A ctive Term inator Regulator The MC34268 is a medium current, low dropout positive voltage regulator specifically designed for use in SCSI-2 active termination circuits. This device offers the circuit designer an economical solution for precision voltage

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    MC34268 800citors, b3b7253 SOP8 PNP Transistor Package SCSI 2 SOP8 PNP Transistor Package" 25CC MC34268D MC34268DT PDF

    sivn 10k

    Abstract: MC34085P MC34081D MC35083 MC34084P MC34084DW
    Text: . Orripr this data sheet by MC34080/D M OT O R O L A SC { telecom> oi p ^ ^3^7^53 p o a c u a 1! □ T MOTOROLA m - 7 ? - / s r MC34080/MC35080 SEM ICO N D U CTO RS thru MC34085/MC35085 P.O. B O X 20912 • P H O E N IX , A R IZ O N A 85036 HIGH S L E W RATE, W IDE BANDWIDTH,

    OCR Scan
    MC34080/D MC34080/MC35080 MC34085/MC35085 S0V31 H31N30 9NIDNVH3101 SU3NiJ00 33NVH3X S310N sivn 10k MC34085P MC34081D MC35083 MC34084P MC34084DW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this document by MC34025/D MC34025 MC33025 MOTOROLA High Speed Double-Ended PWM Controller The MC34025 series are high speed, fixed frequency, double-ended pulse width modulator controllers optimized for high frequency operation. They are specifically designed for Off-Line and DC-to-DC converter

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    MC34025/D MC34025 MC33025 MC34025 b3b7E53 D1DS171 PDF

    voltage regulator ana 618

    Abstract: voltage regulator ANA 618 circuit diagram ANA 618* voltage regulator ANA 618 voltage regulator transistor a222 NAV5 C10319
    Text: g MOTOROLA M C10319 High Speed 8 -B it A nalog-to-D igital Converter The M C10319 is an 8 -b it high speed parallel flash A/D converter. The device em ploys an Internal Grey Code structure to elim inate large output errors on fast slewing input signals. It is fully TT L com patible, requiring a

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    C10319 MC10319 D1D1755 voltage regulator ana 618 voltage regulator ANA 618 circuit diagram ANA 618* voltage regulator ANA 618 voltage regulator transistor a222 NAV5 PDF