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    ASEA EG 70 Search Results

    ASEA EG 70 Datasheets Context Search

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    fan motor winding formula

    Abstract: Brown Boveri induction Motor frame IEC-34-1 IEC 34-1 IM3011 m2va IM3001 asea EH 9-10 IM3601 IM1001
    Text: M2000 Aluminium Motors ABB LV Motors M2000 Range ABB Automation Making you more competitive ABB LV Motors knows about customer needs. For over 100 years we have been designing motors for every need and application. With a reputation for quality that is second to none,

    M2000 24-hour M2000 fan motor winding formula Brown Boveri induction Motor frame IEC-34-1 IEC 34-1 IM3011 m2va IM3001 asea EH 9-10 IM3601 IM1001 PDF

    abb motor

    Abstract: m2aa Brown Boveri induction Motor 3GZV Atlas copco ga 110 PT100 temperature sensor ABB motor BS5000 M2aa 080 M2AA 90 L2 ROTOR XF 280 MK 04
    Text: Aluminium motors ABB Motors Aluminium motors This product catalogue contains electrical and mechanical data on the aluminium motor range available from ABB Motors. It can be used in conjunction with the catalogue BA/Basic GB which contains basic technical information about standard motors.

    N-0501 E-08200 S-721 abb motor m2aa Brown Boveri induction Motor 3GZV Atlas copco ga 110 PT100 temperature sensor ABB motor BS5000 M2aa 080 M2AA 90 L2 ROTOR XF 280 MK 04 PDF

    3AFY 61201998 R0125 REV A

    Abstract: Abb M3AA 100 Abb M3AA 160 Abb M3AA 200 Brown Boveri induction Motor ABB ACS 800 acs 800 fan motor winding formula slip ring motor electrical power drawing M3AA 90 LB 2 B14
    Text: Low Voltage General Purpose Motors Single phase motor section Making you more competitive ABB’s General purpose motor is designed for use in general industry, meeting the demands of standard applications for OEM's. Motors are readily available from central stock locations and distributors around the world. The motors have high


    schematic diagram igbt inverter welding machine

    Abstract: wind energy simulink matlab wind SOLAR simulink matlab UNITROL 1000 rc helicopter circuit diagram abb acs800 bridge circuit diagram igct abb ABB Thyristor YST PROJECT REPORT ON 220 kv substation thyristor aeg
    Text: ABB Review The corporate technical journal of the ABB Group 3 / 2008 Pioneering spirits Power electronics revolution in high dc current IGBT: aA tiny chip with a huge impact page 19 measurement page 6 Team-mates: MultiMove functionality


    3.5 mva transformer

    Abstract: Westinghouse Sudden Pressure Relay induction furnace circuit diagram current transformer ABB
    Text: ABB review A world in transformation 6 Power below the waves 33 Transforming industry 45 Sustainable and available 64 Special Report Transformers The corporate technical journal Transformers are essential pieces of electrical equipment that help to transmit


    ASEA generator manual

    Abstract: ASEA 34-1 M 160 M 4 asea RK 316 A56A hydropower hydropower plants asea relay RI asea ri relay ASEA E 535 RK 732 - 228
    Text: ASEA IriiO'Mu. RK 549-300 E ' • IINFORMATION R eg. FromrfQato Relay Division . T1TR, September 1977 Edition 1 Paga 5626 1 File RK 00“90 1 Section 5 Frequency relay type TFF 60 o Ability to supervise up to seven frequency levels o Dnder- or overfrequency design

    OCR Scan

    brown boveri overcurrent relay

    Abstract: RXTUG21H RXVE ASEA overload relay type pt abb combiflex 220V 17A Relay RXTUG 2H B03-9301 BROWN BOVERI thermal overload relay BROWN BOVERI relay
    Text: ASEA BROWN BOVERI v INFORMATION RKU 292 E R eg. 5627 3une IS Edition ABB Relays T herm al o v e rc u rre n t relay type RXVE k fo r filte r re a c to rs o For p ro te c tio n of re a c to rs in SV C -equipm ents o With built in com pensation filte r and rm s-m easu rem en t of

    OCR Scan
    137i318 95x80 RXTUG21H 093-CA 26-CA 126-CAAil brown boveri overcurrent relay RXVE ASEA overload relay type pt abb combiflex 220V 17A Relay RXTUG 2H B03-9301 BROWN BOVERI thermal overload relay BROWN BOVERI relay PDF

    RK 92-1 E

    Abstract: rK-11 ASEA rrm ASEA I960 asea RRM17
    Text: w rw M ASEA INFORMATION R K 7 0 -3 0 3 E S o lid -state o v e r-c u rre n t re la y type RRTEC 1 R eg. 5623 RELAY DESCRIPTION * e x tre m e ly low o perating power, 20 /iiW • continous setting of operatin g value 0 .5 -2 mA SALIENT F F A lilR ] * b u ilt-u p from so lid -sta te com ponents

    OCR Scan

    static relays

    Abstract: static overcurrent relays RK736 RK 92-1 E
    Text: j- I ïiîq-Nq. RK 70-304 E m ASEA INFORMATION From /D ste Rçg, RFR, March 1972 Edition 3 Relay Division 5653 Pege 1 Supply devices RRTUB 2 and RRTWC Static relays normally require to be supplied with d-cauxiliary voltage. When connection can not be carried out to

    OCR Scan

    RK 723 007

    Abstract: DIODE RK 306 SELECTOR SWITCH ASEA ABG RK 795 001-aa RK741 RK717 CATALOGUE SK 63-1 E ASEA ABG 10 RK795 RK70-10E
    Text: C a ta lo g u e R K 70- 10E Edition 1 5930-09 Su persecTes calatog ues R K 7 M O E RK 74-1OE and R K 7 8 -2 E Relay accessories Pushbuttons Component blocks ASEA T h e re lay accesso ries a re used to provide a relay, protective relay or other equip m en t, with

    OCR Scan
    RK70-10E 74-1OE RK78-2E S-721 i960-Â RK 723 007 DIODE RK 306 SELECTOR SWITCH ASEA ABG RK 795 001-aa RK741 RK717 CATALOGUE SK 63-1 E ASEA ABG 10 RK795 PDF

    ASEA EG 80

    Abstract: dc tachometer asea over current relay rk 427 ASEA EG 20 relay asea flying shears ASEA over current relay "rk 427" RK 92-1 E
    Text: A S E A IN F O R M A T IO N C 0|M|B i RK 40-313 E If O ilf Integrating device type RREDL 2 with adjustable reference For control of working procedures or processes often methods for integration of measured quantities are applied. A quantity which is the function of a varing measuring signal and time may

    OCR Scan

    hk relay 12 v

    Abstract: frequency relay frequency relay circuit diagram asea EH HB relay 002-AA EK 110 001-AA rta2
    Text: [nfD-N-D. ASEA TWDRWTTOn F-rom-'DBta HK 545^300 E Ran. IíITi, Maj 1376 Edition 1 5626 Png« 1 File HK 0ÍK90 E Section 5 Frequency relay type KX-b'iil 4 "Will "be replaced "by Catalogue HK 54-10 E , Available in both under— and over-frequency design o

    OCR Scan
    0CK90 001-AA 002-AA 6O-67 hk relay 12 v frequency relay frequency relay circuit diagram asea EH HB relay EK 110 rta2 PDF

    270 OHM FB

    Abstract: varistor 741 varistor CD 350 bn varistor BROWN BOVERI DM relay rtxe DA39 BD280 BF340 asea 225 s
    Text: MitWill! II _ ASEA BROWN BOVERI ABB Relays ^ P » RTXE B 03-9 1 7 4 " Resistor or varistor blocks ¡E K L .*« 982 Data subject to change without notic« Abstract • For insertion in terminal bases with com­ ponent pockets— requires no extra space

    OCR Scan
    B03-9174 321-AA B03-9301E S-72171 270 OHM FB varistor 741 varistor CD 350 bn varistor BROWN BOVERI DM relay rtxe DA39 BD280 BF340 asea 225 s PDF

    asea over current relay rk 427

    Abstract: asea over current relay Rxotf rk73-13e asea EG 160 RK 211 037 600020 4S12C asea relay RK732
    Text: Catalogue RK 43-11 E ASEA Edition 1 Three-phase overvoltage and undervoltage relay Type RXOTF 4 Operates both as an overvoltage and an undervoltage relay for single, two and three-phase voltage variations in three-phase networks up to 380 V. Infinitely variable operating values:

    OCR Scan
    037-AD 301-AD. RK73-13E S-721 asea over current relay rk 427 asea over current relay Rxotf asea EG 160 RK 211 037 600020 4S12C asea relay RK732 PDF


    Abstract: Transformer differential protection RADSE RK 626-101 E 62610-1 795-50OE M9124 ASEA rk 47 asea RADSE RADSE rk 626-101
    Text: Info-No. INFORMATION KK 795-^00 E F ro n V D e te , • Relay Division Rog. January 1975 Edition 2 n 'BFB.f ra ç e 4765 1 File HE 00-90 E Section 6 Reconnectible Ratio Matching Multi-Tapped Auxiliary Current Transformers Type SLCE 12 for Transformer Differential Relays

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    if-10 795-5O0 f2\/f\10\9\S SLCE16 Transformer differential protection RADSE RK 626-101 E 62610-1 795-50OE M9124 ASEA rk 47 asea RADSE RADSE rk 626-101 PDF


    Abstract: RXTNB 2 tap control transformer RAYA tap control transformer On-Load Tap changer RXCE 4 ASEA RELAY RTXP 18 resistor 560 Ohms 137-AA
    Text: Catalogue RK 82-10 E ASEA Edition 2 March 1975 File R, Part 1 Voltage regulating relay type RAYA [cIoImIbTT Inverse or independent time-lag characteristics can be chosen with a change-over switch Undervoltage blocking is adjustable between 70 and 90 % of the rated

    OCR Scan
    S-721 RXCE4 ASEA RXTNB 2 tap control transformer RAYA tap control transformer On-Load Tap changer RXCE 4 ASEA RELAY RTXP 18 resistor 560 Ohms 137-AA PDF

    diode catalogue

    Abstract: UL244A asea racib 216B thl 200 mva 011-AA 01-2BA asea directional relay RXPE auk connectors
    Text: A S E A C atalog u e RK 61 -15 E Edition 1 S eptem ber 1981 File R, Part 1 Feeder protection type RACIB The RACIB feed er protection is intended prim arily fo r use in radial-supplied pow er distribution networks. The pro tection c o n ta in s : • A three-phase tim a^overcurrent relay w ith starting,

    OCR Scan
    012-BA, 012-EA S-721 diode catalogue UL244A asea racib 216B thl 200 mva 011-AA 01-2BA asea directional relay RXPE auk connectors PDF

    ASEA RXIL RK 412

    Abstract: CAPACITOR RK 69 RK412 RXEL22 relay ca 9-11 ASEA RXIL RK 412 102 DH RK 723 007 RXIL 2 rxil 24 113-BC
    Text: Catalogue RK 41-11 E ASEA E dition 1 Feb ru ary 1971 File R, P art 1 Instantaneous current and voltage relays type RXIL and RXEL • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ For use in short-circuit protection, earth-fault protection etc. normally in com bination with tim e-lag relays

    OCR Scan

    RQ 4 ASEA

    Abstract: RAZFE RAZFE 919
    Text: RAZFE-SETTIHGS RAZI’E distance relay shall be set in accordance with the selectivity plan for the network. The following settings shall be made in the relay. A. STEP 1 in the reactive direction B. STEP 2 in the reactive direction C. STEP 3 in the reactive direction

    OCR Scan

    generators winding circuit diagrams

    Abstract: ABB RADHA HIGH IMPEDANCE DIFFERENTIAL RELAY EE 19 transformer MG 5248 kama capacitor 7451 circuit diagram 7415A mfokm ci 7451 FA S72
    Text: | i î Jp -Wq p ASÊA-SlRGy,1!-! BOVEfll HK 646-300 E TNFORMTlOli ABB Relays Fromrt>ate m , Relay Division ftag . J a n u à iy 197? E d itio n 3 PagG 7452 1 F ile EK00-90 sectio n ë High-impedance î'hree-phase D iffe re n tia l Helay ütype ÏÏAEEA. The EÆDHA three-phase d if f e r e n tia l re la y le mainly intended

    OCR Scan

    differential relay transformer

    Abstract: ASEA RHGA 8 RRMH rydha relay circuit RRMH ASEA rrmh2 high voltage, "current transformer", dimension mxa983 ASEA EG 20
    Text: A S EA Information RK 60-301 E F ro n /D d t* F to g . KFK E d itio n 3 R e i a y Di v i s i on Aug. 73 Pago 7452 1 H ig h " im p e d a n c e T h r e e - p h a s e D i f f e r e n t i a l P r o t e c t i o n , T y p e RYDHA _ - o p e r a t i o n t i m e a b o u t 15 ms s k e l u s i v e o f a u x i l i a r y

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: ASEA ABB over-current trip RXIB 24 211-CA T73 relay as5 abb breaker short stop 12 v SaX350 A15D RAICA 7429 330 cubicles catalogue
    Text: Inlû-No. ASS aseabrown awEfti rHEOKMATlQH EK 6 ^ 1-5 0 2 E From/Uato fteg- Pige RWj December 1982 E d itio n 2 7429 1 ABB Relays B reaker f a i l u r e r e la y type RAICA o P ro v id e s l o c a l back-up p r o te c ti o n when a prim ary c i r c u i t "breaker has f a i l e d to o p e ra te

    OCR Scan
    A13-301 0001-AA G005-AA 211-AA 215-AA RAICA ASEA ABB over-current trip RXIB 24 211-CA T73 relay as5 abb breaker short stop 12 v SaX350 A15D RAICA 7429 330 cubicles catalogue PDF


    Abstract: GDP014B-28E1 LR36683N LZ2413B LZ95B25 LZ95G55 ccd 270k sharp color
    Text: S H A R P SPEC No. ISSUE: E L 0 8 Y 1 2 3 Nov. 19 1996 T o 1 . . L S È I E C I f I C A T I O N S Product Type 1/4-type Color CCD Area Sensor with 270k Pixels for NTSC Model No. L Z 2 4 1 3 B £Tfus specifications contains 19 pages including the cover and appendix.

    OCR Scan
    65245ADC DMPP14BS-01 lz95g55f GDP014B-28E1 LR36683N LZ2413B LZ95B25 LZ95G55 ccd 270k sharp color PDF


    Abstract: ASEA fast thyristor rxeda Relay rtqa 180 thyristor BT 143 switch mode transformer 2J10 GT reed relay u107 cubicles catalogue
    Text: A M INSTRUCTIO N FronVOate R F R , March 1983 Edition 2 ASEABROWNBOLERI InloHo. R K 617-300 E RegPage 7W5 1 F ile RK 00-90 E Section 6 U LT RA HIGH SPEED R E L A Y T Y PE R A LD A FO R EHV/UHV TRANSM ISSION LIN E A5ÉA S-721A3Vasfefis, SWOOOH o Unaffected by current transformer saturation and capacitor

    OCR Scan
    2J-10 0040-C 617300 ASEA fast thyristor rxeda Relay rtqa 180 thyristor BT 143 switch mode transformer 2J10 GT reed relay u107 cubicles catalogue PDF