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    AM6022DC Search Results

    AM6022DC Datasheets (1)

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    AM6022DC Advanced Micro Devices 12-Bit High and Ultra High Speed Multiplying D/A Converters Scan PDF

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    Abstract: HTL LOGIC
    Text: A m 6012/ 6012A • A m 6022/ 6022A 12-Bit High and Ultra-High Speed Multiplying D/A Converters DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • • • All grades 12-bit monotonie over tem perature • Differential nonlinearity to ±0.012% 13 bits m ax over

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit Am6022/A 250ns Am6012/A 00687B 00687B-15 6012dm HTL LOGIC PDF


    Abstract: AM26S02 am5012 LSE B4 transformer Power AMPLIFIER 6012 AM2504 8002 amplifier 8002 op amp AM501 am8022
    Text: Am6012/6012AAm6022/6022A 12-Bit High and Ultra-High S p e e d Multiplying D/A C onverters DISTIN CTIVE C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S • All grades 12-bit monotonie over temperature • Differential nonlinearity to ± 0.012% 13 bits m ax over temperature (A grades)

    OCR Scan
    Am6012/6012A Am6022/6022A 12-Bit Am6022/A 250ns Am6012/A 230mW am9555 AM26S02 am5012 LSE B4 transformer Power AMPLIFIER 6012 AM2504 8002 amplifier 8002 op amp AM501 am8022 PDF


    Abstract: AM26S02 LIC-864
    Text: Am6012/6012AAm6022/6022A 12-Bit High and Ultra-High S p e e d Multiplying D/A C o nverters DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS High output impedance and compliance: - 5 to +10V Differential current outputs Low cost High-speed multiplying capability Direct interface to T T L , CM OS, E C L, H TL, NMOS

    OCR Scan
    Am6012/6012A Am6022/6022A 12-Bit Am6022/A 250ns Am6012/A Am6012/6022 Am6012 AM2504 AM26S02 LIC-864 PDF