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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TPD4207F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device 600V (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4204F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device 600V (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4162F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device 600V (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4206F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device 500V (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MG250YD2YMS3 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch SiC MOSFET Module, 2200 V, 250 A, 2-153A1A Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation


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    peltier cooler schematic

    Abstract: TEC control circuit TEC TEC H bridge LM audio power amplifier Peltier module thermistor thermistor 10k thermistor 10k 25c 200 watt audio amplifier peltier cooler Peltier module
    Text: 208013_App. Brief #118.qxd 8/28/02 11:33 AM Page 1 Application Brief Audio Amplifier Drives Thermoelectric Cooler For OC-48 Laser Module Application Brief 118 Richard Zarr the TEC. Other methods use pulse width modulation and an H-Bridge, however the noise

    OC-48 com/pf/LM/LM4860 peltier cooler schematic TEC control circuit TEC TEC H bridge LM audio power amplifier Peltier module thermistor thermistor 10k thermistor 10k 25c 200 watt audio amplifier peltier cooler Peltier module PDF


    Abstract: Voltage-to-Current 4-20mA Voltage to Current Converter 4-20mA Voltage-to-Current Converter 4-20mA AM460 Voltage to Current Converter circuit 4-20mA "Voltage to Current Converter" AM402 How to convert 4-20 ma two wire transmitter voltage to current converter 4 to 20ma circuit
    Text: Application description AN1014 AM 462: processor interface circuit for the conversion of PWM signals into 4…20mA current loop interface This article describes a simple interface circuit for the conversion of a PWM (pulse width modulation) signal into a standard current signal (4.20mA). It explains how a processor is

    AN1014 AM400, AM402, AM422, AM442, AM460 AM462 AM462: PR1012: AN1010: AM462 Voltage-to-Current 4-20mA Voltage to Current Converter 4-20mA Voltage-to-Current Converter 4-20mA Voltage to Current Converter circuit 4-20mA "Voltage to Current Converter" AM402 How to convert 4-20 ma two wire transmitter voltage to current converter 4 to 20ma circuit PDF

    SSB Modulator application note

    Abstract: SSB Modulator DESIGN SSB Modulator SSB Modulator application note suppression filter AN196 SSB Modulator Circuit MAX2452 MAX492 MAX494 SSB Quadrature Modulator
    Text: WIRELESS, RF, AND CABLE Application Note 196: Jun 05, 1997 SSB Modulator Draws Only 5mA at 2.7V Single sideband modulation offers better power efficiency than AM and uses less spectrum. This design uses op amps and RC components to produce the needed phase shift. The MAX2452 forms the I/Q modulator. Undesired sideband and carrier

    MAX2452 -35dBc. 35MHz 80MHz 142MHz 71MHz -27dB com/an196 -36dB SSB Modulator application note SSB Modulator DESIGN SSB Modulator SSB Modulator application note suppression filter AN196 SSB Modulator Circuit MAX492 MAX494 SSB Quadrature Modulator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA2057A LA1844MC Monolithic Linear IC Single-chip Tuner IC for Home Stereo ht t p://onse m i.c om Overview The LA1844MC is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technique. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit, thus

    ENA2057A LA1844MC LA1844MC 114kHz, 190kHz) MFP24SJ 300mil) A2057-11/11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA2057A LA1844MC Monolithic Linear IC Single-chip Tuner IC for Home Stereo Overview The LA1844MC is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technique. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit, thus

    ENA2057A LA1844MC LA1844MC 114kHz, 190kHz) MFP24SJ 300mil) A2057-11/11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN7185C LA1845N Monolithic Linear IC Single-Chip Tuner IC for Home Stereo IC ht t p://onse m i.c om Overview The LA1845N is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technigue. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit, thus allows

    EN7185C LA1845N LA1845N 114kHz, 190kHz) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN7185C LA1845N Monolithic Linear IC Single-Chip Tuner IC for Home Stereo IC Overview The LA1845N is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technigue. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit, thus allows

    EN7185C LA1845N LA1845N 114kHz, 190kHz) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA2057 Monolithic Linear IC LA1844MC For Home Stereo Single-chip Tuner IC Overview The LA1844MC is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technique. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit, thus allows

    ENA2057 LA1844MC LA1844MC 114kHz, 190kHz) MFP24SJ 300mil) A2057-11/11 la1844 PDF


    Abstract: LA1844M LA1844 600BEAS-10471
    Text: Ordering number : ENA2057A Monolithic Linear IC LA1844MC For Home Stereo Single-chip Tuner IC Overview The LA1844MC is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technique. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit, thus allows

    ENA2057A LA1844MC LA1844MC 114kHz, 190kHz) MFP24SJ 300mil) A2057-11/11 600BASE-10471 LA1844M LA1844 600BEAS-10471 PDF


    Abstract: VG28
    Text: TOSHIBA 3SK292 TOSHIBA FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS TYPE 3SK292 : mm TV TUNER, VHF RF AM PLIFIER APPLICATION • Superior Cross Modulation Performance. • Low Reverse Transfer Capacitance : Crss = 20fF Typ. • Low Noise Figure

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    3SK292 CHARACTE800MHz 800MHz 3SK292 VG28 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA 3SK294 TOSHIBA FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS TYPE 3SK294 Unit in mm TV TUNER, VHF RF AM PLIFIER APPLICATION • Superior Cross Modulation Performance • Low Reverse Transfer Capacitanee : Crss —20fF Typ. • Low Noise Figure

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    3SK294 --20fF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA 3SK292 TOSHIBA FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS TYPE 3SK292 mm TV TUNER, VHF RF AM PLIFIER APPLICATION • Superior Cross Modulation Performance. • Low Reverse Transfer Capacitance : Crgg = 20fF Typ. • Low Noise Figure

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    3SK292 PDF

    trimmer 20pF

    Abstract: 3SK294
    Text: TOSHIBA 3SK294 TOSHIBA FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS TYPE 3SK294 TV TUNER, VHF RF AM PLIFIER APPLICATION • Superior Cross Modulation Performance • Low Reverse Transfer Capacitance : Crss = 20fF Typ. • Low Noise Figure : NF = 1.4dB (Typ.)

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    3SK294 800MHz trimmer 20pF 3SK294 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA 3SK292 3SK292 TOSHIBA FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS TYPE TV TUNER, VHF RF AM PLIFIER APPLICATION • Unit in mm Superior Cross Modulation Performance. • Low Reverse Transfer Capacitanee • Low Noise Figure : Crss —20fF Typ.

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    3SK292 --20fF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA 3SK294 TOSHIBA FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS TYPE 3SK294 TV TUNER, VHF RF AM PLIFIER APPLICATION • Superior Cross Modulation Performance • Low Reverse Transfer Capacitance : Crss = 20fF Typ. • Low Noise Figure : NF = 1.4dB (Typ.)

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    3SK294 500MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA 3SK292 TOSHIBA FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS TYPE 3SK292 TV TUNER, VHF RF AM PLIFIER APPLICATION • Unit in mm Superior Cross Modulation Performance. • Low Reverse Transfer Capacitance • Low Noise Figure + 0.2 2 .9 - 0 .3

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    3SK292 500MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA 3SK294 TOSHIBA FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS TYPE 3SK294 Unit in mm TV TUNER, VHF RF AM PLIFIER APPLICATION • Superior Cross Modulation Performance • Low Reverse Transfer Capacitance : Crgg = 20fF Typ. • Low Noise Figure

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    3SK294 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA 3SK292 TOSHIBA FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS TYPE 3SK292 TV TUNER, VHF RF AM PLIFIER APPLICATION • U n it in mm Superior Cross Modulation Performance. • Low Reverse Transfer Capacitance • Low Noise Figure + 0.2 2.9-0.3

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    3SK292 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPICE M O DEL A N D PW M A M PLIFIER A PPLIC ATIO NS APÈX APPLICATION NOTE 33 PU LSE WIDTH MODULATION AM PLIFIER H T T P V / WWW.APEXMICROTECH.COM PWM AMPLIFIER INTRODUCTION T he recent availa b ility o f high-voltage and high-current PW M am plifiers in hybrid p acka ges has attra cte d the in terest o f m any

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    546-APEX E2180 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA 3SK292 TOSHIBA FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS TYPE 3SK292 TV TUNER, VHF RF AM PLIFIER APPLICATION • Unit in mm Superior Cross Modulation Performance. • L o w R everse T ran sfe r Capacitanee • L o w N oise F ig u re : C rss —20fF Typ .

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    3SK292 --20fF PDF

    full bridge inverter 500khz square wave

    Abstract: simple filter turns square waves into sine waves full bridge unipolar inverter pwm
    Text: PWM LO W P A S S FIL T E R IN G APPLICATION NOTE 32 P U L S E WIDTH M ODULATION AM PLIFIER I I C I O T E C H I O l l i V h ttp ://WWW.APEXMICROTECH.COM 800 546-APEX (800) 546-2739 1.0 INTRODUCTION Pulse width modulation (PWM) amplifiers require low pass filtering

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    546-APEX 150db full bridge inverter 500khz square wave simple filter turns square waves into sine waves full bridge unipolar inverter pwm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PW M BASICS APÉX APPLICATION NOTE 30 P U L S E WIDTH MODULATION AM PLIFIER M I C R O T E C H N O L O G Y 1.0 h t t p ://WWW.APEXMICROTECH.COM 800 546-APEX (800) 546-2739 INTRODUCTION T h is note is divided into three section s. T h e first section provides

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    546-APEX AN30U PDF


    Abstract: TDA 5660 P tda5660 tda5660p FERRITE NEOSID neosid v2 neosid filter TDA 1028 TDA 5660
    Text: S IE M E N S TDA5660P Modulator for TV, Video and Sound Signals The monolithically integrated circuit TDA 5660 P is especially suitable as modulator for the 48 to 860 MHz frequency range and is applied e.g. in video recorders, cable converters, TV converter installations, demodulators, video generators, video security systems, amateur

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    TDA5660P BB505B Jn25kf! Jj47k BB505B TDA 5660 P tda5660 FERRITE NEOSID neosid v2 neosid filter TDA 1028 TDA 5660 PDF

    TDA 5660 P

    Abstract: TDA5660P BB505 if 38,9 MHz tda5660 TDA 5660 FERRITE NEOSID guanella pm5570 neosid
    Text: SIEM ENS TDA5660P Modulator for TV, Video and Sound Signals The monolithically integrated circuit TDA 5660 P is especially suitable as modulator for the 48 to 860 MHz frequency range and is applied e.g. in video recorders, cable converters, TV converter installations, demodulators, video generators, video security systems, amateur

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    TDA5660P 220kR TDA5660 TDA 5660 P TDA5660P BB505 if 38,9 MHz TDA 5660 FERRITE NEOSID guanella pm5570 neosid PDF