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    ALY 2C Search Results

    ALY 2C Result Highlights (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    950405AFLF Renesas Electronics Corporation AMD K8 System Clock with AMD, VIA or ALI Chipset Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    950405AFLFT Renesas Electronics Corporation AMD K8 System Clock with AMD, VIA or ALI Chipset Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    ALY 2C Datasheets Context Search

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    TS127 08

    Abstract: vhdl code Pseudorandom Streams Generator BUF-02 etw 151 ALY 2b 121-1129 ELLS 110 Umux MVIP-90 aly 45
    Text: :57 :18 AM AAL1GATOR-4/8 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Release tem be r, 20 02 02 PM73124 / PM73123 rsd ay ,1 2S ep AAL1GATOR-4/8 Data Sheet Proprietary and Confidential Released Issue No. 1: June 2002 Do wn loa de d by ah me dm etw aly of sil ico ne

    PM73124 PM73123 PMC-2000098 TS127 08 vhdl code Pseudorandom Streams Generator BUF-02 etw 151 ALY 2b 121-1129 ELLS 110 Umux MVIP-90 aly 45 PDF


    Abstract: PVC AM22 density PVC AM3 W23 ABIT AL8 Series SMD MARKING CODE ALY gu 81 y2 smd code smd marking STPA STM-16 LIU SMD ALY
    Text: :50 AM SUNI-12xJET ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Preliminary gu on da y, 12 Au S/UNI-12xJET st, 20 02 04 :20 PM5383 Data Sheet Preliminary Issue No. 2: July 2002 Do wn loa de d by ah m ed me tw aly of sil ico ne xp er to nM Saturn User Network Interface Device

    SUNI-12xJET S/UNI-12xJET PM5383 PMC-2010376, ALY SMD PVC AM22 density PVC AM3 W23 ABIT AL8 Series SMD MARKING CODE ALY gu 81 y2 smd code smd marking STPA STM-16 LIU SMD ALY PDF


    Abstract: ALY 43 PM3387-BI IBM42S12 1000BASE-LX 1000BASE-SX 32-ary 0x33F 0x31F ALY 51
    Text: 30 PM S/UNI -1xGE Gigabit Ethernet Controller Data Sheet Released da y, 07 Ja nu S/UNI®-1xGE ar y, 20 03 11 :0 2: PM3387 ne xp er to n Tu es Gigabit Ethernet Controller Proprietary and Confidential Released Issue No. 2: September 2002 Do wn lo ad e d by

    PM3387 PMC-2020510, PM3387 ALY 43 PM3387-BI IBM42S12 1000BASE-LX 1000BASE-SX 32-ary 0x33F 0x31F ALY 51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TPS62000ĆQ1, TPS62001ĆQ1, TPS62002ĆQ1, TPS62003ĆQ1 TPS62004ĆQ1, TPS62005ĆQ1, TPS62006ĆQ1, TPS62007ĆQ1, TPS62008ĆQ1 HIGHĆEFFICIENCY STEPĆDOWN LOW POWER DCĆDC CONVERTER SGLS243A − APRIL 2004 − REVISED JUNE 2008 D Low-Noise Operation Antiringing Switch

    TPS62000Ä TPS62001Ä TPS62002Ä TPS62003Ä TPS62004Ä TPS62005Ä TPS62006Ä TPS62007Ä TPS62008Ä SGLS243A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TPS62000ĆQ1, TPS62001ĆQ1, TPS62002ĆQ1, TPS62003ĆQ1 TPS62004ĆQ1, TPS62005ĆQ1, TPS62006ĆQ1, TPS62007ĆQ1, TPS62008ĆQ1 HIGHĆEFFICIENCY STEPĆDOWN LOW POWER DCĆDC CONVERTER SGLS243A − APRIL 2004 − REVISED JUNE 2008 D Low-Noise Operation Antiringing Switch

    TPS62000Q1, TPS62001Q1, TPS62002Q1, TPS62003Q1 TPS62004Q1, TPS62005Q1, TPS62006Q1, TPS62007Q1, TPS62008Q1 SGLS243A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-3185; Rev 4; 4/10 256-Tap, Nonvolatile, I2C-Interface, Digital Potentiometers Features The MAX5417/MAX5418/MAX5419 nonvolatile, lineartaper, digital potentiometers perform the function of a mechanical potentiometer by replacing the mechanics with a simple 2-wire digital interface, allowing communication with multiple devices. Each device performs the

    256-Tap, MAX5417/MAX5418/MAX5419 400kbps, PDF


    Abstract: CS2837 YM3014 Yamaha ym3014 yamaha ram4 drum sound ic Yamaha snare drum sound ic yamaha dx7 op 5233
    Text: Scanned by Albert Beevendorp, 2001 Converted to PDF by HansO, 2001 TABL.E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 1 . Out Iine ol MSX AUDIO 1 - 2 . Features 13. Outline of FM Sound Generation 14. Outline of ADPCM Voice Analysis/Synthesis OUTLINE OF MSX AUDIO FEATURES

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FACTSHEET F-199 amtec inrougn T -

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    F-199 1-800-SAMTEC-9 812-944-6733-Fax: PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC74HC148AP/AF/AFN 8-TO-3 LINE PRIO RITY ENCODER T he TC74HC148A is a high speed CMOS 8 -to -3 LINE ENCODER fab ricated w ith silicon gate C z MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation sim ila r to equivalent LST T L w hile m ain tain in g the CMOS low power

    OCR Scan

    SES N 2402

    Abstract: ERO foil capacitor 400V cs360
    Text: A n a s su m p tio n can be m a d e in th at the o u tp u t c u rre n t re m a in s c o n sta n t d u rin g o n e sw itc h in g cycle. T his is d u e to th e fact th a t th e c o rn er freq u e n cy of th e o u tp u t filter is m u ch lo w er th a n th a t of th e reso n a n t tank. To sim p lify th e

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    CS-360 CS-360 150kH SES N 2402 ERO foil capacitor 400V cs360 PDF

    equalizer ic

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CXA1792S SONY 2-Channel, 5-Element Graphic Equalizer IC Description The CXA1792S is a bipolar IC designed for graphic equalizer. All functions are DC-controlled so that a 2 -channel graphic equalizer can be easily constructed with a set of volumes externally added.

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    CXA1792S CXA1792S 3fl2303 DD1330Q 3fl23fi3 300rai equalizer ic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HN62W454 Series 524288-word x 8-bit/ 262144-word x 16-bit CMOS Mask Programmable ROM HITACHI ADE-203-403A Z Rev. 1.0 May. 9, 1996 Description The HN62W454 is a 4-Mbit CMOS mask-Programmable ROM organized either as 262144 words by 16 bits or 524288 words by 8 bits. Realizing low power consumption, this memory is allowed for battery operation.

    OCR Scan
    HN62W454 524288-word 262144-word 16-bit ADE-203-403A PDF


    Abstract: L-442 L442 TL442
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS T Y P E S TL442 M , TL442C B A LA N C ED MIXERS B U L L E T I N N O . D U -S 1 1 4 3 0 , O C T O B E R 1 9 7 9 FORMERLY SN56514, SN76514 Flat Response to 100 MHz Local Oscillator IF Isolation . . . 30 dB Typ J O R N D U A L -IN -L IN E P A C K A G E

    OCR Scan
    SN56514, SN76514 TL442 TL442C TL442M L-442 L442 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM736V790 128Kx36 Synchronous SRAM 128Kx36-Bit Synchronous Pipelined Burst SRAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Synchronous Operation. • 2 Stage Pipelined operation with 4 Burst. • On-Chip Address Counter. • Self-Timed Write Cycle, • On-Chip Address and Control Registers.

    OCR Scan
    KM736V790 128Kx36 KM736V79Q 592-bit 36bits PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM736V789 128Kx36 Synchronous SRAM 128Kx36-Bit Synchronous Pipelined Burst SRAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Synchronous Operation. • 2 Stage Pipelined operation with 4 Burst. • On-Chip Address Counter. • Self-Timed Write Cycle. • On-Chip Address and Control Registers.

    OCR Scan
    KM736V789 100-TQFP-1420A 128Kx36 KM736V789 PDF


    Abstract: LA7811
    Text: LA 7811 N o .2915 Monolithic Linear 1C SAiYO Color TV Synchronization, I D e fle c tio n j C irc u it The LA7811 is an 1C containing not only the m ain functions required for color television sets but also the generator of vertical blanking pulses gate puSses not sand castle type and further the AFC tim e constant s e l^ ^ o r fo

    OCR Scan
    LA7811 LA7811 5G00pF LA7800 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM63P74-02/ 05/ 07/ 12 512Kbit OTP BUILT-IN VOICE SYNTHESIS LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e M S M 6 3 P 7 4 is a s in g le - c h ip C M O S A D PC M speech sy n th e siz e r LSI th a th a s a onch ip O TP O ne tim e PR O M for sp eech d ata

    OCR Scan
    MSM63P74-02/ 512Kbit 12bit AR76-202 2424D MSM63P74-02/05/07/12 63P74 SC1192 PDF


    Abstract: DF000380 AmZ8001/AmZ8002
    Text: Am8127 Am8127 Am Z8000 C lo c k G e n e ra to r DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS High-drlve high-level clock output Special output provides clock signal matched to re­ quirements of AmZ8000* CPU 4MHz and some 6MHz applications , M MU and DMA devices. Synchronized WAIT state and time-out controls

    OCR Scan
    Am8127 Z8000 AmZ8000 16MHz, Am8127 WF002020 AmS127 WF002030 03432C DF000380 AmZ8001/AmZ8002 PDF

    Andrzej Przedpelski optimize

    Abstract: Przedpelski PLL design przedpelski book 1977 ic hp 4503 era 555 MOTOROLA A. B. Przedpelski, "Phase-Locked Loop Design motorola article reprint
    Text: AR254 Article Reprint Phase-Locked Loop Design Articles • "Analyze, Don't Estimate, Phase-Locked Loop Performance” • “Optimize Phase-Lock Loops to Meet Your Needs — Or Determine Why You Can't” • “Suppress Phase-Lock-Loop Sidebands Without Introducing Instability”

    OCR Scan
    AR254 BR1334 Andrzej Przedpelski optimize Przedpelski PLL design przedpelski book 1977 ic hp 4503 era 555 MOTOROLA A. B. Przedpelski, "Phase-Locked Loop Design motorola article reprint PDF

    equivalent transistor K 3531

    Abstract: C1846 EP 3526 function
    Text: U-97 U IM IT R O D E APPLICATION NOTE MODELLING, ANALYSIS AND COMPENSATION OF THE CURRENT-MODE CONVERTER A b stra c t A s current-m ode conversion increases in popularity, several peculiarities associated w ith fixed-frequency. peak-current detecting schem es have surfaced T hese include instability above 50% duty cycle, a tendency tow ards subharm onic

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: permalloy magnetization degaussing
    Text: u t s 5 & # m j ,t » r f i Ä Z W ^ i g B tf£ £ : 51S03J CÈ.Î5 : [ 755-fl32 79 I1B/B327BS 59/332 7BB6Ü fë J t; 0 7 6 3 -8 3 2 7 9 2 0 3 R iilï ËlHiS ' S e n s f lr ií a p n I I 0 3 Z «vwvi i i p o I I o s ü . -com i S co m s l HMR2300 1 Gauss G) = 1 Oersted (in air). 1G = 79.58, A/m

    OCR Scan
    HMR2300 10E-4 10E5gamma HMR2300 -16-bit RS-232 RS-435 permalloy magnetization degaussing PDF

    Altera 7032

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2 2 1992 AN Û EPM7032 EPLD nA \ High-Performance 32-Macrocell Device Data Sheet December 1991, ver. 1 Featu res. □ High-performance erasable CMOS EPLD based on second-generation Multiple Array M atrix M AX architecture Combinatorial speeds with tPD= 12 ns

    OCR Scan
    EPM7032 32-Macrocell Altera 7032 PDF


    Abstract: ET 375
    Text: TOSHIBA TA1201AN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT T A I 2 0 1 SILICON MONOLITHIC A N |2c BUS CONTROL NTSC 1CHIP COLOR TV IC TA1201AN provides PIF, SIF, Video, Chroma and Deflection circuit for NTSC Color TV. TA1201AN also provides Audio-Video Switch and Text interface.

    OCR Scan
    TA1201AN TA1201AN 56pin 4700pF TA1201 SDIP56-P-600-1 X100C ET 375 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IB A TA1201AN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC T A 1 201 A N |2C BUS CONTROL NTSC 1CHIP COLOR TV IC TA1201AN provides PIF, SIF, Video, Chroma and Deflection circuit for NTSC Color TV. TA1201AN also provides Audio-Video Switch and Text interface.

    OCR Scan
    TA1201AN TA1201AN 56pin TA1201 AN-41 PDF