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    ALCOHOL ISOPROPYLIC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TESTS Carbon Potentiometer Specifications TESTS Resistance to soldering heat Solderability Piher typical test results 95% LOTS R % Value DIN std 41450 R(%) < ±1% < ± 2% TEST METHOD (DIN STD 41450) a) Subject component to a temperature of 55º C and 20% RH for


    alcohol isopropylic

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cermet Potentiometer Specifications TESTS Piher typical test results 95% LOTS R % Value DIN std 41450 R(%) Resistance to soldering heat < ±1% < ± 2% Solderability 95% of treated surface covered with solder Temperature cycling < ±2% Temperature coeficient


    alcohol isopropylic

    Abstract: piher 10 k 41450
    Text: Carbon Potentiometer Specifications TESTS Resistance to soldering heat Solderability Piher typical test results 95% LOTS R % Value DIN std 41450 R(%) < ±1% < ± 2% 95% of treated surface covered with solder TEST METHOD (DIN STD 41450) a) Subject component to a temperature of 55º C and 20% RH for


    P06 080.05

    Abstract: rn p1f smd trimmer piher spain tmc 3861 piher spain potentiometer PC16 trimmer PT 10 PIHER Piher trimmer 100k 100K Stereo Log Carbon Potentiometer Piher piher spain potentiometer piher spain
    Text: Series MRA ERA Life PT-6 V/H 235 5 200 20 10K - N6 -25 to +70* 2 PT-10V 235 5 220 20 10K - - -25 to +70* 4 PT-10H 235 5 220 20 10K - SOON -25 to +70* 4 PTC-10V 235 5 220 20 10K - - -40 to +90 4 PTC-10H 235 5 220 20 10K - - -40 to +90 4 PT-15V 265 5 240 20

    PT-10V PT-10H PTC-10V PTC-10H PT-15V PS-15 PT-15H PTC-15V PTC-15H P06 080.05 rn p1f smd trimmer piher spain tmc 3861 piher spain potentiometer PC16 trimmer PT 10 PIHER Piher trimmer 100k 100K Stereo Log Carbon Potentiometer Piher piher spain potentiometer piher spain PDF

    Piher trimmer 100k

    Abstract: Piher potentiometer
    Text: Variable resistors -iS PIHER Trimmer series T18 T 18 series potentiometer design for miniature circuits, with or without switch. Can be supplied with various types of knobs or without. Characteristics Electrical Range of values 100 n to 4.7M 0 other values on request

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    Piher* trimmer

    Abstract: 115 piher 390986 25LKB
    Text: PII-IER V ARIABLE R E S IS T O R S Trimmer series PT10 E nclosed carbon trimmer potentiometer with a comprehensive choice o f 47 different mounting and adjustment options. Also upon request: • Supplied with wiper positioned at the beginning, middle or end o f travel.

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    v-300 h-400 185mm) Piher* trimmer 115 piher 390986 25LKB PDF

    Piher trimmer 100k

    Abstract: Piher* trimmer Piher* pot 100k Piher potentiometer thumbwheel potentiometer 1M30 Piher
    Text: PIHER V ARIABLE R E S IS T O R S Trimmer series PTC15 E nclosed cermet trimmer potentiometer with a comprehensive choice of 56 different mounting and adjustment options, with an excellent temperature coefficient ± 100ppm/°C Rn<100K . • Supplied with wiper positioned at the beginning, middle or end of travel.

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    PTC15 100ppm/ D-100 B-200 185mm) Piher trimmer 100k Piher* trimmer Piher* pot 100k Piher potentiometer thumbwheel potentiometer 1M30 Piher PDF

    Piher* trimmer

    Abstract: anti-log potentiometer Piher potentiometer Piher pt15nd piher pt15
    Text: PIHER VARIABLE R E S IS T O R S Trimmer series PT15 E nclosed carbon trimmer potentiometer with a comprehensive choice o f 56 different mounting and adjustment options. Also upon request: • Supplied with wiper positioned at the beginning, middle or end o f travel.

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    PTE15 100S2 D-100 B-200 185mm) Piher* trimmer anti-log potentiometer Piher potentiometer Piher pt15nd piher pt15 PDF


    Abstract: PT10 potentiometer Horizontal Style Trimmer potentiometer Piher* trimmer
    Text: Trimmer series PTC10 Enclosed cermet trimm er potentiometer with all the various terminals, shafts and wiper rotors available in the PT10 series. Excellent temperature coefficient + 100 ppm/°C . Automatic production and test equipment ensures 100% verification of all main

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    PTC10 10meg PT10H PT10 potentiometer Horizontal Style Trimmer potentiometer Piher* trimmer PDF


    Abstract: Piher* trimmer Horizontal Style Trimmer potentiometer Piher potentiometer
    Text: arami Trimmer seríes PT10 Enclosed carbon trimmer potentiometer with a comprehensive choice of 47 different mounting and adjustment options. Also upon request: - Supplied with wiper positioned atthe beginning, middle or end of travel. - Supplied on reels or containers for automatic insertion equipment.

    OCR Scan
    10meg PT10H Piher* trimmer Horizontal Style Trimmer potentiometer Piher potentiometer PDF


    Abstract: Piher* pot 100k PC16SH Piher 100k 6mm PC-16SV PC16SV
    Text: PIIHER VARIABLE RESISTORS Modular Potentiometer series P C I6 f ompletely insulated potentiometer made 1 of autoextinguishable plastic - UL94 VO . Incorporates a modular design allowing up to four potentiometers and a switch on the same metal or plastic shaft.

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    300ppm 22ki2 100ki2 PC16S Piher* pot 100k PC16SH Piher 100k 6mm PC-16SV PC16SV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Trimmer Series PTC15 a Enclosed cerm et trim m er potentiom eter with all the various terminals, shafts and w iper rotors available in the PT15 carbon series. Excellent tem perature coefficient ± 1 0 0 p p m /°C . A u to m atic production and test equipm ent

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    PTC15 10meg PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Variable resistors iS PIHER Slider potentiometer Series PL40 T h is typ e of potentiom eter offers the a d v a n ta g e of identifying visually the position o f the w iper. It c a n b e sta c k e d side by side in circuits with a high concentration of c o m p o n e n ts . A u to m atic production m ethods ensu re high quality and

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: l0516
    Text: T21 Control potentiometer Seríes Rotary control potentiometer with excellent mechanical and electrical characteristics. Switches can be mounted on most models of T-21 series. Variety and a comprehensive choice of options satisfying virtually any design requirement.

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    10meg t21s l0516 PDF

    potentiometer tandem

    Abstract: slider potentiometer
    Text: ^ PIMER Variable resistors Slider potentiometer Series PL60 T his type of po tentio m eter offers the advantage of 1 identifying visually the po sition o f the wiper. It can be stacked side by side in circuits with a high concentration of com ponents. Resistant to usual solvents and dust by means of

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    10Ofi requesPL60 potentiometer tandem slider potentiometer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Variable resistors PIHER Control potentiometer Series T 1 6 Rotary control potentiometer with excellent mechanical and electrical characteristics. Variety and a comprehensive choice of options satisfying virtually any design requirement. Also available with single pole switch.

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    10meg x110m PDF

    dipped tantalum capacitor markings

    Abstract: S102 CS-102
    Text: DIPPED TANTALUM SOLID ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CB Series 1. General 1.1 Range o f A p p licatio n s This docunent ap p lies to m iniaturized <Hpped tantalum s o lid e le c tr o ly tic cap acito rs fo r a p p lica tio n s in tra n sisto riz e d c ir c u its of e le ctro n ic devices.

    OCR Scan
    45kllz, dipped tantalum capacitor markings S102 CS-102 PDF