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    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: PEB 4266T 4266V PEB3265F 3264H PEB 4264t v1.2 3265H PEB 3264 v1.4 PEB3265H 4264T
    Text: D u S L I C F A M I LY OV E R V I E W INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG’S SALES OFFICES WORLDWIDE – P A R T LY R E P R E S E N T E D B Y S I E M E N S A G Features SLICOFI-2 Number of voice channels SLICOFI-2S SLICOFI-2S2 2 2 2 DTMF detection Yes No No Line echo cancellation up to 8 ms

    20B/3/31 B159-H7909-X-X-7600 peb4266t PEB 4266T 4266V PEB3265F 3264H PEB 4264t v1.2 3265H PEB 3264 v1.4 PEB3265H 4264T PDF

    viper 224

    Abstract: KA3SO680RF TDA 16838 TDA16837 TDA 16836 KA5HO165R TDA16836 viper 100 TOP227 tda 2750
    Text: CoolSET The coolest couple out there Control IC and Powerstage for high efficient Switched Mode Power Supply. CoolSET™ Designing a SMPS with CoolSET™ Up until now engineers have always kept an eye on the driving factors for

    fac16 B152-H7501-X-X-7600 D-40219 viper 224 KA3SO680RF TDA 16838 TDA16837 TDA 16836 KA5HO165R TDA16836 viper 100 TOP227 tda 2750 PDF

    infineon radar

    Abstract: silicon carbide CH-8047 P-2720-093
    Text: ONE STEP BEYOND t h i n Q ! T M S i l i co n Ca r b i d e P o w e r D i o d e s Never stop thinking. THE CUTTING EDGE I m a g i n e a s e m i c o n d u c t o r m a t e r i a l that can withstand the heat of a jet engine and the cold of outer space. In fact, why imagine – when it’s

    B112-H7799-X-X-7600 DK-2750 infineon radar silicon carbide CH-8047 P-2720-093 PDF


    Abstract: msap DK-2750 ivax 300 CH-8047 P-2720-093
    Text: IVAX Now ADSL. I N F I N E O N T E C H N O LO G I E S CO R P O R AT E S A L E S O F F I C E S W O R L D W I D E – PA R T LY R E P R E S E N T E D B Y S I E M E N S A G Following parameters can be measured by ITDF: a single-ended configuration on ࡯ Loop resistance to localize short circuits

    B115-H7843-X-X-7600 H7843 msap DK-2750 ivax 300 CH-8047 P-2720-093 PDF


    Abstract: smarti str F 6256 Infineon SMARTi dc Infineon SMARTi PMB6253 smarti 2 gsm transceiver Infineon technology roadmap P-2720-093
    Text: • SMARTi DC The GSM single chip radio: from 2G to 2.5G Never stop thinking. S M A R T •i D C : F r o m t h e w o r l d leading high volume manufacturer of GSM radio components well as a multi-slot fast switching transceiver for the high-speed

    B162-H7801-X-X-7600 PMB6256 smarti str F 6256 Infineon SMARTi dc Infineon SMARTi PMB6253 smarti 2 gsm transceiver Infineon technology roadmap P-2720-093 PDF


    Abstract: SPW17N80C2 500 coolmos SPD01N60S5 SPN01N60S5 A1040 to-252 SPN04N60C2 Infineon CoolMOS SPU01N60S5 SPD02N60S5
    Text: C o o l M O S TM C 2 COOL & FAST C o o l M O S TM C 2 the second generation Never stop thinking. C o o l M O S TM C 2 the second generation Infineon’s introduction of the 600V CoolMOSTM C2 technology is a breakthrough design for power conversion systems such as

    B152-H7641-X-X-7600 UPS SIEMENS SPW17N80C2 500 coolmos SPD01N60S5 SPN01N60S5 A1040 to-252 SPN04N60C2 Infineon CoolMOS SPU01N60S5 SPD02N60S5 PDF

    742R pin

    Abstract: 742R 752r SCR 2146 siemens bts plus BSP 752 T P-DSO-8 siemens protective relays 742R 0518 BTS 462 T 752R 1101
    Text: Relay INTRODUCING ONE OF THE T h e h i g h l y i n t e g r a t e d miniPROFET for fully PRO tected FET switch incorporates a broad range of smart functions that make miniPROFETs ideal for the widest variety of automotive and industrial applications. miniPROFETS

    B132-H7456-X-X-7600 742R pin 742R 752r SCR 2146 siemens bts plus BSP 752 T P-DSO-8 siemens protective relays 742R 0518 BTS 462 T 752R 1101 PDF


    Abstract: ICE 2A165 ICE 2A165 EQUIVALENT 2A265 ICE 2A265 2a165 ICE 2A365 2a280 2a180 IC 2a265
    Text: CoolSET The coolest couple out there Never stop thinking. C A L L TO I N N OVAT E M A R K E T D E M A N D S continue to raise the bar in the design of switched mode power supplies SMPS . Designers are challenged to reduce both footprint and

    B112-H7832-X-X-7600 DK-2750 2A365 ICE 2A165 ICE 2A165 EQUIVALENT 2A265 ICE 2A265 2a165 ICE 2A365 2a280 2a180 IC 2a265 PDF

    DIODE S4 74

    Abstract: transistor b143 e.s MAGNETIC HEAD gmr Hall sensors Siemens MAGNETIC HEAD impedance siemens automotive sensors Magnetic ink detection SIEMENS WASHING machine GMR sensor siemens magnetic sensors
    Text: Application Note July 2001 I N F I N EO N TEC H N O LO G I ES A G ’ S SA L ES O F F I CES WO R L DW I D E – P A R T LY R E P R E S E N T E D B Y S I E M E N S A G A Infineon Technologies Villach AG Vertrieb Operngasse 20B/3/31 1040 Wien T +43 1-5 87-70 70 0

    20B/3/31 B143-H7276-G1-X-7600 DIODE S4 74 transistor b143 e.s MAGNETIC HEAD gmr Hall sensors Siemens MAGNETIC HEAD impedance siemens automotive sensors Magnetic ink detection SIEMENS WASHING machine GMR sensor siemens magnetic sensors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST2100 Broadband powerline communication SoC optimized for audio/video streaming and consumer applications Datasheet - production data • JPEG codec accelerator  Cryptographic coprocessor  Up to 40 GPIOs  Enhanced I2S digital audio interface  I2C master/slave mode

    ST2100 DocID025777 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications Intelligent Network Termination Controller 2B1Q INTC-Q PEB 8191 Version 1.1 PEF 8191 Version 1.1 D a ta s h e e t 10.97 DS 1 Edition 10.97 T his e d ition w a s realized using the so ftw a re syste m Fram eM aker . Published by Siemens AG,

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    S235b05 010720b B23SL PDF

    pj 0159

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PhNip^temicon^ b b 5 3 T 31 0 □ 2 *4T b 7 SMfl Hi AP X AKER P HI L I P S / B I S CRE T E NPN 9 GHz wideband transistor FEATURES • High power gain ^ b7E BFG505; BFG505/X; BFG505/XR PINNING PIN 4 DESCRIPTION • Low noise figure • High transition frequency

    OCR Scan
    BFG505; BFG505/X; BFG505/XR BFG505 BFG505 pj 0159 PDF

    421 infra

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ausgabe O I M •d M on O L M Dleee Auegebe w u rde m it dam Softwere8yetem Fram eM aker* eretellL Thle edition wea reellzed ualng the eoftw ere ayetem F rim e M e k e r*. Herauegegeben von Siem ens AQ, ■ereleh H i lb lt t t t r , M arke tingK o m m u n ika tio n , BalanetreSe 71,

    OCR Scan
    SFH423 421 infra PDF


    Abstract: EFJN3385J5B Electronic Assembly
    Text: To: Digi - Key Issue No. : Date of Issue : Classification : EFJ-C060530-10H May 30.2006 • New □ Changed PRODUCT SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL Product Description Ceramic Resonator Product Part Number EFJN3385H5B Bulk type EFJN3385J5B(Taped type) Customers Part Number

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    EFJ-C060530-10H EFJN3385H5B EFJN3385J5B 81-774-32-llll 2002/95/EC) Electronic Assembly PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bb53^31 G032b31 7b3 Ml AP X Philips Sem iconductors Product specification Magnetic field sensor KMZ10A1 N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE DESCRIPTION b^E l PIN CONFIGURATION The KMZ10A1 is an extremely sensitive magnetic field sensor, employing the magnetoresistive

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    G032b31 KMZ10A1 KMZ10A1 KMZ10A1. b53R31 0Q32b35 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bb53= 31 0026515 165 b'lE D APX BUW11 BUW11A SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTORS High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn power transistors in a SOT93 envelope, intended for use in converters, inverters, switching regulators, motor control systems etc.

    OCR Scan
    BUW11 BUW11A BUW11 PDF


    Abstract: KMZ10A1 hx 002 magnetic sensor circuit diagram
    Text: 5 bLi.53^31 Philips Semiconductors G G 32b31 7 b 3 M l AP X Product specification Magnetic field sensor KMZ10A1 N AMER PHI LIP S/DISCRETE DESCRIPTION b 'Î E I PIN CONFIGURATION The KMZ10A1 is an extremely sensitive magnetic field sensor, employing the magnetoresistive

    OCR Scan
    GG3Eb31 KMZ10A1 KMZ10A1. bbS3T31 0032b35 KMZ10A1 OT195. KMZ10 hx 002 magnetic sensor circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE blE D IAPX bbS3R31 002flflb2 7UH l BLU60/28 UHF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor primarily intended for use in radio transmitters in the 470 MHz communications band. Features • Multi-base structure and emitter ballasting resistors for an optimum temperature profile

    OCR Scan
    bbS3R31 002flflb2 BLU60/28 BLU60/28 OT119) bbS3T31 nt44i MCA440 MCA439 PDF


    Abstract: TLP1215 AWG22-26 TXL-P03P-A1 taiko TLP1215C1 connector toshiba 30 PIN P03H 170495-1

    OCR Scan
    TLP1215 TLP1215 boarP1215 P1215 AWG22-26 TXL-P03P-A1 taiko TLP1215C1 connector toshiba 30 PIN P03H 170495-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E D • APX bbSBTBl 0026*175 263 A b L V iJ ^ I- V.H.F. LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor primarily intended for use in linear v.h.f. amplifiers of television transmitters and transposers. Features:

    OCR Scan
    BLV32F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DRAWING MADE IN THIRD PART NONBER 687823 -1 687823 - 2 7-687823 -7 ANGLE REV N N N 687823 PROJECTION F I RST OSED Tome/usOI6926/DMTECmod T E R M I N A S NAME: . 2 5 0 FA5T0N MACH I NE FRAME REF 854400-1 565435-5 687823 <3> CRIMPING PAD 41 202 41 274

    OCR Scan
    MAR09 On03A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 00 31 6 0 3 773 Philips Sem iconductors M APX Product specification NPN 5 GHz wideband transistor ^ BFR90A N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE FEATURES b^E I> PINNING PIN • Low noise • Low intermodulation distortion DESCRIPTION Code: BFR90A/02 • High power gain

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    BFR90A BFR90A/02 ON4184) BFQ51. PDF

    siemens master drive circuit diagram

    Abstract: 9221 st tgl 4977 Q67100-H3260 Q67100-H5101 SDA2586 siemens sda2586 UEBOI276 CI 4583
    Text: SIEMENS «easbos a a a s i a a 771 Nonvolatile Memory 8-Kbit E2PROM with I 2C Bus Interface SDA 2586 MOS 1C Features • Word-organized, reprogrammable nonvolatile memory in n-channel floating-gate technology E2PROM • 1024 x 8-bit organization • Supply voltage 5 V

    OCR Scan
    Q67100-H5101 25X86-5 Q67100-H3260 S-164 fl23SbG5 siemens master drive circuit diagram 9221 st tgl 4977 SDA2586 siemens sda2586 UEBOI276 CI 4583 PDF

    rtd 2486

    Abstract: YM6063 YM6063B TC9200 cdi wiring diagram YAMAHA RA 200 make dc cdi ADPCM NEC yamaha 68000 hr/rtd 2486
    Text: YAMAHA L S I YM6063B CD- I Data Controller CDC • OUTLINE The CDC (CD-I Data Controller) is a data processor capable of handling data from both CD-I and CD-ROM sources. This receives data read out from a CD-I disk and detects the synchronous pattern, then descrambles the data and puts it in a buffer. File and channel

    OCR Scan
    YM6063B YM6064 YM7302 CA95112 3K-0305 rtd 2486 YM6063 YM6063B TC9200 cdi wiring diagram YAMAHA RA 200 make dc cdi ADPCM NEC yamaha 68000 hr/rtd 2486 PDF